Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 182: See you 1 if you do n’t come out?

"The energy density is doubled, but the total energy is the same!"

Fang Mu finally understood what it meant to build an extraordinary body with spiritual attributes.

He carefully compared the changes between the three attributes before and after the completion of the extraordinary body.

Finally found out.

The strength attribute and agility attribute are almost unchanged.

But the spiritual attributes, or the energy represented by the spiritual attributes, have undergone tremendous changes.

"This should be called extraordinary energy, right?"

The change of energy directly affects many skills of Fang Mu.

Elementary / advanced spells, mental imagination, extraordinary regeneration ...

All three skills depend on energy.

After the energy is transformed into extraordinary energy, these three skills have also undergone tremendous changes.

The first is the elementary / advanced spell. When the spell is released, the required energy is directly halved, not to mention, the power is even stronger!

The second is the mental power. There are many changes. It is more troublesome to explain. Only the most intuitive changes are mentioned. The power of the power of the power of the power of mind, the weight of the power of the power of mind, and the range and distance of exploration are all doubled!

The last is extraordinary regeneration, one of the most important skills of this square wood, and its recovery ability has been greatly enhanced!

It is still impossible to regenerate a broken limb.

But any knife wound or gunshot wound, as long as it is not killed immediately, the square beam with sufficient energy can definitely become intact in minutes!

Life-saving ability directly raises a level!

This is the change that extraordinary energy brings to Fang Mu!

"Actually, the extraordinary body built with spiritual attributes as its core has brought other changes besides energy, such as perception and the like. My perception seems to be much more sensitive. There are also perceptions, etc., but these things are very It ’s hard to quantify, so it ’s hard to say how much it has improved. ”

Fang Mu sighed.

"My extraordinary body has brought me so many changes, what about other people?"

Although others do not have a system, they will still have their own extraordinary body after breaking through the extraordinary!

"I'm still a little too small to see Professor Chilow and other extraordinary magicians!"

If you don't break through the extraordinary and get the baptism of the extraordinary body, Fang Mu feels that even if he leaves 3 free attribute points, he may not be able to beat Professor Chilo.

"Okay, let's go."

Fang Mu stood up.

Is this good?

Harry froze for a moment.

From the moment you sit down to the present, has n’t that totaled two minutes?

Are you recovering your magic so fast?

Harry almost couldn't help saying this, but he finally couldn't hold it.

Ask him what these are doing!

The two went back and forth and walked towards the last door.

Harry still had some self-knowledge.

He knew that with his own strength, he would definitely not be Snape's opponent.


What if Snape was injured?

Harry glanced at the square in front of him.

"With his strength, it is impossible to defeat Snape, but it is still possible to hurt Snape! By that time ... Hum! I am the Hogwarts hero!"

Harry's eyes flashed a cold light.

The door was unlocked, and Fang Mu's hand pushed it, and the door opened.

A downward passage of stone stairs greets you.

At the end of the passage, lights can be seen faintly.

The two went down the passage.

After walking dozens of steps, they saw a man.

But this man was not Snape that Harry had always thought.

"It's you!"

Harry's face was shocked.

The man hadn't turned around yet, but the iconic purple scarf on his head had revealed his identity.

Professor Quirrell!

Yes, it wasn't Snape who wanted to steal the magic stone, but Professor Chilo who taught them the black magic defense class!

That Quirrell, who even made Harry think he was persecuted by Snape for a while!

"it's me."

Professor Quirrell turned his head and he smiled.

It seemed natural, without even a little twitch that Harry was used to seeing.

"Harry, and you, Fang! I was just thinking, will I meet you here!"

"Why are you? Not Snape?"


Professor Chilo laughed.

"Yeah, Snape really doesn't look like a good person, does he? He's flying around like a giant bat, which is very helpful to us. With him there, who would doubt, Poor, what about the Kelloggs, professors who knot, knot, or stutter? "

Harry couldn't believe it all.

This cannot be true!


"But Snape tried to kill me!"

Cried Harry.

"No, no, no, it was me who wanted to kill you. During that Quidditch match, your friend Miss Granger rushed over to set fire to Snape and accidentally knocked me down. She destroyed My gaze at you, in fact, as long as I hold on for a few more seconds, I will throw you off the flying broom. If it was n’t for Snape who had been reading a cracking curse beside me, I wanted to save your life, I would have killed you Fell to death. "

"Snape wants to save me?"

Harry felt as if his three views were subverted.

Will Snape save him?

How can this be!

Fang Mu glanced at Harry, and without paying much attention, he turned to look at Professor Quirrell.

"It's so hard to hide, now the person who is hurting you is here, don't you come out and see you?"

"Zang? What are you talking about?"

Professor Chilo's face changed.

"Here are the three of us, where is anyone hiding here? Do you think you said that, and I will let you escape? Don't be delusional! You are all here to die today!"

Fang Mu glanced at Professor Chilo.

"Dead? Ha ha, I'll say this later. Are you still afraid of the enemies when you come out and see your enemy? Voldemort?"


Harry heard the name and woke up suddenly.

He is no longer entangled in whether Snape is good or bad for him, and now Voldemort's things are the most important!

Harry looked at Professor Quirrell anxiously.

"Did Voldemort really show up?"

Although he told Hermione and Ron ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Snape stole the magic stone to resurrect Voldemort, but that was only his lie to Hermione!

Did the lies come true?

Harry stared at Professor Quirrell closely, but did not see Voldemort's appearance, only to see Professor Quirrell's face suddenly became terrified.

That kind of expression is like he saw himself for the first time at the Broken Bar that day!

"No! Now he is more nervous and uneasy than when he broke the cauldron!"

In the Kettle Bar, Professor Chilo's expression was only intended to paralyze him and deliberately performed.

But now, his expression is real!

Seeing such a scene, Harry also felt uneasy.

Voldemort ... Is it really coming?


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