Lord of the House

Vol 11 Chapter 102: westbound

Liu Tingzhou went south from Shouzhou and wanted to see Cao Zian through Luzhou, but Chen Huawen, the prefect of Luzhou, told Liu Tingzhou that Cao Zian had called Lin Fuzhao to Qichun.

Liu Tingzhou did not stay in Luzhou either, and rushed to Qichun through Lujiang, Yicheng, Zongyang, Huangmei and other cities without stopping.

When Liu Tingzhou arrived in Qichun, Lin Fu had already gone to Huangzhou with the army. In Qichun, he only saw Yue Lengqiu, who stayed in Qichun to supervise the Chizhou army to fight. Yue Lengqiu and Lin Fu formed a decision to split their troops into two directions and attack the enemy's defense line in eastern Hubei. From Qichun to the northwest, they attacked the rebel general Chen Hansansuo, which became the responsibility of the Chizhou army.

Qichun has now become the main camp for the Chizhou army to attack Fengshan. Yue Lengqiu is personally in charge of Qichun city, Deng Yu is also in Qichun city temporarily, Yue Zhi led 8,000 soldiers and horses, and has already crossed the Qishui River and entered the washing horse. , Ceshan and other places, the soldiers have penetrated into the east bank of the Xishui River, surrounded the Xishui River, entangled with Chen Hansan's soldiers and horses on the periphery, and competed for control over the upper reaches of the Xishui River.

Even if Chen Hansan retreated to defend Fengshan and Bailian River, he would not be able to easily give up control over the upper reaches of Xishui, especially the west bank. The two villages of Bailianhe were directly attacked.

Even if it is a delay, the competition for the peripheral area is necessary.

Obviously, from the upstream direction of the west bank of the Xishui River, the road was damaged, and there was no bridge in front of the river, so the advance troops and horses could not enter quickly, and the enemy would be driven out of this area. It is difficult to come up and directly surround the enemy stronghold.

"How strong is Duke Chongguo's determination to fight against Yanlu in Jingxiang?" Standing on the head of Qichun City, Liu Tingzhou asked Yue Lengqiu in a low voice, seeing that there was no one else besides Deng Yu.

Although Yue Lengqiu made a mistake in the Nanyang incident, this time the Chizhou army was involved, and Liu Tingzhou was still willing to listen to Yue Lengqiu's judgment.

"After the defeat of Zongyang, although the Chizhou army entered East Hubei and confronted the rebel general Chen Hansan, they were only resting in Huangmei and Zongyang to replenish their vitality, because Huangmei and Jiangzhou were interdependent across the river, and they were not afraid of Chen Hansan and extravagance. The family dares to attack," Yue Lengqiu said, "Although I have to rest, but only three months, it is only enough for the soldiers to recuperate. Tingzhou, look at the Zhaiqiao docks around Qichun, the Chizhou army What can you do at this time?"

Qichun is still far from the river bank, more than 20 miles away from the river beach, but it is built near the Qishui River, and the east of the city is the hills and mountains at the southwest foothills of Wanshan (Southern Huaishan). Although when Chen Hansan withdrew, he set fire to Qichun City, but to attack Fengshan from Qichun, there was no more suitable place to serve as the rear camp of the troops on the Eastern Front.

At present, after clearing the obstacles such as shipwrecks and wooden stakes in the Qishui River, boats in the Yangtze River can directly enter the Qishui River. Just outside the inland river wharf outside the west city of Qichun, Liu Tingzhou and Yue Lengqiu stood at the head of the city and could see it with the naked eye. There were dozens of common warehouse boats on the Yangtze River parked there, and thousands of laborers were busy there. Supplies were unloaded from the ship.

Liu Tingzhou didn't know the specific situation of Deng Yu and Yue Zhi's troops entering Xima, Ceshan and other places. , Yingying Ridge, two key places, you can see that two camps have been standing between the forests and mountains, and together with Qichun City, they control the lower reaches of the Qishui River. Although the upstream of the inland dock is about two miles, there are four trestle bridges across the Qishui River. Above, communicate across the strait.

On the other side of the Qishui River, there are several simple sheds with smoke pillars vacating the air. Looking at the nearby river beach, there are piles of black coal and stones. Judging from the situation, the other side of the river seems to be burning kilns to make bricks.

"The river against the cliff is a brick city?" Liu Tingzhou asked.

"Build the barracks first, then repair the brick walls..." Yue Lengqiu said.

Like Yue Lengqiu, Liu Tingzhou was very familiar with military affairs.

It only takes three to five days to cut wood as a fence, and build a fence camp according to the dangers of mountains and rivers. Burning bricks to build a wall is a big project, and it is not a prison, but its strength is far from that of a fence camp.

