Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 213 The Mistress Appears

The green dragon's nine-ring spell [Meteor Explosion] completely extinguished the gray dwarves' will to resist. On the contrary, it was the high morale of the monster army. They shouted the names of the Mother of Conspiracy and the Lord of the Silver Mirror, and rushed The formation of the gray dwarves was dispersed, and they reached the gate of Eredlin City.

The well-prepared defenders dropped the alchemy explosives and red oil barrels in their hands. The hot oil and exploding explosives caused the siege monsters to die on the ground before they even started to climb the wall.

At this time, the green dragon was still hovering at the silver mirror high in the sky and did not rush towards the city gate.

"Leave it to you." Titanisha said, a trace of fear flashed in her eyes: "I'm afraid that the mistress will appear again if I get close. Only you can achieve this kind of casting distance."

Imric looked at the city gate in the distance through the realm of prophecy, and he was also curious whether the matron would appear.

Six-ring evocation spell - [Extremely effective expansion] Rainbow Dharma Eye × 20.

The vortex of the silver mirror began to rotate rapidly again, and Imric projected infinite magic through the mirror of prophecy. The dazzling silver mirror caught the attention of Negeves, and her face became wary. It feels like powerful magic is gathering around me.

Sure enough, tiny colorful eyeballs appeared on the city wall one by one. Their peculiar style attracted the attention of some people who saw them, but the anxious battle to defend the city made them have no energy to care about it.

But Negevese did not underestimate it. The powerful magic was not a lie. It must be some kind of powerful magic. Soon, various powerful defensive spells were laid on her body. The moment she finished casting the spell, the colorful eyeballs that had been brewing for a long time finally began to work.

At first, the eyeballs just opened the closed eyelids. Under the colorful eyelids, there were pupils emitting dazzling white light.

Then, the white light became more and more dazzling and hot, and countless rays of light exploded from these eyeballs.

Countless colorful rays hit a large number of surrounding city defenders. They were burned to death, frozen to death, petrified, and corroded. Every creature hit by the rays suffered damage with different effects.

Silver Mirror's spell cleared up a large area of ​​the city defenders in an instant, and the kobolds and goblins below quickly took advantage of this opportunity to climb up.

"Damn it." Negeves gritted her teeth. She chanted a spell and used magic to add various powerful buffs to herself. Then, Negevese was wrapped in a black mist and turned into a huge black spider. The sharp fangs dripping with venom and the thick jointed limbs indicate her powerful physical fighting strength.

Negeves jumped to the city wall where the defenders were missing. With the blessing of magic and transformation, Negeves showed amazing slaughtering skills. Every stab of the spider's legs could easily kill the enemy. Taking away the life of a kobold, the venom spewed from its mouth is even more terrifying than [Mayoufu's Acid Arrow], and will corrode all the trolls it is exposed to, making them unable to regenerate.

"Interesting, a Spellweaver?" Titanisha said with interest.

The Spellweaver is an advanced profession for priests. In the life and tradition that has long dominated the lives and traditions of the drow, the Spellweaver has found a path that goes against it in serving the Lord of the Web. After careful study and cruel training, Spellweavers can form a close connection with the spiders, the favorites of the Spider God. Not only do they possess the abilities of various spiders, they can even become members of a group of spiders.

The spiders transformed by the Spellweavers have various spell-like abilities related to toxins and spiders, and are their strongest form. The Negeves in front of them used this face to deal with them, and even pulled out their trump cards.

The silver mirror rotates again, but this time Imrik's target is not Nigoves. He does not intend to kill this drow noble. The simulacrum still needs to rely on the other party to obtain secrets. Imrik is not without self-awareness. The person, the real backbone of the other party, the mistress has not yet appeared, and he has no extravagant hope that he can break through Iredelin City today.

However, to eliminate this group of city defenders, at least use the monster army to lure the mistress out and confirm the opponent's status.

Six-ring evocation spell: [Extremely effective twins - chain lightning] × 20.

The terrifying magic power continued to condense in the center of the silver mirror. Then, countless lightning bolts rushed out of the vortex, like silver tentacles crawling out of the unknown void. The crackling lightning quickly shot towards the defenders, 40 densely packed lightnings. Chain Lightning] then turned into more lightning, and countless defenders were roasted into charcoal by the powerful current.

Under this attack, the city defenders finally could no longer resist the monster army's offensive. Negeves alone could not turn the tide. A large number of monster troops climbed up the city wall and entered the city.

Negeves was angry in her heart, but she knew that the current situation was no longer under her control. She lightly tapped the ground with her spider legs, then turned into a human form, activated [Advanced Teleportation] and disappeared.

