Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 674: Who is the Lord?

After hanging up the phone.

John took a group of his men to the gathering place of the four gangs.

Receive Billy's site?

Do not.

He wants to unify the Western District of Hell's Kitchen!

Under the stars.

Cars are driving on the streets of Hell's Kitchen.

Inside one of the cars.

"Boss, do we really want to transform into a gang?"

Jack's tone was clearly dissatisfied.

He discovered that John had changed completely since returning from that battle.

Not only did he voluntarily give up his characters, but he also claimed to be loyal to the Lord from now on.

From now on, the Red Tiger Mercenary Corps will completely surrender to the Holy Lord!

Holy Lord?

What is this nameless person?

Never heard of it!

They are world-class mercenary regiments!

Even the Morse Group faced them with some respect.

Who is this Holy Lord?

Even if people don't show up, you want them to be loyal?

If not for John ’s high prestige, the Red Tiger mercenary might have fallen apart.

Even so, within the Red Tiger mercenary regiment, there have been many complaints over the past few days.

Many people have even planned to leave the Red Tiger mercenary if they cannot persuade John to return.

Jack is one of them.

"I think that being a mercenary is the best for us. This is the job we are most familiar with. Not only can we do better, but we can do our best! Say, this is also the best choice. "

Because he tried to force persuasion before, Jack planned to implement a roundabout tactic.

First turn their route back to the mercenaries, and then find a way to kick the holy Lord!

At the end, he added another sentence.

"Many of us hope so!"

If the previous words are still good words, then this last sentence is a bit of a force.

Many people hope so?

What would happen if they did not follow their hopes?

John's face didn't change, but he glanced at Jack lightly.

"Jack, after tonight, you will know why I want our Red Tiger mercenary loyalty to the Lord!"

Jack shivered.

Somehow, John's eyes gave him a more terrible feeling than before!

He lowered his head and dared not look directly at it.

John just glanced at him, then turned his head and stopped speaking.

In the car, other people saw this scene and looked at each other, all inexplicably.

Some of them even secretly gave Jack a small gesture to let him say a few more words.

The Red Tiger mercenary regiment can be ranked among the top international mercenary regiments, half of which are based on John's powerful strength.

If they are forced to do so, they do not want to leave.

After all, the treatment of the world-class mercenary regiment is not available everywhere.

Jack also wanted to say a few more words, but when he thought of John's look, he retracted it involuntarily.

"Tonight? Then I will wait until tonight to pass!"

He wants to see what means this Holy Lord can use tonight!

Jack clenched his fists secretly.


Outside the abandoned factory.

The two people are about ten meters apart and are staring at each other.

"Are you from the Red Tiger Mercenary Corps?"

The ghost head squinted the boss's head.

"Here is the Hell's Kitchen, it's our gang's territory! What do you Red Tiger mercenaries come here for!"

In the past, the Ghost Head did n’t dare to be so scared of the Red Tiger Mercenary Corps.

In terms of strength, the world-class mercenary regiments like the Red Tiger mercenary regiment completely crushed the ghost gang and other middle gangs in **** kitchen.

The Red Tiger Mercenary Corps is no more difficult than Billy to destroy them.

But now, the four big gangs are in the same row, and hundreds of younger brothers stand behind them, not to mention individual strength. In terms of numbers alone, they are at least one third more than the Red Tiger mercenary regiment!

This kind of comparison, coupled with the fact that a big cake has just been dropped, is the time when the ghost head is full of enthusiasm, it is natural to dare to say anything.

John looked at the bald man in front of him and said lightly.

"Are you the boss of Ghost Head Gang?"

"Yes! I am the boss of the ghost head gang, ghost head!"

The ghost said proudly.

Don't hide anymore.


Ghost head.


Billy is dead.

The Ghost Head Gang, which owns the 5th Street District, will become the leader of the new Hell's Kitchen West!

Me, ghost head, very good!

John glanced at the "very good" ghost head to help the boss and the head, and then turned to look elsewhere.

"So, how many of you are the bosses of Chihuo Gang, Longya Gang and Thumb Club?"

"Not bad."

"It's us."

"I don't know this boss of the Red Tiger mercenary corps, what are you doing with us?"

The other three bosses are not as arrogant as ghost heads.

The Red Tiger mercenary regiment has not shown any intention, and they do not need to offend each other for nothing.

Although strictly speaking, gangs and mercenaries belong to the underground world.

But for a long time, gangs and mercenary regiments did not violate the river.

Now their idea is.

Let ’s first look at John ’s requirements. If we can talk together, then talk. If we ca n’t talk, then ...

From the fact that they solved the land left by Billy by dividing the cake, instead of fighting, it can be seen that under the circumstances of choice, they don't want to kill.

After all, killing, killing, but dying!

What if they die?

Still kind, let's talk about it!

"Very good, since you are all here, it's easy to handle!"

John glanced at everyone and said loudly.

"Tonight, on behalf of the Holy Lord, I came to receive the Western District of Hell's Kitchen that originally belonged to him! Now, you have two choices, one, surrender! Two, we are annihilated!"

Ghost Head: ······

Three gang bosses :? ? ?

Four gang elements: Hey? ? ?

Holy Lord?

Who is this person? !

I have never heard of it!

Was Hell's Kitchen West End originally belonged to him?


What are you doing?

"Want to grab the site of the Hell's Kitchen? Yes, ask if the gun in our hands does not agree!"

With a wave of the ghost head, a gun was aimed directly at the Red Tiger mercenary group and others.

The Red Tiger mercenary group also raised the gun in his hand.

Both sides are on the verge.

The faces of the three gang bosses all changed together. Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This sudden change caught them by surprise.

They originally thought that the Red Tiger Mercenary Corps came here because a mercenary mission involved their four major gangs.

But I did not expect that the other party actually came to grab the site!

What should I do now?

Really want to fight?

The three gang bosses are hesitant.

The strength of the Red Tiger mercenary regiment is very strong. If they really fight, they may not have the upper hand.

The boss of Thumb Club stubbornly came out and said.

"The leader of the Red Tiger mercenary regiment, the Hell's Kitchen has always been the site of our gang. The Holy Lord in your mouth, we have never heard of it."

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