Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 210 Green Dragon Sieges the City

After all, Isaiah was his former roommate and a rare conjuration genius. It seemed a pity to kill him like this.

Imrik finally decided to kill the others and leave Isaiah alone, sending him to the Caribbean world to help Alston rule the world.

As for why not reuse the remaining three professionals and send them over together. The main reason is that they may have all kinds of strange beliefs. Although God is unlikely to go to war just because a believer lives in another world, he still tries to avoid attracting God's attention. As for Isaiah, he has no such concerns. Well, how can a mage have faith?

At this time, the silver mirror levitated and rose again, reaching a certain height. The mirror tilted slightly and pointed at the three adventurers on the ground. The vortex rotated rapidly, and powerful magic began to condense from it.

[Extremely effective splitting ray - dissociation] × 10.

The metamagic specialty [Split Ray] can split ray spells into two at the cost of raising two levels. In other words, if Silver Mirror casts ten [Dissociation Techniques], the results will be double.

Isaiah's pupils shrank, and his strong sense of danger caused him to roll and crawl away from his teammates. The next moment, 20 dark green rays were shot out from the central vortex of the silver mirror.

The light of the dissociation spell was like falling raindrops, covering all three adventurers. The terrifying spell effect penetrated the bodies of the three people, causing dense wounds. The weak thief suffered a burst of dissociation. The technique turned into ashes and died. The remaining two warriors persisted for a while, but they were still unable to resist the terrifying attack of a large number of dissociation spell rays. In the end, the three of them turned into ashes and floated in the air.

Isaiah gasped for air and looked at the scene in front of him in horror, which was simply beyond his imagination.

What did he see? Sixth Ring Spell [Dissociation Technique]! That silver mirror cast out 20 six-ring spells in an instant as if it were free of charge, and it had to be instantaneous! Equivalent to 20 tenth-level spell slots! Even if the opponent has the ability to reduce the cost of super magic, it must have at least 20 seventh-level spell slots to have this effect.

20 seventh-level spell slots!

At this time, Isaiah absurdly thought that he had provoked the goddess of magic's spokesperson in the human world? How could someone in this world cast twenty six-ring spells instantly?

Silver Mirror's voice came again: "Isaiah, I can give you a chance to surrender to me and serve me, and I will spare your life."

"You already know my secret. There is no way I can let you leave alive."

Isaiah smiled bitterly. He knew that what Yin Jing said was true. His teleportation ability was also locked by the [Dimensional Anchor], and there was no chance of escape.

Isaiah knelt on the ground and said dejectedly: "I surrender to you, powerful mage."

Then, his vision went dark and he lost consciousness.

After sending Isaiah to another world, Imrik's body was teleported back to the entrance of the Dark Forest. After he dug out the body of the simulacrum, he possessed the simulacrum again and returned to the city of Eredelin. .

Negeves was not surprised to see him coming back alone, and just asked him if he had given the box to the Eye Magician.

After getting the affirmative answer, Negeves was even more satisfied. She didn't care at all about the life or death of those useless male drows. The human mage in front of her passed the test, which made her very happy. She was not unaware of her sister's little tricks. A team of adventurers and an eye mage couldn't kill him. It seemed that this human mage was better than she thought.

"From today on, you will become my personal guard and protect my safety." Satisfied, Negevis immediately gave Imrik a higher status, but what she didn't know was that the consequences of doing so would be More high-level secrets will be exposed in front of the most formidable enemy the city has ever encountered.


Three days later, trolls roared into the forest.

The green dragon Titanisha brought a large number of monster troops in from the entrance above the forest and joined Imrik's monster army.

"Oh? So that group of drow also has a level 10 Eye Mage ally? This is a bit surprising." The beautiful woman transformed into a green dragon confirmed to Imrik in the magic crystal tower.

Imrik, who was sitting on the throne, nodded, with a trace of solemnity flashing in his eyes: "What I'm worried about is not a level 10 Eye Mage, but the forces behind that Eye Mage. You haven't seen the people in that area. It looks like flesh and blood are mixed with fungi, polluting the entire area, and there are terrifying flesh and blood plants everywhere. This sight is really worrying."

Titanisa was also a little worried. She seemed to have thought of something and said: "The scene you described must be caused by an extremely evil force. No matter what the purpose of the matron is to cooperate with the eye magician, our best It’s best not to fight these two people at the same time.”

Imrik on the throne agreed with this when he heard this. The Eye Mage was too evil and gave him a bad feeling. Although its strength was definitely far inferior to the Mistress, that feeling was not the same. What a legend can have.

Imrik's figure flashed to the top of the tower. He stood on the top of the tower and looked at the monster army at his feet. He asked Titanisha who was following behind him: "How many troops did you bring?"

