Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 743: The plan has changed!

"And the SHIELD and the Hydra."

Compared with Jinhe and Hand, these two forces are the most likely to test the Red Tiger Hall.

Their family has great careers and can afford to lose some.

Fang Mu's biggest worry is that they saw an attack from a certain party and launched an attack at the same time.

Has nothing to do with temptation. With the current strength of the Red Tiger Hall, plus more than twenty ghost ninjas, as long as they don't send out some cards, they can all cope with the past.

But if the Quartet forces work together to test, the Red Tiger Hall wants to deal with it, it will be difficult.

Normally, when they see other forces tempting, they are eager to save some energy, and it is impossible to join forces with each other.

But the momentum made by the Dawn Church before was too loud, and the immortal ghost ninja appeared, which made all forces feel a huge threat.

They are extremely worried that the Dawn Church really has the strength it says!

In order to know whether the Dawning Church really has such strength, it is not impossible to join hands in temptation.

"They are now ready to move, although they may not be able to do it in a day or two, but they can't last a few days."

Fang Mu pondered.

"It would be nice if I could make that sixth-level puppet now!"

If he can now make the super-level 6 puppet he wants, this trial is of course only pediatrics.

Super five-level puppets carrying the five big six-level magic spells, in terms of strength alone, are not weaker than ordinary seventh-level powerhouses (extraordinary LV · 5-LV · 6)!

Is there, and even if Kim did his own shot, he wouldn't want to get any benefits.

It is a pity.

Although Fang Mu raised the data consciousness to LV · 4, which greatly shortened the time required, even so, he needs at least ten days to make it possible to create that super-sixth-level puppet.

Ten days?

Aegis and Hydra can't wait that long!

"It's a little difficult!"

Fang Mu supported the chin with one hand.

If his expectations are not bad.

This trial, the four forces, and even the Black Dragon Gang, these five forces are very likely to join in the trial!

He had blown the Dawn Church too much before, and he quickly made the Dawn Church the world's number one force.

Originally, this is nothing.

After all, anyone will brag about his own power.

But the point is that the ghost ninja that appeared afterwards further corroborated his words.

Now cautious like Nick Fury, they are beginning to doubt whether the Dawning Church is so powerful.

Such a behemoth suddenly joined the battlefield of Hell's Kitchen. Looking at the posture, it seemed that **** would be unified.

Faced with such a situation, no force will not be nervous.

This temptation may not have the scale of the Western District offensive and defensive alliance, but the five major forces will definitely send their elite subordinates.

Only sent elite subordinates to carry out assault tests. As a result, they may not be able to seriously hurt the current Red Tiger Hall, but they can let them see a lot of things.

"This time the trial is very important, I have to hurt them all! Otherwise, they will likely try one after the other next!"

The compulsion of the Dawn Church has already made a good start. Next, what Fang Mu wants to do is to establish it thoroughly so that everyone can hear the four words of the Dawn Church and they are all in awe.

To do this, Fang Mu must beat this temptation extremely powerfully.

It's not difficult to get rid of this temptation.

As long as these people, Jin Fang, the Five Fingers, and the Winter Soldier Corps, do not take action, Fang Mu can solve it alone.

As for identity issues, just open a ‘magic’ vest.

Just with the strength of Fangmu now, in order to get rid of the five forces to join in the trial and error, there is a high probability that you can only use the ‘sullied flow’ style of play.

This style of play is practical and practical, but it is by no means possible to deter the five forces, and it may even make the Dawning Church finally stand up.

Unless forced, otherwise, this method is not good.

"For today's sake, only level 6 puppets can be created as soon as possible!"

Fang Mu looked at his property panel.

Data consciousness body LV · 4 (0/4000)!

Fate point: 1260!

If the data consciousness is raised to LV · 5, the probability will allow him to further reduce the time to deduce the spell.

In the past few days, Fang Mu has obtained all the magic materials needed to make the sixth-level puppet.

As long as the spell is in place and the energy core is in place, you can start manufacturing at any time.

"Almost three thousand points of fate."

Fang Mu's eyes flashed.

'Haibian King' has taken the right path under his guidance.

However, the plot of "Haibian King" has not been completely completed.

"Frank Damico."

This villain in "Haibian King" can definitely bring him a lot of fate points.

There are also "Super Kill Girl" and "Big Daddy". If the fate of both of them is changed, there should be no less destiny.

These combined, even if there is no three thousand fate points, it is estimated that it will not be much difference.

more importantly.

"iron Man!"

The final battle of "Iron Man" will start soon.

Compared with ‘Haibian King’, ‘Iron Man’ is the real son of Marvel World!

As long as Fang Mu gets in there, there will be no less destiny.


The phone's ringtone suddenly rang again.

Fang Mu looked at the caller ID on the phone screen, and raised his eyebrows slightly.


He paused ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ When the phone rang to the third sound, he answered the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Big Daddy, if I remember correctly, the time we agreed upon, should it be tomorrow?"

"The plan has changed! Frank Damico has been connected to the Grey Shadow Gang. They have already talked about it, and they will start to formally unite tomorrow! The Grey Shadow Gang is very strong. If Frank Damico is If the **** and the Grey Shadow Gang are united, it will be difficult for us to kill him! "

"Grey Shadow Gang?"

Fang Mu's pupil shrank slightly.

"What kind of gang is the Grey Shadow Gang? I remember that North District and even Hell's Kitchen don't seem to have this gang."

The current Hell's Kitchen, the official gang power, only the Red Tiger Hall and the Black Dragon Gang.

The power of Jin Bing, in a strict sense, is more similar to a gangster group like Frank Damico.

Is only different from the Damico Group, and the Jinhe Group also has a site.

Based on this, many people also regard the Jinhe Group as a gang.

In short, even if Jinjin Group is counted, there are only three gangs left in Hell's Kitchen, and there is no gray shadow gang among them.

"The former Hell's Kitchen really did not have this gang. The Gray Shadow Gang is a newly-rising gang. Its predecessor was the Western Offensive and Defensive Alliance.

"Western Alliance offensive and Defensive?"

Fang Mu froze for a moment, then his face became strange.

Is it such a coincidence?

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