Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 293 Seeds of Breakup

Rugged Tower at night.

Cyric, dressed in black, stood in the tree beside the stables of Craggy Tower, ignoring the cries in the mist.

Although it was night, the thieves could still see the guards near the kitchen at the northeast entrance of the tower. Until the day of his arrest at midnight, Cyric had been a guest at Moglin's home. He already knew the defense mechanism of the tower well.

He was given all the information about the tower's secrets to formulate his plan.

The torches hanging on the walls of the tower suddenly glowed, illuminating the entire street with brilliant light. A series of curses came out of the guard's mouth, and Cyric pressed his back against the nearby tree trunk, adjusting his breathing and waiting for the fire to extinguish. As the fire intensified, he just fell into the sight of the guards at the rear.

The two guards in front of me were talking to each other, and one of the guards asked to go for a convenience.

"Go ahead, you are really lazy and pee a lot." Another guard laughed. He was amused by his own joke, and then suddenly coughed violently.

When Cyric saw a guard leaving, he secretly thought of a good opportunity. He counted to twenty in his mind, slowly turned his head, and found that the guard started coughing again, and his back was facing him. The thief changed his position slightly, then flicked his wrist and threw the dagger.

The sharp blade pierced his neck, and the blond guard's arm jerked back and he fell to the ground. There was a short low growl in his throat, and then he died.

"This cures your nasty cough, doesn't it?" Cyric thought coldly, he hated these stupid people of Shadow Valley.

Cyric hid the body, approached the entrance of the servant's passage, and then looked back at the stable. Judging from the light inside, his behavior should not have been discovered yet. He then checked the top of his head, where the rocks he had removed hours before had not yet been sealed off.

Cyric passed through the gap and entered the Craggy Tower.

The thief who blended into the shadows was like the god of death. He quietly penetrated the checkpoints that guarded the existence. The sharp dagger killed all the beings in the way. He had to thank Marek in his heart, even though the other person was a cold-blooded and ruthless bastard. , but it did make him a rare thief in the world.

Cyric went down the stairs and came to the underground prison. He used superb assassination techniques to kill the guards who were gambling, leaving only one.

Cyric took out a black thorn from his pocket. This was [Geth Thorn], a hallucinogenic plant that can make people obedient. He used the black thorn to pierce the guard's neck.

"Listen carefully," Cyric put his hand on the guard's shoulder, "Morglin asked me to take away the prisoner who will be executed in the morning, the dark-haired mage. He wants to interrogate the woman, take me to find she."

"I need to inform the captain first."

"There's no time," Cyric said quickly. "Keep your voice down, you don't want to wake the other criminals."

The cells here were filled with mercenaries who had been hired to fill out Bane's army during the Battle of the Vale, and thus surrendered to the Valemen as soon as the battle was lost. Cyric heard the thump of boots on the ground and began to tense up.

A pair of dirty hands stretched out from the cell fence next to him, and an unkempt face appeared. He smiled, and the enemies of Shadow Valley were his enemies. Then the prisoner nodded to Cyric, signaling the thieves to move on.

"Let's go," Cyric said. The guards led him through the twenty cells on the north side, where the ugly stone wall facing south was the only view the prisoners could see. Finally, the guard stopped in front of the storage room next to the last cell and opened the door.

"Wait a minute," Cyric said as the guard stretched his hand toward the heavy wooden door, "If anyone asks, you have to say that I am over six feet tall, with a strong build, red hair, and a weird mouth. Foreign accent.”

"Of course, you are like this." The guard's voice was flat, without any emotion.

"Tell me, what did you see?" Cyric asked softly, looking at the guard's face, and he described the thief's appearance exactly as requested. After Cyric was convinced that the effectiveness of Geth's Thorns was exactly what the merchant said, he gave the guard the final order to return to his post.

The thief opened the cell door carefully, fearing that the sound would alert other guards. He looked into the dark room and found his target lying in the corner.

"Midnight," Cyric whispered, walking into the room and untying the black-haired mage, leaving the gag until last.

"Keep your voice down," he reminded.

As soon as the cloth was removed, Midnight took a deep breath.

She rubbed her numb limbs and said, "Cyric! Thank you."

"Can you still stand up?" Cyric stood up and walked to the door, "We have to leave as soon as possible."

Midnight nodded, struggled to stand up and followed Cyric. Every step the mage took was extremely difficult. When she came to the dim stairs, her situation became worse.

"Where's Kai?" They trudged up the stairs, gasping for air at midnight.

Cyric hesitated for a moment, deciding which lie would be most beneficial to him. "He would not join me, saying he 'cannot interfere with the administration of justice'."

"Justice!" Midnight couldn't believe it.

