Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 56: Basic marksmanship LV. Five!

The gunfire disappeared.

Looked at the zombies all over the floor, everyone was stunned.

Is this really possible?

They were unbelievable, turned their heads a little stiffly, and looked at Fang Mu.

There is only one thought in their hearts.

Who is this big brother?

The mercenary king of the mercenary world?

King of the killer world?

Big brother with no government?

The trump card in the great power government?

Such horrible marksmanship is really something they have never imagined.

Directly use the micro punch as a sniper rifle, which is too challenging for their three views!

Fang Mu, who was watching, looked pale.

Routine operation only, calm and calm.

Basic marksmanship LV.5 (Complete).

Fang Mu got 400 fate points from Spencer, he directly improved his marksmanship.

Basic marksmanship LV.5, this is already the limit of basic marksmanship, and there is no room for upgrading.

Compared with the basic marksmanship LV.4, the basic marksmanship LV.5 is not much improved in accuracy.

As early as the basic marksmanship LV.4, Fang Mu has reached the level of which to play, which can be improved.

The improvement of the basic shooting method LV.5 is mainly reflected in the fine operation and timing control. In other words, it strengthens the pre-judgment!

If it is still the basic marksmanship LV.4, Fang Mu can also achieve the most inside zombies among dozens of zombies.

But it takes time to aim, and even needs to constantly change his position.

But when it comes to basic marksmanship LV.5, he only needs to prejudge the movements of the zombies, and he can directly blow them up.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Zombies from other directions rushed over, and they found more people on Fang Mu's side.

Except that some of them continued to rush towards Ryan and Jedi, the rest came to Fangmu.

"Give me another gun!"

Fang Mu said.

The female medical worker quickly passed the gun on her body.


Fang Mu held two guns, firing at the same time from left to right.


Unlike most people who can only practice a familiar hand, Fang Mu's left and right hands are equally powerful!

Even if it is distracting, he can instantly burst a zombie with every shot!

Earn 5 fate points.

Earn 5 fate points.


Less than two minutes later, all the zombies fell to the ground.

Counted before the explosion, a total of forty zombies were shot by Fang Mu, and brought him 200 fate points.

These slow-moving zombies have no way to bring him any threats in front of Fang Mu, whose basic marksmanship has reached LV.5.

If it was n’t enough time, he wanted to sweep all the zombies here!

Five hundred zombies, that's 2500 fate points!

"Okay, can I hold these two guns first?"

Fang Mu said to Kaplan and the female medical staff.

"Ok, Ok!"

"Okay! You can just hold it! By the way, I still have bullets here, all for you!"

The two nodded quickly like chickens peck rice.

Kaplan also very consciously took out all the bullets on his body, anyway, he is only a non-combatant, the main role is not here.

His main role?


This is a sad story.

Saw the female medical worker and handed her bullets to Fang Mu.

The other two combatants looked at each other, and then weakly said something to Fang Mu.

"We still have some bullets here, or will you give them all?"

James' eyes twitched.

Can you two make a face!

You said that, what should I say?

"No need, these bullets are almost the same, I will find you after I run out."

Fang Mu waved his hand casually.

"Okay, okay."

The two nodded quickly.

Ryan and Jady came over at this time.

Lei En looked at Fang Mu, still with a deep disbelief on his face.

"Xiaobai ... Cough, are you so powerful?"

After seeing Fang Mu's marksmanship, even if he had such a straight character, he would not dare to call him a little white face.

Fang Mu glanced at Rene lightly.

"The next is not an example!"


Leien was choked and wanted to refute, but touching her eyes, she swallowed back all her words again.

She lowered her head and said to herself in her heart.

I just watched for the sake that he saved me just now! Not afraid of him!

"Have you not been injured by those zombies?"

Asked Fang Mu.

"If you have any, just say that there is an antidote on the side of the train, you can directly detoxify."

He didn't want to have any dog ​​blood plot because the two were hiding.


Both shook their heads.

In order to prove, the two also asked the female medical staff to check it again.

After confirming that the two were really not scratched or bitten by the zombies, Fang Mu said.

"Okay, there is not much time, let's hurry up now! I open the road in front, James and Ryan, after the two of you are broken in the back, the other people are in the middle, right?"

Fang Mu naturally began to give orders.

"no problem!"

Everyone nodded.

Regarding Fang Mu's order, even James, who is the captain of the assault team, did not feel anything inappropriate at this time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ And compared to opening the front, the risk of breaking after the back is too small too much.

Fang Mu has taken the most dangerous task to himself, what else can they object to?

"Okay! Let's go immediately!"

Fang Mu is in front, James and Ryan are behind, Jady and two other combatants are in the middle, and the remaining four are in the upper and lower waist positions, forming a five-pointed star formation.

After killing forty zombies, there were several zombies coming one by one in the position of a side door, but their speed was very slow. They just came out of the side door and it will take some time to come over.

Fang Mu glanced at the zombies, and after thinking about it, he gave up the plan to kill them.

There are not many bullets, so save your time.

The group moved forward at the speed of trot.

Not long.

They came to the entrance of restaurant B.

There is a password door.

"Kaplan, open the door!"


Kaplan stepped forward and fiddled with his palm computer a few times. Soon, he obtained the corresponding password.

Is preparing to input.

"and many more!"

Fang Mu stopped him.

"After entering the password, you will immediately return Kaplan! There may be zombies behind this door!"

But when he was facing this door, he suddenly remembered that there was such a plot in the movie.

It seems that after entering the password here, Jiedi was caught by the zombies behind the door, and finally became the food of the zombies.

"Everyone goes back a little!"

Fang Mu said.

And his party took a few steps back.

Kaplan took a deep breath and pressed the password.

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