Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 714: Haibian Wang

Chris Damico.

When he first heard the name, Fang Mu just felt a little familiar, as if he had heard it there.

Until later, he followed this line and found his dad named Frank Damico, a classmate in his school called Dave Lezesky, he knew what the plot was.

Haibian King!

One of the lowest and worst superheroes in Marvel history.

This film is about Dave, an American high school boy who likes to have some indescribable fantasies about his middle-aged female teacher and is often bullied and beaten by villains. .

Then he used all his pocket money, bought a forgiving color, and wore superhero clothes that were many times lower than the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Putting on this low-explosion superhero dress, Dave soon began the road of superheroes.

Be the ‘hero’ for the first time.

He met three thieves who were stealing a car. After a struggle in his heart, he rushed up bravely and fearlessly.



He was stabbed in the stomach and knelt.

Just when he struggled to get up and wanted to see a doctor.

A car rushed in.


He knocked him to the death half and broke a dozen bones all over his body.

Eight months later, he came out of the hospital.

At this time, his body was full of steel nails.

Don't get me wrong, these steel nails have no effect on him.

The first time to be a "hero" failed.

Dave did not give up his dream of being a "superhero".


Be a ‘hero’ for the second time.

This time, he met three people who were bullying a weak man, and he rushed up without any hesitation.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

He was beaten up by a violent blow, which was terrible.

Those who beat him were tired.

In the end, he won.

The three thought they shouldn't care about a lunatic, so they slipped away.

And because someone just happened to take a video and posted it on the Internet, he quickly became a well-known celebrity with the help of some "hearted people".

People are famous, it is inevitable to swell.

Especially his superhero, ‘Unjustifiable’.

He wanted to be a superhero at first, just because of vanity.

There are so many people paying attention to him and discussing him at once.


The third time as a "hero".

He took the initiative to find a group of drug dealers.

He didn't make any preparations, so he ran to the old nest of others in a daze, and wanted to destroy the other party on behalf of 'justice'.

Then, as expected, he got down.

If it hadn't just happened to meet a super fierce Loli rescuer, he would just confess here.

Drug dealers are not street villains, they really dare to kill people!

Periodic summary.

This is the story of a wretched otaku who keeps dying for his vanity.

That is the protagonist halo appendage, otherwise he does not know how many times he died long ago.

Among Marvel's so many superheroes, Fang Mu's senses tend to be objective, mostly disliked or disgusted.

Only this "Haibian King".

Obscene, vain, and unconstrained.

There is absolutely no qualities that a superhero should have.

Fang Mu's character has always been cautious.

Before doing things, often think twice.

He was disgusted by this kind of person whose strength was so weak that he continued to die.

"Find an opportunity and let him abolish it."

It is scrapped, not done.

There is a clear difference between the two.

Fang Mu had just hacked into Dave's computer and learned that the low-explosion superhero clothes he bought online would arrive today.

In other words, the plot of "Haibian King" has just begun.

"Haibian King" is just an ordinary person from beginning to end.

Even after a period of professional training in ‘Big Dad’ and ‘Super Killer’, he is still just an ordinary person.

At most, at most, it is an ordinary person who is more resistant to fighting.

To deal with such a person, it is certainly not difficult for the other party.

Even if he has a "protagonist aura", he can attract "big dad" and "super kill girl", it is nothing.

However, Fang Mu did not intend to kill the other party directly.

For the system, killing the protagonist has not always been the best choice for maximizing fate points.

The key lies in change.

As for how to change, Fang Mu has already thought about it, and then he will wait for the implementation.

Relative to the protagonist "Haibian Wang", in this plot, Fang Mu values ​​the other two more.

‘Big dad’, Damon McCredy.

"Super Kill Girl", Mindy McReidy.

Damon McReedy, originally a strong policeman, was jailed for five years because of being framed by Frank Damico.

In the past five years, his pregnant wife died because of excessive grief, leaving him with only one daughter.

After he was released from prison, he was determined to take revenge on Frank Damico.

Frank Damico is a drug dealer, extremely powerful, with more than 150 fierce men.

In the North District of Hell's Kitchen, it can be said that it is second only to the Black Dragon Gang.

If he had n’t done ‘business’, he did n’t need so many sites. Heilong Gang wo n’t succeed in winning the North District. It ’s definitely not that easy.

Frank Damico is extremely cautious and never takes over cocaine, only doing wood business.

Damon McCredy searched for so long, and found no evidence to defeat Frank Damico.

In the end, he simply stopped looking.

Directly want to personally kill Frank Damico and avenge his wife.

But Frank Damico was too cautious.

When it's okay, basically stay in their own group building.

The Damico Group building has long-term presence of more than 50 heavily armed security guards, and it is almost impossible to do it by himself.

When Frank Damico went out, not only was his whereabouts extremely concealed, but his car was also a bullet-proof car.

Beside him, he often armed with many bodyguards to the extreme.

‘Big Dad’ has been secretly observing for so long ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Actually, I did n’t find a great opportunity.

As for a person who is so cautious, why did his son have such a big accident, this is really an accident.

No matter how good the protection is, his son is stunned to go out to die, to prove that he is mature, what can you do?

"After making such a big deal, how should you notice it?"

Fang Mu drove a car and wandered around the streets of North District.

Not far behind him, several cars followed quietly.

These cars have been following him since he left the Damico building.

30 million US dollars, where is so easy to get.

Fang Mu glanced through the rearview mirror.

"It stands to reason that it should have been noticed. But not necessarily. What if he didn't monitor the Damico Group building tonight?"

What if he ran to follow Frank Damico?

These things are inaccurate.

"Try it!"

Lord of the fate of the heavens

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