Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 77: The fierce Jill! (Three / five)

Ross yelled at his mobile phone.

Tulisha completely believed what Ross said. No one could live with such a large chunk of flesh in the neck.

This is really a monster that eats people!

Tulisha wants to run, but now, she is bothered by fear and nausea, and she can't lift a trace of strength, only knowing to be sick in place.


The zombie made a beast-like sound and rushed towards Du Lisha.

At the critical moment, Du Lisha's instinct to survive finally provided her with a strength.

Saw that she turned around and flicked away from the zombies.

Too late to surprise, Du Lisha immediately ran towards her car.

She is leaving here!

Leave Raccoon City!

Leave these scary monsters!

Just ran away two steps.


Du Lisha got a kick and fell to the ground.

She sprained!

Tulisha desperately wants to get up, but the severe pain makes her simply unable to get up.

"No! I can't die here!"

'S instinct to survive, let Du Lisha crawl towards her car and go away.

Her car is not far from her present position, only ten meters away.

As long as you can climb over, you will be saved!

Tulisha gritted her teeth and crawled forward.

Behind her.

Zombie crawled towards her.

Zombies seem stiff, but the speed of movement is not slow.

One point, one point.

Tulisha can feel the breath of zombies approaching her gradually.

Is near.

Is closer.

Fear erodes her mind, but she still insists on climbing towards the car.

Ten meters.

Eight meters.

Five meters.


one meter!

Seeing that reaching for the door is enough.

Is at this time.

Stretched out a hand.

Caught Du Lisha's feet directly!

"Do not!"

Tulisha shouted that she wanted to kick that hand away.

The hand was pale and thin, but unexpectedly powerful.

Firmly holding Du Lisha's feet, she couldn't break free.


Ross yelled, his clenched fist almost wanted to punch the zombie inside the computer!

Tulisha's mobile phone has been dropped, only a rustling voice came from a dozen meters away.


The zombie growled and opened his mouth towards Du Lisha's leg.

"No! No! No!"

Tulisha yelled in fear, struggling.

But it doesn't help.

That mouth was less than ten centimeters away from her leg, and Du Lisha could even feel a disgusting stench approaching.

Am I dying?

I don't want to die yet!

Ross has not yet completed his dream. If I were to die, what would Rose do?

Tulisha did not give up her struggle.

But in front of the zombies, her power is too weak.

Farewell, baby.

Mom can't help you achieve your dreams, you will depend on yourself in the future.

You must be strong, don't be so capricious anymore!

Mom loves you!

Duris closed her eyes in despair.

The expected pain did not come.

Only heard.


Tulisha felt the hand holding her foot disappeared.

She opened her eyes.

Saw a woman with short hair standing in front of her.

She wore a light blue sleeveless t-shirt and a pair of black skinny denim shorts, revealing a figure that protruded forward and back.

Tulisha could only see her little sideways, but she noticed the pistol pinned around the waist of this short-haired woman.

This is a policeman!


Tulisha almost wept with joy.

"Thank God! Madam Police! This man is crazy! He actually wants to bite me! You must help me catch him!"

Although Du Lisa believed her son, she knew that this ‘person’ was not actually a ‘person’ but a zombie!

Is a monster that eats people!

But she was not sure if the police would believe it.

This kind of thing is too ridiculous!

If Rose is not her son, she still makes such a poisonous oath, and Du Lisha is also hard to believe.

So she changed the word wisely.


Jill turned to look at Du Lisha.

"No! This thing is a zombie!"


Du Lisha looked stunned.

Is this common sense?

Why did her son know, and the policeman in front of him also knew?

She just did n’t watch TV in a day, what did she miss?

Tulisha fell into deep self-doubt.

Jill returned, and turned to look at the zombie two meters away.

Just now she kicked very hard!

She kicked on the shoulder of the zombie. At that moment, Jill even heard the sound of bone fracture very clearly.

His hand is absolutely dead!

For ordinary people to encounter such injuries, there will be no other actions except rolling in place and screaming in pain.

But this zombie just snarled, lifted up halfway, and then continued to crawl towards her with the remaining hand!

Jill frowned slightly.

Immediately took out the pistol.


Flesh fluttering.

The zombie's chest was directly punched by her!

She did not use the pistols of ordinary police officers, but the traits of high-power pistols. With one shot, her head can be knocked out of the way!

Tulisha, who had recovered, saw this scene and swallowed unconsciously.

Too cruel!

She gave Gill a careful look.

Police she saw a lot, but like this brutal, she really saw it for the first time.

General police officers rarely encounter guns when they encounter suspects. Even when shooting is required, www.wuxiaspot.com ~ will fire a shot ahead of the sky as a warning.

Without saying anything like this, he shot the person's chest directly with a single shot, Du Lisha said.

She has never seen such a brutal and decisive person!

She even began to sympathize with the zombie.

Met this one, he was really unlucky enough.

Hadn't eaten a bite of hot food yet, he was directly hit.

Jill retracted the pistol.

Turned to look at Du Lisa.

"Can you still move?"

"Also, okay."

Tulisha moved her hands and feet and found that the sprained foot was much better just now. With Jill's help, she quickly stood up.

After standing still.

Tulisha took two steps carefully, her cheek twitched.

Is still a bit painful!

However, if you do n’t hurry, driving will not be a problem.

"What are you going to do now?"

Asked Gil.

"Me, I plan to go home first."

Tulisha's eyes flickered.

She dared not directly say that she would leave Raccoon City.

Because she did n’t know what the ‘ruthless’ police officer was thinking, although the zombie was killed by her, she could n’t get away from her.

If Jill wants to take her back to the police station to make a confession, it will be troublesome.

"Leave Raccoon City!"


Du Lisha froze for a moment.

Did she hear it wrong?

"I say······"

"Be careful!"

Tulisha suddenly screamed with staring eyes.

Jill immediately turned his head.

Saw a pale face, opened his mouth wide, and rushed at her!

Is the zombie just now!

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