Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 222 War Spells


When Imric teleported back underground, there happened to be a broken and dried mushroom under his feet. He crushed the mushroom with his foot and stepped on the scorched earth on the ground.

The entire cave floor seemed to have been wiped with an eraser. Except for the tall tower in the center, nothing was left. The rocks, mushrooms, and glowing gems were all turned into ashes or fragments.

Imric frowned and searched again, and found that the green dragon had completely disappeared, and the only thing left was a skull-shaped dragon head. It was obvious that the power of the [Five Realms Hell Ball] had completely devoured her.

But what Imrik was more curious about now was the life and death of the legendary monk. He walked to the place where the legendary monk sat at the last moment and found that there was nothing on it and no bones remained.

Imrik was a little unsure. The skulls of dragons are extremely hard, so they can withstand the destructive power of the [Five Worlds Hell Ball], but the same cannot be said for humans. It is not known whether this legendary monk was destroyed. There was no scum left, but he escaped at the last moment.

The last one left was Danifei. Although she was a spell caster, such violent power was beyond her control. She was the one who was destroyed as soon as the explosion occurred.

Imric put away the green dragon's skull. The combat power of a pseudo-legendary real dragon is still good. When he reaches the ninth level, if he has the opportunity to learn the legendary [Complete Resurrection], he may be able to gain a legendary warrior for free. force.

[Complete Resurrection] is an extremely powerful and precious nine-ring magic. This magic is a rare top-notch magic that even villagers in the countryside have heard of. Unlike [Resurrection], this magic is almost There are no restrictions. Even if the opponent has lost its body and turned into an undead creature (the undead form must be destroyed first), an elemental creature, an alien creature, etc., it can be resurrected.

The only limitation is that even the [Complete Resurrection Technique] cannot resurrect a life that has died of old age.

There is a time limit for the dead that can be resurrected by the full resurrection spell. Each caster level is 10 years. With Imric's current caster level, it is enough to resurrect an old antique who died 170 years ago.

Imric's move seemed to awaken something. A burst of green energy began to gather above the cave, and then a huge ferocious face appeared from the green clouds. She lowered her head and looked at the ground expressionlessly until she locked onto Imrik.

"Is it you, ant? As a mortal, you dare to destroy God's plan. The day I come will be the day of your death!" The green-faced woman stared at Imrik hatefully, as if she wanted to kill him. The appearance is firmly remembered, and then it disappears into the air.

Imrik frowned, and was actually targeted by the demon lord. Fortunately, the demon lord did not have the authority of God, and could not lower his clone or saint form to crush him to death. As long as he put her plan to death Blocked, unable to come to the main material plane, this god-level existence that looks very capable can only stare in the outer plane.

"Next, let's see what's in that tower."

Imric walked up to the huge tower. The luxurious surface made of obsidian was not damaged at all, and the extremely terrifying legendary magic seemed to be blowing by the breeze.


Imrik pushed open the door and was greeted by a dark hall, with a large number of giant stone pillars supporting the black stone ceiling of this room. Through the deep darkness, something was shining orange.

Imric turned on [Detect Magic] and found that these colorful stone pillars with a diameter of 3 feet were carriers of magic and shone with magic aura. Obviously, if someone touched them without knowing it, they would suffer terrible consequences. magical attack.

[Advanced dispelling magic].

As Imric walked towards the orange light, he cast out dispelling spells one after another to disarm the stone pillar's trap. When he got closer, he discovered that the orange light was a shining teleportation circle.

As he walked up, an emotionless voice immediately sounded: "Welcome, visitor, which floor do you need to go to?"

Imric raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that there was a tower spirit in this tower. He said, "I want to find the knowledge of war spells."

The tower spirit's voice replied: "The war spell has been taken away by a previous drow visitor, and its original location is in the treasure room."

Imrik's face darkened. This drow visitor was obviously Danifei, and he didn't know where she had taken the war spell.

Suddenly, he thought of something and asked: "The drow visitor before me, which floor was she just now? Take me there."

The tower spirit replied: "On the top floor [between the thrones], please prepare for teleportation. I will open the teleportation channel."

The yellow gems on the teleportation circle around Imrik began to emit dazzling light, and then he was teleported to the topmost [Throne Room].

This room is also a huge hall. The ground is covered with dense runes, and corpses are piled up in front of a black throne. There is nothing in the entire hall except a throne in the center.

An ebony pedestal supports an obsidian throne inlaid with silver and ivory skulls. Beside the throne are quietly placed a golden crown and a heavy book with a silver metal cover.

