Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 199 The advantages of dual cultivation of aura and spirit

The red dragon whined and fell to the ground. His wings were restrained, his power was extracted, and the bone-chilling energy was still spreading on his body. This arrogant and mature red dragon was now in a desperate situation.

A spherical object with convex sides appeared in the vortex of the silver mirror. It was the locator of the [Twilight Star].

When it passed over the red dragon, the defenseless red dragon was instantly teleported to the demiplane, where Imric would use [Slavery] to control it. , and then let it join the monster army.

"Now that your master has failed, do you still want to resist?"

The words from the silver mirror rang in the ears of every gray dwarf. They looked at each other, at a loss.

His biggest backer has failed, so what's the point of the gray dwarves' resistance?

I don’t know who was the first to kneel down. When the first gray dwarf knelt down and swore surrender to the silver mirror in the sky, like falling dominoes, all the gray dwarves half-knelt on the ground, saying with a hint of fear in their mouths. call out.

"The Lord of the Silver Mirror! The Lord of the Silver Mirror!"

These gray dwarves don't know who they are surrendering to, but the terrifying silver mirror is their most direct object of worship. Even as powerful as the Red Flame Wrath, they bow down to the opponent's spell. This is something they have never seen before. of great power.

Seeing the gray dwarves surrendering, Imrik withdrew his power with satisfaction. The silver mirror immediately fell to the ground. Okul picked up the silver mirror and waved his hand, announcing that the gray dwarves would immediately pack up the weaklings in the tribe and join the army to return to the valley. among.

When these gray dwarves arrived in the valley, Imric summoned several gray dwarf leaders, including Steel Courage. The power of the Shattered Magic Crystal [Domination] controlled all their minds, and from now on they would replace them. Imric is in charge of the affairs of the gray dwarfs.

"The spiritual power of your race is really powerful, and everyone's will is unexpectedly strong." Imrik was quite surprised. Not only Gangdan, but also every gray dwarf controlled by the broken magic crystal. It was an extremely fierce will struggle. If they were not too weak, they might really be able to break free from the control of the broken magic crystal.

"Tell me about the situation in that Mind Flayer city." Imric asked curiously. He had once seen a Mind Flayer in the sewers of Waterdeep City, even the one that had not fully grown up. With such power, a city entirely composed of mind flayers

Thinking that his psychic powers had not made any progress for a long time, Imrik couldn't help but have some thoughts.

Gangdan replied: "Master, that Mind Flayer city has a population of tens of thousands. Except for more than two thousand Mind Flayers, the rest are all their slaves and foreign visitors."

Imrik raised his eyebrows and asked, "Visitors? Does that Mind Flayer city allow outsiders to enter?"

Gangdan seemed to have thought of something, shuddered and said, "If you can defeat a mind flayer."

"If outsiders want to enter the mind flayer city, they must defeat a mind flayer in a one-on-one duel. This will earn their respect and you will be eligible to enter the city. In this way, outsiders who enter must not offend the mind flayers. The taboo of the demon society is to be a completely free person, and you can even settle in the city for a long time."

A glimmer of light flashed in Imric's eyes. Defeating a mind flayer was easy for him now. Even with the protection of an artifact, any psychic attack would not work on him.

Maybe you can go to the mind flayer city to have a look and collect some psychic powers.

At this time, Gangdan seemed to see what Imric was thinking, but he didn't know that Imric was trying to collect psychic powers, so he suggested:

"Master, if you want to deal with the group of drow in Iredelin City, the mind flayers are your rare allies. They are the mortal enemies of Iredelin City. The two cities have been at war for many years. "

This news made Imric even more determined to go to the mind flayer city. If he could form an alliance with the mind flayer, the attack on Eredelin City might be easier.

With a wave of his hand, Imrik summoned Okul and said, "In the next period of time, you will be the one to lead the army. You will solve the food problem yourself."

Then Okul disappeared, leaving behind a mess in the wind. The Arcane Knight looked at the empty magic crystal tower throne, and shouted with a broken heart: "How can I solve the problem of food rations for so many people!"


The Underdark, the city of Ascor.

Yaskor City is a notorious mind flayer city. It is located in the middle dark region. The city has a large number of slaves, orcs, gray dwarves, murlocs, trolls, drow, etc.

According to Gangdan, this city has been at war with Eredlin City, which is also located in the middle dark region, for decades. There is even a place in Ascor City specifically for slaves to vent their desires, and all of them are slaves. Drow captured by the mind flayers.

Imric was standing in front of the city of Yaskor at this time. The city was guarded by two strong orcs with livid faces and dull eyes. There were horrific scars on their bald heads, which seemed to have been opened by some kind of surgery. Over the head.