After the defeat of Zongyang, although Lin Fu did not lay off the Chizhou army, the amount of money allocated to the Chizhou army was sharply reduced to 600,000 taels per year. Yue Lengqiu's words were very clear. The money allocated, after the fiasco of Zongyang, was not enough to rest and recuperate, and it was impossible for Deng Yu and Yue Zhi to lead the front troops to cross the Qishui River and enter the front line of Fengshan, and at the same time as the large-scale construction in Qichun defense system.

The way of offense and defense is to hide and defend while attacking, and attack while defending.

No matter how well Deng Yu and Yue Zhi fought in the front line, the defense of the main camp must be solid and steady; in this way, even if Deng Yu, Yue Zhi and other leading troops are frustrated, they can quickly retreat and rest, and continue after they are cleaned up. Attack in the direction of Fengshan, instead of pinning all your hopes on one attack.

The defeat of Zongyang was lured by Shewenzhuang, and Yue Lengqiu sent his son Yue Duming to lead the army to attack Huanglongling too hastily, which was naturally the main reason, but the Xiaocangshan camp was too thin, after Yue Duming was defeated in the field, Yue Lengqiu Not being able to defend against the Kokura Mountain fortress was the main reason for the uncontrollable casualties. If Yue Duming was defeated when he attacked Huanglongling at that time, and Yue Lengqiu could defend Xiaocang Mountain, it would at least ensure that most of the defeated soldiers would not be combined to cover up for Chen Hansan and Shejia.

The same is true for the Eastern Hubei defense line that is currently fighting the enemy.

It is the most basic requirement for generals to lead troops before they win.

No matter how weak the enemy's troops and horses are on the defense line in eastern Hubei at this time, whether it is the Chizhou army or the Huaidong army, which is the best in the world, there is no full confidence that they can take Hanjin and Huangpi in one go before the battle. , Tieshanmen and Fengshan, etc., to open the flank of the enemy in eastern Hubei.

When attacking, you must consider how to deal with the unfavorable situation of the attack.

Another, now that the main attack direction of Yanhu is Jingzhou, so the Huaidong Army and Chizhou Army gathered nearly 100,000 soldiers and horses to cross the river to the north bank, attack the enemy's eastern Hubei defense line, and do their best to contain the Yanlu flank. Do your best to fight Jingzhou. If the main force of Yanhu abandons Jingzhou and does not attack, and goes straight to Hubei from the east bank of the Han River, will the Huaidong Army and Chizhou Army on the north bank of the Yangtze River advance or retreat?

In fact, at this time, a large group of captive cavalry entered Shicheng near the western foot of Dahong Mountain along the east bank of Han River. The Jingmen in the north of Jingzhou can also be directly inserted into the east of Hubei to cooperate with the enemy troops of Yang Xiong, Sun Jichang, Zhong Rong, Chen Hansan and other troops who were in the east of Hubei defense line to attack Huaidong and the troops and horses of the Chizhou army who crossed the river in the early stage.

At this time, the troops and horses of the Huaidong Army and Chizhou Army who crossed the river in the early stage can no longer be eager to consider expanding, but should consider shrinking, so as not to eat the large cavalry of Yanlu in the hilly area south of Jianjun Mountain and Qishan Mountain. deficit.

At this time, along the north bank of the Yangtze River, with the two cities of Qichun and Huangzhou as the core, quickly built defensive fortifications with multiple fortifications - if the main force of Yanluo was really attracted to eastern Hubei, then the Huaidong Army and Chizhou Army would shrink. Go to the fortress along the river, backed by the Yangtze River, and consume the soldiers and horses of the Yanlu and their fighting spirit. If the plan of Yanlu's main attack on Jingzhou remains unchanged, then Huaidong Army and Chizhou Army can rely on the fortress along the river to attack the enemy's East Hubei defense line to save the possibility of breaking through its flank and relieve the siege of Jingzhou.

Even if Jingzhou unfortunately falls, the Huaidong Army and Chizhou rely on the fortresses along the river, and it will be much easier to withdraw from the north bank in the end.

Only in this way, the Huaidong Army and Chizhou Army can slightly grasp the initiative in the battle of Jingxiang, and will not fall into complete passivity.

Of course, in order to gain such an initiative, it means a huge investment of human and material resources...

Without the Huaidong Army, and relying only on the total annual appropriation of 600,000 taels from the Ministry of Housing to the Chizhou Army, how could Yue Lengqiu build two strong fortresses on the west bank of Qishui while repairing the ruined city of Qichun?

At this time, a civil official wearing a green robe came to the city. The man had a large spot on the right side of his face and was ugly. Seeing that he was very familiar, Liu Tingzhou couldn't remember who it was.

Yue Lengqiu introduced: "Tingzhou, this is Zhu Ai, the battalion of the Privy Council, Tian Zuowei, who was ordered by the Privy Council to know Qichun and lead 5,000 soldiers to enter Qichun. Master Zhu is in charge..."

"Oh, why did I say it looks familiar?" Liu Tingzhou remembered who Zhu Ai was here, but he didn't expect that the cowherd in the early years would now appoint Lin Fu as the Qichunling.

