Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 432: Do not invade ... simplified version!

"There are two ways for his Tai Chi picture, and now it is probably only suitable for close-ups. Feixuan and I attack with sword gas to see how effective it is!"

Fan Qinghui said in a deep voice. "Eight" Eight "Read" book, ∞o ◎

"it is good!"

Everyone answered.

Ning Daoqi, Master Kongkong and the four holy monks rushed directly to Fang Mu.

Fan Qinghui and Shi Fei Xuan were more than ten meters away, and their swords were condensed but not waiting, waiting for the best time.

"It is worthy of being the pinnacle warrior on the martial arts!"

Fang Mu praised.

With just two strokes, I saw so many things.

Not to mention, the talents of these people are really extraordinary.

However, it is still far from his true school bully!

This Tai Chi map was created by combining the two pieces of broken void-level martial arts such as "The Eternal Life" and "The Origin of the Body", and supplemented by the fusion of high-level martial arts such as "Undead Seal" and "Tian Mo Gong".

Because it is only preliminary integration, this martial art is only at the level of Grand Master.

However, because the foundation is too thick, and this is created by Fang Mu, it is the most suitable martial art for him, so he can exert incredible power in his hands!

Just like "Undead Seal" can only exert its maximum power in the hands of Shi Zhixuan, if it is the same level of understanding, Fang Mu's "Undead Seal" will always be weaker than Shi Zhixuan's "Undead Seal".

This is where the role of fusion technology lies.

Although the fusion technique is created based on other martial arts, it is completely created with reference to his own, which is very suitable for his use.

The three great monks were originally strong men at the same level, just because this tai chi is too strong in Fang Mu's hands, the three men teamed up are not his opponents!

But as Ning Daoqi said, this martial art does have an upper limit.

Dealing with three people at the same time is already the limit of Fang Mu, no more.

Fan Qinghui was right.

There are currently two models of his Tai Chi.

One is aimed at True Qi off-body attacks, and the other is aimed at melee attacks. 5v eight 5v eight 5v read 5v book, ●● o

The two are temporarily incompatible.

Perhaps he must wait until he raises this martial art to the level of broken void before he can make it into one.

Ning Daoqi and Fan Qinghui's two methods directly hit his biggest flaw in martial arts!

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid it will be cold at this time.


Who makes him a true schoolmaster?

He will know, but there are two hundred high-level martial arts.

"The strange door after the wind!"

Fang Mu stepped on the ground.

An invisible gossip map appears, including the entire Baishi Square.

"what is this?"

Ning Daoqi was shocked.

He couldn't see the gossip picture, but he could feel an inexplicable force and enveloped the entire Baishi Square.

He hadn't waited for him to figure it out.

Fang Mu in front of him disappeared suddenly.

"What about people?"

Ning Dodge quickly hunted away.

Then he saw it, and the disappeared Fangmu suddenly appeared behind Emperor Xinxin.

"Be careful!"

Ning Dodge reminded immediately.

But it was too late.

"Wu Lei Fa Fa!"

A purple lightning appeared in Fang Mu's hands, and the purple light reflected his face.

At this moment, Fang Mu seems to be in charge of Thunder's Thor.



This is the lightning method that Fang Mu has completed through the Yin attribute method of "The Eternal Secret".

It is definitely different from the orthodox Wulei Dharma of Longhu Mountain, but it is still stronger than the single Yang Wulei!

Fang Mu threw the purple lightning in his hand to His Holiness the Emperor's Heart.

Emperor Xinzun felt a strong crisis when Fang Mu suddenly appeared behind him.


He wanted to avoid, but it was too late.

The speed of purple lightning is too fast!

He has just taken a half step.


Purple lightning fell.

He almost scorched the whole person directly!


Venerable Emperor Heart breathed out a black breath and fell straight down.

His eyes widened.

Why is he always the first to be injured? ?


The other five reacted in an instant, shouted and turned to attack Fang Mu.

at the same time.

Two sword qi burst out!

It was Fan Qinghui and Shi Fei Xuan!

Seven extremely powerful attacks, with a terrifying atmosphere, suddenly rushed towards Fang Mu.

Fang Mu looked calm.

Just at the moment when the attack is coming.


Like a ghost.

Fang Mu disappeared directly.

When it reappeared, he had come behind Fan Qinghui.

Another purple lightning.

Fan Qinghui didn't even have time to react.


Fan Qinghui followed the emperor's heart, fell to the ground, and knew nothing about life or death.


It is a fusion technique created by combining the world's wind sand swallow's space transfer ability under one person, the chaotic gold demolition of "The Wind after the Wind", and even the advanced spell-shifting and transformation skills.

In the gossip picture of "The Wind After the Wonderful Gate", he can appear anywhere in any place.

Flashing and Tai Chi.

These are the two fusion technologies that Fang Mu is currently focusing on.

In fact, at the beginning, Fang Mu wanted to create not these two fusion techniques, but another fusion technique.

Its name is.

Do not invade!

Regardless of any attack, he cannot fall on him.

Even he can return any attacks against him, ignoring space and ignoring attack methods, all intact!

This is Fang Mu's initial vision.

Two hundred high-order martial arts, nearly ten broken void-level martial arts, dozens of grand master-level martial arts, plus the martial arts realm of his own broken void level, gave him confidence.


Create a simplified version of "Don't invade" the confidence!

Fang Mu realized that he was taking things for granted when he really started creating.

Although he possesses skills such as "Longevity", "King Body Source", "Wind of the Wind", "Tian Mo Ce", space abilities, space magic, etc., it seems that as long as they are combined together, The fusion skills he wanted.

But at the time of creation, I realized that the difficulty of this fusion technique is beyond the ordinary people's imagination!

The knowledge involved in it, with Fang Mu's current heritage, can only barely see a little side.

Fang Mu even suspects that even if he breaks through to high-level martial arts lv · 5, he may not be able to actually create a simplified version of this ‘all-in-one method.

Regardless of the realm problem, he still lacks many relevant knowledge of martial arts, magic, or other skills.

It ’s not easy to create everything,

However, this also illustrates the power of this fusion technology from the side.

Once created, it is probably a legendary skill!

Taking Fangmu's current state ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Even if he is a real learner and wants to create a legendary skill, it is basically impossible.

Fang Mu can only take second place and split this conceptualized skill.


It becomes the current Tai Chi picture and flash.

Even after the split Tai Chi picture and flash, he still has many problems.

For example, the two-in-one problem of Tai Chi.

Flashing space problems and so on.

It can be seen that Fang Mu still has a long way to go in order to actually create a simplified version of "Do Not Invade".


Tai Chi pictures and flashes are also enough to solve the current problem! 11

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