Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 475: Legendary transformation!

After breaking through the extraordinary lv · 5, Fang Mu gained 80 free attribute points.

After the assignment, his attributes become.

Fang Mu (child of fate lv2)

Level: Extraordinary lv · 5 (010000)

Physique: The first evolution

Strength: 80

Agility: 805

Spirit: 147

Energy: 14701470

Skills: slightly

Fate point: 82500

Free attribute points: 3

"about there."

Fang Mu thought to himself.

He only got 400 high-level martial arts. If he continues to improve his attributes, these 400 martial arts are not enough.

Fang Mu focused his attention on one of the skills.

High-level martial arts lv · 4!

In the past few months, he has already integrated all 400 martial arts into the door.

Not only that, he also deduced the grand master-level fusion technique "Golden Body Decision" to the broken void level and turned it into "Indestructible Gold Body".

The martial arts in this world are dominated by the heart's internal powers. There are few physical exercises, and the martial arts that reach the level of the Grand Master are very few.

Even if Fang Mu searched the entire Central Plains and the surrounding five countries, he only got a few doors.

It stands to reason that this accumulation of martial arts is difficult to deduce a broken void-level body-building exercise.

But Fang Mu took a different approach and integrated another skill, "Superb Regeneration", into "Golden Body Decision".

"Extraordinary Regeneration" was brought to Fangmu by the first-generation evolutionary body of extraordinary physique.

Strictly speaking, this is an ability that is not related to martial arts.

But Fang Mu has already raised this ability to lv · 5, and has completely controlled this ability.

Coupled with the martial arts realm at the level of the broken wood above, and the in-depth study of fusion technology for so long, he finally integrated "Superb Regeneration" into "Golden Body".

"Golden Body Decision", which incorporates "Extreme Regeneration", has not improved much in defense, but there has been a qualitative change in recovery ability.

Once in operation, the rebirth of the amputated limb cannot be done, but some non-fatal injuries can be recovered almost in the blink of an eye.

Don't underestimate this feature.

Although the extraordinary regeneration lv.5 has been able to achieve rebirth, this is in the absence of the operation of "Golden Body".

This is the non-combat gap time.

Now, it is in battle!

"More and more like Wolverine. No, Wolverine is better than Wolverine!"

Compared with "Golden Body", "Indestructible Gold Body" has not improved much in defense, but the sword is hard to hurt.

Pistols, submachine guns, and even rifles could not hurt him.

Only a sniper rifle can break through his defense.

But whether it can be penetrated is also an unknown.

This defense is much stronger than Wolverine.


Excluding the Edman alloy in his body.

There is "Indestructible Gold Body" inside, and "Tai Chi Map" outside.

Sitting on these two broken void-level body protection martial arts, Fangmu's protection ability has greatly increased.

If he were allowed to fight with Ning Dodge and other eight powerful players, he could have gone all the way.

Even the monk who suffocated the monk for decades still gave him a slight shock, but it was impossible to hurt him.

Even if the fluke hurt him, with the powerful resilience of "Indestructible Gold Body", it can be recovered in a short time.

In this world, Fang Mu can already be called the first master.

Even if the evil emperor appeared to Yutian, it might not be his opponent.

As long as the void has not been broken, the evil emperor Xiang Yutian is still the top grandmaster, equivalent to the extraordinary lv · 6.

Even if he is an extraordinary lv · 6 (1199912000), who has only a little experience and can break through at any time, he is still an extraordinary lv · 6.

Against the extraordinary lv · 7, Fang Mu was not sure.

But extraordinary lv · 6 ······

Fang Mu confirmed that he could beat him!

"Just don't know if he is still there."

For Xiang Yutian, Fang Mu has always been very concerned about it.

A half-step broken Xeon, the world's veritable first person, how could he not care?

Fang Mu originally thought that Xiang Yutian would appear after he unified the magic gate.

But he didn't.

He also thought that after he had dominated the world, Xiang Yutian would appear.

But he still didn't.

"Either he is no longer in this world, or he has already gone to other continents."

If he is still in the Central Plains, Fang Mu does not believe he will be indifferent.

"Forget it."

Fang Mu shook his head.

Even if Xiang Yutian is still in this world, it is still a game of red dust, and he does not have to put too much energy on him.

"Everything has been arranged, start preparing for a breakthrough!"

Inside the room.

Fang Mu took a deep breath.

Next, he was ready to upgrade the high-level martial arts to lv · 5.

Upgrading a skill level is nothing.

But after this skill level is upgraded, the legendary transformation that Fang Mu has to pay attention to.

Different from others.

Fang Mu, who has fate to care for, will not have any bottlenecks from extraordinary lv · 1 to extraordinary lv · 9.

But if he wants to upgrade from extraordinary lv · 9 to the legendary level, he must go through more than two legendary transformations.

It's as if he had gone from ordinary to extraordinary before, and he had to experience more than one extraordinary transformation.

Before this, Fang Mu had never undergone a legendary transformation.

This is his first time.

"System, improve high-level martial arts!"

"Upgrading high-level martial arts to lv · 5 requires 8000 fate points. Are you sure?"


Eight thousand destiny points disappeared.

Four hundred high-level martial arts turned into a little starlight, which appeared in Fang Mu's brain.

Numerous essences and mysteries are tumbling in his mind.

No one can know how much knowledge is covered by 400 high-level martial arts.

Fang Mu only knew that even with nearly 150 spiritual attributes, he felt a little overwhelmed.

There is a faint feeling in my mind.

Fortunately, this high-level martial arts skill is not aimed at spiritual attributes.

next moment.

Countless stars and dots began to gather, and turned into a torrent of light blue gas that resembled the essence.

But the torrent of blue gas seemed to have consciousness, directly down, and rushed into Fang Mu's body.

Hundreds of limbs, meridian points, flesh and bones.

A torrent of light blue gas washed down and penetrated everywhere in Fang Mu's body.


The meridians are torn, the acupuncture points are washed away, the flesh is broken down, the bones are broken ...

Whole body up and down, from inside to outside.

The ultimate pain extends to the heart.

Fang Mu wanted to make a wail, but found that he couldn't do it.

His throat was also torn apart ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ How could this legendary transformation and extraordinary transformation be so different? "

The extraordinary transformation is not easy, but it is never as painful as it is now.

Fang Mu even thought he would die!


His heart is being torn apart!

Although the extraordinary regeneration has been raised to lv · 5, the weakness of the heart is still there.

His heart is gone, he will really die.

The speed of the blue gas torrent was too fast, and Fang Mu couldn't do it even if he wanted to stop it, just when he thought he was going to die.


An inexplicable force appeared.


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