Lord of the House

Vol 3 Chapter 165: watertight

When it comes to the phase dispute, Gu Wuchen can temporarily let go of how important things are.

Besides, Hekou made such a big scene, how could Gu Wuchen not take charge of himself and clean up the mess for Lin Bing?

When a large number of remnant bandits, remnant soldiers and cronies sent by the Qu family to contact the bandits were chased and besieged, they could only escape to Sanliu Garden, Qu family’s private garden in the west of Quyang Town, Qu Wuyang could only gather the remnant bandits and remnant soldiers at the same time. They temporarily mixed with the 200 private soldiers left behind by the Qu family in Sanliuyuan, and planned to stick to Sanliuyuan, while sending someone to ask for reinforcements, thinking that as long as Sanliuyuan would not be breached by Lin Fu's children, the Qu family would not have no chance to bite back.

When Qu Wuyang saw Gu Wuchen and Ma Ruitai showing their faces under the heavy support of the military soldiers, he finally knew that the situation was over. Even if the Qu family can offer a big price, even if Chen Xiyan personally came forward to support it, there will be no big boss in Jiangning City who would risk killing the family to save the Qu family?


The morning light was faint, and it was drizzling lightly.

Lin Fu didn't wear rain scorpion, and wore scales. He sat on the horse and quietly looked at the gate of Sanliu Garden.

After Lin Tie came ashore at Jiu Weng Bridge, he joined Zhou Pu and Ao Canghai, and Zhao Hu returned to the estuary to help prevent someone from killing him with a carbine. Lin Fu drenched his armor and clothes with the morning rain, and the blood dyed through the blue armor he was wearing was washed by the morning rain and flowed down the horse's mane. Behind him was the Jiyun Society led by Zhou Pu and Ao Canghai. Two hundred military guards, the blood stained on their bodies was also washed down by the morning rain. On the low-lying land on the left side where the various military guards stood in formation, blood and water pooled together, and it was red, which was shocking to see.

Yang Pu and Ma Chao led more than 200 chariots who got off their horses to fight on foot and surrounded Gu Wuchen, Ma Ruitai, Zhao Qinmin and others.


Zhao Qinmin thought he had a very good temperament, and at this time he couldn't help but look at the military guards of Jiyun Society. Zhao Qinmin witnessed the fierce battle last night. Although Gu Wuchen handed over the two hundred chariots led by Yang Pu and Ma Chao to Lin Fu for unified command and dispatch, it was the two hundred military guards of Jiyun Society led by Lin Fu who really charged into battle last night.

It was really like a broken bamboo, and it was a joy to kill. Although the final result of the battle has not yet been detected, no less than 200 people were killed last night, and there were countless wounds and prisoners. However, in hindsight, Zhao Qinmin had all kinds of fears.

During the night of fierce fighting, the military guards of Jiyun Society fell into the front and charged forward. The injuries were so serious that they needed to be sent to Prison Island immediately for rescue. There were less than 20 people, and even a considerable number of the injured were stumbled and fractured when it was dark when they were chasing. There were only two people killed in the battle, one of whom broke his neck and neck and did not have time to rescue them, and only three people were seriously injured and returned to the Hekou to rescue them.

The more than 200 chariots led by Yang Pu and Ma Chao did not act as the main force in the charge last night, and the casualties even surpassed the Jiyun Society's military guards.

Although the vast majority of the military guards in Jiyun Society were newly recruited Lin Jiajia Yong, the combat effectiveness shown last night was too strong.


After all, Zhao Qinmin didn't know what was going on in the war, and his troops were like knives. Lin Fu, Zhou Pu, and Ao Canghai led more than 30 elite soldiers in front of them. It was the key blade that was naturally sharp.

Of course, a knife with a blade is not enough. Although Xiang Yong, who was newly incorporated into the martial arts of Jiyun Society, is not very brave and good at fighting, his fighting power and fighting will are not weak, and he is a solid support.

Lin Bie was in front of the soldiers, and the morale of the townsmen also soared. In addition, he killed with great joy and enthusiasm, and in the end he was completely fearless of life and death. After fighting all night, at this time, the formation stood behind Lin Fu, and there was no trace of fatigue; everyone's eyes were fixed on the gate of Sanliu Garden, the private garden of Qu's family, and they probably wished Lin Bie gave an order to rush in and kill them happily—— Looking at it at this time, it seems that I can feel the serious murderous aura coming through my heart.

Lin Fu also felt very relieved. The more than 30 soldiers behind him can be said to be the only elite combat power he can draw from the Ge family of the big and small loach and Changshan Island in Jiangning. Having not experienced the test of cruel war, the sharp killing last night actually provided a morale guarantee for the more cruel and strict training in the future.

The same is true for the new army soldiers commanded by Zhao Hu last night. After two months of harsh and high-intensity training, even a group of iron men will inevitably become sluggish and tired. , fear of suffering, fear of war psychology.


At that time, Lin Fu used only one or two hundred people armed with bamboo spears to frighten the nearly six hundred Dongcheng soldiers and horses led by Chen Zhi to the point where they lost their armor and fled. Zhao Qinmin hid in the surrounding room, Yang Pu, Ma It's hard to imagine the situation at the time when Chao and the others were not there, but after yesterday's fierce battle, it's not an accident to think that Chen Zhi was so frightened that he almost wet his pants.

A hundred sheep cannot strengthen each other in the face of real beasts.

Lin Fu had forty military guards through Jiyun Club earlier. After the Lin family retreated to Hekou, Lin Fu secretly incorporated 150 or 60 village heroes into the military guards of Jiyun Club. Lin Fu did not hide from Gu Wuchen. Even so, Lin Fu took the lead last night and led the military guards to kill the thousands of bandits who attacked the river mouth and killed them, which surprised Yang Pu, Ma Chao and others.

