Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 242 The Destined One

"I bow my head and become my vassal. I will forgive your death, mortal."

A huge flesh and blood monster stands in the sky. It has a body as plump as a woman, but what is disgusting is that the body of several hundred meters is covered with organs like breasts. The monster's face has no facial features, only a huge vertical The slits spanned the face, and as the monster spoke, the vertical slits would open to reveal the sharp fangs inside.

Jack, who was on the ground, had already knelt on the ground. His whole body seemed to be in a hypnotic state. He looked at the huge flesh-and-blood monster with a dazed expression on his face. The bright red blood oozing from his eyes and ears did not attract his attention.

Imric frowned when he saw Jack on the ground. The wizard's transformed form seemed to have a strong spiritual curse. Jack's own special physique could resist many attacks from the spiritual level, such as the magical power of the wizard before his transformation. Pressure, but when faced with the cursed aura after the opponent's transformation, he was also hit.

However, Imric still needs Jack to be alive. Jack has stayed here with him this year without going out because he needs Jack's existence.

Jack Sparrow is special, and he has his own mission to fulfill.

There was a trace of words passing through Imric's ears. He raised his hand and cast [Remove Curse] and [Persistent - Amethyst Aura], which removed Jack's curse and gave him temporary psychic immunity. Ability.

"What's wrong with me?" The power of the spell brought Jack back to his senses. His whole body was soaked with sweat and blood, and a sense of powerlessness spread throughout his body.

Soon, the memory of being confused entered his brain. Jack looked at the flesh and blood monster in front of him with fear, trembling all over. At this moment, the other party seemed to be focusing on Jack on the ground and ignored Imric in the sky.

"Interesting, a darling of world consciousness, wants to ascend to God through his body? Hahahahaha, what a cunning world consciousness."

Then, she looked at Imrik and shouted: "Hey, mortal, do you know that the consciousness of this world wants to use your energy to escape from the prison and become a god?"

Imric frowned. What the wizard said made him a little unsure. The consciousness of the world wanted to use Jack's body to become a god? Is this necessary? He did not think that a world consciousness could be inferior to gods.

Seemingly seeing what Imrik was thinking, the wizard let out a sinister laugh and said: "The consciousness of the world is indeed noble and powerful, but this world has long been a lonely world, and it will soon be accompanied by the disappearance of magic power. into eternal silence.”

"And you, the energy you brought gives it the hope of resurrection. Although I don't know why it doesn't directly absorb your energy, I see the projection of the world's will in this mortal."

"We wizards have long been in contact with a world with gods that is similar to this world and has entered an era of declining magic. We have been at war with it for countless years. Such mortals are called [Destined Ones] by those gods."

"Do you know what [Destined One] is?" The huge crack on the wizard's face opened, as if he was mocking the little mind of the world's will.

"They are all the spokespersons of the world's will. They are creatures formed by the splitting of the world's consciousness. Each destined person will smoothly become a god under the arrangement of fate."

"And this is the way for the world's consciousness to avoid falling into the era of extreme evil together with the world. It becomes a god who abandons his own body, and from then on the universe lets them run free."

"Do you think that a world consciousness that has become a god will allow you to stir up trouble in its world? I already know that you, like me, are outsiders from another world."

There was a hint of pride in the wizard's voice, knowing that her words were like sharp knives piercing deeply into the alliance between the hateful enemy and the consciousness of the world in front of her, but it was precisely because she was telling the truth that she was even more convincing.

Imrik was lost in thought, and the wizard's words indeed carried a lot of information that he didn't know.

"The Destined One, the darling of world consciousness?"

Perhaps because Imric had been silent for too long, another voice sounded in his ears.

"Don't trust her and I won't break my promise"

The huge flesh-and-blood monster opened its cracks, raised its hand to Imrik and said, "How about you, cooperate with me, kill the world consciousness, and let us rule the world together!"

[Extremely effective and powerful magic sanctification—Yangyan Explosion]!

A huge light ball appeared next to the giant, and with a "Boom!!" sound, a strong explosion engulfed the giant's upper body entirely, and infinite light resounded throughout the space.

"Roar!!! Damn idiot!!! You are asking for your own death!!!"

The Mother of Tears was in pain. She was knocked to the ground by the strong explosion shock wave. The terrible explosion burned and vaporized a large amount of flesh and blood in her upper body, leaving only half of her head.

Imrik chuckled lightly. He was not worried at all about what the wizard said. The so-called world consciousness cannot be created out of nothing if it wants to become a god. The energy of this world has been exhausted, even if the other party relies on the meager resources in the core of this world. If the energy becomes a god, Dingtian will probably reach the level of a quasi-god.

If you want to rely on the energy of [Holy Network], you must be restrained by Imrik, and this is why Imrik is confident that the other party will not become a god and then fall out.

