Lord of the House

Vol 4 Chapter 20: straggler

The moon was bright, and the Zilang Mountain was shrouded in night haze, like bathing clothes. Qin Zitan and the Taihu pirate leader Cheng Yiqun took advantage of the night to dress up as ordinary pilgrims and take a fishing boat to Zilang Mountain. Under the guidance of the monks, they boarded Zilang. mountain top.

Pushing the door, he was about to step into the mountain top temple, when he heard someone say: "If Gu Wuchen can be assassinated in Chongzhou, Jiangdong County will be forced by the Chu Party, and the troops on the western front will be moved eastward..."

Qin Zitan pushed open the door and entered, fearing that no one would have imagined that She Feixiong, the prince of Jin'an, was standing on a rock in the Zen courtyard, dressed in a blue shirt, and standing on a rock in the Zen courtyard.

Qin Zitan followed his line of sight and looked over. The outline of Xisha Island was clearly floating in the sparkling river, and he could even see the shadows of busy people under the campfire.

"Eldest son, Master Cihai..." Qin Zitan salutes She Feixiong and the middle-aged monk beside She Feixiong.

The middle-aged monk standing beside She Feixiong had no beard under his chin, a red round face, and an unusually sturdy figure. He was Cihai, the abbot of Guangjiao Temple. It was difficult to see his eyes, nose, heart, and treasures. Imagine that he was talking about the assassination of Gu Wuchen just now.

"Zitan and Master Cheng have come here, how hard are they going?" She Feixiong was wearing a Confucian shirt, lacking a lot of the killing spirit when he was fighting with the army, but he was also gentle and elegant.

"How can the eldest son take the risk to come to Chongzhou?" Qin Zitan asked before knowing that the eldest son was in the temple.

"Gu Wuchen suddenly visited the place to Chongzhou, but he didn't come, how to observe the situation in Chongzhou?" She Feixiong said indifferently.

"Master Cihai suggested to assassinate Gu Wuchen in Chongzhou?" Qin Zitan asked, and then said, "It's good to be able to assassinate Gu Wuchen, but it's not easy, and it shouldn't be taken lightly."

Qin Zitan knew that Gu Wuchen would most likely go to Xisha Island, but the Ninghai Town Navy Division of the Yijun Shanshui Village, together with the guards accompanied by Gu Wuchen, and the Jiyun Weiyong and the village private soldiers bound by Lin Tie on Xisha Island, there were almost 1,560. Hundreds of people, if the thirteen East Sea bandits can listen to the eldest son's dispatch, there is still a chance to surround and kill Gu Wuchen on Xisha Island.

Qin Zitan also just found out that the eldest son sent elites to sneak into Chongzhou today to attack and kill Chongzhou officials. If he had known earlier, he would have discouraged him. With Lin Bie present, how could he have easily succeeded? Facts have also proved that it can't play a big role, and it has only lost more than ten players in vain.

"It's just casual, it's really not easy," She Feixiong said. To assassinate Gu Wuchen in Chongzhou is to further disrupt the military deployment of Jiangdong County at the smallest price. Said, "Gu Wuchen is newly appointed as the inspector, and he is full of vigor. The inspector has the power to supervise the army. I think the generals in Ninghaizhen should probably avoid his edge..."

Seeing that the eldest son had retreated, Qin Zitan stopped bothering about this matter. He frowned, thinking that the strategy of attacking the east and the west might not work, and said, "Gu Wuchen suddenly came to Chongzhou to inspect this time, I am afraid that he will vigorously promote it. The local editor practiced rural bravery. After the trip to Chongzhou, he should cross the river to Pingjiang. Chen Xiyan will rush him back to Jiyang. After crossing the river, he should go to Jiyang at the first stop, so he can make fun of Chen Xiyan. The eldest son does not take Gu Wuchen as The goal, you can indeed use Gu Wuchen's trip to make things happen."

"Xiao Taoyuan hides in Jiyang, and we really can't help him," She Feixiong laughed, "I don't think he would want to give the newly appointed Commissioner a blow to the head. It seems that we have to step up the evacuation from Taihu Lake. Come out, just leave some stragglers to wander..."

"It's okay to suffer a few defeats," Qin Zitan said with a smile, and then he was silent and didn't say much. The eldest son has repeatedly made extraordinary achievements, but it is not a good thing for the second son, and said: "Except for Ninghai Town in Jiyang Outside the camp, Xisha Island is also a big nail, if there is a chance, the eldest son should pull it out in time..."

"Zitan is still worried about this son of Lin Fu?" She Feixiong turned his eyes to the south, and across the bank was Guanyin Beach, where he could see the outer walls of the two surrounding buildings of Guanyin Beach, and said, "Xisha Island's will to resist, Zi Tan, you have also tried it. At this time, the price of a strong attack is too high. It is impossible for President Lin Fu to stay on Xisha Island all the time, and the local people's vigilance and rejection of the refugees will not disappear. This time is a nail, and with time, this nail will become It's not the kind of headache you worry about..."

