Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 47: Restaurant B!

"There is a restaurant B on the map."

Kaplan's face is a little unsightly.

Looked at the bizarre boxes two meters high in front of him, and James's face sank.


Is your restaurant like this?

"Be careful!"

Around this box, there are also a lot of tubes of different thicknesses. Although the purpose of these tubes is not known, it is only this strange scene that makes James' heart lifted up.

Carefully approached one of the boxes, and through a small glass window, James saw the scene inside.

That's blood and meat!

Is like a horror image after something is peeled off.

Even if James was well-informed, he could not help frowning after seeing such a scene.

This thing ... is by no means a natural product!

"This is a licker!"

Fang Mu came over.

"A monster formed by injecting T virus directly into human body while human is still alive. It has faster speed, more terrible resilience and more terrible lethality than ordinary zombies!"

"Is this the result of experimenting with living people?"

Kaplan's eyes flashed with anger. If he had longed for the umbrella company before, now he had much disgust with the umbrella company.

"Yes, otherwise what do you think they studied for the T virus? More power, more money? No, neither! They are for eternal life!" Fang Mu said.

"Eternal life? Are they crazy?" Said Jay.

"Crazy? Maybe."

Fang Mu shrugged.

"At their level, ordinary things can no longer attract their interest, but T virus can. Think about it, the dead can be resurrected, and the living can become faster and stronger, just like this licker, as long as Without blasting its head, it can survive for a long time. If there are living flesh and blood, they can even evolve again! "

Fang Mu looked at the lickers in the incubator, Shen Sheng said.

"In addition to losing reason and being out of control, lickers are already a perfect biochemical weapon. As long as some problems are solved, are they likely to keep themselves sensible while still having the ability to evolve? Although this is not eternal life, who can be sure about the future? "

"That's why they do these things? These **** bitches!"

Lei En scolded.

James took a deep look at Fang Mu.

Does Alice know so many things?

The existence of this restaurant B is not even marked on the map.

Although Alice is the safety supervisor of this underground research base, in the final analysis it is only a middle-level manager, knowing the existence of T virus is not uncommon, but lickers and other things, except for the core personnel, should be difficult for others to contact Are you there?

After all, from a clear perspective, the umbrella company is still a formal enterprise group, and it needs to be concealed somewhat.

In the underground research base controlled by Honghou, the status of security personnel is not really high.

Think about your treatment and push yourself forward. James feels that the likelihood of Alice knowing so much information is very low.

"Who is he?"

James thought again in his mind.

This person who does not have any identity proof and looks like a little white face seems to have many secrets hidden behind it.

Although there were many doubts in his heart, James did not show it.

"Ryan, you and Jady are here, Kaplan, and others, let's turn off the red queen!"


There are seven people in the assault team, one medical worker, one technician, and five combatants.

Lei and Jiedi are combatants, let them stay, almost half of the armed forces are left.

"Be careful, if you see other‘ people ’, just blow his head! Believe me, there will be no other living people here!”

Fang Mu said something to the two of them.

"Little white face, I find I like you a little bit!"

Lei Enmu's "headshot" is very satisfied.

"Don't! I have a wife!"

Fang Mu quickly waved his hand and said to Alice seriously.

"Wife, you must believe, I only like you alone!"

in this world.

Fang Mu silently added a sentence in his heart.

Alice rolled her eyes and didn't want to ignore him.

Although she didn't know what relationship she had with him, she always felt that Fang Mu said something very unreliable.

Fang Mu didn't care about it, just turned his head and urged Reine and Jiedi.

"If it is really unstoppable, you can retreat to the main control room."

Change their fate, but they can get a lot of fate points!

If he did n’t find it difficult to change James ’s mind, Fang Mu could n’t help but let James take everyone to the main control room.

"Relax, just those guys, I will blow one when I come!"

Leien waved his hand carelessly.

Seeing this, Fang Mu had to say in a deep voice.

"Don't care, although the strength of those zombies is not very good, but if caught by them ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ you are waiting to become one of them!"

Hearing this sentence, Ryan finally became much more serious.

She doesn't want to become such a monster!

James looked at Fang Mu. Although Fang Mu's words were somewhat contrary to his orders, he didn't mean anything more.

They have been in a team for several years, and they have very deep feelings. If they can't stop it, he won't say that they will let them die.

However, restaurant B is a strategic priority. Under the premise that other roads are impassable or take too long, they almost have to pass by when they go back.

If restaurant B loses, they are likely to be trapped here.

Because of this, James will let Ryan and Jady stay here.

"Yes, pay attention to the incubators here, try not to destroy these boxes. The monsters inside are much stronger than ordinary zombies! If you let them out, it would be bad!" Fang Mu said finally.

"Relax, we will pay attention!"

Lei En nodded seriously.

Fang Mu is actually very worried.

There are too many boxes here!

It is a very difficult thing to try to shoot and not hit these boxes in the chaotic environment where dozens of zombies are rushing up, as Reyn and Jady are only professional-level marksmanship.

But he couldn't say anything more, did he want him to speak with Rene.

Your marksmanship is too bad. If you encounter a large number of zombies, just go back to the main control room!

Later things, just give me the gun!

Fang Mu wanted to say this, Rehn estimated to give him a shot directly, let him see if her marksmanship is really bad!

"Let's go!"

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