Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 207 Legend and Pseudo-Legend

"Damn, damn! Impossible, how could these two losers die so easily!" Leo Di's face was ashen, and his heart was filled with huge anger and fear.

In order to earn high profits, Leo Di invested all his wealth in the handicap. The outcome of this championship battle will wipe out every penny from his pockets!

But this is not the most terrifying thing. As a tiefling, Leodi was able to become the manager of a municipal unit like the Colosseum. Most of the credit is due to his long-term spending of large sums of money to manage upper-level connections. Without this wealth, His tribute this month will cause problems! But those cruel and cold drow nobles would not understand any of his difficulties.

Thinking about how many opponents who hated him would want to cut him into pieces once he was deprived of his identity as a manager, Leodi felt as if he had fallen into the icy water of winter, and the biting cold enveloped his whole body.

But at this time, he could no longer do anything to change the outcome. The audience stage erupted with the usual overwhelming shouts. They were all gourmets who had placed heavy bets on the victory of the Dark Blade combination, let alone There was also Negeves Yaent, a big figure representing the First Family, present.

Unlike Leodi, who was slumped on the ground with despair, Nigoves on the high platform was very satisfied. Thanks to the powerful concealment power of [The Ring of the North Wind], the magic equipment on Imric did not cause any People's attention, in her opinion, this mage who can release seven-ring spells is a rare and outstanding seed in the gladiatorial arena.

Negeves, who is well versed in people's hearts, guessed that this human mage went to great lengths to participate in the duel in the Colosseum and won the championship, must be to get in touch with the powerful family. Otherwise, she really didn't know a person who stepped into the [Kingdom Master] Why would a spellcaster of 】level come here to show off.

Negeves, who was sitting in the VIP seat, stood up, smiled and patted her palms wearing black silk gloves, and used magic to amplify her voice and said: "A very clean killing, I am very satisfied, male. I You will be allowed the opportunity to serve the great first house of Eredlyn, House Arnt."

A smile appeared on Imrik's mouth hidden under his hood, and his goal was achieved.

Satta on the side also looked in disbelief at this time. He was almost incapacitated by the warlock from the beginning of this duel and made no contribution. However, Imrik single-handedly defeated two powerful warriors. The senior adventurers were massacred.

The drow was extremely excited. He felt that he had finally made it through and was appreciated by the First Family. He would live a stable life with Crack and No. 46, and no longer had to take the risk of fighting on the line of life and death. or.

Under the enthusiastic cheers of many spectators, Imrik and Sarta left the Colosseum with the championship medals presented by Negeves personally.


The next day, Imric and Sarta came to the center of Eredelin City, the Arnt family.

As the first family in Eredlin City, the Arnt family has ruled the city for hundreds of years. In this underground city located in a huge hollow cave, the Arnt family occupies the most prosperous center. Location.

"Raise your head, male, and let me see what you look like." Negeves commanded condescendingly in the room.

Imric raised his head, his exquisite appearance looming under the black hood. A hint of surprise flashed in Negevis's eyes. She didn't expect that this humble human had an appearance comparable to that of an elf.

However, Negevese didn't have any lustful intentions. She had seen too many lewd things since she was a child, but she never really liked the feeling of being controlled by desire.

On the contrary, she found Imrik's appearance very troublesome. She originally had a love for talents and wanted to regain this seventh-ring mage as her confidant. The moment she saw Imrik's face, she knew that the mistress would Seeing his appearance, she would have no chance.

Negeves picked up a friction board and sharpened her nails carelessly. She said in a calm tone: "Human, I give you two choices."

"First, surrender to me and be my confidant. I will guarantee to give you everything you want, power, status, money, arcana, whatever you choose."

Then, Negevese's tone suddenly changed, and she said grimly: "Or, you can be the face of the mistress. Believe me, even with your appearance, she will only play with you for a year before she gets tired of it. When the time comes, you will face my cruelest punishment."

She took out a ring from her personal clothes, threw it in front of Imric and said: "If you choose the first one, wear it and hide your charming face."

"Or." Her face suddenly moved in front of Imrik, so close that her words could reach him as she spoke.

Her eyes were fixed on the mage in front of her, revealing a look of crazy cruelty: "Live an enviable year, and then die miserably."

Imric stared at the drow in front of him expressionlessly, and he saw the madness and ambition in this drow's eyes.