"And I told him he was an arrogant fool." Cyric shrugged, waiting for Midnight's response. There was no response from the other party, and he guessed that this lie would be enough to satisfy Midnight for the time being.

As he neared the exit, Cyric could already see the warm orange firelight in the corridor. "Move quickly." He whispered to behind him, and Midnight dragged himself and stumbled behind.

In the corridor before leaving the tower, Cyric kept observing the situation outside through the arrow holes in the wall to make sure that the dock was still empty.

The thieves pried open the door and the two walked out of the Craggy Tower gates, but stopped at Midnight.

"Wait a minute," Midnight said, "Elminster left me something. I have to get it. It is his relic."

Cyric said impatiently: "What time is this? What do you want to get?"

"News from the Tablet of Destiny," Midnight whispered. She knew she seemed to be taking too many risks, but she didn't want to throw away Elminster's relics.

Unexpectedly, Cyric's eyes shone when he heard this. He nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go get it with you."

The two came to a big tree, and Cyric dug out a pit with his hands, with a package hidden in it.

Opening it at midnight, inside were her spell book, daily necessities, and a sphere emitting amber light with strange runes engraved on it. A golden base was added with complex patterns and diamond powder sparkling on it. .

"This is it," Midnight said with a sigh. "It will shatter if any powerful magical object is around. The first Tablet of Fate is in Tanreth, and Elminster divined it with magic. It can help us find the tablets of destiny."

The two hurriedly returned to the river again, rowed the boat and disappeared into the night.


Early the next morning the alarm at Craggy Tower went off.

"The prisoner is gone!" someone shouted from the tower. "Escaped!"

"Kelenvor, come on!" one of the guards, a young fat boy, called, walking towards the direction of the Craggy Tower. "We need every ounce of strength we can get."

The Valemen still think I'm one of them, Kelemvor thought.

When the warrior came to the rugged tower, Moglin was already standing here with a serious face, and there were several corpses on the ground.

"Who killed them?" Kelemvor roared, his voice breaking the dead silence in the room, and everyone turned to look at him.

"He committed suicide." A red-haired guard rubbed his feet nervously on the ground. "When I came to change shifts with him, there was a strange mark on his neck. I asked him what happened, and he started Ramblingly describing a large man about the same build as Forrester, with red hair like me, and a strange accent."

"I saw it!" shouted a dirty black-haired mercenary, "I saw everything!"

Morglin turned away from the frantic guard and headed toward the cell where he was being held.

"What did you see?" Moglin asked.

The criminal flatteringly told what had happened.

"Cyric," Kelemvor lowered his head, "it must be Cyric!"

Another hoarse shout came from the stairs, "There's another body! And the guard is dead too!"

"Follow me," Morglin told Kelemvor as they hurried up the narrow staircase.

They came upstairs and found several corpses of guards hidden behind a platform. Their throats were all sealed with a sword, neatly and even with very calm expressions.

"It was discovered by a maid named Kerip." the guard whispered.

The lord was shaking with rage. "Search the whole building," he wrung his hands. "I want to know who else... is missing."

An hour later, Cyric's movement trajectory was mapped out, and the missing ship was discovered. At least a dozen guards were killed by his men. Like the god of death, the thieves silently silenced all the guards of the Craggy Tower that night. Assassinated.

"Is this like your friend's technique?" Moglin squatted next to Segert's body and pointed at the wound on the guard's neck.

"He is not my friend," Kelanvor said coldly, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.

Examining the wounds on the corpse, "Yes, this does look like it was done by Cyric."

Moglin grabbed Kelemvor's shoulders at this time, looked into his eyes and said: "Your friends have committed a heinous crime. You must capture them, Kelemvor, you owe them this."

The Lord of Shadow Valley pointed to the corpse on the ground. Kelanvor closed his eyes in pain. When he opened his eyes again, there was only deathly silence in his eyes.

"I will catch them with my own hands and ask them exactly what they did." Kelanwo said word by word. He still had a glimmer of hope in his heart, but the seeds of breakup had been deeply planted.

Moglin nodded with satisfaction, and he immediately ordered to send troops to Tanres to hunt down the two men. He also sent a convoy to escort the envoy and escort Imrik back, led by Storm Silverhand himself.

The Storm was very happy about this, and communication with the Blackstaff was not smooth. Kelben Blackstaff completely stayed away from Imric's murder of Elminster, claiming that there must be something wrong with them.

"You betrayed your teacher, Blackstaff. But it doesn't matter, I will personally avenge him." Storm looked hatefully into the distance, which is the direction of the Ainook Desert. On the other side of the desert is Waterdeep City. It's there.

The three little ones will not appear for the time being.

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