Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 202 Sneaking into Iredelin City

Through the powerful link of psychic powers, Imric easily controlled the simulacrum. He closed his eyes. Then, the simulacrum in front of him opened his eyes. His cloudy eyes became lively and he moved. My hands and feet, from being unaccustomed to it at the beginning, became extremely smooth in the end.

"Take me to them, Okul." The simulacrum ordered, recalling the shocked Okul's mind.

"Is this the legendary [Simulacra]? This is the first time I have seen such a rare spell." Okur sighed with emotion. The huge cost of [Simulacra] makes the mage who uses it There are very few, and most of them are not only distressed by the expensive ruby ​​material, but also the upper limit of their mental power that is permanently weakened.

Okul brought the simulacrum to the outside of the Magic Crystal Tower. The group of adventurers was being locked in a tent by five trolls.

"Damn it, what do these monsters want to do? They have tied us here for a day. If they want to kill us, we must be chopped into pieces!" A half-orc wearing a warlock robe roared in complaint.

The leader of this adventure team was a male drow. Without looking up, he sharpened his sharp sword with a whetstone and said: "These monsters may have regarded us as food reserves. Remember the one who captured us?" The red dragon is here, I’m afraid they want to use us as its backup rations.”

The Orc spat and said: "Damn it, are we just waiting for it to eat us?"

Before the male drow could speak, suddenly, there was a sound in the distance, and the shadows of the trolls outside the camp disappeared, as if they were going to see what happened.

When several people in the tent looked at each other, a human mage opened the tent. He looked around furtively, and after confirming that there was no one else except them, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"If you don't want to die, come with me quickly. Those monsters seem to be holding a banquet. Now is the best chance to escape."

The people in the adventure team were a little confused. They didn't understand what was going on. The drow also looked at the human mage in front of them with suspicion.

The simulacrum frowned and seemed to be saying to himself: "A bunch of fools, forget it, just wait if you want to die."

After saying that, he left without looking back.

The orc was a little anxious at this time. He said to Drow: "Boss, it seems to be true. Let's run away quickly."

The drow gritted his teeth and said, "Death sooner or later is death. Give it a try and let's go!"

After saying that, several people opened the tent and chased after him.

Sure enough, as soon as he went out, the surrounding monsters disappeared without a trace, and there was still a huge noise in the distance. Simulacrum saw the adventurer coming behind him, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he looked back coldly. , said to them.

"Don't make any noise and follow me. I know how to get out."

Afterwards, a few people swerved out of the valley without encountering a single monster along the way.

Imrik was panting at this time. The physical fitness of the simulacrum was so poor that he was half exhausted from running this short distance. Suddenly, a sharp long sword was placed on his neck, and the voice of the drow elf came from behind. came.

"Who are you and what is your purpose?"

Imrik thought to himself, it’s finally here.

That's right, Imric's simulacrum went to great lengths to get them out pretending to be outsiders, just to explain to them the origins he made up and join their team.

Imric pretended to be frightened and swallowed, and said angrily: "Damn Drow, I know I can't trust you cunning things. If I hadn't been so kind, you would still be stupidly staying here. Waiting for death in a tent, is this how you treat your savior?"

Zhuoer sneered and said: "Underground, the kinder the people are, the more people are wary. Who knows what your purpose is and why you are so kind to save us."

Imric took a deep breath and said coldly: "I am a person from the ground. I was captured by those monsters. I have been waiting for a long time before I have a chance to escape. It is just a matter of convenience to save you. If you If you don’t want to, you can go back on your own initiative now.”

Drow was a little hesitant. He saw that the human in front of him really seemed to have good intentions, but this kind of kindness was really rare and bizarre in the Dark Territory. However, when he heard the other person say that he was from the earth, he felt strange in his heart. Feel.

"He is becoming a stupid earthling." Drow said letting go of the mage.

Imric wiped his neck bitterly and said: "It's better than you group of ungrateful underground creatures. I really don't know why I'm so crazy that I want to save you."

The drow knew that he was wrong, so he remained silent. The half-orc warlock on the side came out to smooth things over: "Since it is a misunderstanding, forget it. But, human, where do you plan to go, return to the earth?"

Imrik's eyes dimmed and he said: "Forget it, there is no place for me if I go back. I am a wanted criminal, so I might as well stay here and make a living."

