Lord of the House

Vol 4 Chapter 22: Cum Yang Jian Wall

The county seat is in Jiyang Hunan. There is a ditch in the northwest corner that connects Jiyang Lake with the moat. There is a stone arch bridge on the ditch. , can only land on the beach in the north of Shiqiao and the southwest of Jiyang Lake. There is a flat land here, which can be advanced to the north gate of Jiyang City.

Lin Bie held the reins and let the horse's head close to him. In the distance, there was a fire in the direction of Ninghai's camp, and several navy warships that escaped into Jiyang Lake in a panic blocked the opening of the lake. On the long and narrow Jiyang Lake, it was difficult to avoid being bitten by the pirate ship.

"It's good for us to stay in the lake with those boats in Ninghai Town. We can't let the East China Sea bandits kill us. We can start here." Lin Fu put on the scarlet helmet, and joined Ao Canghai a little further away. After making a gesture, he turned on his horse.

Ao Canghai led more than 40 soldiers to attack the East Sea bandits who landed on the southwestern beach of Jiyang Lake. Although the night was covering, the horses' hooves galloped like drumsticks hitting the ground.

After landing, more than a hundred East Sea bandits used horse-rejecting and wooden spears to quickly set up obstacles on the periphery of the lake embankment on the beach to make simple defenses. Everything seemed well-trained. At this time, when they heard the cavalry attack, more East Sea bandits came from the area. Tandi rushed to the shore to strengthen the defense on the periphery, just waiting to see the blurred silhouettes flashing in the night, and the sound of "pupupu" bows and arrows rang out frequently.

The sound of arrow clusters hitting the iron armor, drilling into the flesh, and the sound of the warhorse neighing came one after another. There were also dozens of featherless crossbow arrows shooting in secret. After a few short breaths, the East China Sea bandit on the lake bank had time to draw the second one. The arrow was attached to the bowstring, and the coldly gleaming horizontal sword and the steaming horse's head appeared in front of me as if it suddenly brightened from the blurry night.

Simple obstacles could not stop the high-speed impact of even horses and men and troops. The current simple defense formation was torn apart at the moment of contact, and the East Sea bandits were overwhelmed by the charge, and the leading pirates shouted loudly: " Thorn spear, whoever the **** is coming to the front with the spear, one is not enough, a group of four, the one with the shield is on the back and the top is back, and the one with the big sword is going up from both sides..." I want to put the chaotic Under the control of the situation, prevent the cavalry from rushing into the depths.

Although the formation of the East China Sea bandits in the river beach was more chaotic, Ao Canghai knew that the soldiers behind him were hard-won elites and could not be consumed by the deadly battle in the river beach. He led his soldiers and did not fight, nor attacked the East Sea pirates in the river beach. Seeing that the defensive formation on the periphery of the landing beach was broken, he grabbed the reins and took the long lance to attack the two current East Sea pirates. With his brains bursting, he slid the reins and led the soldiers to miss the edge of the lake embankment and slanted through the gap; after a little further, he turned back and took bows and arrows to shoot the chaotic East Sea bandits on the lake embankment.

The East China Sea bandits who landed first were all elites, but there was no effective way to harass the elite cavalry in Ao Canghai. They could only make those who landed first to form a formation and rush out, and use their elite foot soldiers to take large shields. Covering the penetration into the depths, limiting the activity space of Ao Canghai's elite cavalry. As long as the large-scale East China Sea bandits gain a firm foothold in the open space outside the lake embankment, the harassment of thirty or forty elite cavalry is not a big threat.

Seeing that there were about five or six hundred East Sea pirates ashore, Lin Fu gestured to Yang Pu, pulled out his saber, and threw the scabbard far away. When the enemy's arrogance is defeated, Jiyangcheng will be protected, and you will set aside a sharp blade and follow me to kill the enemy..." Clamping/tightening the horse's belly, he attacked the beach along the lake embankment.

The soldiers who came to Jiyang with Lin Fu all had long weapons, and their horses were all excellent warhorses weighing over six or seven hundred kilograms.

Although Gu Wuchen's **** had trained Yang Pu for nearly a year, and had experienced some sporadic battles, he was no longer useless, but after all, his foundation was weak, and due to the requirements of the guard of honor, he was wearing a straight three-foot long. The waist knife, the lack of long weapons, and the horses under the crotch are also common. Lin Fu could only make Ao Canghai lead the military soldiers to repeatedly harass and disperse the formation of the landed East Sea pirates, and open the defense on their sides. Only then did he and Yang Pu lead more than 400 cavalry to attack from the side. ...


