Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 413: Jing Nian Zen Academy!

late at night.

Outside Luoyang.

Meditation Zen Academy.

A team of monks patrolled.

Each of these monks has a strong breath, and his temples are high and raised, and at a glance, they know that they are extremely powerful.

Hundreds of monks have built the Jingnian Zen Temple into a copper wall and iron wall. Even the master-level masters do not want to come in easily.

Inside the monastery.

Outside a huge bronze temple.

"The exposure time is a little early!"

Shi Fei's eyebrows flickered slightly.

After only two days, the existence of Jingnian Zen Academy was exposed, which was somewhat unexpected.

Fan Qinghui also frowned slightly, but she quickly relaxed.

"It's okay, starting tomorrow, we will distribute Li Shimin's remarks and build momentum for him. Although there is a little rush, but as long as the trend is together, our goal will be achieved."

You can achieve great things with great momentum!

This is their core philosophy.

It is also the fundamental reason why their Buddhist door can overwhelm the head of the magic door most of the time.

Because of the special training environment, the magic gate is very easy to produce lunatics, and lunatics and geniuses are often separated by a line.

It is conceivable that the magic gates that are good at producing ‘madmen’ are, in many cases, individuals are actually stronger than Buddha gates.

But because the Buddha is better at taking advantage of the situation, knowing how to use the power of the trend, often playing more and less, so the magic door usually loses more and wins less.

This is what Cihang Jingzhai is doing now.

Help Li Shimin achieve the general trend!

As long as all civilians in the world recognize Li Shimin as Mingjun, his road to the world will become a smooth road.

think about it.

Every time you go to a place, familiar locals will help you.

Every time you hit a place, there will immediately be a local hero, or even an enemy general.

After careful calculation, how many things will you save?

Not only that, the forces that oppose you are also likely to be spurned by the local people, and doing anything will become difficult.

The trade-offs are long and short.

This world is not yours, who else can it be?

It is because the major forces know this that they have to fight for He Shibi after they have worked hard.

With Hersbit, the general trend fell into their hands!

Perhaps the promotion without Cihangjingzhai's help is great, but the effect is also excellent.

"Master, don't have any major events tonight?"

Shi Fei Xuan asked.

Master Bu Ning is the head of the four great guardians of Jingnian Zen Academy. He is responsible for the guard work in the Zen Academy.


Master Bu's hands folded, his voice was dull.

"Just caught a few little hair thieves, no big deal."

Someone can't help it?

Shi Feixuan's face sank slightly.

She thought that by virtue of the name of Jingnian Chanyuan, even if she knew that Heshibi was here, those people would be cautious and would not easily shoot.

But it didn't happen that on the first day, someone rushed in.

If this continues, how long can Jingnian Zen Academy hold?

"Concubine don't need to worry, there are many masters guarding, and He's Bi will not be okay!"

Fan Qinghui said.

"Not bad!"

No nodded.

"With me waiting here, no one can take Hershey!"

Is it really?

There is always some uneasiness in Shi Feixuan's heart.

But she did not show it.

"I know."


Two copper doors weighing a thousand pounds suddenly opened automatically, revealing the dark space inside.


Several people announced the Buddha.

A tall and handsome monk walked leisurely out of the bronze temple.

After he came out, the two heavy bronze doors closed again automatically.

This opening and closing are all driven by true qi, and even the door is not touched by the hand. It can be seen that this person's true qi is thick and has reached a terrifying state.

"Master Zen, how are you feeling?"

Fan Qinghui greeted him.

The empty monk shook his head slightly, indicating that he was safe.

In addition to being a symbol of world power, He's Bi is also a training treasure.

The monk was empty, and he was just practicing with the help of He's Bi.

When a person is in front of the He's body, his whole body skills will be suppressed and cannot be used.

Once used, it is chaotic, and there is a risk of getting caught.

But at the same time, Hersbit will also put people in a peculiar state of mind. In this state, if you can persevere, the state of mind will be greatly improved.

For this reason, even Ning Daoqi couldn't help it, and took Cihangjingzhai to practice with the Hishibi for three years.

He has stayed in this state for a long time, but he still can't find a breakthrough opportunity, so he can only hope to use the external force of He's Bi to let him find a breakthrough opportunity.

"Let's change places first."

Fan Qinghui glanced slightly at several people.

She saw that Master Kong ’s condition was not particularly good.

Although Hersbit is a training treasure, not everyone is qualified to practice with it.

Just like now.

Even if it was separated by the entire Bronze Hall, the power of He's Bi made all the people present feel uncomfortable.

"He Shibi's power is at its peak again!"

Fan Qinghui's heart sank.

The power of Heshibi is not fixed.

It is like a tide, it will change with the change of heaven, earth and astrology.

When it's low ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Even if it's carried on the body, there will be no problem.

But when it was high, even if it was blocked by a bronze temple, it would have a great impact on people.

She estimated that when Master Kongkong was practicing with the help of He's Bi, he was suddenly affected by the force of the increase of He's Bi, which led to some problems in his practice.

Just to avoid being seen, it's okay to brace yourself.

"Master, don't let the disciples all around retreat to the side hall to guard."

Fan Qinghui whispered.

Don't be stunned.

Then I felt around for a while.

It was everywhere, which made him very uncomfortable, and he nodded silently.

Under such circumstances, it is really not suitable for someone to guard.


Hundreds of monks, who had originally stayed on the White Stone Square around the Bronze Temple, also left the square after the departure of Fan Qinghui, Monk Kong and others.

All around the bronze temple suddenly became empty.

"How to do?"

Xu Ziling, Liu Heili, and Li Jing looked at each other, and for a while they couldn't get their idea.

They are now hiding on top of a large hall farther away, spying on what is happening outside the bronze hall.

The monks patrolling outside the monastery can catch many people, but for them it is still almost meaningless.

"What the **** are the monks in Jingnian Chanyuan doing? Why is there no one at all?"

Liu Hei said dumbly.

"What is this conspiracy?"

Li Jing thought about it very seriously and finally said.

"I don't look like it! They seem to have to do so as a last resort!"

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