Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 219 The arrival of the main body

"It's turning invisible!" Imrik said secretly, and the next moment their bodies were revealed.

In front of them was a huge hall with dozens of drow guards and trolls.

"Second Miss?" Some drows who knew Negeves called out, but they soon realized that even the Second Miss should not be eligible to enter this place.

"Lord Negeves, please leave here immediately. No one is allowed to enter here." A drow said coldly.

Imric and Negeves looked at each other, then raised their hands, and the magic ring shone with light again.

【Ice Cone】!

Imric sprayed out a large burst of extremely cold energy from his hand, freezing all the drow guards around him. Under the shining ice sculptures were their frightened faces.

"Enemy attack!!"

Everyone in the hall fell into panic at this time. They raised their weapons and rushed towards Imric. Negeves beside him immediately began to cast magical spells.

"Flying spider webs!"

A ball of spider web appeared in Negeves' hand. As the magic was completed, the spider web began to melt, and then at a certain location among a group of drow elves, a large silk-like spider web made of energy erupted to the surroundings.

The spider web is composed of threads made of energy. These threads not only tightly entangle enemies within the range of the divine spell, but also penetrate their bodies. The burst range of the divine spell is 20 feet, directly killing 6 drow.


A ball of fire appeared in Imric's hand and flew towards the charging trolls. The fireball caused an extremely strong explosion at the moment of contact.


The flames spread out with the explosion and engulfed the troll's body. The trolls wailed and rolled in the fire, but there was no water source in the whole room. As creatures weak to fire, the flesh of the troll became the best fuel. , the flames burned more and more on their bodies, and a thick burnt aroma overflowed.

Seeing that the human mage on the opposite side had eliminated a group of trolls with a fireball, several drow elves quickly speeded up and wanted to stab the human mage to death with the daggers in their hands.

The archers in the distance also shot out arrows, and the ring in Imric's hand glowed again.

[Force Field Wall]!

The invisible force field appeared, and a huge force field wall immediately appeared in front of Imric's body to block the drow. Then he quickly retreated, and the drow had no choice but to rush towards Negeves who was aside.

Negeves looked at them with a bloody smile and began to chant a spell: "Divine power!"

A golden ray of light appeared on Negeves' body. This magic greatly enhanced Negeves' strength and improved her physique. Then Negeves was wrapped in a burst of gray mist. When she reappeared, she had already Transformed into a giant black spider.

As a priest, Nigovis's melee combat ability is not comparable to that of a three-legged cat like a mage. Nigovis, who is used to practicing various martial arts, has very strong physical attributes. Now after turning into a spider, , and even went in and out seven times among a group of drow elves.

The sharp spider legs can pierce the chest of a drow with every blow, the terrifying fangs can easily bite through their heads, and the mouth can even spit out unlimited acid to corrode each troll.

After the transformation, Negevese's fighting power was astonishing. She eliminated the remaining guards by herself in three strokes and five divided by two.

"Is this the center of the barrier?"

Negeves, who had returned to her original form, walked to Imrik's side. At this time, there was a dark green triangular prism crystal suspended in the air in front of him.

The crystal was protected by a blue barrier. Negeves tried to reach out to touch it but was firmly blocked by the blue barrier.

"It's a force field barrier." Negevese confirmed.

Imric nodded, raised a hand, and activated the magic ring on his hand.

[Dissociation Technique]!

A green ray of light shot out from Imrik's hand, and the blue barrier immediately dissolved and disappeared as soon as the ray touched it.

Imric approached the triangular prism crystal but did not take it. He felt a powerful evil force contained in it.

"You may suffer unknown infections if you touch it." Imrik speculated.

Then he reached out and cast a spell on a corpse nearby.

"Manipulate the dead."

The necromantic energy gathered in Imrik's hands and awakened the corpse lying on the ground. Under Imrik's will, the corpse turned into a zombie staggered towards the triangular prism crystal and reached out to remove it. .

As soon as it was taken off, the green light of the triangular prism crystal went out, and a series of sounds that sounded like a switch began to sound. Then, Imric immediately felt that the dimensional barrier that sealed the teleportation around him disappeared, and various teleportation spells began to appear. It can already be cast.

The body of the zombie who had taken the triangular prism crystal was undergoing rapid changes at this time. Countless green plaques appeared on his body. Even though he had become an undead creature, the remaining carrion on the zombie's body was quickly devoured by the plaques, and then fell to the ground, leaving behind The zombie turned directly into a skeleton and stood there stupidly.

Imric snapped his fingers, and a sphere with bulges on all sides appeared, teleporting Negeves into the plane. He could feel a certain existence coming.

Sure enough, the next second, a shadow appeared on the third floor. She glanced at the hall indifferently, and then focused her eyes on Imrik.

"Negives' men? How dare you betray me? Is this an order from Negives?" Danifee's shadow frowned and asked continuously. She didn't expect that a traitor could break through and close the barrier. Center, what on earth do the guards outside do?

