Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 746: Just do it!

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Four shots in a row, shot from outside.

The security personnel who put all their eyes on Fang Mu didn't even notice a purple figure coming from the speed.

When they noticed, it was too late.

In the steel guardrail, five security personnel were killed directly.

In terms of marksmanship, the current "super kill girl" is indeed still waiting.

Four shots twenty meters away killed only two of them.

But considering that she was shooting in extreme sports, it was pretty good.

"Shet! He has friends! Kill me!"

The security chief was furious.

Ran and haven't waited for them to switch the muzzle.

"Super Kill Girl" has adjusted her posture, holding the gun in both hands and firing four more shots again.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

The last three people outside the steel fence directly took the lunch box.

In an instant, the number of security personnel in the entire hall was reduced to seven.

This frightened the rest. At least five people turned their guns and turned to ‘super kill girls’.

This move not only failed to achieve the desired effect, but allowed them to go further into the abyss of death.

Just because they released a more terrible gunman!

Fang Mu jumped in one body, still in the air, and even shot four times.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Four sparks splash.

Four bullets, in the incredible eyes of four people, centered on their brows.

Their eyes widened and they fell straight.

Bang Bang Bang!

"Super Kill Girl" took the opportunity to fire three consecutive shots and claimed the lives of two of them.

With more than a dozen security guards, only the last one remains.

He looked at ‘Super Kill Girl’ and then again.

For a time, it was not fired, nor was it fired.

Cry without tears.

How did the Damico Group offend these two big brothers!


I want to go home!


Fang Mu fulfilled his wish.

"Come on, let's go up, they should have noticed our arrival."

‘Ultra Killing Girl’ glanced at the corpse on the ground, and then found that all the people killed by Fang Mu were killed by a single blow, and the position of the shot was actually a brow!

This level of marksmanship, even her father can't compare?

"Super Kill Girl" secretly uttered a tongue.

She had already seen Fang Mu's knife technique before.

Very strong!

Although it was just a glimpse, it was at least not weaker than her.

‘Super Killing Girl’ is very proud. This is not because of her character, but because of her own powerful strength.

Apart from her father, she has never met an opponent so far.

She met her opponent in the past, and the reason why she passed by all the way, in addition to her own personality, is also related to not having met the opponent.

Anyway, it's all sluice, why waste so much time?

It's over!

Fang Mu can make her feel that the knife is not weaker than her, which is quite rare.

The reason why she recognized the old dad Fang Mu joined the team was because of the skill of the sword that Fang Mu showed.

What ‘Super Killing Girl’ did not expect was.

Compared with the knife method, Fang Mu's marksmanship is actually stronger!

Not only stronger than her, but even stronger than her dad!


"Super Kill Girl" replied dumbly.

She was hit.

"Children who have not experienced social" du "(da)"! "

Fang Mu shook his head secretly.

"You take the elevator, I take the stairs."


"Super Kill Girl" hesitated and nodded.

Relative to stairs, elevators are undoubtedly much more dangerous.

But at the same time, taking the elevator is also much faster.

Holding her breath, she was thinking about where to find it. Even if the ‘big dad’ asked her to refuse, she chose to agree.

The two soldiers are divided into two ways.

Take the elevator and take the stairs.

Fang Mu had just walked half a flight of stairs, and a group of people came head-on.


Top floor.

Joe hurried towards the office.

"Frank! Not good, something happened!"

"What happened?"

Frank Damico raised his head from the table with a disgruntled face, and on his table, a small pile of white powder piled up.

This is the product he used for ‘business’.

Generally speaking, in his ‘business’, the boss rarely tests the quality of the product himself.

But he was an accident.

He is more ‘diligent’ and will check the quality of his products from time to time.

However, he controlled very well and did not have many tests in person.

This kind of product is no more than the other, the boss has tested more, it is difficult to grow the company.

Joe was not surprised to see this scene, he saw much more.

Just quickly said.

"Someone is attacking us here!"


Frank Damico's face changed, and he said subconsciously.

"Are you from the Black Dragon Gang?"

A series of recent incidents made him not eat well or sleep well. He always felt his eyes closed and the Black Dragon Gang would rush into them and shoot him to death.

It was because of the pressure that he was at this point, and he wanted to test his own products.

Anyone thought that he had just tried it a little bit, and someone came to the door.

"It's not clear, but the following people said that there didn't seem to be many people coming."

"Not many people came? How many people came."

"It seems that there are no more than five people."

"No more than five people?"

Frank Damico's face sank.

"It's just a few people, you told me that the big thing is not good? Let people kill them directly!"

On the first floor alone, he arranged a full 15 people!

Coupled with his defense arrangements for the first floor, not to mention that there are not enough five people, that is, ten or twenty people, and it is extremely difficult to break through his first floor defense line.

The glass he put on the first floor is not ordinary glass, but bulletproof glass!

Just hold the door and kill each one.

Frank Damico didn't believe that he had fifteen people and could not hold a door.

Joe lowered his head and said cautiously.

"Frank, everyone on the first floor, are all dead?"


Frank Damico's voice instantly rose several octaves.

"Aren't you talking about five people?"

"It really is less than five people."

"Less than five people, killed me fifteen people?"

"······ This is indeed true ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ waste!"

Frank Damico flicked the table violently, shaking off the "experiment" on his table.

He stood up and stared at Joe like a tiger.

Joe lowered his head, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Many people don't know that the first foundation of the Damico Group was actually made by Frank Damico one by one.

In Hell's Kitchen, it was impossible to figure out how much blood was contaminated by Frank Damico's hands on his own.

Only Joe, who has always been with Frank Damico, knows how terrifying he was!

Although Frank Damico has rarely participated in front-line work, his momentum has not decreased but increased.

Once he was really angry, even Joe would not dare to look up.

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