Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 207: Improve!

"These two skills ..."

Some of Fang Mu couldn't make up his mind.

These two skills are his unexpected gains.

However, he is also a little bit bad about whether to improve these two skills.

To be useful, these two skills are indeed very useful.

But it's useless ... these two skills are really not very useful for him now.

"Leave it first!"

Fang Mu finally decided to put aside first.

It's not too late to upgrade them until they are actually used that day.

In this way, three of the six advanced skills are removed.

Only mental thought, extraordinary regeneration and artificial intelligence are left.

Artificial intelligence is good!

In the world of Harry Potter, Little Black helped him a lot.

But Fang Mu thought about it and finally decided to put this skill aside.

At present, the level of this skill is enough for him to use, and he does not need to upgrade it for the time being.

Although there are many points in his fate now, it is not a reason for his random use.

For those skills that do not require him to immediately upgrade, putting aside is the best choice.

It's like basic cooking.

In case he waits for him to rise to legendary level, is this skill useless?

Once the advanced skills are improved, it is all measured in thousands!

It is better to be cautious.

In the end, there are only two advanced skills left.

Spiritual thought, extraordinary regeneration.

Fang Mu was silent for a while.

"Enhance extraordinary regeneration!"

3000 fate points disappeared.

Extraordinary regeneration lv · 4!

"Continue to promote extraordinary regeneration!"

4000 fate points disappeared.

Extraordinary regeneration lv · 5!

After consuming 7000 fate points, advanced skills-extraordinary regeneration, full level!

"Broken limb reborn!"

Fang Mu shook his hands, he could feel the thick vitality flowing in his body.

At this moment, the fatal weakness of his body is completely left with the brain and heart!

"If I can go further, I am afraid that even the brain and heart will no longer be my weakness!"

Fang Mu said with some pity.

Transcendence is just transcendence.

Strictly speaking, transcendence only has power beyond ordinary mortals, and has not completely separated from mortal existence.

If you enter the field of legend, it will be different.

The creatures in this field are also often called demigods!

In a conventional way, it is almost impossible to kill a legend.

such as.

A conventional nuclear bomb.

As long as the legendary strongman is prepared, the nuclear bomb can't take him.

In order to promote the extraordinary regeneration, Fang Mu consumed almost one-third of the fate points.

Now the fate of him is only 20,000.

"Improve your mental power!"

3000 fate points disappeared.

Mental readiness lv · 4!

"Continue to improve the mental power!"

4000 fate points disappeared.

Mental readiness lv · 5!

It is also the consumption of 7000 fate points, advanced skills-mental thoughts, full level!

Destiny Point 13350

Only two advanced skills have been improved, and the fate of Fang Mu has been reduced from nearly 30,000 to more than 10,000, and it has been reduced by half!

Fang Mu couldn't breathe because of his heartache.

"However ... the children can't bear the wolf!"

The destiny point is also retained, it is useless to put it there except to look comfortable, it is better to use it!

"Thousands of gold is gone and coming back!"

Fang Mu kept talking to himself in his heart.

"You will definitely get more destiny points in the future!"

Take a deep breath to calm down.

Fang Mu began to appreciate the changes brought about by mental lv · 5.

"Sure enough, mind control has become more refined!"

The power of mindfulness depends mainly on the strength of mental attributes. Skills are only the skills to control energy or body.


Fang Mu thought about it.

An invisible needle appeared.


Small pinholes suddenly appeared on the wall.

Nian Liben is somewhere between reality and reality.

It's just that because the former Fang Mu couldn't condense his thoughts into various lethal forms, he usually used thoughts to attack his soul.

Compared with the physical body, the soul defense of most souls is poor and pitiful.

Now, with only this one change, Fang Mu's thoughtful lethality has greatly increased.

Both physical lethality and soul lethality are much stronger than before!

"7000 destiny, no loss at all!"

Fang Mu read his strength.

Nearly a quarter of the capital fell into his eyes.

This is not to say that his range of mental power has suddenly become so large. His range of mental power is still 1760 meters.

It's just that he can now extremely compress his mind, and the farthest exploration range has reached 35 kilometers.

With him as the center, a radius of 35 kilometers is within his detectable range.

"Some problems should be solved."


Luo Yu has been very uneasy these days.

Cheng Jie was inexplicably exposed to a small video. Not only was the TV series lost, but even the school expelled him.

This doesn't count. His father's company collapsed in a blink of an eye. All the individuals or companies related to his father were in trouble, and his father couldn't find anyone who could help.


Completely finished!

Although there are many things involved, Luo Yu's intuition told him.

All this is probably related to that person!

"Who is he?"

Luo Yu is very worried that it will be his turn next time.

After he shuddered for a week and found everything to be normal, he slowly let his mind down.

"Maybe people just think that I am a small character, not interested in dealing with me."

For the first time, Luo Yu felt a little happy because he was a small character.


Luo Yu returned to his home and closed the door. He walked to the living room.

Then he stopped.

"I, I, I haven't told anyone about you, you, your news!"

Luo Yu shivered all over, holding on to not letting himself fall to the ground.


He got it!


Fang Mu stood up.

The soft voice caused Luo Yu to fall into a half-dream state.

"Don't worry, did you say that I will know."


Luo Yu's memory for half a month has been drawn by him.

"Well, you are honest!"

Fang Mu nodded slightly.

Luo Yu did not tell his news to anyone ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ did not even leave any information.

This is a smart man!

"Despite this, I still believe in myself more."

"Everything is forgotten!"

Fang Mu directly deleted all the information about himself in Luo Yu's mind, and added many false memories into it.

"Xiaohei, erase all communication records about me on his computer!"

"Yes, master!"


Fang Mu, like he came, left quietly.

As if nothing has happened.


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