She has been paying attention to the restricted teleportation barrier. As long as it exists, it is impossible for anyone to reach here through [teleportation], and she has no worries with free teleportation permission. She can teleport to the juncture where the mage tower will be closed at any time. The world reopens.

But the barrier in front of them is different. It takes at least an hour for the triangular prism crystal to be activated again, which is enough for the army outside the city to come in.

Imric saluted her and said with a smile: "Hello, Matron Danifei, we meet again, but unfortunately, this time it will be your death."

Imric's simulacrum turned into a ball of ice and snow and melted on the spot after saying this, leaving only Danifei's phantom with an ugly expression.

Outside the city, the barrier surrounding the entire city had disappeared, and the mind flayer mastermind and the green dragon began to send their armies to attack.

"Army attack!"

Titanisa's huge dragon body hovered in the sky. She flew quickly into the city. Terrible poisonous gas erupted from her mouth, turning countless defenders into a puddle of pus.

The mind flayers also attacked together with the slave army. The powerful psychic power turned into various supernatural powers to attack the guards on the city wall. The unpredictable and strange power made these city defense troops break down like paper walls.

In the slave area of ​​Eredelin City, in a wooden house, Master Guda suddenly opened his eyes. The yellow and white robe on his body lit up with a soft white light. He looked at the sacred hall in the distance and the city. He muttered in a low voice over the noise coming from outside.

"here we go."

Then, his figure flashed, breaking through the wooden house in an instant, moving forward at an extremely terrifying speed, even breaking through the air, forming a powerful airflow behind him.

The green dragon had already flown over the sacred hall. A silver mirror was thrown from the sky by her. The silver mirror fell from high altitude until it was about to reach the ground. An invisible force dragged it down. The silver light flowed, and the silver mirror fell from the sky. The mirror suspended in the air and the vortex began to rotate.

"It's the Lord of the Silver Mirror!" The surrounding drow shouted vigilantly. They were all too aware of this magic mirror that had been stealing the show recently.

But what they didn't expect was that when the vortex turned at its fastest, what appeared in it was not a spell. A ray of light shot out of it, and a humanoid creature walked out of it.

He was wearing a gorgeous black robe, with a golden luminous sphere suspended on his chest, and a majestic and terrifying five-color mask on his face. Each color area had a mark like a dragon's eye.

"Enemy attack!!" Hundreds of elite guards surrounding the entrance of the square stood up quickly and surrounded the mysterious mage who appeared.

Imrik chuckled lightly, and the many rings in his hands made a crisp clanging sound.

[Extremely effective spell enhancement—scorching ray]×200! (The author has relevant expertise to explain)

A pale hand stretched out from the dark robe and raised it high above his head. The terrifying magic power gathered in the hand, forming a dazzling fiery red light.

Then, countless lasers emerged, as densely packed as a meteor shower falling all over the sky, scattering at 360 degrees to the surrounding guards.

"Pfft pfft."

Countless scorching rays pierced all the surrounding guards, and the magic penetration with [Spell Enhancement] increase made these elite guards even if they resisted the next laser, they would still be penetrated by countless subsequent lasers.

Imrik lowered his hand, surrounded by a circle of fallen guards.

"Who are you!" Sangjiasu asked stammeringly. This terrifying mage killed nearly a hundred elite drow guards in one move. This strength was really terrifying and made people tremble.

Imrik smiled and said: "The one who takes your life."

Sangjiasu's pupils shrank and when he was about to say anything, the terrifying magic power had gathered in the hands of the mage again.

Seventh-ring spell - [Extremely effective and far away - Finger of Death].

Imrik's index finger was wrapped in a terrifying black color, and a powerful aura of death lingered on it.

He pointed at Sangjiasu and pointed in the distance. Immediately, Sangjiasu felt great fear coming over her heart. She knew that this was the arrival of death.

The mysterious rules of death landed on top of her head. She gathered all her life force and began to resist. As a drow noble, she knew very well that the recipient of this spell must fight to the death's end. She used her entire body to resist the effects of the spell. Once this tough save related to her body failed, the spell would immediately take away her life.

But it's a pity that maybe fate is not on her side today, maybe Imrik's level 17 caster is too high, and the death rule of [Finger of Death] overwhelms Sanghasu's life energy. This Ya The Ent's first noble daughter fell to the ground with a stiff face, and her heart stopped beating.

At the same time, an extremely powerful spiritual power cut through the void, and a huge mastermind appeared in the square.

Immediately after, there was a huge noise coming from the east, and a fast-moving figure also arrived at the square with a huge whirlwind.

Above the sky, there is a huge ancient green dragon hovering, and the huge dragon roar announces her existence.

Three legends have arrived.

The effect of super magic spell enhancement: The effect of enhancing the penetration of the subject's spell resistance is simply spell penetration.

Super Magic and Far: Increases the spell casting range by one level. The casting range of the Finger of Death is 0. It is a contact attack. Generally, it must be touched to take effect like vampire touch. The Far and Far turns the Finger of Death into a close-range aircast.

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