Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 19: confuse the enemy

At dusk on the second day of the first month of the first month of the tenth year of Chongguan, the dead Cangnan land is covered with snow. Gradually at this moment, the silent earth trembled faintly, and the birds and beasts foraging in the snow were startled, rushing to and fro, and they were gone in an instant. Hesitantly looking towards the sunset, I don't know whether to stay and continue to enjoy the food under my feet, or to escape first.

A brown-armored cavalry suddenly appeared on the horizon over there, appearing in the sunset, as if wearing a robe, the old crow was frightened, and flew up to the clear sky, only to see that the farther horizon exposed more cavalry. When they came out, thousands of troops and horses came slowly, like a tide of dark brown rushing in the snow, and the old crow fled in the direction of the sea.

The two wings and the outposts quickly unfolded. The Donghusu Guards Commander Na Hexiongqi rode an extraordinary white-maned horse, surrounded by dozens of guards, galloping across Shanghai, frowning, watching. On the battlefield where more than a thousand Donghu men died in battle eight days ago, their eyes were full of corpses with their heads cut off and frozen solid.

The hateful Jiangdong Zuojun dared to make such a cheap Donghu man's corpse. He Xiongqi, who had always been mature and prudent, was filled with resentment that could not be vented.

The entire Cangnan was crowded into Zhaikong.

It hasn't snowed in Hejianfu since December 24th.

After the snow in the north is blown by the dry and cold wind, it is difficult to melt. Even in the continuous cold and sunny weather, the entire Yanji Plain is still covered with white snow.

The traces left by the ruts of people and animals in the snow cannot be concealed. It can be clearly seen that after the war on the 25th and 26th, Cangnan villagers all gathered in Xiaobotou Village, and then started from Xiaobo Village. Depart from Touzhai and head towards Linzi Mansion in the south.

The sentry that sneaked into the south of Yangxin captured and interrogated the local hunters and farmers. They also confirmed the fact that there were a large number of horses and infantry troops crossing the border on the 30th.

"Xiongqi, what are you hesitating about!" A bearded warrior in armor strode over and shouted at He Xiongqi, "If Jiangdong Zuojun is allowed to flee to the south of Linzi Mansion, what will we do to Ye Ji? Erhan to explain?" He also stabbed the ground with his scabbard, expressing his dissatisfaction with He Xiongqi's indecision.

"Nonsense, there are no heroes in the world except your Xinjue family," He Xiongqi raised his eyebrows and scolded his deputy, suppressing his arrogance, "The Xinjue family are all heroes, that post. Come and tell me, Mu'er, why did the Jiangdong Zuo Army keep fleeing south?"

"I think you have been fighting for so many years, and the more you fight, the more you shrink. What's hard to guess? Jiangdong Zuojun is afraid of the anger of my Donghu iron cavalry. Besides fleeing south, what other options do you think they have?" Xinjue Timur said unconvinced.

"Arrogant and ignorant idiot!" He Xiongqi rudely taught his deputy, "Dare to intersperse Cangnan to ambush Ye Jinayan and Ye Jinatuzhen's Jiangdong left army, don't they have to defend the city and fight? Courage? It's true that most of the Southern Dynasty soldiers we encountered in the south were soft-ass, but if you think that the soldiers of the Southern Dynasty are soft-ass, then you are a complete idiot!"

Xinjue Timur was rude, and after scolding Hexiongqi a few words, his attitude softened and said: "How could the Jiangdong Zuo army not flee south, all traces show that a large group of soldiers and horses passed through Yangxinnan. , as long as you keep chasing, you will naturally know the result..."

"King Khan taught us that we need to use our brains to fight," said Na Hexiongqi, "Why did Ye Ji Nayan destroy the entire army and only a few dozen people escaped? Ye Ji Nayan is a fool like you, and he is wrong. They thought that there were only eight or nine hundred Jiangdong Zuo Army with them in the north of Yangxin, but they did not find that the Jiangdong Zuo Army had already split up and hid the main force in advance in the beaded horse trails that had set traps in Cangnan... Ye Jinayan spent several days in the north of Yangxin. In such a harsh environment, the Jiangdong Zuo Army used foot soldiers to deal with our elite cavalry soldiers in the field for several days. Isn't this doubt obvious enough? Ye Jinayan You are an idiot, I didn't see such a big doubt. Now Jiangdong Zuojun has no reason to flee south in a hurry, but is fleeing in a hurry, isn't this suspicious enough obvious?"

"Then where can they hide? It's impossible to dig a hole and bury themselves, right?" Xinjue Timur had taught him that he lost his temper, and still asked unconvinced.

"There will be traces in the snow, but the wave marks left by the ship passing by the sea will not be seen when the wind blows!" He Xiong pointed his finger at the sea outside the seawall.

Xinjue Timur looked at the vast sea outside the seawall, the water was clear and blue, not far from the coast, and there were some islands scattered among them, he asked doubtfully: "Will the Jiangdong Zuo Army hide on the island? human-like..."

"Who knows?" He Xiongqi said with his hands spread out. He didn't think there were soldiers hidden on the island, but he also wondered why the Jiangdong Zuo Army, who had just won the victory in Cangnan, had to flee south in a hurry? If the opponent were a timid army, Ye Jinayan and Ye Jinatuzhen would not be able to die in the hands of Jiangdong Zuojun.

Before leaving, Yezierhan specially called him over and analyzed with him the various doubts that existed in the battle of Cangnan. He asked him to pay attention to the cunning of the Jiangdong Zuo army commander, and not to be blinded by resentment. Of course, He Qixiong would not forget Yezierhan's teachings as soon as he arrived in Cangnan.

