Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 724: I want to be a superhero!

"I agree with the terms you said!"

"Okay! When are you going to start acting?"

"Ten days later."


The phone hung up.

"After ten days?"

Fang Mu's eyes were deep.

"Exactly, just use this time to solve another thing."



Curly hair, glasses, blurred eyes, panting.

Dave touched the forgiving uniform in the box, his face was indescribable.

He can feel that this dress is calling him, it is talking to him.

Put on me.

Put on me.

Put on me and you will become a superhero!

"Super hero!"

Dave's face was flushed, like what he usually did after ‘exercise’.

Of course, as a proud single dog, he has always been a ‘sportsman’.

One person one hand.

Is self-sufficient and does not depend on anyone.


"Put on!"

Dave excitedly began to put on the ‘superhero’ uniform he did n’t know how long.

Speaking of this, he had to spit out the online shopping experience of Mi Guo.

How long has he placed the order?

Half a month?

A month?

He can't remember!

It is only two states apart. Does it take so long?

He can go back and forth seven or eight times by car!

After half an hour.

Dave finally put on his "superhero" uniform.

He stood in front of a full-length mirror.


Is very down.

Is pretty down.

Yes, it means literally.

Was supposed to be tights, but it was loose and loose on him, just like a child stealing adult clothes.

There is no problem with his height, but his figure is too bad.

Thin and weak, without any muscles, like a bamboo pole.

This dress was worn on him and could not hold up at all.

Dave looked excited, not paying attention to it at all.


Does the clothes not fit?

Where does it fit?

Very fit!

Look, how cool!

I can kick my legs too!



Dave knelt on the ground, clutching his man's symbol, a painful expression.

The movement is too big

When I watched Bruce Lee do this action, it was obviously very easy!

Why am I so difficult to make?

I have already put on the ‘superhero’ uniform!

Dave is puzzled.

Finally, he forced an explanation.

This suit is not suitable for Bruce Lee, so there is no action bonus!

It doesn't matter, I can definitely make it in the future when I adapt to it!

Has to say that his physique is still very good.

Tugging on the egg is a serious injury for men. He only recovered after a short rest.

He stood in front of the full-length mirror again.

Gently touched the mask on his face.

"It's so cool!"

The mask only revealed two eyes and mouth, and a few golden horizontal bars, which looked like a certain word in Wang Bazhong.

If you match the color of this dress, it looks like two words.

Dave took a deep breath and his eyes were like electricity (think of himself).

"Look at my King Eight ... Bah! Look at my Overlord Boxing!"

Extended limbs.

A set of ‘weapon ’s‘ Fisting Skill ’shot.


After half a minute.


"No more!"

"Feeling a bit tired!"

"rest for a bit."

Dave stopped and sat on the floor panting.

I usually do a little bit of 'personal exercise', but now my body is a bit weak.

But it doesn't matter, just wait for me to rest for a while.

"Well, the superhero uniform has arrived, and then I should go to pretend ... I should go to save the poor people and maintain justice!"

Dave held his head, his loose clothes, did not block the Holy Light in his heart.

"set off!"

He ‘Qiyu Xuanang’ walked out with great strides.

Walked in two steps.

"Uh, my stomach seems a bit hungry, or should I finish my meal before going?"

Superheroes must be full before they can beat the bad guys!

"Hmm! Eat first!"

Took more than ten minutes to take off his clothes.

Dave got a bag of instant noodles.

For his ‘superhero’ uniform, he has spent almost all of his money, and now he can only eat instant noodles.

The ‘superhero’ uniform was randomly placed on a low table by him. While eating instant noodles, he stroked the uniform while showing a ‘chicken’ smile on his face.

This feel is awesome!

I do n’t know how it compares with the nunzi?

Should it be as good?

Hey hey!

Spent more than ten minutes, Dave finished eating instant noodles.

"Okay! Ready to go!"

Spent another half an hour, put on his uniform.

"Huh? Has it been so dark?"

Dave stopped his steps.

Hell's kitchen after dark seems to be very dangerous!

Do I want to go out to defend justice at this time?

Hesitated a little on his face.

"The teacher said that running out late at night is not a good boy! Good student! Well, it's decided. After dawn, I will go to defend justice!"

Dave decided to be a good boy and a good student!

"However, tomorrow seems to have classes during the day?"

He was thinking about whether he would skip classes and defend justice.

People are suffering and need his rescue!

"Well? It seems to be Teacher Kardashian's class tomorrow? No! I want to be a good student!"

Teacher Kardashian is their biology teacher, teach them enlightenment ... Bah!

Taught them creatures!

Dave ’s enlightenment, bah!

Dave ’s creatures were taught by Mr. Kardashian. He liked Mr. Kardashian very much.


Although Mr. Kardashian is forty-five years old, but her figure ... her skills, teaching techniques! It's still so ...

"Dave, don't be distracted in class! Listen carefully!"

Teacher Kardashian said softly.

"Oh oh! Okay."

Dave quickly lowered his head.


Mr. Kardashian just bent over so sexy!

He almost couldn't hold it back ...

Has spent half a class ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Dave finally calmed down his restless "small heart".


class has ended.

"Come on, Dave, go eat!"

Two of his good friends came over.


Three people walked out of the classroom together.

at the corridor.

Dave met his other campus goddess.

Teacher Kardashian is his biological goddess.

And this, Katie Dixmo, is his goddess of youth.


She seemed to smile at me just now!

Is she interesting to me?

Does she like me?

What should I do, shall I tell her that I like her too? Shall we socialize?

However, would this be too fast?

When Dave struggled.

Katie has walked past him.

"Katie, let's go to dinner together?"


Katie smiled brightly, and left with a good sister's hand happily.

"Hey! Dave, wake up!"

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