Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 730: What do you think of King Haibian?

Hell's kitchen.

North District.

A middle school canteen.

Some male students who were originally disgusted with "Green Hornet", after listening to his words, greatly changed his impression.

Dave's encounter is not alone.

Except for a few people such as Chris Damico, almost most of the students have been robbed, just how many times.

Hearing these words, the sense of identity greatly increased instantly.

"The last question, what do you think of the very popular" Haibian King "during this time?"

Clayton finally raised this question.

"Haibian King?"

Many people heard this question and their interest soared.

Due to the dual creation of TV stations and the Internet, the recent "Haibian King" is indeed very popular.

Especially in Hell's Kitchen, almost everyone is discussing him.

In the past few days, the popularity of the 'Haibian King' has even surpassed the punisher and Daredevil who have not appeared for many days.

What would "Green Hornet" say about "Haibian King"?

Dave raised his ears.

Although he does n’t like this ‘Green Hornet’ very much, he also wants to know, what does he look like in this ‘Green Hornet’ eyes?

"Haibian King? I've heard him too, so brave!"

Fang Mu said.

Dave's mouth showed a smile that was hard to conceal.

Count as his acquaintance!

At this moment, he looked at the square beam of the TV set and became a little more pleasing to the eye.

Just that.

"Brave? Do you also think he is brave?"

"Yes, he is very brave. People who dare to fight against evil forces are all brave!"

Fang Mu said seriously.

"But ..."

"But what?"

"His approach is a bit stupid."

Dave's face stiffened.

Clayton asked.

"Stupid? Why? Did n’t you say he was brave?"

"Braveness does not mean cleverness. The behavior of" Haibian King "shows his bravery, but his choice of behavior also reflects his stupidity!"

"Can you elaborate?"

"His strength is too bad, or there is no strength at all."

Fang Mu sighed and said.

"Everyone has seen the video circulating on the Internet. It can be known only from his movements and figure. He has never exercised at all. I am talking about basic exercise. That is what we often say about running and sit-ups. He has never done such basic exercises. "

"Such an ordinary person, without any preparation, ran to fight with the three villains who had been in the underground world all the year round. Can you imagine the result? Yes, he finally let the three villains escape, but before that? He He was almost beaten to death! If the three villains were more ruthless, he would have already been admitted to the hospital! "

"Obviously, don't you agree with this approach?"

"Everyone has everyone's choice, it doesn't matter if they like it or not."

Fang Mu shook his head slightly.

"It's just that I hope you can be sensible. If it's something you can't do, don't try to force it. The sinister **** kitchen is far from being as simple as what you see now. For the safety of your lives or your children's lives , I suggest you be cautious in this regard! "

"I can understand the meaning of Green Hornet, but what should we do if we encounter something like this next time?"

"I think, um, you can call the police!"

"Call the police?"

Clayton's voice was slightly higher.


Fang Mu smiled slightly.

"Okay, it's about time, I should go, goodbye."


Clayton wanted to say something more, but before he could say anything to save, Fang Mu had jumped on a fence and disappeared directly into the eyes of everyone.

The interview is over.

"Well, let us thank Green Hornet for accepting our interview!"

On the TV screen, only Clayton was left.

"It is an honour that we have photographed part of the process of defeating criminals by Green Hornet. These videos will be uploaded to the Internet later. Interested viewers can click to watch."

"Hmm ~ it hurts!"

Came a moaning sound.

One of the criminals came awake.


Clayton's eyes brightened.

"Someone wakes up, let's listen to his thoughts together!"

He quickly walked over.

"Hi! Hello, I am a reporter from a certain BC TV station. Can I interview you?"

"TV reporter?"

Criminals are a bit ignorant.

What kind of **** is this?

How did you wake up and a reporter appeared in front of you?

"Wait! What is happening to me now? Who tied me up?"

He finally found something wrong.

"It's the Green Hornet!"

"Green Hornet?"

Criminals :? ? ?

What the **** is this?

"The person who stunned you! You were all stunned by him!"

"You, you, you mean that devil?"

The criminals were all in horror.

"What about others? Where is he now? Don't kill me!"


Clayton's face flicked.

"he has gone."

"Leave? That's great! It's really great!"

Criminals almost wept with joy.

The devil is finally gone!

"But you are all **** now."

Criminals: ······

"And the police are coming soon."

Criminals :? ? ?

He stayed for a while.

"Can you let me go? I can give you money."

He said weakly.

"Although I like money very much, I'm sorry."

Clayton shook his head and pointed to the camera next to it.

"We are now live TV, can you answer a few questions?"

"······ You ask ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Criminals are desperate.

"What do you think of Green Hornet?"

"Devil! That is a terrible devil!"

Criminals couldn't help shaking, the whole person revealed a look of fear.

This scene, through the live television, spread to everyone's eyes.

Countless people can't help thinking.

What exactly did the Green Hornet do?

Actually make these criminals fear like this?

These are du sellers!

Anyone who knows a little bit knows how arrogant and terrifying **** is.

Can make these guys so scared, they definitely encountered a horrible experience that ordinary people can't imagine!

This time, countless people have a strong interest in the video shot by Clayton.

What did the Green Hornet do?

They can't wait to know.

Clayton wanted to ask some more about "Green Hornet", but seeing how criminals look like now, he knew that he could not ask anything.

"Okay, let's change the subject. What do you think of King Haibian?"

"Haibian King? That idiot?"

Criminals are not afraid in an instant.

:. :

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