Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 471: We are the public opinion!

The family in the world thought they could get a satisfactory account, but they never expected that they would get a decree. Product = Book / Net

With regard to families or individuals, it is not allowed to have orders from doormen and private soldiers.

This order came out.

There is a lot of noise!

All families can't sit still.

They protested and opposed the edict through various means.

Write a book, march, strike, beg ...

All useless.

Fang Mu was unmoved.


The world was silent for a moment.


Large-scale civil unrest broke out!

Everywhere in the world seemed to have negotiated, and civil unrest broke out.

Chaos swept the world again.

There are many complaints.

Among the civilian population, there are countless voices that curse the Dawning Legion, Ouyang Xiyi, and even Fang Mu.

The moment before.

The Dawning Corps is still a legion of justice.

next moment.

The Dawning Corps became the source of turmoil in the world of cholera.

Not long ago.

Just now the other party's Mu Gegong praised him and said that he was a celebrity celebrity of the Ming dynasty. In a blink of an eye, he was said to be the most brutal unconscious in history.

Public opinion is boiling.

The turbulence is like a wave, one after another impacting the already stable rule.

Although this was not caused by the rebels, the disaster caused was not bad, and it even happened.

This is one of the powers of the family.

public opinion.

However, they usually don't call it that way.

They call it public opinion.

Their family controls the public opinion in the world!

No matter how strong the Dawning Corps is, can it be better than the people of the world?

As long as you Fang Mu wants to make the world stable, you must bow your head to their family!

Because they control the public opinion in the world.

We are the public opinion!

Many family leaders are very proud.

There is no dynasty that can fight the union of the world.

Royal family, bluntly, is it not a strong family?

One family, still want to fight against all the family in the world?

Ha ha!

Honestly do things according to the rules of their family!

But then, things did not go as the family thought.

The Dawning Corps dispatched.


No matter how strong the Dawning Corps is, it is impossible to fight against the common people.

But the Dawning Corps can deal with the family.

The ruthless butcher knife slashed towards the family behind the "public opinion".

Every family was uprooted.

Blood flow floats.

The head is rolling.

Many people still have a smug smile on their faces, and they are slashed.

They wondered why such a thing happened?

Wrap the public opinion and deter the emperor.

How could this trick, passed down from their ancestors, be useless?

You have already won the world, shouldn't you care about your reputation?

They don't understand.

But the Dawning Corps did not give them time to understand.

The massacre continues.

No matter how many master Confucians come out to blame and abuse, it has no effect, even some of them are also in the ranks of being cleansed.

Fang Mu didn't seem to care at all. What kind of reputation would he get in the history books of future generations?

The family was scared.

They are not willing to fail.

In the name of "Fangmu Wudao", formally form a large army to resist the dawn tyranny!

Even within the Dawning Corps, there have been many rebellions.

The children of the family in the Dawning Corps, in the family and country, many people chose the family.

These family members are mostly middle and senior managers of the Dawning Corps. They rebelled and swept nearly half of the Dawning Corps almost instantly.

There were rebels outside the world, and half of the internal rebels rebelled.

The Dawning Legion, which was originally powerful, seemed to have a tendency to disintegrate in an instant.



Under the leadership of the Zhang family, the Jiangnan nobles formed a massive army of resistance, with a population of up to 300,000, and even Ouyang Xiyi was beaten out by them.

Just a short time.

Most of Jiangnan fell into their hands.

They were in full swing, playing ‘Fangmu Wudao’ and revenge for the Shen family.

Indistinctly, there is a sense of sweeping the world.


Lingnan Song valve.

Chamber of Deputies.

"Brother, make a decision quickly!"

Song Zhi looked worried.

"This is a rare opportunity! With the strength of our Song valve, as long as we send troops, we can win half of the South in a short period of time. This world may not fall into our hands!"

He looked at Song Que, who was still calm, and couldn't help it.

"Brother, don't you forget, we are also a family! If we really follow Fang Mu's edict, will my Song valve still be the current Song valve?"

This remark came out.

The others in this room could not sit still.

"Yeah, we are one of the four gates of the hall. Without doormen and private soldiers, how can we guarantee our status?"

"Fang Mu has gone too far in this matter! When Song Song was born and died for him, how many Song Jiahao Erlang did we die when he called Ren Xiaoming? Now that the world is going to be unified, he actually crossed the river and demolished the bridge!"

"Fang Mu is not a good man!"

There was a lot of noise in the Chamber, and the discussion was endless. All were against Fang Mu, and no one supported Fang Mu.

"All right!"

Song Que spoke.

Everyone became quiet in an instant, and all set their eyes on Song Que.

They thought Song Que would give an answer.

But Song Que turned his head and looked at Song Shidao, who bowed his head from side to side.

"Teacher, what do you think?"


Master Song raised his head helplessly.


"Say any ideas!"


Master Song took a deep breath, and the gaze around him made him nervous.

"I think we should wait and see the changes!"

"Oh why?"

Song Que's expression remained unchanged, and his tone was still unpredictable.

"Me, I can't think of it, just telling me intuitively that Fang Mu probably has other means!"


Song Que responded.

Do not comment, turned to look at Song Lu again.

When the group was excited and heatedly discussing how Fang Mu and the Dawning Corps were bad, apart from Song Tao, he had not said a word.

Song Lu looked at Song Que's eyes, and immediately spoke.

"Brother, my advice is the same as that of the teacher, just wait and see!"

Song shortcoming nodded ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ subpoenaed, from today, Song valve children are not allowed to take a step out of Song Jiashan city! "


"I have decided!"


Once the world's four gate valves, Yuwen valve was destroyed. Although Li valve has not yet died, it is still alive.

Only Song valve and Dugu valve are left.

These two gate valves, because they chose to surrender, still retain most of their strength.

At this moment of great change in the world, Song valve chose to wait and see its changes.

Dugu valve, but led by Dugufeng, chose another way.

Lord of the fate of the heavens

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