Hearing what the eldest son meant, Qin Zitan still did not take the threat of Xisha Island blocking the Yangtze River estuary in his eyes, and he could not persuade him to say anything.

The last time Qin Zitan took advantage of Lin Fu's detour to the sea, he and Cheng Yiqun led the elites of the luxury family and more than a thousand thieves to attack Xisha Island. They wanted to pull this nail off. When they were about to succeed, they sent Lin Fu from Jiangning. The reinforcements attacked from behind, but the success was in vain, and the loss was not small.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Zitan is worried that the time has dragged on for a long time, and the nail on Xisha Island will be more difficult to remove, and their access to the Yangtze River will be severely restricted in the future.

Although there are more than 400 elites led by Lin Fuqin, and more than 300 village camps newly formed by refugees on Xisha Island, the combat strength should not be underestimated, but the thirteen East Sea bandits crossed Taihu Lake in the moonlight without encountering an opponent, and their morale is high. The prestige of the eldest son, Yuan Tingdong, who incarnates the East China Sea Harrier, has also reached its peak. He led a group of bandits from Jiyang Lake into the Yangtze River, took advantage of the trend to storm Xisha Island, and broke through the army's mountains and rivers to break Chongzhou. Even if he had to pay a large price, it was worth it.

Qin Zitan raised his head and saw the eldest son's eyebrows slightly raised, knowing that this was his attitude that he had made up his mind and would not allow others to persuade him. He sighed slightly in his heart, knowing that talking too much would make everyone unhappy, he pondered for a moment, and said, "This time If something happens, I will go back to Jiangning."

"Alright," She Feixiong nodded and said to Cheng Yiqun who was behind Qin Zitan, "After this destruction of the prefectures along the Taihu Lake, Jiangdong County's priority is to defend the sea, the pressure on the interior of Taihu Lake will not be great, and Ninghai Town will not be possible in the short term. There are measures to clean up Taihu Lake, if the Cheng family still feels the pressure, the Shengsi Islands have a place for you..."

Qin Zitan shrugged, dissatisfied with the eldest son's win over Cheng Yiqun, and didn't say anything; it was not his turn to intervene in this kind of thing.


Gu Wuchen's career in the official career is not very deep, and he has wasted a lot of time in the exile army for several years. Thanks to the fact that the Chu Party gained momentum and returned to the imperial capital, it took Gu Wuchen less than three years to go up to the third-rank official inspector.

In the short term, Gu Wuchen also wants to further develop in his career, and even sit in the position that everyone in the world looks up to.

It was an eventful autumn, when the country's affairs were difficult, and it was also when the civil servants and military generals made meritorious deeds and made a name for themselves in the history. Gu Wuchen also had great ambitions. Before the East China Sea pirates had completely withdrawn from the Taihu Lake Basin, he took more than 400 guards to inspect the place. Naturally, he had more vigor and aggressive ambition than Wang Tian, ​​the Xuanfu envoy who squatted in Jiangning.

Gu Wuchen really wanted to promote the preparation and training of townships in coastal prefectures and counties to prepare for pirates. In addition to this being a feasible strategy at the moment, it was also an important reason why the inspector general had the responsibility of monitoring local military equipment.

Li Zhuo also initially led Jiangxi Zhufu County's horse infantry and Xiangyong to fight in East Fujian as the inspector of Jiangxi Province, and then mastered the military and political power of East Fujian. It is impossible for Gu Wuchen not to see such a clear lesson from the past.

On the 24th, 25th, and 26th, for three consecutive days, the inspection envoy Gu Wuchen, disregarding the situation that Chongzhou County and the countryside might disturb the East China Sea bandits at any time, inspected*, Matang, Gaocheng, Yuxi non-stop. Village camps in other places.

Chongzhou County has not been around for a long time. It originally belonged to the Huainan Salt Field. The millions of acres of tidal flats in the east of the county are still salt fields and grasslands belonging to the Huainan Salt and Iron Company. Tian Jianzhai then became a big family, and there were not a few people who privately raised village soldiers.

If you calculate the military strength in Chongzhou County, there are almost four or five thousand people, which must not be considered small.

There are so many troops, they are the village brave, the county soldier, the Ding soldier of the Yantie Division, and the garrison of Ninghai Town in Chongzhou. Although there are many troops, they are not subordinate to each other. Sometimes there is friction between them and they even fight against each other. The training level is different, and they are generally relatively low.

In this case, even if four or five hundred pirates landed, it would be difficult for Chongzhou County to establish an effective defense.

In the past few days, Lin Fu and Chongzhou magistrate Chen Kun accompanied Gu Wuchen to visit everywhere, and he was very worried to see the flawed defense system of Chongzhou County.

