Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 217: Why did it come?


Lu Liang looked at Xia He next to his eyes and made his choice wisely.

Do not make jokes!

He is just a military division who has made plans and suggestions. Of course, when he encounters such a situation where his strongest force is directly crushed by others, of course he is sincere!

High-level martial arts Mingming.

Fang Mu raised his eyebrows slightly.

"It seems that the practice of Qigong in this world can be regarded as a kind of martial arts. Yes, congenital aliens, or acquired aliens, they are all practicing Qiong, regardless of Lei Fa, Yu Qi, The corpse or the technique, even the spell of the 箓, they rely on, are all innate in their own body. "

The roots are the same, why can't it be martial arts?

"If according to this statement, then in the eyes of the system, the judgment of the cultivation system is not based on its external manifestation, but on its energy source!"

In the eyes of others, the cultivation system of this world is complex and changeable, but in the eyes of the system, this is just a different application of the same kind of energy, and naturally it comes down to the same cultivation system.

Fang Mu finally came to Liu Yanyan.

Liu Yanyan's body shook slightly.

"Don't resist, you know?"

"Know, know."

Liu Yanyan's body couldn't help but curl up together, and she looked wronged, like she was about to be blamed.

Fang Mu smiled stiffly.

In this way ... Do I become the legendary devil?

Will there not be a warrior of demons coming out later?

"Release that ... Uh, uncle, you continue, I just suffocated for a while and called my throat!"

Zhang Chulan scratched his head sullenly.

Fang Mu's face was slightly black.

"It's so late, don't yell! It's easy to disturb people, you know?"

"I know, uncle, don't worry, I will never stop calling!"

Zhang Chulan's chickens nodded when they pecked rice. Although he didn't know that there were others besides them, but at this time, he nodded right!

Fang Mu gave Zhang Chulan another glance before turning his head.

At this time, Zhang Chulan took a long sigh of relief.


I always feel like I was almost killed!

A little impulsive!

"Forget it, look at Lu Liang's appearance, as long as you don't resist, there will be no problems, I still don't say anything!"

High-level martial arts to drive corpses.

"High-level martial arts expelling corpse? How do you think it's strange! Forget it, no matter what it is, it's useless anyway."

After all the martial arts were done, Fang Mu released Xia He and Lu Liang directly, and neither of them chose to do anything.

People still need to have self-knowledge!

For example, Xia He, who received Fang Mu's two memory knives, knew very well that Fang Mu had been merciful just now.

If Fang Mu started with a mind knife instead of shackles ...

"Are you curious why I came here?"

Fang Mu said with a smile.


The corners of the mouth of all three sexes twitched.

We are not curious at all!

We hope you leave immediately!

For a time, the field was quiet, no one talked.


Fang Mu's face sank slightly.

The whole **** three glanced at each other.

Finally Xia He and Lu Liang unanimously looked at Liu Yanyan.

Liu Yanyan ...

Are newcomers about to be bullied?

I am not convinced!

"That, you, no no no, why are you here?"

Liu Yanyan grudgingly smiled.

For Fang Mu, she was really scared to the extreme!

The dozens of zombies she carefully collected were wiped out in a flash!

It is difficult for outsiders to understand this kind of psychological blow.

In Liu Yanyan's heart, Fang Mu has become a horror monster.

Fang Mu, the terrifying demon, gave her a look of "teachable", and Liu Yanyan bowed her head in fear.

Someone answered, of course Fang Mu continued talking.

"I am here, actually for Lu Liang."

"for me?"

Lu Liang's face was amazed.

He thought about various reasons, but he didn't think of this one alone.

Because from the beginning to the end, he seems to be only attached, and Fang Mu has not put too much attention on his body. Why did he come here for him?

Not only was Lu Liang puzzled, but everyone else was also puzzled.

"It didn't come for me."

Zhang Chulan sighed with emotion for his previous work.

"For Lu Liang?"

Xu San frowned slightly.

Why did this suddenly appearing Fang Mu come here exclusively for the all-new rookie Lu Liang?

After Fang Mu showed his super strength, he was afraid to treat Fang Mu as an ordinary person.

"This kind of strength, even if it's not as good as the strangers, I'm afraid it won't be too much!"

Xia He, who can be regarded as a master in the whole alien world, has almost no power to fight back in front of him, and he was crushed throughout!

If it weren't for Fang Mu's mercy, I'm afraid Xia He has become an idiot!

"Such a master, the company does not have a trace of filing, it seems a bit unusual!"

As a legendary related department, the company has a related intelligence network that is absolutely beyond ordinary people's imagination, and even they have no Fang Mu's record.

"I'll talk about these later, let's listen to why he came here for Lu Liang!"

"Yes, I did come here for you."

Fang Mu looked at Lu Liang and nodded.

"Accurately, I came for your Lu family's soul-improvement!"

"Lu family?"

"Mind Soul?"

Except for Lu Liang's face, the others were more or less puzzled.

"and many more!"

Liu Yanyan seemed to suddenly think of something.

"Isn't that the Lu family?"

She looked at Lu Liang incredulously.

It should be ... unlikely?

If it is from that family, how could it be possible to join the whole sex?

That's different from their declining dying in Xiangxi, which is one of the most famous gangsters in the alien world!

If Lu Liang is from that family, why would he want to join the whole sex?

"Are you surprised?"

Lu Liang laughed and said.

"I also feel very surprised! However, in the life of the whole sex, I think I have a very good life!"

"A good life?"

Liu Yanyan seemed to know what ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ looked at Lu Liang's eyes full of understanding.

"Lu Family? Ha ha!"

Fang Mu didn't know what he thought of, and laughed twice.

"Lu Liang, I'm here for the soul-soul technique on you. Do you know why?"


Lu Liang couldn't help but fall into contemplation.

The ability to extract memories for Soul Soul?

But Fang Mu obviously has similar capabilities, which should be unlikely because of this.

Could it be that there is something I do n’t know about Soul Soul?


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