Lord of Spells from Faerûn

Chapter 343 Gain’s enemies

"Guest, this eye is priced at 50,000 points. If you need other parts, you can tell me in advance. We have specially prepared these stocks for the big guys in the black market." The man saw Imrik's heartbeat and said cautiously. .

"I do want to buy some, but I don't have my bracelet with me," Imrik said with a smile.

"That's no problem. Do you have an ID card? As long as you leave your ID card, you can buy goods on credit in the black market. There is a complete security system in the black market, so you can rest assured." The man said immediately.

Imric raised a smile on his lips and said with a strange look in his eyes: "It doesn't need to be so troublesome, as long as you give it to me."

The alluring purple light shot out from the mage's eyes and penetrated into the man's mind like a snake. His eyes became dull and he kept repeating "Give it to you. Give it to you."

Imrik raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and a white electric shock appeared from the void, instantly hitting the monitors in the cold storage, and then put all the mutant body parts in the cold storage into the space bag.

"Fortunately, I took away one of Elminster's treasure space bags before I left, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to hold so many things." Imrik shook the black gold bag in his hand with satisfaction.

This bag is a space bag made by the old sage using the legendary spell - [Demiplane Cutting Technique]. The skin is the stomach bag of the golden dragon that the old sage bought at a large price, and it is made of fine gold (a kind of mithril). It is a fusion of magic materials with better magic conductivity) powder and carved runes. It covers an area of ​​up to 300 square kilometers, which is almost equivalent to one-fifth of the area of ​​the Twilight Star.

The specialness goes beyond that. The space bag can not only hold a large number of items, but also has a magical protection mechanism that prevents the items inside from decaying and deteriorating with the passage of time. Moreover, this bag also has a little magic - it will hide and camouflage the items contained in it under certain circumstances, making them visually blurred or even disappear completely.

Elminster, who believed that he had to protect Imrik for his former goddess of magic, learned that he was going to travel to other planes. Not only did he give Imric this precious artifact, but he also gave him a book of records. Collected many spell notes of advanced spells.

This spell notebook records dozens of 7-9 level spells that Imrik has never learned. Although there are no signature spells created by the old sage himself, there are many spells that are extremely rare outside. For example, the Black Staff has used a spell before, but has always cherished it - [Time Stop]!

After the transaction was completed, the man still stood there blankly, repeating "For you. For you." The mage took out several large diamonds from his pocket and threw them at the man's feet. These diamonds can be seen everywhere in the earth elemental plane. They are not valuable at all. They are just good for using here to offset the points.

Just as Imrik was about to teleport away with Yoda, a clear female voice sounded behind him: "Are you just going to leave like this? I will be very distressed if I lose these raw materials."

The mage raised his eyebrows and turned to look at the owner of the voice. She was a woman wearing a long white dress. The exquisitely tailored skirt made her body look graceful, and there was a huge bifurcation on the side of the dress. , faintly revealing a slender beautiful leg.

Imric pointed to the diamond on the ground and said, "This is my reward."

Even the well-educated woman frowned at the shameless words. She took a deep breath and said with a smile: "These diamonds are of no use to me."

The mage under the black cloak was unmoved. Paying the diamonds was an act based on equal exchange. These diamonds are priceless in most places and are enough to pay for the cost of these limbs. But if the other party doesn't want it, it's not what he needs to worry about.

Slender white fingers slowly rose from the black robe and pointed at the woman in front of him. A little green light condensed on the fingertips. That was the sign of [Dissociation Technique]. The power that could turn the woman in front of him into ashes was ready to go. .

Like a hunting dog facing a lion in nature, the woman felt an inexplicable sense of fear coming over her. She swallowed, and couldn't help but feel ridiculous. Although she also mastered the method of using "gifts" in this world, The power gathered at the fingertips of the man in front of her made her feel frightened.

"Wait!" the woman said hurriedly, and the green ray that was about to burst out flickered a few times before extinguishing at the mage's fingertips. He put down his hand silently, waiting for what the woman in front of him would say to save her. life.

"You are not from this world!" the woman said with certainty. Imrik couldn't help but look at her in surprise, was he the chosen one?

Seemingly sensing Imrik's doubts, the woman said quickly: "I am the chosen one. I come from a world called [Gaiin], and I am also called [Alien] by the natives here."

"I know that you are not from this world, but you are not from my world either. You are a real outsider!" the woman said word by word.

"Oh?" The mage under the cloak questioned, "How are you sure that I am not the chosen one?"

"After all." Imrik raised his hand, and the green light lit up again, "I also have the power to use [Gift]."

The woman's eyes showed fear again. She was afraid that the man in front of her would really kill her. Although losing this body would not harm her body, she had exhausted her last reincarnation quota. If she left like this

no! The woman shouted in her heart, her eyes showed the hope of survival, she must survive, she wanted revenge, she wanted to kill those beasts who did whatever they wanted!

"What you are using is not the power of [Gift]." The woman said confidently, "The vast majority of aliens do not know how to use [Gift] in this world. Therefore, they do not know how to use [Gift] every time. [Gift] will intensify the fluctuations and spread of the [Eva] virus, randomly transforming surrounding humans into mutants!"

"But the fact that he is still standing there proves that the power you use does not come from the [gift]!" The woman pointed at Yoda and said decisively.

"Bah bang bang."

Imrik clapped, and then said with a smile: "You guessed it very accurately, which makes me feel that I can't keep you. I don't want people in Gain's world to know my existence for the time being."

The woman's eyes lit up when she heard her words. Sure enough, she made the right bet. Just like the survival of the fittest in nature, the arrival of a new and powerful predator will inevitably challenge the old order. The words of the man in front of her are clear. Her suspicions were clearly proven.

"Gain's enemies," the woman sneered, spitting out the letter like a poisonous snake, "are my allies."

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