Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 225 Promoted to Level 15

"Ms. Decay is planning her wedding, a wedding that will determine the fate of the world." The Eye Mage said with a sigh, as if he was regretting that his former master's purpose was finally revealed to the world.

"Wedding? Who does she want to marry?" Imrik frowned. This fungus lady made such a big fuss just to marry someone else?

The eye magician shook his head and said: "No, not to marry, but to marry. She is going to marry the entity of the fungus forest-Araumeko."

"The fungus forest occupies a large part of the dark area of ​​the vast Sword Coast region, but what many people don't know is that this huge fungus forest is actually transformed from a single plant."

"It's Aromaco. A giant fungal colony with a single consciousness."

"By combining their powers in a manner that is unholy and sacrilegious to marriage, but is in fact a demonic ritual of domination, the Lady of Decay will gain the power to transform the entire Underdark into her new realm of the Abyss."

"Not only that, do you think that the huge Supreme Forest, the surface above the Fungus Forest, has no impact? No, after unifying the Dark Region, Lady Decay will use the Supreme Forest as a springboard to corrode the entire Faerûn continent. Even the entire planet of Toril!" The Eye Mage danced and described the great ambitions of the Lady of Decay.

Imrik said with a headache: "Wait a minute, won't the gods take action against such a terrible plan?"

The Eye Mage sneered: "Gods? Once the ritual is successful and the entire fungus forest is controlled, even if the gods descend their clones, they cannot be the opponent of the Decayed Lady, let alone when she controls the Dark Region and even the entire Faerûn continent. It's time."

"The power of the gods can only have a very small influence in the country's sky, which is beyond the level of legend. Unless they use that precious divine power, it may indeed be what this beholder said." In Imrik's mind, Shattered Demon Crystal replied.

Imric nodded and continued to ask: "Then how to stop her?"

The Eye Mage replied: "The ceremony will begin soon, and then it will be the last time to stop it. Originally, relying on the Stone of Life provided by Danifei, I can slowly eat away at the will of the entire fungal forest, so that Ms. Decay can no longer stop it." After a great deal of effort to occupy Aromec, but the originally promised Stone of Life has not yet been delivered, Lady Decay decided to take over the throne and forcefully compete with Aromec in a will battle."

Imric frowned and asked, "So I just need to ruin the wedding?"

The eye magician shook his head and said: "Not only that, you may also have to face the arrival of a weakened clone of the demon lord. The power of the decayed lady has been concentrated in the forest. If it fails, she is likely to become angry and forcefully condense it. The clone will kill you, please be prepared."

Imrik nodded, it didn't matter to him. He stopped the wedding just so that the other party wouldn't cause trouble for him later. If he really couldn't defeat him, he would just run away. Anyway, after the wedding was destroyed, the other party's clone would be useless. Water cannot last forever.

After confirming the time with the Eye Mage, Imric stayed in the forest with peace of mind, waiting for the wedding day to approach. At the same time, he asked the Eye Mage for a spell book and copied her collection of spells, including many Imrik. An advanced spell that Rick has never seen before.

Among them are the five-level spells: Dispel Wall of Magic, Trait Removed, Order: Cripple, Rainbow Ray, Alienation, Psychedelic Feast, Phantom of Retribution, Stink of Entropy, and Lightning Jump.

Sixth level spells: Golastos Magnetize, Landslide, Lari's Extraterrestrial Link, Order: Nausea, Acid Rain, Ice and Fire Storm, Mummy Making, Haughty Gaze

Seventh-level spells: ability deprivation, amber sarcophagus, waterspout, command: blindness, greater scrying, group human immobilization, delayed burst fireball, force field prison, dog demon's feast, weather control, mirror transformation, greater stone shaping

Eighth-level spells: protection spell, chain dispelling, soul confinement, advanced voyeuristic eye, law: shock, law: petrification, extreme ice ray, sunburst, deep sea wave, diamond fist, advanced roar, summon advanced undead

Nine-level spells: Lord of the Deep, Layla's Crowning Touch, Order: Death, Iceberg Crash, Eye of Power, Brain Absorbing

In the few days that Imrik stayed here, he copied all the spells, and finally broke through the limit of level 15, successfully touched the eight-ring magic network, and achieved a huge improvement in strength.

First of all, the biggest gain is obviously the permission to use eight-level spells. Secondly, Imrik can grant the users of the Masterless Magic Network unlimited permission to use three-level spells. With this huge improvement, the world of Pirates of the Caribbean The unification should be faster.

Then there is the improvement of personal attributes, and the maximum limit of psychic points reaches 314.

"The ability to use the Magic Network has also improved." At this time, Imrik could specifically feel that from countless distances, he could clearly see how many users of the Magic Network in the Pirates of the Caribbean world.

After being promoted to level 15, Imric was more confident to solve this wedding.

"Master, the wedding day is coming." The beholder warned.

Imric nodded and followed the cave into the fungus forest.

Walking out of the cave, Imric found more and more traces of flesh-and-blood plants, and green plaques began to appear everywhere. The tall mushroom plants that had been there turned into terrifying and ugly flesh-and-blood forms. The forest seemed to be about to descend into a doomsday carnival of flesh and blood.

Following the beholder's prompts, Imrik walked to the territory of the myconids in the fungus forest. According to the beholder, these myconids had completely become servants of the Corrupt Lady. They were caught up in the feverish anticipation of the wedding, and any Outsiders who enter are invited to the wedding.

Imrik walked along a deep passage. The plants here began to become normal, with no signs of flesh and blood corruption. Imrik felt that two completely opposite forces were constantly colliding around him, causing The excitement of magic.

Finally, when he walked out of the passage, the first thing Imric saw was a huge mushroom. It was so huge that it towered over the sky and covered everything in front of him, as if the sky and the earth were filled with its body.

"Araumac" a voice sounded in Imrik's heart. He turned around and saw a myconid monarch standing in the open space next to him, "This is the largest and greatest creature in the world,"

The myconid man said sadly, "All this you see in front of you, and more beyond, are fungal forests. How beautiful, but about to fall into the abyss. Come with me, stranger, I know I will help you with your purpose and obey the will of my lord, Poslophel."

Imric raised his eyebrows. He was not surprised that another god was involved. This sign had been foreshadowed as early as the moment when the two forces were fighting.

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