The Green Dragon shrugged nonchalantly and said, "I haven't counted, probably seven or eight thousand."

Imrik was quite surprised. With an army of seven to eight thousand monsters, this green dragon was really rich. He now completely believed the other party's statement that he controlled the Serpent Forest, even though most of the monster army at his feet were kobolds. and goblins, such a number is still frightening.

You know, even the City of the Mind Flayer, which has developed for hundreds of years and has the ability to conveniently control people's hearts, only has 20,000 slaves. The Green Dragon can attract nearly 10,000 slaves with its "personal charm". The monster surrenders, which is considered the peak of dragon life.

"Send a group of troops. The city of Aaskor has already clashed with the city of Eredlin on the front line. Both sides have a large number of troops hoarding on the front line. Bring my silver mirror to attack them. Titanisha, if that Run away as soon as the mistress appears, she is not something you can fight against."

Imrik said with his back to the green dragon. Titanisha nodded. After learning that the matron was a real legendary priest, she gave up the idea of ​​challenging the other party. You know, the legendary priest who is favored by God , but you can get the legendary magic given by the gods! This powerful power is even comparable to the legendary spells that mages spend a lot of resources and time researching!

Legendary magic is a unique gift from God. Unlike spells, the source of divine spells is the power of God, not the magic network.

However, because the Kingdom Tianyu has an extremely powerful and convenient creation - [Magic Network], the gods are accustomed to giving power to believers through the Magic Network. With the existence of the Magic Network, the gods can spend less money on Faerun. Power bestows the same divine magic.

But the legendary magic is different. With such a powerful power, the goddess of magic Mystra does not allow the gods to use her magic network to transmit, because this powerful power will cause extremely serious damage to the magic network.

Therefore, the gods will only grant legendary magic to the most favored legendary priest believers. The release of this power will cause the gods to immediately pay attention to this area to observe what can make their believers trigger their own power to come directly. .

"I think it is very unlikely that Danifei will obtain the legendary magic." Imrik speculated.

"The city of Eredlin has the faith of three gods, which is unimaginable in other drow cities. You also know the character of the spider lady. She will not tolerate the incompetence of believers, even if Eredlin Lincheng is a big city, but as the matriarch of the first family, Danifei does not have the belief to unify the city, so there is a high probability that she will not fall in his eyes."

Titanisha smiled slyly and said: "She must not have it. If she really has legendary magic, how come she has been fighting life and death with the city of Aaskol for so many years? She would have gone to the other side's city to throw a legendary god away a long time ago." Let’s have some fun with it.”

You must know that legendary magic is a power given by God. Unlike legendary spells, which require various harsh conditions and resources, the gods are happy, and you can use legendary magic every day. Of course, if the gods are dissatisfied with you, you will never have a chance to unleash legendary magic in your life.

Titanisha transformed into a prototype. She flew into the sky with a copy of the prophecy realm given to her by Imrik, and shouted loudly: "Send one-third of the army to fight with me!"

The monster army below the green dragon burst out with enthusiastic shouts. For them, compared to Imrik, a powerful green dragon can arouse their warlike emotions. There are a large number of kobolds, goblins, trolls, and giants. , the violent beasts filed out from the entrance of the valley, and headed towards Eredelin City under the leadership of the green dragon.


Hei Biao is a city guard in Eredlin City. As a male drow who has been discriminated against since he was a child, Hei Biao cherishes his current job very much.

Relaxed and safe. Under the prestige of Iredelin City, no one except the group of mind flayers dared to attack Iredelin City, and the city gate where I was standing was completely opposite to the direction of Yaskor City. , even the Mind Flayer doesn't need to worry, just fish in troubled waters comfortably every day.

Hei Biao lay comfortably on the observation deck and habitually picked up the magic telescope beside him. According to the patrol agreement, the city defenders must use the magic telescope to observe the surroundings every ten minutes.

But because of the safe environment, Hei Biao has never implemented the treaty. In fact, every time he uses the magic telescope, the frequency is four times a day.

"Let me see if any Los beasts have appeared. I haven't had barbecue for a long time." Hei Biao picked up the telescope and drooled from the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, he seemed to see something he couldn't believe. Then he rubbed his eyes and looked at the scene in his eyes again.

Led by a huge ancient green dragon, an army of monsters was extremely close, so close that it shouldn't appear based on his observation frequency of once every 10 minutes.

"Enemy enemy attack!!! Enemy attack attack city!!!"

Hei Biao's horrified voice echoed through the city gate.

I’ll add 8,000 words today, and one more chapter will be posted tonight~

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