Chen Xiyan, Gu Wuchen and Jiyang County officials stood on the north gate tower to watch the fierce battle in the distance.

Seeing that Lin Fu divided the cavalry he brought out into three groups, he first used a small group of rangers to continuously harass and confuse the East Sea pirates, and when he opened the formation of the landed East Sea pirates, he personally led the main force of the arresting cavalry. Pressing it up, the East Sea bandit array that first landed at Hetan City was torn to shreds. Only then did Chen Xiyan understand why the thousands of lake thieves who had colluded with the Qu family were so easily defeated in the Battle of Hekou.

Lin Fu Yiqi first pierced through the enemy's formation, and without waiting for the distance to open, he shouted loudly for Jiqi to get off his horse. There was a detailed tactical explanation before. Yang Pu and all the chariots abandoned their horses to fight on foot, leaving only a few people to restrain the horses and lead them far away. Ao Canghai led his soldiers in armor to dismount and turned around to fight.

Before, the formation of the East Sea bandits who landed on the shore was to be scattered, so as to avoid the conflict; at this time, the east sea bandits who landed on the shore had to be suppressed to the narrow river beach, making the chaotic formation more and more chaotic and could not be adjusted. The opportunity also prevented the follow-up East China Sea bandits from landing support.

Seeing the crowd of people staggering and fighting under the campfire on the river beach, She Feixiong had a grim expression on his face. He did not expect that Jiyang City would branch out of the city.

Half of the first wave of people who landed were the elites of the luxury family brought by She Feixiong directly from Jin'an. Disordered, unable to organize a powerful counterattack, and caught in the predicament of fighting each other, even the elite combat power can hardly make a big difference.

Seeing the familiar faces twisted and besieged by the Jiyang defenders under the light of the fire, She Feixiong's eyelids trembled, but he had no good idea. The crowdedness of the light river beach caused the archers on board to shoot arrow feathers at the rear of the Jiyang defender's formation, while dispatching elites from other places to grab the beach and land on the shore, providing support from the side and reducing the pressure on the river beach.

Ao Canghai led the soldiers to move closer to Lin Fu, and Lin Fu led them to fight in the depths of the river beach, until they reached the water's edge, and were shot back by a burst of arrows. Lin Bie was hit by several arrows, but the arrows could not penetrate the armor on his body, but the calf that was not covered by the placket was hit by two arrows. The waist will break the shaft of the arrow, surrounded by the soldiers, and then interspersed and killed.

Lin Fu can be sure that all the backbones of the thirteen families of the East China Sea bandits in the Shengsi Islands will be in front of him, and he can even be sure that the first to land on the beach must be the elites directly controlled by the luxury family. More time, killing as many enemy bandits as possible can also reduce the pressure on Changshan Island and Xisha Island in the future. It wasn't until more and more Donghai bandits landed from the flanks that Yang Pu led Zhu Ji on the two flanks under increasing pressure and began to feel exhausted. Only then did Lin Fu lead the crowd to retreat to Jiyang North City, Yicheng forming a battle next to the moat. rest.

The Donghai bandits who landed on the shore were disrupted and suffered heavy casualties. Naturally, they did not dare to rush down to the city to pursue them. They just constructed a tighter defense along the periphery of the lake embankment, and would also gather the troops scattered elsewhere in Jiyang Lake to come here. , intends to go all out to deal with the Jiyang defenders of the North Gate.

Lin Fu sat on the mud embankment and pulled out the two arrow latte pliers left in his calf by Lieutenant General.

Yang Pu was sitting on the muddy ground beside Lin Fu. Although he was not seriously injured, his physical strength was extremely exhausted. He was sweating all over his body. As he approaches fifty, no matter how strong his martial arts are, his physical strength still declines dramatically.

Yang Pu did not expect that Lin Fu was surrounded by forty or fifty guards and soldiers and a special medical officer. Watching Lin Fu send the medical officer away to treat other injured people, he got closer and asked, "Next how to spell?"

"Before dawn, the East China Sea bandits will not act rashly. After dawn, they will try to drive us out from the narrow area of ​​Beicheng and Jiyang Lake." Lin Bie poured half a bottle of medicinal powder on the wound the size of a copper coin on his calf and tied it with a bandage. Strongly, he greeted Ao Canghai and the middle and low-level military attaches from Jiqili, such as the deputy lieutenant and the small school, to come and sit down and talk, and said, "There will be a fierce battle, we can't exit the stone bridge in the east, and go to the north city and Jiyang Lake. In the narrow strip between the cavalry, the advantage that the cavalry can exert is very limited..."