Pirates will become more and more serious. In addition to strengthening defenses in coastal villages, pirates invade various river branches and add beacon towers, and the county also needs to train a team of elite soldiers. Although he had a rift with Chen Kun, he didn't want to see Chongzhou slaughter the East China Sea bandits, and the newly transferred county magistrate Hong Changji was still a courageous person.

Pirates are infested, and Chongzhou's preparation and training of the township has become a top priority. The county governor and the court will not set up obstacles, but the local government needs to raise the money.

Gu Wuchen discussed with the local officials of Hailing Prefecture and Chongzhou County. The local officials and gentry donated some of them, the prefecture and county raised some of them themselves, and the county governor allocated some.

Among the prefectures along the coast of the south of the Yangtze River, Pingjiang prefecture belongs to Jiangdong County, and Jiahang prefecture (now Jiaxing, Hangzhou) and Mingzhou prefectures and counties in the south belong to the two Zhejiang provinces. After inspecting the defense of Chongzhou County, on the 28th, Lin Fu accompanied Gu Wuchen to cross the river to Pingjiang Prefecture to inspect the local military equipment. The first stop was Jiyang County.

After the Qujiatong bandit case, Chen Xiyan pleaded guilty, resigned from the teaching duties of the Xixi Society, and returned to Jiyang Lake to live in seclusion. Although Chen Xiyan's prestige has plummeted, his prestige among officials in Jiyang Lake is still high.

Lin Fu accompanied Gu Wuchen to land from Yushan on the opposite side of Xisha Island, and headed to Jiyang first by land. At the long pavilion on the outskirts of Jiyang County, there were only a dozen or so officials and gentry in Jiyang. Except for the officials in the county, almost no local gentry came to greet Gu Wuchen.

"What about the navy generals, why didn't anyone come here?" Lin Fu was very puzzled when he saw that the team greeted by Jiyang County did not have the navy generals from Ninghai Town. The history of Meng Xin, the magistrate of Jiyang County.

The main camp of the Ninghai Town Water Commander is located on the north bank of Jiyang Lake in the north of Jiyang City, and controls the Donglai River waterway where the Yangtze River flows into Taihu Lake. According to the inspector, the envoy has the power to supervise the town army. Even if Gu Wuchen goes to the Ninghai town defense area, the generals of Ninghai town do not need to travel far to Chongzhou to see him, but Gu Wuchen has already gone to the main camp of the naval division of Ninghai town, the general of the naval division of Ninghai town. It's too ignorant to look up.

Although Meng Xinshi was annoyed that Lin Fu didn't understand the rules, but Lin Fu was also a high-ranking 8th-grade Seiichi, and Gu Wuchen's confidant. Hastily explained: "General Xiao Taoyuan is not avoiding Mr. Gu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In fact, there is news of bandits in Jiyangnan, General Xiao and the generals led the navy warships to fight..."

"When did it happen?" Lin Bianjin asked.

"It's only been half a day since I received the notification from the navy!" Meng Xinshi said.

"Not good," Lin Fu scolded Xiao Taoyuan, a idiot who had been a shrewd turtle for so long, and even cheated She Feixiong out of the nest at the last moment, and hurriedly explained to Gu Wuchen, "General Xiao probably thinks that The ones who can't be left are the remnants of the East China Sea bandits, the truth is absolutely impossible!"

Gu Wuchen instantly wanted to understand why it was not good.

In the past two months, the East China Sea pirates have ravaged the coast of Taihu Lake. Xiao Taoyuan and all the navy generals have been passively avoiding the battle. Today, he is actively fighting, mostly because of the pressure of him coming to Jiyang County as the new inspector; Xiao Taoyuan could not be transferred from his position as the commander of the Sixth Battalion Naval Division in Ninghai Town, but he did intend to reprimand Xiao Taoyuan face to face for avoiding the war.

For more than ten days, East China Sea bandits have successively withdrawn from the Taihu Lake Basin. There are not many East China Sea bandits stranded in Taihu Lake, and they seem to be stragglers.

Xiao Taoyuan went out to fight at this time because he wanted to take advantage of these stragglers, not only to avoid Gu Wuchen, but also to make up for his previous responsibility of passively avoiding war.

Gu Wuchen has long been sure that there are luxury families behind the East China Sea pirates. How can the East China Sea pirates who are stranded in Taihu Lake at this time be the remnants?

Gu Wuchen hurriedly took off the tooth card from his waist, handed it to Yang Pu, and said, "Take my tooth card over, and ask Xiao Taoyuan to catch up, and ask him to be careful..."

"Let me go, I'm familiar with Jiyang's situation." Lin Bie took the initiative to ask Ying, he wished that Xiao Taoyuan died early, but the navy warships under Xiao Taoyuan's command were the biggest support for the coastal houses at this time. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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