That He Qixiong asked Hu Cong to call several staff leaders and deputy staff leaders over to discuss the matter, so that all the ministries were stationed on the spot, strengthened their guards, and sent people to collect the headless body of the Donghu man who was lying on the ground. That He Qixiong asked his subordinates to cut down a few big trees to empty out canoes, and went to the island to look for traces of the left army in Jiangdong.


On the island opposite Xiaobotouzhai, Lin Fu, Cao Ziang, Ge Cunxin and others stood in the withered bushes, staring at the direction of Xiaobotouzhai. The thousands of cavaliers who came were not confused, they just followed the traces. Pounce on the south, and choose to camp in place.

"The captive generals who lead the team are not easy to tease..." Lin Fu said softly, turning around and walking towards the east of the island.

"If they don't chase south, then I will take the second battalion to take a boat southward in the dark, and send cavalry ashore in Yangxinnan or in Bincheng County to intercept their outposts," Cao Zi'ang said. "Let's see if they can How long to hold on without wavering..."

Lin Fu stopped and looked at the tall masts erected on the east side of the island, with several large sailboats and more fast oars hidden behind the island, and said, "That's it, but you have to remember that you can't do it. Greedy for war, after annihilating and expelling its outpost rangers, you must retreat quickly so that they can't figure out the deployment of my Jiangdong Left Army..."

Since the beginning of winter this year, with the northern border of Hejianfu as the boundary, the surface of the Bohai Sea to the north has become frozen after the winter, and it often extends for dozens of miles from the coast. , but the surface of the Bohai Sea to the south is not frozen, and boats can also dock.

As early as four days ago, after the villagers of Cangnan retreated south by land and sea respectively, Lin Fu also led the main force of Jiangdong Zuo's army to board the ship, hid behind the island, and monitored every move around Xiaobotouzhai.

Seeing that the thousands of captives who came in counterattack did not confuse them with the illusion of retreating to the south, Cao Ziang decided to lead the fourth battalion to take a detour by sea to intercept the outposts of captives in South Yangxin and Bincheng County, and continue to confuse captives.

The outer sea area to the south of Bincheng County belongs to Laizhou Bay, which is often referred to in later generations. It detours nearly 300 miles by sea, which is nearly a hundred miles farther than the land route. It's still fast, the three hundred miles of sea road is at most one day and one night.


Whether it is Changshan Island, Prison Island, or Xisha Island, the development of forces around these three islands is inseparable from ships. Lin Bing's eyes have long been on the Yangtze River waterway and the wider outer waters, and he even gave up most of the interests of the Jiangning estuary in order to obtain more sufficient excuses to develop the fleet under the name of Jiyun Club.

In addition to the early three thousand-stone ships "Dongyang", "Jiyun 1", and "Jiyun 2", Lin Fu even joined the Longjiang Shipyard under the Jiangning Ministry of Industry in the name of Jiyun Society as early as last May. Two five-masted ships with a capacity of 5,000 stone were ordered, and the two 5,000-stone ships were completed and launched in early November.

It's just that the southeast wind is extremely rare after winter, which is not conducive to sailing north.

Although for the convenience of maneuvering, the two 5,000-stone ships were equipped with eight large sculls each. These eight large sculls were only used for short-range maneuvering. Lin Biao wanted to use the 5,000-stone ship as a warship, so he could not rely entirely on the wind. But even if there is no load, it is impossible to travel thousands of miles of sea road from Jiangning to Hejiancang County to be completely shaken by human power.

Under the influence of Lin Fu, the Lin family also ordered four thousand stone ships for their warehouse.

Lin Fu led his division to the north to the King of Qin, which was closely related to the interests of the Lin family. After the two five-masted ships were built, Ge Cunxin, the loach master, took Lin Fu's letter back to Jiangning, and the Seventh Lady helped him directly to the Lin family. The resulting four large ships were also borrowed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to form a huge fleet of two five-masted ships, seven three-masted ships and tow dozens of other medium-sized ships from Xisha Island in Chongzhou.

When there is no wind, it swaying with a scull. When the wind is against the wind, the anchor is anchored, and the sail is galloping with the wind. However, after the winter, the north wind is more prevalent. confluence.

It took nearly 2,000 people from the four villages of Cangnan to take away from the sea, the elderly and the weak, the hard work and the crowding. Only two thousand stone boats were needed, and the remaining boats were mostly used to carry horses. It is much larger than people, and people can squeeze, but horses can't.


The two five-masted ships on the east side of the hiding island are 20 zhang long and 40 zhang wide, and the main mast is 12 zhang high. Above the bottom cabin, there is also a layer of hiding cabins, and there are small windows for spear holes or arrow holes. , and above it is a solid and flat battle deck, enclosing a breast-high parapet.

The cost of each one is more than 19,000 taels, which is four or five times more expensive than a conventional five-masted sea-going ship.

Taking a paddle boat to transfer to a five-masted ship, Lin Bie stepped on the deck that was shaking slightly with the waves, and said to Cao Zi'ang: "The thieves are stronger than the cavalry. In Xinjiang, the thief cavalry is ten times stronger, and they don't have the spare power to exert their power - our eyes are more far-reaching than the Donglushengman who walked down from Bulun Mountain, and the battlefield should not be limited to land."


PS: Yesterday, the red ticket broke 5,000. Brothers are really powerful!

Continue to ask for red tickets.

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