Yang Pu looked up at the shadow of the stone bridge not far to the east. Once they were driven to the east of the stone bridge, the East China Sea bandits only needed a small amount of troops to build defenses on the narrow stone bridge and block them with warships under the bridge. They will be able to keep them out of the North City Gate area, and then the East China Sea bandits will be able to attack the North Gate of Yangcheng without interference.

In the narrow area west of Shiqiao, south of Jiyang Lake, and north of North Gate, it is really necessary to fight a fierce battle with Donghai bandits that are several times larger than themselves. Fortunately, the first battle was so smooth that there was no major battle. , The morale of the cavalry team with experience in fierce battles has been stimulated.

The morale is sometimes very weak, and sometimes it is very real. Yang Pu knows what the foundation of these chariots is. There are old guards from the She family in the East China Sea. Once the leader can take the lead and fight the enemy bravely, the weak as a sheep can also inspire a bit of fierceness that doesn't care about life and death. Yang Pu is getting old and his physical strength is exhausted. Generally speaking, young people in their twenties and thirties fight so fiercely, and there should not be much physical strength left. Then all the chariots stand in a ring and form a formation, full of energy, facing the constant stream from the river beach. The East China Sea bandits, who had landed on the shore several times more than themselves, were not afraid.

Lin Fu and Yang Pu and Ao Canghai discussed the next tactics and the defensive points of the surrounding terrain. There are few long weapons in the cavalry, and there is not much advantage in fighting on a horse. Besides, the area is too narrow, and there is no superb riding skills and tacit cooperation. There were too many restrictions on the infantry. Lin Fu made two-thirds of the chariots dismount to prepare for the infantry battle. Although most of the bows brought from Jiyang Lake were soft bows, fortunately everyone was wearing armor and morale was good. , may not be able to persist until reinforcements arrive.


"Lin Siyu is really a tiger general in front of Lord Gu..." Meng Xinshi, the magistrate of Jiyang County, watched Lin Bie lead his soldiers and kill a similar number of pirates who landed in the dark and unclear night. He was so nervous that his palms were sweating, and he even forgot that Lin Fu was also a civil servant. The guards on the north gate tower also saw their blood boil, and they could not wait to open the gate and fight with Lin Bing.

Gu Wuchen smiled and didn't say anything~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He saw that the Donghai bandits had no intention of retreating. Once the suddenness of the attack was lost, the next battle would be ten times, a hundred times harder than before.

Chen Xi said nothing, but in his heart he had to admit Lin Fu's bravery and outstanding ability to lead troops in battle. He thought that this person's ability to use his heart and experience in the world should far exceed ordinary people. Yunwen Yunwu, Gu Wuchen was able to catch such a treasure.

In his heart, he hoped that Lin Fu would be killed by the Donghai bandit under the city, and at the same time he was worried that if Lin Fu was killed, Jiyang would lose the strongest barrier at this time, and his mind was very contradictory.

After gaining a firm foothold outside the lake embankment, the Donghai bandits were not in a hurry to attack the chariots formed by the city, but carried the casualties on the river beach onto the boat, cleaned up the battlefield in an orderly manner, and prepared for the attack.

Without Gu Wuchen's instructions, there are special personnel on the gate of Jiyang North City to count, so that in the future, Lin Fu and Zhu Jiqi will be credited. Lin Fu made a surprise attack just now and then resolutely suppressed the siege, and completely crippled the first group of East China Sea bandits who landed on the ship. The casualties to the East China Sea bandits who carried them onto the ship reached more than 300. It is no wonder that the East China Sea bandits Don't dare to launch a rush attack in the dark.

On the side of the city gate tower, they also put down a big bamboo basket with ropes. The lower city took a long hook gun and pulled the bamboo basket to the moat, and placed the seriously injured in it. .

This remained stalemate until the sky was bright, and the Donghai bandits gathered on the southwestern beach of Jiyang Lake completely saw the defensive situation of Jiyang City. In the morning light, groups of East China Sea bandits stepped out from the lake embankment one after another. Taking advantage of the number of people, they controlled the surrounding favorable terrain in batches and restricted the movement area of ​​the defenders under the city. The defenders under the city launched a storm, vowing to destroy these people and regain their morale. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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