Yang Pu has been with Gu Wuchen for ten years, and Ma Chao has been a low-level military attache in the Saibei Army for more than ten years. Naturally, his eyesight is very good. , How much peace of mind should Gu Wuchen use for the Hongzepu war?


At this time, the two battalions of Dongchengwei's horse infantry, a total of 1,200 people, under the leadership of Zhang Yubo and Liu Xilin, surrounded Sanliuyuan, and it was also due to the military guards of Jiyun Society. After all, the military guards of Jiyun Society are private soldiers, and it is justifiable to have Dongcheng Yuma Infantry to come forward to arrest the repeat offender of the Qu family.

The county magistrate Chen/Yuanliang and the county magistrate led more than 200 county swordsmen and archers to take over the inspection department of Quyang Town.

Sitting in the sedan chair, Wang Xueshan stared grimly at the closed gate of Sanliu Garden. Gu Wuchen entrusted the Dongcheng Yuma infantry, the police envoy Si Jiqi, Moling County knife archers, and Jiyun Society Wuwei nearly 2,000 people to lead the Qujia private garden. After Sanliuyuan was surrounded by water, people informed Jiangning Mansion, Jiangning Guard General Mansion, and Jia Pengyu, the inspector.

Gu Wuchen charged the Qu family with colluding with bandits to murder a court official. Wang Xueshan was informed that Gu Wuchen had quietly sneaked back to Jiangning from Dongyang, but Gu Wuchen had the name of returning to Jiangning and Ma Ruitai, the censor of Zuoqi, to secretly discuss Xia Cao. Couldn't say much about the fact that he sneaked back to Jiangning and hid in the estuary.

There was a fierce battle at the mouth of the river last night, and Wang Xueshan also had an eyeliner to tell the details. Knowing that the situation had been completely controlled by Gu Wuchen, he hesitated again and again, and finally sat in a soft sedan chair surrounded by dozens of yamen officers. Along the way, you can see the corpses lying down intermittently on both sides of the Donghuamen Official Road, and there are still many corpses at Jiuweng Bridge. It can be seen that the remnants intend to use the narrow terrain of Jiuweng Bridge to counterattack and intercept the chasing soldiers, but look at the traces left on the battlefield. The counterattack was unsuccessful.

Wang Xueshan rushed to the north gate of Sanliuyuan, looking at Qu Wuming's cold and stiff corpse lying under the simple shelter, his back was chilled, and he thought to himself: Qu Wuming probably didn't expect that after his death, the body would become an important evidence of the Qu family's bandits.

Not to mention the large number of criminals captured by Gu Wuchen, and the large number of robbers who had no way to escape and forced their way into Sanliuyuan, it was impossible for the Qu family to clear the guilt of the bandits. Sanliuyuan persuaded Quwuyang to surrender.

After all, Jia Pengyu was an envoy, and he pulled his old face to beg. Gu Wuchen couldn’t give him no face at all. Besides, there were still four or five hundred Qu’s private soldiers and the remnants who escaped into Sanliuyuan. Li Zhuo refused to send troops. I am not familiar with the internal building structure of Sanliuyuan. If we really want to attack, the fighting strength of the two battalions of Dongchengwei and the sword archers of Moling County is not worth looking forward to. Major casualties.

Although it was said that the storming of Sanliuyuan would benefit the most, as a commander, he had to be considerate to his subordinates, and it was naturally better to avoid a tough battle with little meaning.


Gao Zongting was sitting in the carriage ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ listening to the sound of the rain, and the gauze curtain was soaked through the rain.

Li Zhuo did not come forward, and only asked Gao Zongting to personally inform Gu Wuchen, Jia Pengyu, Wang Xueshan and others on his behalf that the matter of the Qu family's passing on bandits was a matter of local public security, and it could be handled jointly by the Jiangning government, the Moling county government, and the envoys. The garrison general's mansion will not directly send personnel to intervene, let alone send troops.

Gao Zongting looked at Lin Fu, who was sitting on a horse like a statue in the rain. Only when the warhorse under his crotch snorted occasionally, did Lin Fu hold the reins and move, as if the matter in front of him had nothing to do with him. It was the second Dong Yuan, but Dong Yuan dismissed this statement. Gao Zongting thought to himself: Dong Yuan, Dong Yuan, I wonder what you think of this evaluation after you know the details of the battle at Hekou last night?

At noon, Lin Fu sent Wu Wei to boil hot water to fill his hunger with wheat cakes and meat buns. At this time, the gate of Sanliu Garden, which had been closed for a long time, opened again, and Jia Pengyu, who was drenched like a chicken in soup, came out alone and stood at the door. , said loudly: "It's really because the Qu family covets the money brought by the Lin family to the Hekou, and colluded with the pirates in Taihu Lake. The first offender, Qu Wuyang, is to blame for his death, but the Qu family did not know that Master Gu and Master Ma were discussing Xia Caozhi in the Hekou. thing……"

Qu Wuyang can only save a few more lives of the Qu family at this time, and this is the final condition through Jia Pengyu's mouth.

"Or so, but we have to further check to know the details." Gu Wuchen said vaguely, looking at Jia Pengyu very calmly, and did not mean to retreat immediately.

For Gu Wuchen, finding out that the Qu family is a bandit is just a small achievement; finding out that the Qu family is trying to rebel is a great achievement for Gu Wuchen.

Anyway, it is difficult for the Qu family to fly with their wings attached, so Gu Wuchen doesn't mind spending more time. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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