Due to the great strength of the mind flayers and the notorious reputation of the mind flayer city, few outsiders visit the city of Ascor. At this time, Imrik stood alone at the gate of the city, looking quite strange.

"Outsiders, for whatever purpose, are prohibited from entering."

The orcs asked Imrik mechanically. It seemed that because no outsiders had arrived for a long time, it even alerted the mind flayers in the city. Not long after, a mind flayer who looked like a nightmare and had wet tentacles on his head appeared.

"Human slave, what are you doing here?" The mind flayer looked at Imrik and asked curiously. He is a more knowledgeable mind flayer than other members of his race. He saw everything on Imrik. Wearing a mage robe, he had a suspicion that this might be another rare "visitor".

Imric smiled and said: "I want to enter the mind flayer city to visit."

The mind flayer looked at the mage coldly. As an absolutely rational creature, the mind flayer would not have any too excited psychological fluctuations: "Enter the mind flayer city? You know the rules."

Imric nodded and said: "Of course, defeat a mind flayer? Why don't you be my opponent?"

The mind flayer made a strange sound, which seemed to be his laughter. The mage's words made him laugh: "Me? Are you sure? I am a level 13 psychic!"

A fully developed mind flayer usually has the professional level of a ninth-level psion. Of course, the power of the mind flayer is that, in addition to the warlock level, the mind flayer also has a variety of innate minds that can be used at will. Supernatural powers, such as [Psychic Explosion], [Suggestion], psychic version [Transportation from Another World], etc.

As a creature blessed with psychic powers, the mind flayer has extremely powerful natural spell-like abilities compared to normal psychics. The mind flayer in front of him claims to have a level 13 psychic, which shows that he has attainments in psychic powers. Surpassing many of his kind.

Imric nodded indifferently after hearing this. For him who was immune to the mind anyway, there was no difference between a level 13 psion and a level 9 psion.

The Mind Flayer tilted his head. It seemed that the human in front of him was very confident. Then, his figure immediately disappeared and teleported to Imric's side instantly.

[Mind blast]!

Invisible spiritual power surged out, attacking Imrik like a storm. Seeing Imrik's lack of reaction, the Mind Flayer sneered in his heart. It seemed that he was another mage who overestimated his abilities.

But then, when the power of [Mind Explosion] hit Imrik, he looked at the Mind Flayer as if nothing was wrong.

The Mind Flayer secretly thought something bad. He knew that the mage probably had some kind of equipment to defend against psychic attacks. When he was about to teleport away again, he found that it was too late.

[Anti-Psychic Ability Field].

Imric activated the spell-like ability granted by the Endless Book. This powerful psychic ability is like an [anti-magic force field], which can prohibit the use of all psychic powers within the range.

If the mind flayer had not been forcibly teleported to him, the 60-foot range of the [anti-psionic field] would not have been able to cover him. However, in order to perform the mind blast, the mind flayer happened to step into the [anti-psionic field] at this time. Psychic field] field.

"What! Anti-psionic field?!" The Mind Flayer thought to himself. He didn't expect that this human being dressed as a mage could actually use psychic powers. He was such a cunning human being.

But the Mind Flayer is not very worried. Compared to humans, the Mind Flayer has extremely powerful melee attacks. Each of his tentacles has the power to break a skull. Since the opponent is also a psychic, it is better to return to hand-to-hand combat. .

Unfortunately, reality is often crueler.

Just as the Mind Flayer took action, he was horrified to see the human opposite him casually wave his hand, and countless shadow tentacles sprouted from the ground to tie him up.

A three-ring conjuration spell——[Phantom Binding].

The Mind Flayer was dejected. He knew that he had encountered a tough situation. A dual spiritual and spiritual spellcaster who could release [Anti-Psychic Field] was stupid enough to break into his side.

Trapped in a rogue situation where he couldn't use his psychic powers, but his opponent could cast spells, the Mind Flayer had no choice but to admit defeat.

"I give up. Damn it, humans with both spiritual and spiritual abilities are really a race of lunatics." The mind flayer cursed with slang that belonged to the mind flayer community.

Imric smiled and nodded and said, "Thank you for your accommodation."

The shadow tentacles were lifted, and the Mind Flayer was free. He took out a ring from his robe, threw it to Imric with his telekinesis, and said, "Take it, and it will allow you to travel freely in the city."

Then, he seemed to hesitate and said: "You can call me - Twisting."

Imrik raised his eyebrows and said with the same smile: "Imrik, my name is Imrik."

He put the ring on his hand, and instantly, the psychic barrier surrounding the entire city recognized Imrik's existence.

There will be more later. Today is only 6,000 words. I am addicted to Boqi. I will add more tomorrow.

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