"Interesting." A trace of amusement arose in Imrik's heart. His intuition told him that the drow in front of him would be a variable. He could see the fire of ambition in her eyes was so strong. Whenever the Lord was mentioned, When she was a mother, the rising hatred and jealousy were so obvious.

Sadao, who was kneeling beside him, had cold sweat on his face at this time. He was afraid that Imrik would reject the other party's request and suffer retaliation from the other party.

Fortunately, Imric did not do this.

The mage picked up the ring, smiled and saluted Negeves and said, "As you wish, Lord Negeves, I will swear allegiance to you."

He took off a magic ring and put on the ring given by Negeves. Powerful magic power emerged from the ring. They poured into the body crazily, tearing at the mage's flesh and blood. Imric felt The skin on his face was constantly shaking. If the simulacrum hadn't felt pain, Imric would have been in extreme pain at this time.

"Is it a spell that permanently changes flesh and blood?" Imrik was curious. The principle of this spell seemed to be to reorganize the flesh, flesh and bones on the human face, fundamentally changing a person's appearance permanently, even if any reconnaissance spell None of them can detect the changes caused by this spell.

After the spell transformation was completed, Imrik raised his head and looked in the mirror beside him. At this time, he had turned into an ordinary-looking human being.

Negeves was very satisfied when she saw Imric picking up the ring without hesitation. Being able to give up his perfect appearance and become an ordinary person was enough to prove the other person's determination to be loyal to her.

"Let's go, follow me to see the mistress. As for you, humble male drow, you seemed to be a slave of the Cannet family before? I don't like dogs raised by others, so you can join the family's patrol team."

Negeves stood up and said coldly. Satao looked stunned for a moment, then lowered her head and smiled bitterly. Even a patrol team is better than an adventurer.

Imrik followed Negeves to the Yaente Sacrifice Hall where the mistress was. He was quite curious about this rumored legendary strongman.

According to the description of the mind flayer mastermind, this matron has a priest level that has reached the legendary level, and is a legend with a true spellcaster profession exceeding level 20!

On the continent of Faerun, beings over level 20 are called legendary powerhouses. They are powerful beings that surpass ordinary professionals. However, what most people don’t know is that many legendary powerhouses are so-called "legendary powerhouses". Pseudo legend”.

The so-called "pseudo legends" refer to those powerful people who have more than one profession and rely on the sum of multiple professional levels to reach the legendary level.

For example, if you have the profession of a level 12 warrior and a part-time job as a level 10 mage (don’t think it’s funny, there are actually warriors who become mages halfway through the profession), then your total professional level will reach level 22. It has undoubtedly surpassed the boundaries of legendary level 20.

However, such legendary powerhouses are not truly legendary powerhouses. Although they have reached levels beyond level 20 and can possess various powerful legendary expertise, their various attributes and abilities are far inferior to those of real legendary powerhouses. Rely on a single level to reach level 20+ and become a true legend.

A spellcaster with a legendary mage level has the spell slots of a legendary mage, and has the ability to release the highest legendary spells. His intelligence attributes, various skills such as spell recognition, and arcane knowledge are also extremely advanced.

Compared with such a legend, a "legend" that is level 10 as a mage, level 12 as a warrior, and can only cast 5-level spells is naturally far from enough.

Green Dragon Titanisha is the so-called "pseudo-legend". Her warlock level and mage level combined have long exceeded the level of 20, but neither of them has broken through to legend, and the highest mage level can only reach Release Nine. The point of circle magic.

The matron of Eredlin City is a truly legendary powerhouse, with a spellcaster of over level 20 and reaching the level of a legendary priest!

This is also the reason why Titanisha doesn't have the guts to attack Eredlyn City alone. A true legend like the First Mistress is not something she can touch.

"Oh, isn't this my dear sister Negevese?"

After Negives brought Imrik to the Sacrifice Hall, the mistress had not arrived yet. On the contrary, a female drow who looked quite similar to Negives and was wearing scantily clad clothes came over and smiled provocatively.

Negeves gave her a cold look and said, "Smelly cousin, you were fooled by the orcs' pile driving, didn't you? Who gave you the courage to provoke me?"

The female drow's face froze. She remembered that this sister's personal strength was beyond her reach. She pretended not to care and smiled, but there was a vicious look in her eyes.

"My cunning, insidious daughters, do not quarrel in my sacred hall."

Imrik's eyes narrowed slightly, and as a powerful divine light appeared, a plump dark elf lady was sitting on the throne in the center of the hall, looking at them.

It is none other than the legendary priest and matron of Eredelin City—Daniphi Yaent!

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