Lord of the House

Vol 4 Chapter 45: Difficulty traveling

Gu Yingxiu brought hot water and waited on Lin Fie to scrub his body. His fingers touched the large and small, deep and shallow scars on his body. The trembling in his heart was like the thunder of a spring day. He suppressed his shyness and took the initiative to kiss these scars. . After helping Lin Bie wash her body, she first got into the quilt, took off her clothes rustlingly, and exposed her snow-like arms to the icy air. It shines as if it was carved out of suet jade, and the clavicle and shoulder sockets exposed on both shoulders are white and sexy.

Gu Yingxiu spread out the bun, and her hair was like a waterfall of shimmering water. Her cheeks were plump and she had the ultimate beauty of a mature woman. The bridge of her nose was straight and her lips were pursed into a very attractive curve. His eyes revealed a clear and charming light, full of love/lust, both anticipation and inexplicable worries.

Lin Bie's hand came in. After giving his cold hand a solution, Gu Yingxiu's body couldn't help trembling, even though she herself knew that her skin was as delicate and delicate as mutton fat jade, she couldn't help but ask: "Do you think that I'm old?"

Lin Bie laughed dumbly, Gu Yingxiu was certainly a few years older than him, but her age was the time to let out the charm of a woman, as if a flower was blooming beautifully, and she gently kissed her lips He stroked her delicate body, slipped from her waist, pressed it on her thigh, touched the tuft of hair, held it with her hand, and stroked her chest again, full, firm and elastic, and said : "You don't know how charming you are!"

"Lie down," Lin Bie's praise, Gu Yingxiu seemed to have gained endless courage. Knowing how tired he had been in the past few days, his delicate hands supported his chest, asking him to lie down and relying on his touch His delicate chest, his slender and elastic waist, and his plump and elastic hips let his hands ignite the deepest love fire in his body like a magical power, kissing him lightly, overflowing with lust. He touched his hand from his waist, and felt the wooden peg-like warm and hardened, as if an angry snake was raised up. At this moment, he also felt that his body fluid was flowing, covering Lin Bing's eyes with one hand, and rode on it. , sit down slowly, holding the hard bump against the unbearable itching...

The hibiscus tent is warm and the jade is fragrant. Even in his sleep, Lin Fu is also infatuated with the attractive body of the Seventh Madam. She is as white as snow, her body is plump but without a trace of fat, and the tentacles are soft, and it feels as if it will melt in her heart. All at once, the delicate and extremely delicate between the legs, the amorous feelings on the charming face, and the tight hoop that **** like a thousand ropes.

"Sister Yue'er, looking at him like this, I'm afraid he's dreaming about other people's well-being."

Lin Fu suddenly woke up, but saw Xiaoman leaning over and staring at him, the thief's eyes were clear, and there was a smirk in his lips, he was startled, he was a little confused, is it too tired? , He slept in Yue'er and Xiaoman's yard all the time yesterday?

"The Seventh Madam went up the mountain to incense at dawn, so I can't drive you out naked," Liu Yue'er handed over the neatly folded clothes, "so let me and Xiao Man come over, saying that it's just a matter of removing the flowers. …”

"Just call it cover-up..." Xiaoman laughed.

Lin Fu got dressed and got up. He was going to rush to the camp. Seeing that the armor was also brought over, he put it on the small table and asked Xiaoman to wait for him to put on the armor. Liu Yueer folded the quilt there, just lifted the quilt, look He was stunned for a while at last night's windy/flowing battlefield, then turned around and said, "The Seventh Madam is also a pitiful person... Xiaoman, you go find a new sheet to put on, or else I'll have to comb your hair for you today."

"Why?" Xiaoman turned his head to look at it, smack his lips and said, "I don't want it, but he is innocent."

Liu Yueer laughed, reaching out to pinch her mouth, Xiaomanjiao smiled and went out first.

Liu Yue'er spread out the quilt, turned around and helped Lin Bie put on the armor first, but couldn't help but hug his neck and said, "There are three people to worry about now, treat yourself well..."

Lin Bie hugged Liu Yueer's slender waist, let her sit on his lap, and asked softly, "Feel wronged?"

"Where is it?" Liu Yue'er buried her head and said, "Women don't want to rely on a good man all their lives, but they don't think about occupying one of you. If you don't open the door, you can't have two more people in the deep house compound. Talk. You are not in the river mouth. I can't take care of many things. Now there is someone who can discuss it. The seventh lady is much more useful than me. Now I just think about you..."

Lin Bie kissed Liu Yue'er's lips, rubbed the stubble on her tender face, and said, "I'm fine, I'm not stupid, I won't touch stones with eggs, from Jiangning to the north The post is open, I will write a letter to you in three or five days and bring it back..."

"You don't have to be so diligent, just think about us," Liu Yue'er said thoughtfully. "When the war gets tighter, I'd rather you lie down for a while when you have time, rather than bother writing any letters."

Lin Fu touched Liu Yue'er's smooth face and thought: Such a woman is really pitiful.


Can't wait for the Seventh Lady to go up the mountain and return to the incense, Lin Fu packed up and rode back to the camp.

The soldiers of the five battalions have already set up their camps, and after regrouping, they are ready to go. Although they were ready to go, the entire camp looked a little chaotic. Zhou Pu, Ao Canghai, Ning Zechen, Cao Zi'ang, Zhao Qingshan and others brought their commanders to restrain these new soldiers.

Lin Fu can't control too much. The chief of the sixty pawns is still trustworthy. The sixty pawns are the basic unit for starting the camp, and it is not a queue. A few rounds will pay off.