The sneak attack of [Sun Flame Explosion] seriously injured the Mother of Tears, but soon a large amount of flesh and blood grew on her body again, completely repairing the damage.

Imrik frowned. The flesh-and-blood monster transformed by the Mother of Tears actually had the characteristics of [Evil Flesh]. Even positive energy could not prevent the opponent's super-fast self-healing.

The Mother of Tears returned to her original state and stretched out her huge claws of flesh and blood, her face wide open with cracks filled with fangs.

"Thousands of Scarlet Touches!"

The claws of flesh and blood suddenly turned into a ball of flesh, and then countless thick tentacles stretched out from it. Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, a large number of thick tentacles rushed towards Imrik all over the place. Every tentacle All shone with a frightening red light.

Imrik activated [Advanced Teleportation] and his figure flashed like a butterfly passing through flowers, avoiding all tentacles.

Each tentacle is extremely powerful, hitting the ground will create a huge hole, and the scarlet light will instantly corrupt the ground into a flesh-like surface like a plague.

The Mother of Tears sneered when she saw Imrik dodge. She raised her hand and pulled up all the tentacles on the ground, and the tentacles in the sky rushed towards Imrik again.

"Damn it, if you have a way to prevent her self-healing, hurry up, otherwise I can't deal with her." Imrik avoided while releasing spells to attack the tentacles, but these tentacles grew as fast as [Evil Flesh] , he had no choice but to shout to the sky.

Perhaps the consciousness of the world also understood the truth of the coldness of lips and teeth, and the silver-white pillar towering above the sky emitted a strong light.

At this time, there was no flesh and blood on the pillar, and a large number of extremely mysterious runes were painted on it. These runes began to glow golden, and then slowly fell off from the pillar.

"It's the rune formed by that strand of divine power!" Imrik's eyes lit up. He had previously relied on this strand of divine power to suppress the opponent's flesh and blood.

The Mother of Tears also noticed the runes formed by the divine power. She understood how terrifying the divine power of these super mental bodies that she despised was, and she quickly began to retract her tentacles to prepare for avoidance.

The speed of the rune is extremely slow, but how can Imrik give the opponent a chance to dodge.

[Extremely effective and powerful magic consecration - Bigby Diamond Fist]!

A huge golden holy hand appeared in the sky and smashed down hard. The Mother of Tears quickly raised her hand to block it, and her huge flesh-and-blood palm firmly held the holy hand.

Imric frowned, clenched his fists, and increased the strength of the Diamond Fist again, but it had no effect. This is the first time he has seen a creature that can resist [Bigby's Diamond Fist] with its strength.

Four-ring magic [extremely effective and powerful—divine power]

Eight-ring magic [extremely effective and powerful - righteousness like a rainbow]

[Bigby Diamond Fist] can benefit from the strength attribute of the caster to increase its power geometrically. Imrik cast two magical spells that enhance the strength attribute to greatly increase the strength of the Diamond Fist.


Imrik increased his strength again, and the Mother of Tears groaned, as if she was under unbearable pressure. The ground beneath her feet began to crack, the blood vessels in her arms bulged, and her muscles became extremely thick.

Imrik couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw that even with increased strength, he could not overwhelm the monster's body. According to the traditional concept of Faerûn, spellcasters are extremely weak and may not even be able to lift a 50-pound sack, but The opponent's transformed body was actually able to withstand the [Bigby Diamond Fist] which was strengthened to the limit. You must know that its strength at this time can lift objects weighing nearly hundreds of tons!

Fortunately, the huge body of the Mother of Tears has also been transformed by magic, otherwise the real body of nearly 300 meters would be enough to crush the power of Bigby's Diamond Fist.

"What a powerful force. In that case, let you become like me." Imrik sneered, and the terrifyingly huge spiritual power surged out of his body, glowing slightly silvery as if it had materialized. .

Eighth-level power——[Shared Attribute]!

This psionic energy reflects the pinnacle of the power of the Network sub-discipline - a unified combination of physical or mental qualities in pure form, namely attribute points.

By investing additional psychic points, Imric can forcibly add one of his physical attributes to the recipient and increase the difficulty of the opponent's saving throw.

What Imrik chose was his own strength attribute.

Huge psychic energy poured into the void, and then two rays were sent out that hit Imrik and the Mother of Tears respectively. The Mother of Tears, who was resisting the Holy Hand with all her strength, had no time to resist and could only watch the rays hit. own chest.

Imric's strength at this time has reached 21 points after being strengthened by divine magic, but the strength attribute of the Mother of Tears is obviously much higher than this number. The moment the synchronization is completed, the Mother of Tears feels extremely weak and her strength becomes weaker. Countless times, he was instantly crushed to the ground by the golden holy hand and unable to move.

[Bigby Diamond Fist] has an additional bonus of strength attribute. The same strength attribute between the two means that the other party will never be able to compete with the power of Diamond Fist.

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