Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 651: Going to be sold

late at night.

new York.


"What are we doing here?"

Little Loli said calmly.

"Of course to meet the helm of the Morse Group."

Fang Mu said rightfully.


I am going to be sold!

Little Loli looked disappointed.

Frank glanced at Little Loli and turned to look at Fang Mu.

"Are you waiting here?"

"No, let me go."

Fang Mu said.

If Frank is allowed to take action, the points of fate he gets will be greatly reduced.

Destiny Point: 4200

His original fate point was 2650, which changed the plot of the chase and gained 1,000 fate points, plus 550 fate points obtained by more than ten mercenaries killed, and now has 4,200 fate points.

Little Lori Amy's side story, the mercenary regiment led by John only plays a role in connecting the story. The Morse family behind the scenes is the key to 'fate'.

Frank hesitated, and finally agreed.

"it is good."

For him, as long as he kills the hands behind the scenes, it doesn't matter if he has to kill himself.

Fang Mu was about to get off.

"and many more!"

Frank stopped him.

"someone is coming!"

He gestured.

I saw three cars connected in a line, driving on the road, and finally stopped at No. 32 Chelsea.

"It's so late, who will come to him?"

"Look and talk first."

In the eyes of the three.

A bald bearded man walked off the car under the guard of several bodyguards.

"Obadea Stani?"

Fang Mu raised his eyebrows.

Is there a relationship between the two?

"Who is he?"

Frank asked.

Since revenge, he spent most of his time in the **** kitchen, fighting criminals, and was not very concerned about outside information.

Although the Stark Group has been refreshing the screen recently, everyone is focusing on the **** Tony Stark, who will pay attention to who the second character is.

"Number two of the Stark Group."

Fang Muyan said concisely.

"Stark Group?"

Little Loli turned pale.

This big villain actually has something to do with the Stark Group?

The Stark Group, one of the world's best military-industrial groups.


Not long ago.

Tony Stark, a prodigal son, directly announced that he would close the military department of the Stark Group.

This shocking event has passed for several days, and the major news media in the world are still buzzing.

Turning on the TV is all news reports in this regard.

From military, economic, and people's livelihood to entertainment gossip, all kinds of news swept the screen crazy, rubbing the heat.

Little Loli had heard of it even when she was chased.

The Morse Group is an old-school group with incredible power, plus a more powerful Stark group, that ...

"This matter has something to do with the Stark Group?"

Frank had nothing to worry about. In his eyes, as long as he was guilty, he would die!

Stark Group?

Guilty kills you!

The last enemy he killed, or the boss of the CIA of the United States, do you say he dare to start?

Fang Mu's eyes flashed and shook his head.

"Not necessarily, maybe just normal business dealings, let's take a look first."

"Okay, wait a minute."


Inside the villa.

Obadiah Stanley and Lenny Morse met, and the two first exchanged greetings, and soon entered the topic.

"Morse, you also know what Tony did, which seriously damaged the interests of our shareholders. I suggest that we should take appropriate measures when necessary!"

Obadiah Stanny said.

Morse Group owns shares of Stark Group, a little more than 2% and less than 3%.

This share is not too much, but not too little.

Stark Group.

Tony Stark, the number one figure, also has only 23% of the shares.

Obadiah Stanie, the second person, has only 15% of the shares.

The third shareholder is the US military, which holds 11% of the shares, but cannot participate in the company ’s operations and management.

These three major shareholders account for nearly half of the shares.

By removing nearly 20% of the scattered shares, Lenny Morse's shares have allowed him to enter the top ten shareholders of the Stark Group.

Although it is just the end of the line, it should not be underestimated.

"Oh, maybe Tony is just a willful one. We will persuade him again."

Over the years, Tony Stark has made a lot of money for them, and Lenny Morse does not want to stand opposite each other.

After all, who would have trouble with money?

"I have persuaded him many times, but he didn't listen at all, and still insisted on disbanding the military industry department. You know, this will cause us to lose a lot of revenue!"

Obadiah Stanie looked at Lenny Morse and said.

"Look at how much the Stark Group's stock has fallen in these few days? As a shareholder of the Stark Group, do you have the heart to watch the Stark Group go on like this?"

Lenny Morse's face sank slightly.

"I think if we advise Tony more, he will want to understand."

Old fox!

Obadiah Stanley scolded in his heart.

"Maybe, by the way, Morse, how about Ryan? Why didn't I see him? Speaking, I haven't had Ryan for a long time. I heard that he has become a District Councillor? It's amazing!"


Lenny Morse instantly turned to stare at Obadiah Stanley.

Obadiah Stanley looked at him calmly, as if the previous words were just casually said.

The two stared at each other for a long time.

Lenny Morse suddenly smiled.

"Stanny, our friendship for so many years, if necessary, what do you want to do, of course I will help you."

"Hahaha, thank you so much! My good friend!"

After the two had a good relationship, Obadiah Stanny left.

The other party just left.

Lenny Morse dropped his face.

"This old guy! What a hate!"

"You said, is it possible that those two people were sent by him?"

Mrs. Morse said.

"It's very possible! This old guy can do everything for the benefit!"

How does Tony Stark treat him?

How does Howard Stark treat him?

One regards him as uncle ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and one regards him as brother.

But once the interests were involved, Obadiah Stanie immediately disregarded the six relatives.

Such a person, what can't he do?

"You're wrong, we have nothing to do with Obadea."

A voice appeared abruptly in the hall.

The Morse's face changed.

"Who? Get me out!"

In the darkness, a figure came out slowly.

This person is none other than Fang Mu.

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