Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 135: Did you do it?

"Is this what you did?"

Professor McGonagall was shocked. She looked at the fainting monster on the ground, and at the square tree next to it. It was unbelievable.

is this real?

A first-year student who knocked down a giant monster alone?

If she remembers correctly, tomorrow will be Halloween, not April Fool's Day?

Even if someone says that it is a seventh grader, Professor McGonagall should consider whether he should believe it or not.

Fang Mu nodded.

"That's right, Hermione also helped a little."



Hermione felt a little dizzy in her head and needed to be sorted out.

Can I help?

Probably, maybe, it seems ... yes?

In order to fight against the monster, she released a total of two enchantments ............... Dragged the monster for 0.3 seconds!

In real battles, it is possible to decide the victory or defeat of the battle at 0: 1, but I dragged it by 0.3 seconds!

Calculated like this, she said she helped, no problem at all.

Hermione raised her head proudly.

Professor McGonagall looked at Fang Mu complicatedly.

Her eyes are not blind.

There were only two key injuries to the monster.

One is a cut on the wrist.

And Snape have been colleagues for more than ten years, and she recognized at a glance that the cut came from Shenfeng Wuying.

The other one is a head injury.

Comes from the wooden stick carried by the monster himself.

Combining these two critical injuries, it is easy to infer the combat situation at that time.

The monster first suffered a wound from Shenfeng Shadowless's wrist, fell a wooden stick in his hand, and most likely lost his ability to resist. Finally, he was stunned by a stick.

"When did you learn to be a shadowless man?"

Asked Professor McGonagall.

Fang Mu thought about it and replied.

"It was about a month and a half ago, it took me a lot of time."

For most of the day!

Fang Mu added a sentence in his heart.

"A month and a half ago?"

Professor McGonagall's face was slightly shocked, and then he was relieved.

For a month and a half, to practice Shenfeng Wuying to such a level, you can also accept ... a wool!

That's a NEWT-level spell!

Even if it is a seventh grader, it takes one or two years to learn such a curse. You, a first grader, only need to spend one and a half months to learn, so why don't you want others to live?


Professor McGonagall, of course, doesn't think so, probably it means the right thing.

"Okay, even though the monster problem has been solved, then you go back to the auditorium first. Professor Flivi, you take them back and tell Professor Dumbledore that the dinner can proceed as usual, let me handle it here. . "

Prof. McGonagall said finally.

"Okay, Professor McGonagall. Fang, Hermione, let's go."

Professor Flivi said to Fang Mu with a wide smile.

Received students like Fang Mu, it is definitely the luckiest thing they have done in Ravenclaw in a century!

"Good job! Fang! And Hermione, you are also very good! Keep going!"

"Thank you professor!"

Fang Mu said.

"Thank you professor!"

Hermione also said.

"Wait back to the auditorium later, Professor Dumbledore should reward you and make psychological preparations. At that time, the eyes of the whole school will look at you."

Professor Flivi's remarks were mainly for Hermione. He felt that these words made no sense for Fang Mu who had made such a big move at the beginning of school.

"The eyes of the whole school?"

Hermione's face was a little nervous, and she looked forward to it faintly.

The three of them walked toward the auditorium.



Professor Chilo, as before, ran in hurriedly shortly after the start of the dinner, and uttered the news of the ‘monster ’s attack’ loudly, and then passed out.

The students suddenly rioted.

Dumbledore had just appeased the students and was preparing to send them back to the dormitory.

It was at this time that Fang Mu and Hermione came in.

They roughly reported the situation of the monster with the professors.

Although the professors doubted the letter, they finally decided to take a look.

So, there was the previous scene.

Students and professors also stayed in the auditorium.

After all, it is Halloween once a year. If the monsters have really been solved, they do n’t have to panic and cancel this long-lasting dinner.

In the auditorium, many people were whispering.

"Harry, did you say that the monster has really been solved?"

Ron whispered to Harry beside him.

"I do not know."

Harry felt a little confused.

Suddenly a monster appeared. While they were panicking, Fang Mu and Hermione ran in again, saying that the monster had been solved.

This series of changes, he has not yet been able to react.

Is not just him, the vast majority of people in the auditorium have not yet reacted.

"If the monster has really been solved, then ..."

Ron did not say what he said later. For almost two months, he and Harry were almost inseparable. Even if he was dull, he found abnormality between Harry and Fang Mu.

Harry was silent for a while.

"Professor McGonagall and Prof. Flivi have looked at it in the past, and the result is ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I believe it will be known soon."

"That's right, let's wait a minute."

The two no longer speak.

Waited quietly.

There are many people who have the same behavior as the two of them.

From time to time, they looked at their doors to the auditorium.

Many people originally prepared for this dinner for a long time, but by this time, not many people have paid attention to this dinner.

That's a monster!

If Fang Mu and Hermione did n’t lie, the monster has been solved, then ...

Many people can't believe what this will be like.

Slytherin some senior students kept muttering quietly.

"Fake! It must be fake! Even I can't solve the monster, how could he ...! Even if the monster has been solved, it must be for other reasons!"

Fang Mu and Hermione did not say very much in detail before, only that the monster had fallen into a coma at this time, and the location of the monster.

Many people do not really understand the specific situation.

In the auditorium, a thousand bats fluttered sharply on the walls and ceiling, and a thousand hovered around the dining table, making the candles in the pumpkin belly flutter.

Should have been a lively scene, but it was quiet at this time.

Since Professor McGonagall and Professor Flivi left with Fang Mu and Hermione to the present, not much time has passed in the past, but many people feel as if it has passed for a long time.


The student near the door heard the footsteps from outside.

Other students heard their words and their faces were shocked.

They all looked towards the door.

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