Lord of the Heavens Fate

Chapter 804: I'm so hard!

"You go back and tell Kim Ho, United can, but he needs to help me deliver a‘ thing 'over! "

Mrs. Gao's eyes flickered slightly.

After listening to the target's words, she directly made her own request.

Hand Association has its own shipping channel.

This shipping channel is only suitable for small goods.

And this time she wanted to ship it, but it was a ‘big guy’!

The target eye was silent for a while.

"What is shipped?"

"A thing that is of great help to our union!"

Mrs. Gao's mouth has a mysterious smile.

"I will tell my boss faithfully!"


Target eyes flashed away and left.

Looked at the direction where the target eye left, and the smile on Madam Gao's face gradually disappeared.

"Red Tiger Hall, your end is here!"


Black Dragon Gang headquarters.

"Cooperation? I will think about it!"

"Mr. Frode, our boss said, I hope you can best reply within three days!"

"Relax, I will give you an answer within three days."

Black shadow flashed.

The target eyes left the Black Dragon Gang headquarters.

Black Dragon Gang headquarters hall.

There are only two people in the hall, Floyd Claude and Parker.

After leaving the target eye, Flode Claude did not keep his calm expression, but looked sad.

"I didn't expect that we haven't come to the door yet, and Jin He actually came to the door first. It's just his idea, it's too crazy!"

Thinking of him as the leader of the Black Dragon Gang, the hegemony of the North District of Hell's Kitchen, after listening to the description of the 'Governor' under his men, the boldest idea is to unite the hand union and the Jinhe Group to resist the Red Tiger Hall together so that they will not be broken .

Gold and actually want to destroy the Red Tiger Hall directly?

What gave him such courage?

"There are rumors that Jin's personal strength is terrifying! No one has ever seen him go all out, and no one deserves his full shot! Maybe, Kim doesn't think he can deal with 'Governor'."

Parker pondered for a moment, and finally said a little uncertainly.

"Gold and can deal with" Governor "?"

Flode? Claude's eyes light up.

His biggest headache is the issue of the ‘Governor’.

Especially after this battle tonight, after the Shadow Warrior, which originally feared and longed for the Red Tiger Hall, was exploded, the Red Tiger Hall had nothing to fear.

Only the official member of the Dawn Church, he now thinks that he will tremble unconsciously.

Too strong!

Based on the analysis of the strength displayed by the 'Governor', Flod even suspected that the Black Dragon Gang would be added together, and they might not necessarily be his own opponent.

'Governor' is his nightmare!

If you do n’t have money, you can deal with the ‘Governor’ ??????

Frood's thoughts flew in his heart.

Under Parker's persuasion, he had already tended to surrender the Red Tiger Hall, but the emergence of this news gave him a different choice.

As long as there is a choice, Frode does not want to give up the Black Dragon Gang.

This is the foundation of their Claude family's decades of struggle and hard work. It is also the best tool for him to realize his ambitions. How can he give up?

Parker shook his head, how could he not see Frode's idea?

"Frood, this is just a rumor, no one knows whether this is the case."

You might not believe it. Except that Jin didn't use force at the beginning of his rise, he almost always used his own brain, and rarely fight on the front line.

In the first years of Jin and Jin, apart from following his men first, few people remembered what it was like.

"There should be such rumors, that must be based on facts!"

Flod's complexion disappeared.

"Think of the dawn church in the beginning. Isn't that just a rumor? And, with Jin Jin's character, he can't do such a thing if he is confident and can deal with the 'Governor' with confidence. ! "

"What you said makes sense, Frode and Kim might really be able to deal with the 'Governor'."

Parker was silent for a moment.

"But, Frode, have you thought about it? If Jin really has the strength to deal with the 'Governor', we are also very fortunate to destroy the Red Tiger Hall, and then? Would Jin He successfully take our Black Dragon Gang Destroy it? "


Frode's excited expression froze.

He is a smart man.

He ca n’t say anything like ‘Gu Nian Lian Qing’.

The two of them are united to completely eliminate the Red Tiger Hall before the Red Tiger Hall starts to destroy them!

What feelings?

They have no emotion at all!

Once the Red Tiger Hall is destroyed, Jin will definitely aim the next target at their Black Dragon Gang!

Parker sighed.

"This is the result of everything going smoothly. If it doesn't go well? Like this temptation, our four forces joined forces and thought they could control everything. The result? The Dawning Church sent a full member to send us directly All elites gone are destroyed! "

"This time, our Black Dragon Gang and Shouhehui and Jinhe Group joined forces and attacked with all our strength. It is indeed more than several times stronger than before! Even if there is an additional 'Governor' in the Red Tiger Hall, it may not be able to stop us. However, What if the Dawning Church continues to send regular members over? "

Frode opened his mouth, but could not say anything.

He always thought that he was one of the hegemons of the **** kitchen. With the accumulation of the Black Dragon Gang for decades, he might even become the only king of the **** kitchen in the future!

But now he found out.

He is no longer the hegemon of **** kitchen ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Now there are only two **** kitchen hegemons.

Red Tiger Hall, Jin Bing Group!

His black dragon gang is just a little black worm between the two overlords.

Now leaves him with only two options.

Either surrendered to the Red Tiger Hall, or surrendered to the Golden Union Group.

Want to be independent?

Want to be king?

First raise your bronze rank and talk about it!

Frood: ??????

I'm so hard!

"Why don't we trust Jinjin Group?"

Flod said sullenly.

"Maybe we can't compare with Jinjin Group, but if we invest in Jinjin Group, the treatment may not be worse than Chihudian! It may even be better!"

Indeed, Kim never minded delegating authority.

If Frode joins as the leader of the Black Dragon Gang, Kim may very well make him the second character of the Kim Bing Group!

Think about Red Tiger Hall again?

Become the squad leader who manages a block?

Parker glanced at Frode, his eyes strange.

"Frood, do you think the most important thing for us to join the Red Tiger Hall is power?"

"Is not it?"

Flod asked back.

Parker shook his head and sighed.

"Frode, did you forget the Church of Dawn?"

"Dawn Church?"

Flod froze.

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