The new soldiers recruited from the estuary and Xisha Island are trustworthy, even if they are left behind, just pay attention to gathering along the way, don't worry about them escaping on purpose. On the contrary, the new soldiers recruited on the North Shore have poor foundations and unstable minds. Although they are broken up and mixed up, they still need to use their minds to restrain them.

Lin Bie rushed over and asked to issue armor. Zhou Pu led the 600 new soldiers of the second battalion to lead the Bingjiapu battalion first, and went north along the right bank of Shiliang Road to Yerendu.

Yerendu had already left Gutang County, and it was a buffer area for Liu Aner's troops and Jiangning's garrison in Gutangbei.

Lin Fu didn't mind fighting two battles with the outpost of the peasant uprising army in Hongzepu. Besides, taking the road from Yerendu to Weiyang Mansion could save a day, and the road was not bad. It was a post road connecting Dongyang Mansion and Weiyang Mansion.

Cao Zi'ang, Zhao Qingshan, and Ning Zechen's three battalions set off in turn, and Lin Fuze personally led the first battalion of 600 soldiers to the end. It is not only the rear of the palace, but also the new pawns who have fallen behind. It is even more necessary to use cavalry to scout on the two wings, looking for pawns who may not be able to bear the hard work and are deliberately scattered.

It was freezing cold and there was nothing to eat in the fields except for the newly emerging winter wheat seedlings. As long as you walk out of Jiangning Mansion and follow the brigade to have a full meal and hot food, no matter how hard it is, even if the supervision is relaxed, there will be few new soldiers who want to escape.

The sky was overcast and still without a trace of warmth, the north wind whistled, and Lin Bie rode on his horse, saying goodbye to Zhang Yubo, Liu Xilin, Zhao Qinmin and others.

The motorcade that Gu Yingxiu went up the mountain to enter the fragrance also returned. Yueer and Xiaoman would go back to Jiangning by boat with their motorcade. Lin Fu glanced at the carriage parked on the far road and knew that the three of them were sitting in the carriage. Lifting the curtains and looking here, he lightly clamped his horse's belly, clasped his fists towards Zhang Yubo and the others, and said, "There will be a due date..." Lightly tightened the reins, turned the horse's head, and headed north along the frozen dirt road.

Although Qiu Cao was temporarily suspended, he did not know when it would suddenly start. Sun Jingxuan and most of the Xihe congregation had to stay in Jiangning on standby. Sun Jingxuan looked at the distant camp and was a little worried about the fate of Lin Fu's trip north. He thought that with Lin Fu's temperament, leading the army to the north would probably not be able to satisfy the guerrilla attack on the outside. As soon as he engages with the Donglu Iron Cavalry, his fate can be imagined.

Sun Jingxuan negotiated with Lin Mengde last night that the ships and people of the Xihe Club were only responsible for accompanying them to Dezhou. It would be too dangerous to go there from Dezhou, and Lin Fu decided to stock up military supplies in Dezhou, because he made it clear that he wanted to enter and break into the interior. go.

Sun Jingxuan looked at the sky, the clouds were dense, it was too early, who knows how this world will change?

Previously, Zhang Yubo and Liu Xilin transferred a battalion of horse infantry to recruit Min Yong on the north bank for Lin Bie and restrain the new soldiers.

There was a ferry from the Xihehui at the ferry port. Sun Jingxuan looked at the convoy of the Seventh Lady of the Lin family and knew that Lin Fu's two female relatives and accompanying guards were also in the convoy, so he sent someone to ask them if they wanted to cross the river.

At this moment, a boat was sailing into the sky. Sun Jingxuan saw that it was a fast oar boat in the meeting. The old steward in his house was standing at the bow of the boat with a letter in his hand and beckoned him to pass. Sun Jingxuan did not know what happened in the house. Something big, startled, and hurriedly walked to the pier.

"Miss left a letter saying that she was going back to the old house in Xihe to visit her grandmother. I brought four people with me last night, and I wanted to leave after I asked for a Uukanshu. You're fooling me, think I'm confused. You said that I gave her a hairy girl to tie her hands and feet at my age, and I didn't find out until Chen Si came back from shopping in the morning. You said this crazy girl, don't cause any trouble... The old steward was anxious and angry, and his words trembled slightly. As he spoke, his anger turned towards Sun Jingxuan, "The girl's family, with such a wild temper, has caused so many troubles. When Madam is here, she will not be so indulgent. she."

"When she comes back to Jiangning, I'll ask her to apologize to you..." Sun Jingxuan thought that her daughter had left last night, and it was too late to send someone to chase her. I hope she went after Wen Bing and didn't have the energy to play anymore. This thought was just to comfort the old steward, but he couldn't understand his daughter's thoughts: before he refused to marry, what would he do with the past now?

Before, it was discussed outside that Gu Wuchen would give his daughter to Lin Fu, but there has been no news for a long time. Most of the reason is that the Gu family thinks that Lin Fu's status is low, and Gu Wuchen also has the intention of restricting Lin Fu; When he returned, it would be difficult for Gu Wuchen to limit Lin Bie. Besides marrying his daughter, what else could Gu Wuchen do?

Why is a daughter of the river gang who is a low-ranking gang vying with the daughter of a court official for a golden tortoise-in-law?

After thinking about it, Sun Jingxuan felt his brain swell. Fortunately, the Xihe meeting will be handed over to Jingtang's room to inherit. After two years, when the situation stabilizes, he will directly let Wen Yaolai be the leader of the meeting, and bring Wan Niang with him. Go back to your hometown and find someone to marry, to save her from thinking about this and that!

Sun Jingxuan waited for the convoy of the Seventh Madam to board the boat, went over to greet him, sent the boat back to the south bank, and swirled in the back of the boat on the water whitened by the cold wind.


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