Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 15: besieged

Encircled in the narrow seawall and silt, the war horses did not have enough space to speed up, and could not break through the front barrier composed of heavy shields, flying contradictory vehicles, spears, and bamboo spears of the Jiangdong Zuo army. The Donglu cavalry was forced to choose to dismount. During the war, dead warhorses were even piled up to form sections of barriers that shielded the interior lines, effectively restricting the Jiangdong Left Army soldiers from interspersing into the interior lines.

Nayan was sitting on the horseback, leaning on the reins and watching from a high point on the sea pond, trying to find a gap in the enemy's formation, but the more she looked, the more chilling and desperate she became.

The Jiangdong Left Army formed a three-layer encirclement with armored soldiers, cavalry soldiers, and village soldiers, and each layer of the encirclement was only buffered by three or four hundred paces.

In the past few days, Na Yan was quite familiar with the tactics of the Jiangdong Left Army.

This Jiangdong left army fundamentally abandoned the traditional dense formation, even if the encirclement formed on the interior line at this time was formed by the 60th army as a unit. With three to four flying paratroopers as the cover, in an armored **** array, the weapon ration is also mixed, high shields, sword shields, Mo Dao, spears, bamboo spears and bows and crossbows are equipped.

At first glance, it is very messy, making people think that Jiangdong Zuojun is a miscellaneous army made up from different parts. Such an efficient and layered formation method is also the key to the ability of the sixty pawns to form an independent formation.

Even if this Jiangdong left army does not seem to be very proficient in this kind of formation drill, but it has the fighting courage and will of the old soldiers, even if they try their best to defeat one or two armored soldiers, or Rushing out from the gaps of several armoured arrays, it is not possible to scatter the inner circle around the entire line.

At this time, the cavalry deployed on the second floor of the Jiangdong Left Army can be quickly mobilized, and come to block the breach with superior troops. Even if a few people rush out, they will be surrounded and killed by the outermost township soldiers.

In this situation, even if the delay continues, the physical strength and will of our soldiers will be a great test, but only by sticking to the dark can we find the opportunity to break through, but it is clear that this Jiangdong Left Army does not want them to be delayed until the sky. black.

Although the armored soldiers under the seawall had to push inwards, it would be difficult to defeat the experienced eastern soldiers, but the armored soldiers occupying the north and south of the seawall could use flying contradictory vehicles and other combat equipment to compress the eastern cavalry inwards. The long-range and stable crossbows and bed crossbows shoot the Donglu soldiers under the seawall.

Nayan watched the old soldier who had made great achievements for Donghu be besieged in the muddy ground. He was only brave, but could not use it. He was shot and killed by Jiangdong Zuojun and fell down unwillingly. The troops leading to the final breakout are also getting smaller and smaller, and the impact force that can be organized during the breakout is getting weaker and weaker...


Surrounded by the crowd, Lin Bie climbed the seawall again, staring down at the entire battlefield with a grim expression.

Although the Jiangdong Left Army will have to pay a lot of casualties to wipe out all the captives here, it is difficult to say that an army that does not fight hard can really grow up.

Although there were a lot of casualties every time they advanced, the morale of the generals was high, and they had the right time and place. The soldiers of Cangnan Township and even the brave villagers were encouraged by the current situation, and they all asked to join the war on the inside. , vowed to wipe out the Donglu soldiers who owed them a deep hatred.

Throughout Cang County, no less than 10,000 young people have been slaughtered, and countless people have been killed or destroyed. Except for the refugees who fled south, there are only a few thousand villagers who stayed behind in the southern villages of Cang County.

With such a **** feud, in such a good situation, how could Lin Bie cherish his strength and give up the opportunity to wipe out the Donglu soldiers?

Lin Fu looked at the sky and asked Ao Canghai, "Have all the generals of the first battalion had enough to eat, drink and rest?"

"It's ready to go into battle!" Ao Canghai unfastened the knife from his waist and pulled it out to try to avoid freezing.

The first battalion itself is the most elite fighting force of the Jiangdong Left Army. They are all based on Xisha Island Jianyong, Changshan Island elites, and the personal guard soldiers brought out by Lin Fu. After strengthening, there are three sentinel soldiers. , A sentry cavalry, a total of 800 people, dealt with the Nayan cavalry for several days in the north of Yangxin, and last night forced the army to lure the enemy to Cangnan under the blizzard.

The Donglu soldiers were besieged and slaughtered for almost a whole day, while the generals of the first battalion rested for a whole day after eating and drinking, and regained their fighting strength. To launch the final siege on Dongluli before it gets completely dark, it is natural to bring the elite of the first battalion up to give the most powerful blow.

"Sir, please allow Shang Wang to follow General Ao to fight against the thieves!"

Lin Bie looked back and saw that Sun Shangwang came up from behind. He cut off the front hem of his robe, which was not good for running. He didn't know where he got a broken leather armor to wear on his body. He tied it with straw rope and inserted it between his belts With a two-foot-long short knife, he had a messy beard, and he couldn't see the appearance of a scholar and scholar, and his eyes showed a murderous aura.

