Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 295 Conversation with Su Lun


The door of the hotel was pushed open, and the wind chime on the door made a clear sound to remind the host of the arrival of the guests.

A middle-aged woman with white curly hair saw Imrik entering and said with a smile: "Welcome to Selune's Smile. This guest, would you like to stay in a hotel or dine?"

Imrik walked to the bar, took out a gold coin and said, "Thank you for a roast, Ms. Selune."

The middle-aged woman was stunned for a moment, then said: "The guest made a mistake. My name is not Selune. This is the name of the hotel. You can call me Luna."

The mage suddenly said: "That's it, I made a mistake."

The woman accepted the money with a smile and didn't care. When she was about to turn around and go to the kitchen, Imrik stopped her.

"Excuse me, do you know what this is?"

A emblem with a purple moon printed on it was placed on the table by Imric. When Luna saw the emblem, her face changed. Her eyes revealed hatred. She raised her head and looked at Imric warily and said, "You are Shar’s bitch?”

Imric shook his head and said: "Madam, I am the masked lord of Waterdeep City. You can call me Imrik. This emblem was found from the underground of Waterdeep City, which is already full of Followers of Shar."

Luna took a deep breath, her whole body was shrouded in halo, and then turned into an extremely beautiful white-haired girl. With a look of compassion on her face, she sighed and said: "So, you came here specially Looking for me?"

"The balance between light and darkness has been broken, and I am no longer able to fight against my former sisters."

Imrik frowned and said, "Madam, do you want to watch Shar occupy Waterdeep City? The lives of countless adventurers are being slaughtered and bewitched by her followers."

Luna's eyes showed hesitation. She knew that this was a special period. The sister's power was the same as hers, and she had fallen into the mortal realm. This was her best chance to thwart the shadow conspiracy.

After thinking for a while, Luna said: "Shar's power is too powerful, but the monarch demoted us to the mortal world, which has indeed brought us closer. Mage, what proposal do you want to make?"

A smile appeared on Imrik's lips, and the Moon Girl was tempted. This was exactly what he wanted.

Yes, the woman named Luna in front of her is the incarnation of Selune - the moon girl Suellen.

As Shar's mortal enemy, the conflict between Selun and Shar has continued since ancient times.

According to the records of believers, the chaotic nothingness merged into two beautiful goddesses. They are yin and yang to each other: one is Selun, the existence of light and creation; the other is Shar, the power of darkness and destruction. .

Although the classics of the two churches are quite different, scholars have pieced together a rough conclusion.

Shar's essence is closely connected with the original nothingness and chaos. It is the original darkness, the complete nothingness before time begins to flow, and the indifferent and powerful divinity. She desperately longs to return to the peaceful nothingness of the beginning, so she secretly plans to destroy all civilization and order.

But Suellen is different. She is gentle and kind-hearted and hopes to bring light to all living beings. For this reason, the two sisters Shar and Suellen experienced a [primordial war] in the beginning.

The scale of the war was extremely huge. Selun's power was no match for Shar, and he had to sacrifice his own essence to severely injure Shar, resulting in a lose-lose outcome for both parties.

Because of this war, Shar lost her godhood. As a god who was born at the beginning of the world, she became a powerful god, while Suellen was even more miserable. Her essence was damaged. She has been declining over the years. Her godhood once dropped to Close to the category of weak divine power, in today's country, people generally confirm that Su Lun has completely become a medium divine power.

Since then, Shar has gone into hiding, ordering her followers to operate in the shadows, weaving conspiracies and hunting down Selune's followers to add to her ruthless mistress's quest to return to eternal rest.

"I think you should find your ally, the respected Lady Sune, to work together to expel Shar's actions in Waterdeep City. The underground world originally belonged to the power of a legendary mage, Halaster Blackrobe. Shar The believers are currently fighting fiercely with each other's summons. I can join forces with the other party to defeat Shar's followers, while the Night Goddess will be left to you and Ms. Suni to deal with."

The fire-haired lady Suni is a powerful god of love. She and Su Lun are very good friends. After Su Lun's power faded, the fire-haired lady took Su Lun in and temporarily adopted him as a follower to protect him. Protected from attacks by Shar, who is also a powerful god.

With Suni's help, it would be much safer to deal with Shar.

Mentioning Suni, Su Lun had a touch of reassurance on his face, but soon frowned and said: "Shuni is in a sacred lake called [Yongjin Lake], and the cat and dancing goddess Xia Ruisi is being Influenced by your evil power, Suni needs to use the power of the holy water of Yongjin Lake to wash away Shar's influence."

Immediately, Su Lun closed his eyes and began to recite the spell silently, but soon, a blue lightning struck from the void, splitting a table in the hotel into charcoal.

"Damn it, failed." Su Lun opened her eyes and said angrily. The collapse of the magic network made her attempt to cast a spell to contact Suni ineffective.

Imric smiled and said: "If you want to cast spells, I can help. The goddess of magic has given me the authority to cast spells normally. This is also the source of my ability to fight against Shar's followers."

Su Lun was a little surprised. She knew that when the magic network collapsed like this, the only ones who could cast spells were the chosen ones of the goddess of magic. However, she did not feel the aura of chosen ones on the mage. She could only accept Mystra's temporary Gift.

For his most powerful ally, Su Lun has been trying to contact him since he fell to the mortal world, but there has been no news. Now he unexpectedly met a mage gifted by the gods.

"Have you seen Mystra? How is she now?" Suellen asked anxiously, but soon the god realized the inappropriateness of his mortal behavior and became reserved again.

Imrik hesitated, not knowing whether to tell the truth or not.

"The goddess has fallen." The mage hesitated again and again, but finally said it.

"What?!" Su Lun's eyes widened. She no longer cared whether her panic posture was in line with the gods' behavioral norms. She only felt a burst of heartache. The relationship between Mystra and her was extremely close. She would treat this powerful person who was born late. The god regarded him as his own daughter, but now he has died?

Suellen took a deep breath and looked at the ceiling of the tavern, as if he was looking at something above the sky through these wooden boards.

"How callous, my lord."

Selun didn't even ask Imrik who killed Mystra, as if she had expected it, but she didn't expect that the person who died was Mystra.

Selun turned to Imrik, sighed and said, "Thank you, mortal, for telling me this news. I will be ready to deal with Shar."

"However, I also know you mages, so why are you so eager to help me exorcise Shar?" Su Lun asked.

Imric smiled and said: "Waterdeep City also has my territory. How can I tolerate the existence of an evil god who only stirs up killings and conspiracies here?"

Su Lun nodded and said: "I won't let your help go in vain, mortal. Tell me a request that is not excessive, and I can agree to it."

Imrik's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he quickly said: "Great lady, I hope to get a treasure that increases the intelligence attribute."

Suellen seemed to have expected it, and Imric's request was exactly what she expected: "Of course, there is also a [Quiet Meditation Volume] treasured in my temple. Reading it through can greatly increase your Intellectual attributes, when I return to the Kingdom of God, I will bestow them on you.”

Imric was very satisfied with this. He was indeed the kindest god, and he was so easy and decisive in shearing wool.

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