"Mother, the city wall has been lost. The opponent is too powerful. I can't do it." Negeves returned to the sacrificial hall in panic to report, but before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by her mistress.

"Bang!" The mistress took out a black whip and slapped Negeves hard on the face. A scarlet blood mark made her silence and she did not dare to speak anymore.

The mistress said angrily: "What a waste. You can't even do this, and you still need me to come forward. Do you know how much trouble it is for me?"

Then, Danifei's figure flashed and disappeared from the seat.

"Damn it, it's you, a little green dragon, how dare you invade my city." The mistress appeared at the city wall, standing in the void and watching the green dragon in the distance gnashing her teeth. The plaque in her hand was now It grows rapidly, starting from the palm and spreading to the arm.

The mistress lowered her head to look at the palm of her hand, her expression changed, and then her body moved backwards into the city gate. The growth rate of the bacterial plaque slowed down significantly, but it was still spreading.

The green dragon in the distance changed his expression when he saw the mistress appearing, but the mistress quickly retreated into the city gate, which made her quite confused.

"What is she doing?" Green Dragon asked blankly.

Imric's eyes narrowed slightly behind the silver mirror. He also felt baffled. It seemed that the mistress didn't dare to leave the city gate?

"Hell Hunter!" The mistress roared, and a giant demon-hunting spider was summoned by her.

Nine-ring magic - [Hell Hunter].

The summoned demon-hunting spider was extremely huge and exuded extremely terrifying power. Titanisha's face was ugly. She did not expect that the mistress would casually summon a demon-hunting spider that could rival the ancient dragon level. spider.

The giant demon-hunting spider rushed towards the monster. With its help, the defenders became more relaxed. The huge size of the demon-hunting spider and the infinite acid attacks made it become a killing machine, more powerful than a real dragon. Its melee strength makes it the nemesis of monsters without spell-like abilities.

The mistress looked at the green dragon in the distance gloomily. She was already prepared. Once the opponent dared to join the battle, she would immediately deal a brutal blow without hesitation.

Danifei looked down at his hands and gritted his teeth. If he hadn't lost the legendary magic because of the deal he made with that existence, he could easily destroy this kind of garbage. But now, the transformation has not been completed yet, so he must be careful.

The green dragon in the distance also retreated at this time: "That's it for today. Danifei is out. We can't make any progress."

This was also their planned strategy. They would continue to bleed the city of Eredelin through long-range harassment. When their troops were exhausted, the matron was left alone and had no deterrent power.

A voice came from the silver mirror: "Okay, but before leaving, let me give her another big gift."

The vortex rotated rapidly, and an extremely cold breath came from it, which even made Titanisa shudder when she was approaching. She looked into the distance with gloating. The magic power of these strange allies was stronger than the other. To be called a big gift, it must be a big occasion.

Nine-ring spell-like ability——[Finbul Winter]!

The terrifying ice energy was born from the endless magic power, and the strong wind brought flying snow to the city of Eredlin. Danifei's face changed, and she felt an extremely powerful magic power covering a very large area. At least 17 miles!

Heavy snow is falling from the sky, and the howling north wind is also appearing in this dark place where the sky is dark. In this humid and sultry environment, the drow elves in Iredelin City will face a season they have never seen in their lives—— Eternal winter.

Danifei's face was ugly. She could feel that this powerful spell seemed to have permanently changed the surrounding environment. The only way to remove a spell of this level was to rely on [Wish Spell] or the Nine-ring Divine Spell [Miracle Spell]. 】.

[Miracle Technique] is the magical version of [Wish Technique]. The principle is to attract God's attention by praying to God and let him realize his wish.

But Danifei couldn't do it. In her current situation, she didn't dare to attract the attention of Goddess Rose. That emotionless cousin would definitely crush her to death immediately.

The temperature is getting lower and lower, heavy snow is floating in the sky above the cave, the endless north wind is whistling by, and the entire city of Eredelin is now within the scope of the spell.

Titanisha said with surprise: "Oh my God, the range of your spell is too big, isn't it? Is this the legendary [Finbul Winter]?"

The green dragon recognized this spell. She had read the relevant records of this lost spell in an ancient book. It is said that the prototype of this powerful spell is divine magic. A powerful entity from the outer plane bestows this spell on its followers. Spells, hoping that they can transform the entire world of Faerûn into an eternally cold world suitable for their own species to live in.

Of course, such an audacious act must have prompted the intervention of the gods, and thousands of years ago several kingdoms went to war against the cultists who had found some way to upgrade Fimbulwinter into a legendary spell. , once they successfully cast the spell, not to mention the planet Toril, the entire Faerûn continent will definitely fall into an eternal winter, and even the [Wish Spell] cannot lift it.

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