The orc's eyes widened and he sneered: "You are a human, and you actually want to make a living alone in the Underdark? Oh my god, even if you are a mage, within a week, you will probably become a slave of a drow or a mind flayer. , worse still, buried in the belly of a monster."

Imric raised his head and said, "I have no choice. You seem to know the Underdark very well. For the sake of saving you, can you let me join you?"

Zhuoer heard the silence for a while and said: "We don't accept idlers. Everyone in the team is a professional at least level eight."

Imric looked up and saw that the team led by the drow consisted of three people, a half-orc warlock, a drow warrior, and a silent halfling rogue.

"Why can't he speak?" Imrik pointed at the halfling.

The orc warlock said: "He is mute and his tongue was cut out."

Imrik nodded and replied: "I am a seventh-level mage. I think I should be qualified to join you."

Drow raised his head and raised his eyebrows. He did not expect that the other party was a seventh-level mage. Although the orc was an eighth-level warlock, in comparison, the seventh-level mage was obviously more rare and valuable.

He hesitated and said: "Yes, but you must promise to obey my command. We are going to Eredelin City next, which is the territory of my people. Believe me, if you don't listen to me and act without authorization, It is very likely that they will be captured and used as slaves.”

Imric nodded sharply and smiled in his heart: "This is my purpose."

Yes, Imric spent so much effort just to join the drow adventure team and have a reasonable reason to sneak into the city of drow. Otherwise, I am afraid that his simulacrum would be killed by the passing drow before he could do anything about it. The female noble was captured and made a slave. You know, Imric's appearance is not bad!

In order to ensure the combat effectiveness of the simulacrum as much as possible, Imrik now has ten magic rings on his hands, and the robes, belts and headdresses on his body are all enchanted with powerful spells, although Imrik is only level 7 at this time. The caster level is low, but with these magic equipment on his body, he can cast dozens of high-level spells every day.

If a mage uses [Detection Magic] to observe, he can see the simulacrum's surge of magical aura that can blind people's eyes.

On the way, several people began to walk on foot, and Imric also learned about their situation. The drow captain was named Sattu Black Pearl, the half-orc was Rift Okayi, and the halfling only had a strange code name, Forty. Number six.

"Why does he call himself No. 46?" Imric asked curiously as he looked at the halfling walking silently.

The half-orc sighed and said: "We are all slaves fished out of Iredelin City by the captain, but the halfling is worse than me. He was once an experiment of a powerful mage, and the mage did extremely cruel things to him. Experiment, even though he didn't seem to be any different on the surface, his body was full of scars caused by the terrible twisted magic power. He was numbered by the mage as No. 46. Since then, he has been calling himself No. 46. Number."

Imrik was thoughtful, and he thought of the Copper Furnace. It seemed that this halfling was also a magical creature, but perhaps because of the master's superb skills, the halfling's appearance had not changed at all.

"You all came from Eredelin City? Then what are we going back to do now?" Imrik exclaimed.

Drow made a voice at this time: "Our identities have been cleared, and it will be fine even if we go back. Over the years, we have been making a living by doing tasks between the Sword Coast and Eredlin City."

Imrik couldn't help but feel a little pity after hearing this. If these three professional levels were on the ground, they would definitely have a more comfortable life than they are now. But with a drow, a magic creature, and an orc, their identities are destined to be They cannot live an honest life under the sun.

Thinking of a dark elf with the same black skin, who was still crawling around on the ground in legends, Imric couldn't help but lament that human prejudice is deeper than the deepest chasm in the world.

"The city of Eredelin is ahead. Remember, don't cause trouble, otherwise I won't be able to protect you." Sadao warned.

Imric saw the magnificent dark stone wall in the distance, the huge city gate, and the long queue of people entering the city at the gate.

Eredelin City has had long-term cooperation with the local lower-nine forces in the Sword Coast. They even export magic equipment for sale on the ground. There is a mixture of good and bad in this city. Compared with the quiet atmosphere of the non-slave area of ​​Ascor City, here Even more noisy, like the world above.

Imrik squinted his eyes and observed the drow soldiers at the city gate. Two elite drow warriors who looked very powerful led a few giants with collars around their necks to check the passers-by at the gate.

Most of the people who entered the city were drow, and the rest were small groups of adventurers like Imric and others, or large caravans, without any civilians from other races among them.

But this is quite normal. In a place like this, if you are not a drow and have no strength, your only role is to be a slave to mine in the mines in the south. This is also the only value of civilians of other races in the Underdark. .

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