When Cang County fell, Sun Shangwang's wife and his eldest son who had just grown up were smuggled away. His parents were useless because of their old age, so they and his infant son were both killed on the spot by the Donglu people, and his younger brother's family of six were also killed and taken away. , only his 12-year-old second son and his 14-year-old nephew escaped by hiding in an empty pigsty for two days, and they were not far from home.

For the past few days after returning to Cangnan, he ran for the Jiangdong Zuo Army with a deep hatred for the Donglu, and contacted the village soldiers who were still sticking to Cangnan Wuzhai. Take a knife to the inside and kill a few Donglu thieves with your own hands to take revenge and vent your hatred.

"No," Lin Fu refused Sun Shangwang's request to go into battle to kill the enemy without hesitation, and reprimanded in a cold and ruthless tone. Thief? You stay here and help me to coordinate in the center, so that there will be fewer casualties and more thieves to be killed. Isn't that avenging the blood and hatred for the family?"

Sun Shangwang is also very good at planning, liaising, and communicating with Cangnan Village. After this battle, his reputation in Cangnan Village will also rise to its peak. How could Lin Fu let such a talent go into battle and sacrifice it casually?

Sun Shangwang's eyes were red and he refused to give in. He said, "I've been running for the Lord for a few days, can't I get the chance to fight and kill the enemy?"

Ao Canghai glared at him and said, "You want me to help you kill a few more people, just tell me! If you are more verbose, I will tie up your hands and feet and go to the battlefield, but no one can take care of you."

Sun Fengyi patted Sun Shangwang's shoulder comfortingly, and said, "Your lord is right, don't be stubborn..."

Sun Shangwang sighed in pain and said nothing. Lin Fu sighed softly, and waved Ao Canghai to go down and lead the first battalion generals to strangle the Donglu soldiers in the encirclement...


When they broke out of the siege from the southwest at night, Na Yan and Na Tuzhen were covered in blood. There were less than 200 cavalry behind them, and everyone else was wiped out, even the injured Cangnan villagers who had a deep hatred for them. It is impossible to let them live.

The picture of the warrior Ezhen, who was personally commended by Ye Ji Khan, was filled with no less than twenty or thirty arrows, and he was fighting back and forth on horseback with a big sword in hand, only fighting for the last martial arts.

Nayan wanted to cry loudly, almost exhausting the 400 royal guards who were proud of Donghu. With such a serious injury, even if he broke out of the siege and let it out in one breath, it would be impossible for the picture to survive. .

At this time, it can't be said that it has broken out of the siege. The pursuers of the Jiangdong Zuo Army are chasing from all directions. They are not afraid of the chaos that the night may bring, and they vow to annihilate them all.

Nayan knew from memory that there was an icy river not far ahead, and if they rushed across the river, the horses under their crotch still had some spare strength, and they might be able to break out of the tight encirclement.

Nayan stabbed the horse with a knife. Now is not the time to shy away from horsepower. The only way to be safe is to keep a distance. There are still thin clouds in the sky, but the reflection of the snow can also provide enough light, which is a good thing and a bad thing. , regardless of whether there is a road or not, listening to the direction of the chasing soldiers, surrounded by more than two hundred horses and fled to the southwest, until a black shadow on a long embankment appeared in front of him, that Yan was in a better mood.

That Yan didn't stop, and he rode up the river bank. Several horses had already passed him and jumped on the river ice, but the sound of the ice breaking up seemed to be the last sound of life-breaking sound in his ears~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He didn't even have time to restrain his horse, so he followed the momentum and fell into the river where the ice was cracked. The freezing cold water drowned half of his body in an instant.

Nayan gave up the struggle at this moment: the cunning Jiangdong Zuojun, they tried their best to break out of the siege from the southeast, waiting for them to be a deadly trap.

With Nayan and Natuzhen rushing out of the siege, the more than 200 horsemen were riding in the chaos of the night. , most people do not have the strength to climb out of the ice hole, even if they climb out and wait for them, they will be surrounded by fate...


In offshore areas, due to the shallow river water in winter and the recharge of seawater, the salinity of the river water in these areas increases, making it more difficult to freeze than fresh water. Lin Fu mobilized the villagers in Cangnan to dig through the river ice. Although it was re-frozen in the cold after dark, the initially frozen ice was not enough to support the cavalry to pass through. Some Donglu cavalry can't figure out the reason for this.

Ao Canghai led a team of armored soldiers to board the river bank, thinking about what Lin Fu said to them most often, not setting traps, and wanting more than 200 people to die without surrendering without losing their fighting spirit The thieves were completely surrounded and killed, and I don't know how many casualties will be added.

Ao Canghai defended the river bank, and commanded the armored soldiers to surround and kill the few remnants who finally resisted and divided up. The cavalry took advantage of the light of the crescent moon and the snow to kill the scattered enemy cavalry everywhere, killing them with temper. , No one is willing to have a thief escape from under the eyes and nose.


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