Lord of the Divine Show

Chapter 868 Formation (Congratulations to L5?? Alliance Leader)

"Of course I won't refuse."

Zhong Shenxiu laughed and followed Old Li Tou directly into Tingchao Pavilion.

"Welcome Master Fang!"

Two rows of shop assistants stood at the door. There was not a single customer in Tingchao Pavilion. It seemed that Tingchao Pavilion had stopped its business for the day in order to receive Zhong Shenxiu.

This specification is a bit scary.

However, Zhong Shenxiu was not afraid and accepted the special gift calmly and strode into Tingchao Pavilion.

"The master of the pavilion is on the third floor. Master, please come upstairs."

Old Li led the way and immediately arrived at the second floor of Tingchao Pavilion.

The originally messy bookshelves seemed to have been organized and vaguely arranged into a formation.

Old Li Tou said with a smile: "My pavilion master knows that the master likes reading, especially ancient books, so he specially selected a few ancient books and asked the master to taste them... There are three rare books in the array of thousands of books here. If the master can read them, Once you find the interpretation, you can go straight to the third floor and meet the master of the pavilion, and these rare books will be regarded as gifts from the pavilion."

'This old boy has no good intentions...'

Zhong Shenxiu complained in his heart and went straight into the book formation.


The black wooden frames suddenly seemed to come alive, and the textures on them began to squirm like blood vessels.

"The way of heaven...what is the meaning of the way of heaven?"

"At the beginning of the ancient times, shadow preaching? What's the explanation?"

"The Lord of Blood Donation, the Seat of Bone Donation... Demon! Great Demon!"

Countless thin sounds continued to reach Zhong Shenxiu's ears, trying to induce one illusion after another.

Zhong Shenxiu could see that it was a brilliant interpreter of scriptures. Their expressions were crazy, and some of them even had mutations. They were only one step away from the final death and degradation.

He chuckled, looked at it as if it was nothing, and took a step forward to a bookshelf.

On the bookshelf, there is a brocade box. After opening it, a thread-bound ancient book appears inside.

"This is a talisman passed down from one sect to another - it's called the 'Soul Captivating Soul Binding Talisman'. After being refined, there will be unpredictable opportunities for ghosts and gods..."

Old Li Tou's explanation voice came from outside the formation.

Zhong Shenxiu opened it at random and saw a dragon-flying talisman. From the talisman head, talisman gall to the talisman tail, all the essentials were available. It was indeed quite complete.

And judging from the effect of this talisman, it should be that it absorbs the three treasures of the monk's own essence, energy, and spirit, and turns it into a force that captures demons.

Used well, it has endless magical uses, and it can indeed defeat the weak against the strong.

He nodded, put the ancient book in his arms, and continued moving forward.

Not far ahead, several dark chains formed a Thousand Machine Lock, locking an iron box.

"This level requires the master to unlock the Thousand Machine Locks to obtain the book inside."

Old Li Tou continued.

As soon as he finished speaking, he rubbed his eyes and found that the chains fell down with a crash. Zhong Shenxiu opened the iron box at will and took out one of the parchment books. On the cover, there was a strange five-pointed star and a goat. The header logo gives off a disturbing aura.

"Book of death?"

Zhong Shenxiu gently read the name of this book.

"Yes, it is a copy of the [Book of Death]... Rumor has it that there are madmen in the West who saw a great invisible existence, so they went crazy. Before going crazy, they wrote an all-encompassing mysterious ancient book called ——[Ode to Hell]! In the mysterious world, it was coveted and competed for by many parties... and therefore scattered. This [Book of Death] was later translated and recorded by a mysterious expert after reading [Ode to Hell] The manuscript contains many magic spells, each of which has incredible effects."

Old Li Tou continued to serve as the commentator.

"Not bad."

Zhong Shenxiu continued to move forward. Suddenly, the field of vision in front of him was wide open, and he walked out of the book array.

There is only one staircase in front of him. At the entrance of the staircase, there is a book table with a classic book quietly displayed on it.

"Congratulations to Master Fang for passing two levels in a row. This third level requires you to translate this ancient book on the table..."

Lao Litou's palms were sweating slightly, and his mind was spinning:

‘First use the book formation to deceive his mind, and then give him classics to seduce his interest... This person has already fallen into the trap! ’

'Sigh... I hope he can succeed. ’

'This first classic is just the pinnacle of the mysterious book. The [Book of Death] has reached the realm of the earth...'

'But what the Pavilion Master needs is to translate a secret book that is infinitely close to the Heavenly Ministry... This can be regarded as courtesy first and then fighting. ’

'During this period of testing, the person's character and strength...the Pavilion Master already knows everything about him. If he dares to let him come today, he must be absolutely sure. ’

'Huh? Good stuff coming? ’

Zhong Shenxiu ignored him completely. He accepted the invitation today just to see what medicines Tingchao Pavilion sold.

At this time, his eyes briefly glanced at the cyan ancient book on the table, and he felt like he couldn't take his eyes away. He immediately knew that this book was of extremely high quality.

Even if it is not Tianbu, it is infinitely close.

He couldn't help but take a step forward and stared at the azure cover of the secret book.

On the cover, there is also a line of evil Dao text, with teeth and claws. When combined, it directly makes Zhong Shenxiu seem to see a majestic existence in the dark, shaking off the light, reducing the personal happiness, wealth and longevity of three lights...

"[Tai Shang Zhan Yuan saw my natal sutra]?"

Zhong Shenxiu read out the title of the book.


Lao Li was overjoyed. The Pavilion Master had no intention of negotiating a deal with this person, but hid his request in the test.

As long as the other party is in the urn, with a desire to win and a sense of utilitarianism, they will naturally help him translate.

If you don't obey, you can also capture this person and force him to do so, since the other person's cultivation level is not high anyway...

But now, seeing that Fang Lang translated the name of this secret book right away, Old Li Tou couldn't help but feel more confident.

Not only him, but also on the third floor of Tingchao Pavilion, huge luminous jellyfish kept shaking.

It is between reality and illusion. It is an information creature and a demon of civilization.

At this time, there were threads of thoughts, containing countless information, seeping down to the second floor.


The demon of civilization on the third floor was glowing with scarlet light. He was obviously very excited, but no interpreter could respond.

At this time, inside the cage on the third floor, there were mummies...

"Finally... a real Grandmaster of Jie Wen has appeared. This kind of civilized atmosphere... is much stronger than those rubbish. If you absorb his literary energy, it is worth a hundred rubbish!"

The demon of civilization stretched out its illusory tentacles and began to pass through the real partitions and reach downstairs.

It wants to cooperate with Lao Li Tou and tamper with some of Fang Lang's perceptions.

Let this interpreter master translate it wholeheartedly [Tai Shang Zhan Yuan Jian Wo Birth Sutra]!

As an information creature, the most core ability of the civilization demon is cognitive tampering.

It also relied on this ability to tamper with Old Li Tou's cognition, making him and other store employees indifferent to the fate of other interpreters, and always loyal!

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