Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 776: Who killed?


Standing under the lights, everyone felt a long absence of security.

"Boss! Anderson!"

Came a cry.

"It's other security personnel coming!"

Looked at the dozens of security personnel flying towards here, Anderson and others suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Is safe!

"Anderson, why are there only these few people, other people? Didn't Gilt bring a dozen people over?"


Anderson looked dark.

"They are all dead."

"Everyone is dead? How is this possible?"

The newcomer is incredible.

Is there a large number of terrorists?

Otherwise, how could Gilt so many people die so soon?

This is less than ten minutes!

"The story is long ..."


Norman Osbourne coughed twice and gestured with severe eyes.

Anderson immediately closed his eyes, and the security personnel who came to see this scene wisely stopped asking more.

"Have you brought any high-power flashlights?"

"All brought."

"Then let's go in and see now!"

Anderson was anxious when he heard it.

"Boss, it's very dangerous to go in now, I suggest we still go to a safe place to talk now!"

"No! Anderson!"

Norman Osborne shook his head.

"If it didn't happen, it might be dangerous inside, but now it is clear that it must have happened! We must go in as soon as possible! Find it! Can't waste time!"

"But ..."

"Stop talking! Go in immediately, I'm with you!"

Norman Osborne's tone was firm.

What else can Anderson say?

"I know, boss."

During this process, Norman Osbourne did not ask Fang Mu's opinion throughout, as if he did not exist.

Fang Mu did not seem to care, just followed quietly.

And the group re-entered the darkness.

Under the illumination of several high-power flashlights, the surrounding area is bright.

Under the constant urging of Norman Osbourne, the group quickly approached the place where they were last attacked.

"Boss, there seems to be a dead mouse in front of him."

"Dead mouse without hair?"

Norman Osborne giggled.

Is that monster dead?

And then changed back to its original form?

His face was black.

If this is the case, then he will lose money!

"Look at the past!"

And his party hurried away.

On the ground.

Under the flashlight.

A hairless mouse appeared in front of everyone.

The hairless mouse was pink all over, with loose skin, as if the body had been stretched out, and suddenly shrank back.

It has no teeth, and there are two blood holes in its two eyes. It looks like it has been directly penetrated by something. The red and white brain plasma flows to the ground.

Obviously, this is the cause of death of this little white mouse.

"It was killed by a gun?"

Anderson had a trace of doubt.

He is now at least 90% sure that this hairless mouse is the green monster before!

Otherwise, there would not be such a coincidence.

Suitable location, suitable biological species, suitable physical condition ...

You are just looking for such a mouse, it is not so easy.

"However, who actually killed?"

Anderson thought for a moment, without any clue.

At that time, all five of them fired, and three of them shot all the bullets in the gun.

In principle, everyone is possible.

It was just that they shot so many people before, and they failed to kill the green monster. Instead, they shot at the end and killed the green monster.

"Is this the legendary, at the critical moment, is it better to play a wave of rashness?"

Anderson felt that his three views were being impacted.

Mutant is dead!

Norman Osborne's complexion was blue and purple.

Dead mutants are far less valuable than living mutants, let alone this dead mutant that has returned to its original form.

If the value of a living mutant is one hundred and the value of a dead mutant is thirty, then the value of a dead mutant that has returned to its original form is only five at most! Even lower!

Relying on this dead mutant that turned back to its original form, want to be the father of the military?

Military: hetui!

It took a while for Norman Osborne to accept this fact.

He said blankly.

"Send this dead mouse to Professor Kurt, and, find employees who died because of this matter, report to the company, the company will compensate their families with first-class treatment! Anderson, you made a contribution , The company will reward you a million! There are four of you, each of them 500,000! "

With this remark, many people couldn't help but looked at Anderson five enviously.

Hundreds of thousands of millions of dollars!

They do n’t eat or drink, and it will take several years before they can earn so much money.

Norman Osbourne turned his head and said with a guilty look.

"Eddie, I'm really embarrassed, something like this happened, and finally got you in. This is really my fault!"

"Mr. Norman is serious, no one can predict such a thing, it has nothing to do with you."

Fang Mu said generously.

"Can't say that, although this is an accident, but we did do not good enough! I think our Osborne Group should give you compensation!"

"Mr. Norman is serious, I think ..."

The two pushed and pushed each other.

Norman Osbourne insisted on giving Fangmu compensation, but Fangmu insisted not.

Finally, Fang Mu said.

"Mr. Norman, compensation is really not necessary. There is such a big thing happening tonight, there must be a lot of things to deal with on your side, I wo n’t disturb it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Come and visit again someday! "

"Ah, okay, it's not too early now, Eddie wants to go back, then go back first."

Norman Osborne sighed.

"I still have a lot of things to deal with, so I won't send you. Scole, you will send me Mr. Eddie for me!"

The two parties said goodbye.

Fang Mu turned and left.

Looked at Fang Mu's back, Norman Osborne's face sank slightly.

He knew that some of his actions tonight must have offended the other party.

Especially when he forcibly returned to this place regardless of danger just now, he did not care about Fang Mu's thoughts throughout the journey.

Fang Mu's words just now have already expressed his attitude.

The military's father of gold cannot succeed, even the father of gold who wanted to find him must leave him.

Tonight, this matter is troublesome!

However, there is nothing more than interest in the world.

Norman Osborne has a feeling.

Fang Mu will definitely come back to find his own!

He looked deeply at Fang Mu's disappearing back, and then turned around.

"Let's go to the laboratory!"

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