Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 179: Wouldn't it be good to lie and win?

"There is a flying broom!"

Harry suddenly pointed to a corner and shouted excitedly.

"I can ride it and fly up to find the key!"

Fang Mu looked at the excited expression on Harry's face and couldn't help sighing.

Dumbledore, this is to use people as children!

Such an obvious strategy can be seen with a little sober mind, right?

"But there are thousands of keys on it!"

Ron said seriously.

"That's right, I must know what key I am looking for!" Hermione said with a serious face.


Fang Mu, who saw the performance of the two men, stroked his forehead.

They are indeed children!

"Let's go over and see what the door looks like, and then find the key according to the lock of the door."

Fang Mu said.

"I will go first!"

Harry is still the fastest one.

He rushed straight over.

The expected pursuit did not come. Those keys with small wings seem to not attack unless they provoke them.

All four came to the wooden door.

They pulled and pushed first, but the wooden door stayed still.

Hermione tried her Araho cave to open a spell again, trying to open the door with magical power, but to no avail.

The door is energized by magic, and can only be opened with a specific key.

"From the look of this lock, what we are looking for should be a large antique key, maybe silver, like a door handle!"

Ron looked at the lock of the door and said.

"Okay! I'm riding a flying broom now and I'm going to find this key!"

Harry said quickly.

There is only a flying broom here. He was worried that he was late and this job was robbed by Fang Mu.

After all, at Hogwarts, it is well known that Fang Mu is better than Quidditch in strength!

There was some embarrassment on Ron's face.

If according to the normal situation, of course, let Fang Mu do better!

Fang Mu is better than Harry!

He will be more sure to do it!

But who makes his relationship with Harry better?

"Well, in fact, Harry's strength is also very good! It is only a little bit worse than the variance. No matter who of them does this, it will be fine!"

Ron comforted himself so much.

Hermione disagreed with this statement.

There is only a flying broom, of course, to make the better the way to do it!

Let Harry do it, what if it fails?

When she opens her mouth, she will tell her thoughts.

But at this time.

Fang Mu spoke suddenly.

"No need, I have found the key!"

Found the key?

All three of Harry were stunned.

How did you find out the correct key from thousands of keys that are flying fast and fast?

This is the question of Hermione and Ron.

And Harry thought deeper.

"Sure enough! He wants to take this opportunity with me!"

Unlike Hermione and Ron, Harry had rejected the problem as soon as it appeared.

He couldn't find that key so quickly!

That's thousands of magic keys!

Even if they are not as fast as the Golden Snitch, they are not much worse.

How can it be possible to find out the key in the short time just now!

He must have said that to grab this opportunity with me!

I must not let him succeed!

Harry opened his mouth to speak.

But he hasn't waited for his words.

But seeing Fang Mu suddenly took a move, a large silver key flew towards him.

The silver key's wings sagged, as if it had been grabbed by someone and was roughly tucked into the keyhole.

In the process of flying towards Fang Mu, this key seems to be still struggling, but there seems to be some force around it that controls it, making it impossible to move.

Fang Mu took it, then tucked it into the keyhole, and screwed it firmly.


The door was opened.

After the door opened, Fang Mu no longer restricted the key and allowed it to fly away.

"Get 500 Fate Points."

"Go, let's go in."

Fang Mu opened the door and walked in first.

The remaining three looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Ron's face was deeply confused.

So, what else can I do here in addition to lagging behind?

Hermione was very calm about this.

What's this?

This is not a normal thing!

Follow Fang, just lie and win!

After she followed Fang Mu, she walked in for the second time.

"Harry ..."

Ron turned his head to look at Harry, without guessing, just by looking at the expression on Harry's face, he knew that Harry was very unhappy now.

"I'm fine, let's go in."

Harry was expressionless, and the third walked in.

Ron looked at Harry's back, his expression worried.

"I hope he can look away!"

He sighed in his heart.

Ron knew that Harry had always wanted him to surpass Fangmu, at least in some ways.

But he was frustrated everywhere.

Whether on the spell or Quidditch, he completely lost to Fang Mu, and he couldn't see any hope of overtaking.

I wanted to find a different way in other areas, but I was hit hard again.

"Harry, why do you have to surpass him? Isn't it good to be like this?"

Ron wanted to say this to Harry, but he couldn't say that.

Harry took this matter too seriously!

He can never give up easily!

The second room was dark and there was nothing to see.

But they just stepped in, and the room was suddenly brightly lit.

The bright lights illuminate a shocking sight.

They stood beside a huge chessboard!

In front of them, there are black pawns, these pawns are very huge, and the minimum visual observation is more than three meters.

These pieces seem to be carved out of black stones and the like, each with a strong sense of weight.

Standing beside them, there is always an invisible pressure on them.

They looked around.

On the other side of the room, facing them, are some white pieces, as big as black pieces. But the weird thing is that those huge white chess pieces have no facial features on their faces.

Hermione and Ron were taken aback, and it took a while to recover, but they did not dare to look at the faces of the white pawns.

"What does it mean?"

Hermione frowned slightly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Isn't this obvious? We have to play chess and win the white chess on the opposite side before we can reach the end of the room. "

Ron looked excited.

at last!

Finally, there is a time when I can shoot!

Let me just say, how could I be behind?

I certainly have my role!

Magician chess!

This is the area where Ron is best at!

Next, it ’s up to me Ron, how to lead you through this level!


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