Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 456: Sweep! (under)

"Wu Zun" Bi Xuan!

Known as the God of Turks!

With him in place, even if Bi Khan was stabbed to death, the 300,000 Turkic troops would not withdraw, but might attack Chang'an City even more crazily!

Because Bi Xuan can withstand 300,000 troops!

Lu Miaozi and Shi Zhixuan originally thought that since Bi Khan had been in charge, Bi Xuan would naturally stay behind Turk and guard all directions. Think-free-fee-watch-end-complete-version please Baidu search-pin = book = net

Unexpectedly, Bi Xuan also followed, and hid in a dark place very insidiously.

The combination of these factors led to Shi Zhixuan being seriously injured by Bi Xuan.

"With my current injury, I'm afraid I can't stand Bi Xuan in the next battle!"

Shi Zhixuan and Lu Miaozi's faces are very ugly.

It is inestimable how much a great master influences a battle.

In particular, Bi Xuan, a ‘Wu Zun’ who was extremely destructive after practicing “Yanyang Dafa”.

Once he shot at a critical moment, it is likely to directly determine the outcome of the battle!

"Unfortunately I wish Yuyan they left, otherwise, ..."

Lu Miaozi sighed.

Today's magic door is also regarded as the unification of disguise. Zhu Yuyan, with the benefit of Fang Mu, is going to integrate the power of the magic door.

Not only Zhu Yuyan, but also Ouyang Xiyi and Mrs. Dongming also left.

They also have their own forces. It is possible to leave in a short time, but it is impossible to stay away for a long time.

If it weren't for Shi Zhixuan, because of the need to absorb Yuan Jing, he stayed in Chang'an City temporarily, and Chang'an City probably left Lu Miaozi as his top master.

"Report! Military division! The Turkic army is siege!"


Lu Miaozi and Shi Zhixuan looked at each other.

"They really came!"

"Go! We will meet them again!"


Outside Chang'an City.

A tall, gigantic figure stood beside Sibi Khan, alongside Sibi Khan.

"It's worthy of being the imperial city of the Central Plains dynasty, and it really is magnificent!"

"Oh, Lord, it won't take long for this city to be ours!"

At first Khan said with a smile.

"Shi Zhixuan has been wounded by His Holiness, and Fang Mu is not here. A Lu Miaozi alone cannot stop us!"

"Fang Mu!"

Bi Xuan's eyes were filled with fire.

"I'm going to meet him in the future! The first master? Ha ha! How dare he call this title?"

"How is this Fangmu the opponent of Venerable? The Central Plains people like to boast, and even the first master dare to call it, it is really self-esteem!"

At first, Khan shook his head slightly.

There is nothing disdainful and contemptuous, just indifferent and calm, as if telling a fact.

The same is true of Bi Xuan. After mentioning one sentence, he will not say more.

Fang Mu?

An arrogant man destined to be killed.

Bi Xuan stood hand in hand.

"Take the city! Take this Chang'an city earlier and return to Turk as soon as possible."

At first Khan nodded.

"Submit the order, siege!"

Woo ~~~

The siege of the siege sounded.

Tens of thousands of Turkic army and Li valve army, like the tide, poured into Changan city.


The war started.

The Turkic army is good at horse warfare, and it has no advantage in this kind of siege.

Shi Zhixuan and Lu Miaozi are experts in military command. Shi Zhixuan is responsible for overall control and Lu Miaozi is responsible for fine adjustment.

The two cooperated with each other and repelled the Turks' attack again and again.

At first, Khan didn't care and waved his hand.

"Continue to attack!"

The battle of siege is not simple. If the difference in strength between the two sides is too large, or if a special trick is used, it will be quick to end in ten days and a half months.

Chang'an City is the capital city of the Sui Dynasty. There is almost no way to make a coincidence except for one of Yang Gong's secret ways.

To capture such a huge city, it can only spend a lot of time to grind.

Or just like Dou Jiande, fill it with a lot of lives.

In an instant.

Two days have passed.

The Turks had lost a lot of troops. Although the Wagang Army had not lost any troops, they had lost a lot of arrows and fortification equipment.

This is a normal siege method.

Turk seems to want to grind slowly, relying on a lot of time to break through Chang'an City.

"Somewhat strange!"

Lu Miaozi frowned.

"Huh? What's strange?"

Shi Zhixuan asked.

"It's impossible to tell."

Lu Miaozi shook his head.

"Although everything seems normal, I always feel like something is wrong!"

"is it?"

Shi Zhixuan also frowned.

At their level, intuition is sometimes more accurate than what you see and hear!

Lu Miaozi even felt something wrong, then there must be something wrong, but they can't find it now.

The two thought about it for a while, but they didn't think of anything wrong.

"Be careful today!"

They can only set this point in the end.

"The intelligence of Chang'an City has been transmitted to Luoyang. As long as we persevere and wait for Fang Mu to receive the news, the crisis in Chang'an City will be solved!"

No matter what conspiracy the Turks had, they believed that as long as Fang Mu arrived, everything would naturally be no problem!

Now, what they need is a lot of delay.

In the current situation of Chang'an City, it is easy for them to stick to it for half a month.

If you work hard, it's not necessarily impossible to stick to one month.

The third day.

The war started as scheduled.

Just like punching cards, the Turks launched the siege at this time every day. After only two days, even the soldiers of the Wagang Army were used to it.

"Oh, just like yesterday, these Turkic people will soon return after sending a batch!"

"You say these Turkic people are stupid? Are you always like this kind of siege, don't you know to use some tricks?"

"No way, barbarians! Do you think they can understand so much as our country of etiquette in the Central Plains?"

"The same is true! These Turkic people, that is, they can prevail on the grassland. When they come to us, they can only eat deflated!"

The soldiers on the walls of the city are full of contempt for the Turkic army.

When I heard that the Turkic coalition had 350,000 troops, they were still a little nervous and uneasy.

But in the past two days, the Turks died a lot, but they were unharmed.

This made them nervous, uneasy, and disappeared without a trace.

Lu Miaozi frowned ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He heard these voices.

The Turkic army is really so easy to deal with?

Do not make jokes!

How could the Turkic army led by Bi Khan and Bixuan Wu Xuan be easy to deal with!

Didn't you see that he took the initiative to ask Luoyang for help?

"Is this a Turkic conspiracy?"

Lu Miaozi thought of a possibility in his heart.

It is now.

"No! Turkic offensives have suddenly increased! They have already attacked the walls!"

Lord of the fate of the heavens

Lord of the fate of the heavens

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