The appearance of this golden crown is quite traditional. It is a wide metal ring with nine protrusions. The top of each protrusion is inlaid with gems of different colors. Imric discovered through [Detection Magic] that there is a huge sparkle on it. Amount of magical aura.

"Is an artifact interesting?" Imric raised his eyebrows. Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected gain. He walked to the throne and picked up the silver book. There was some language written on the surface that he could not understand. .

"Do you know this language? Clinshinibon." Imric asked in his mind.

The broken magic crystal said in surprise: "I have seen this language before. The legendary lich who created me once discovered a very developed magic civilization in a certain crystal wall system. This is their text. What is written on it, It's "Military Research Type III", hmm, what a strange name."

Imrik opened the book and found that there were notes in the common language of the mainland under every line of text. He flipped through a few pages at random and found that it was about war spells!

"War spells are a kind of powerful spell knowledge from another world. They used extremely advanced means to greatly optimize the spell model, which greatly increased the scale of spells. I was fortunate enough to get this book and tried to It was transformed into a version that can adapt to the magic network. It is a pity that I have little talent and knowledge. I have only created the following spells in my life. I hope that successors can carry forward war spells and obtain this excellent spell model for every spell.————Unnamed The mage stays.”

Imrik continued to flip back and found that the first half of the book was made of paper made of an unseen material. It was extremely tough. The content was mostly about learning methods of war spells and spell models, while the second half was ordinary. The parchment has obvious traces of pasting, and many complete spell models are recorded on it.

The power of war spells is extremely powerful, but the cost of casting spells is also very high. Imrik took a casual look and found that each spell requires casting materials of spell level x minimum caster level x 1000 gold coins, and the casting time is still very long. , basically if you want to use it in small-scale battles, you must match the increase of instant super magic.

The spell model of war spells is extremely complex. Different from ordinary spell models, the model of war spells is not only three-dimensional, but also has the bonus of the time dimension.

In order to be extremely accommodating, the model of war spells invented a concept of [flowing spell model]. Every rune line on the spell model is flexible and moveable. In other words, there will often be a Root lines appear and then disappear.

Countless rune lines on the spell model appear and disappear at different times, and many three-dimensional models are superimposed on each other. This is the four-dimensional spell model of war spells.

"What a genius idea." Imrik sighed.

By stacking countless spell models in this way, the number of runes that can be accommodated by a spell model of the same size is greatly increased. No wonder the spell effect can be so amazing.

As for the spellcasting materials, they are more of a necessary means to convert into magic nets, a kind of switching that increases the loss. Imrik believes that people with advanced magic civilization will definitely not need these expensive spellcasting materials as a price for using war spells.

This is a brand-new method of constructing spell models. It upgrades the three-dimensional model to a four-dimensional model. It can be said to be an epoch-making difference. The effect of the spell will be improved exponentially.

The spells recorded in this book are very powerful, including:

Second-level spell—Call Mount: Summons 25 light horses or ponies per caster level.

Second-Level Magic - Enhanced Weapons: Enhances up to 25 weapons per level within a 120-foot burst radius.

Second-level spell—Morning Mist: Creates a cloud of mist with a radius of 120 feet per caster level and a height of 40 feet.

Second-level spell - Force Missile Storm: Like magic missiles, up to 25 targets per level within a 200-foot radius, but can only fire one missile per target.

Third-Level Spell—Level 3 Summon a Group of Monsters: Like the Level 2 Monster Summon spell, but can summon up to 25 creatures per level.

Fourth-level spell - Summon a group of monsters at level 4: Like the summon monster at level 3, but can summon up to 25 creatures per level.

Fourth-level spell - Battle Fever: All living creatures (no limit on the number) within the burst range of 100 feet in radius gain the effect of [Rage], and the recipients can choose whether they need it or not.

Fourth-Level Spell—Heat Wave: Creates a moving wall of flame 10 feet high and 300 feet wide.

Fourth-level divine spell (or sixth-level spell) - Control the undead army: Awaken all corpses within a 1000-foot burst radius and resurrect them into zombies or skeletons. The caster can create a total of undead creatures with 50 Hit Dice per caster level. . These undead creatures do not count against the caster's limit for controlling undead or for manipulating the dead.

Fourth-ring magic - Plague Cloud: Create a plague cloud with a radius of 500 feet and a height of 60 feet.

Fourth-ring magic - Create rations: This magic can create enough food and water for 24 hours to sustain 1000 men or 300 horses per level.

Fourth Ring Magic - Enhanced Armor: Enhance up to 25 pieces of armor and shields per level within a 120-foot burst radius.

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