Although Liu Tingzhou failed to make him an official in the end, after all, he was the one who affirmed his talent at first, and Zhu Ai was very kind to Liu Tingzhou.

"Zhu Ai greets Lord Yue, Lord Liu, and General Deng!" Zhu Ai came over to salute Yue Lengqiu, Liu Tingzhou, and Deng Yu.

"Master Zhu is very kind." Liu Tingzhou replied, thinking that Zhu Ai, who was sent by Lin Fu, led 5,000 soldiers to enter Qichun, and invested a lot of materials in Qichun to help the Chizhou army quickly build the rear defense barrier. There is no such thing as this. It can even show his determination to fight against Yanlu in Jingxiang.

Lin Fu invested a lot of resources in Luzhou early, with the intention of guarding against Dong Yuan, but also with the intention of being close to Shouzhou and resisting the main force of Yanlu troops entering Huaixi. That Lin Fu transferred Luzhou's resources here, of course.

Although in Qichun, most of Liu Tingzhou's worries have disappeared, but since he came here, he can't even see Lin Bie, so he can go back to Shouzhou - How can Huaixi contain Yanlu's troops on the northern front? Huaidongning Whether Zechen's troops should advance westward along the Huaihe River, these key issues should be discussed with Lin Fu in person.

Yue Lengqiu also happened to be going to Huangzhou.

Huangzhou is in the west and north of Qichun, and is opposite to the city of Ezhou across the river. Geographically, Huangzhou also happens to protect the flank of Qichun-relatively speaking, the Chizhou army is responsible for dispatching troops from Qichun to attack Fengshan. The military pressure is much less than that of the Huaidong Army.

Yue Lengqiu left Qichun, and Deng Yu stayed behind to preside over the military and political affairs, which would not be a big problem.

Since the west bank of the Xishui River was not safe enough, after the Yanlu captured Wuguan, its main cavalry did not come, but a large number of war horses were dispatched to make up for Chen Hansan's troops, which made the cavalry controlled by Chen Hansan surge by nearly one percent. times, making it more active in hilly areas.

In the early days of the Huaidong Water Camp, people and necessary supplies had to be transported to the north bank, and the battalion and a large number of war horses were somewhat delayed, so that in a short period of time, the penetration ability of the buffer zone was not as good as that of the enemy army.

Yue Lengqiu accompanied Liu Tingzhou to Huangzhou. It was not safe to travel by land, so he could only go to Huangzhou by boat.

Boarding the ship from Qichun and going down the Qishui River into the Yangtze River, Liu Tingzhou discovered that thousands of boats were racing across the Yangtze River, almost covering the entire surface of the river. On the river, in addition to the warships and troop transport ships of the Huaidong Water Camp and the merchant ships whose hulls were temporarily requisitioned~www.wuxiaspot.com~, there are also a large number of small fishing boats such as galleys and awning sculls, some of which are still hanging on the bow. Unharvested fishing nets.

Liu Tingzhou looked puzzled. What were the fishermen doing in Huangzhou?

Seeing Liu Tingzhou's doubts, Yue Lengqiu said: "Tingzhou came all the way from Shouzhou, some of the latest situation is still unclear, the Privy Council invited me and Zuo Xiang to sign the land grant order together before leaving Qichun: People of Jianghuai, Those who crossed the river by themselves and accompanied the army to the national disaster, those who have accumulated merits will be granted 30 acres of unowned land and permanent industry; those who have moved with them but have no merit will be offered one tael of silver per mu of land to buy Yongye land two years later, and the land will be 30 mu of land. It is limited! In addition, the privy envoy signed an order to recruit Confucian scholars to join the army to participate in the war, and after accumulating merits, they can be supplemented as officials, or after serving in the camp for two years, they can also be recruited as officials..."

Hearing this, Liu Tingzhou was stunned for a moment.

The Jingxiang Rebellion has been going on for many years, and it has been beaten into ruins everywhere. After the recovery, there will be countless unowned fields in Jingxiang, and it will be a headache to reclaim the wasteland at that time. At this time, the land grant order can only be used to recruit the army and civilians to assist in the battle.

However, recruiting Confucian students into the army, things are not so simple.

After Emperor Yongxing ascended the throne in Jiangning, the imperial examination was forced to be suspended due to the war, which cut off the road of Confucian scholars from all over the world.

Now Jiangxi, Dongmin, Liangzhe, Xiangtan, Guangnan and other places have all recovered one after another. No matter how the battle of Jingxiang is, as long as the Yangtze River can be held, it is also the general trend to resume scientific research.

Lin Fu recruited Confucian students to join the army, and some Confucian students would dismiss it, but some Confucian students, especially some young Confucian students, were angry at the massacre in Nanyang. Lin Fu's move was a great convenience. Although some of these Confucian scholars would join the Chizhou Army and Huaixi Army, most of them would enter the Huaidong Army and come under Lin Fu's control. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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