Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 21: surprise attack

At dawn, the moon was dim and the weather was the coldest. The outer sentries of Xiaobotou Village all retreated to the left and right of the wall, dismounted and set up campfires to keep warm.

Although He Xiongqi was cautious, the ginseng and assistant leaders below were accustomed to winning battles, and they only wanted to pursue the Jiangdong Zuojun who was rushing south, and avenge the blood and hatred of the clansmen who had been lured and wiped out in Cangnan. People like Na Hexiongqi think that the main force of Jiangdong Zuo Army dares to hide on the island.

The leaders and assistant leaders who were forced to stay in Xiaobotouzhai were full of grievances. Although Hexiongqi told them to be careful about the direction of the island, they just placed a sentry on the seawall on the east side of Xiaobotouzhai and could only monitor the seawall. Going to the narrow area of ​​Xiaobotouzhai, after the main force left, the generals who could not participate in the southward pursuit, checked the post as usual, then drank wine and slept, and relaxed the requirements for the peripheral sentries.

Cangnan people leave Zhaikong, let alone a big girl, they can't even find a bitch, this dog/day.


Twelve or thirteen miles to the south of Xiaobotouzhai, the Millet River is like a long plain white belt under the moon, frozen solidly, the river ice is three or four feet thick, and it is difficult to smash it with a sledgehammer, only the edge of the ice layer is more fragile.

Using the deep waterway of the estuary, the five-masted ship directly moored close to the river ice. The sides of the ship creaked against the edge of the river ice, and the sound of the river ice cracking was exceptionally clear in the night.

Hearing the sound, Zhao Qingshan was startled, but he couldn't control it too much. They can't completely block the area around Xiaobotouzhai, that requires too many troops. Their goal is to delay the time when the main force of the counter-attacking cavalry knows that Xiaobotouzhai has been attacked as much as possible, so as to gain more time for the siege of Xiaobotouzhai to completely wipe out the defending enemy. more time.

When the sailors on the boat handed down the ten-zhang-long pegboard, they firmly grasped the river ice near the embankment. The four boards were side by side, and sixteen long pegboards formed four disembarkation channels. Zhao Qingshan dispatched the cavalry of the Liangdu cavalry who had been waiting on the deck to disembark their horses and quickly spread out along the Xiaomi River to block the passage. Then the soldiers disembarked and boarded the embankment to form an array along the embankment of the Xiaomi Henan, in case the main force of the captive cavalry suddenly returned to help.

After the fourth battalion landed and deployed and sent back the signal of lights, Zhou Pu and Ning Zechen took the 3rd and 5th battalions and some of the workers' battalions together with a total of more than 1,400 generals in fast oar boats. The soldiers landed on the seawalls on the north and south sides of Xiaobotouzhai, approached Xiaobotouzhai as hidden as possible, and prepared to attack Xiaobotouzhai suddenly.

The first battalion was led by Ao Canghai as a reserve team, and the third and fifth battalions would launch an offensive against Xiaobotou Village before landing. Ma Pohou and other sentries and **** chiefs are full of opinions. The first battalion deserves to be the most elite fighting force of the Jiangdong Zuo Army. The storming Xiaobotouzhai is even regarded as a reserve team. How can they have no opinion? However, in front of Lin Fu, there was no chance for them to be arrogant, even Ao Canghai suppressed them to the death.

Of course this has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that everyone is fighting and the morale is strong, which will greatly make up for the shortcomings of insufficient training and insufficient combat experience; the disadvantage is that, like the captive cavalry at this time, the following generals will inevitably be victorious and aggressive.

However, the Jiangdong Left Army was still small, with only 3,000 people. Ao Canghai, Zhou Pu, and Cao Zian were all veterans who had experienced hardships and battles. Only Ning Zechen and Zhao Qingshan had little experience.

If Lin Fu separates out an independent army to fight, the first candidate that comes to mind is Cao Ziang, who is prudent and prudent. Ao Canghai and Zhou Pu are the next best candidates.

In marching and fighting, knowing and using generals is the first priority. After all, all strategic and tactical intentions must be executed and implemented by specific people. Generals with different personalities and abilities have different execution capabilities for specific strategic and tactical intentions. of.

Those who have both wisdom and courage and can judge the situation, with a little luck, can be called a famous general. After all, famous generals are rare animals, and they are hard to come by.

After the victory of Cangnan, Lin Fu was also guessing what generals Yejier, the king of the eastern captives, would send to counter Cangnan.

In the past two days, seeing the caution and vigilance of the main general who counterattacked the Cangnan captives from the direction of Dezhou, Lin Funeng knew that the east captive king Ye Jier's judgment on the direction of Cangnan was accurate.

Lin Fu may be far from qualified to play against Yejier, the king of Donglu Khan, but Yejier's tactical intentions for Cangnan must also be executed through the prisoners he sent in the future. Lin Fu is confident to tease Yejier's following captive.


The outposts on the outskirts of Xiaobotou Village were all shrunk to the vicinity of the wall, which provided excellent conditions for the third and fifth battalions to sneak in. Ning Zechen led the fifth battalion to attack from the south, and Lin Fu, surrounded by dozens of guards, rushed to the fifth battalion to prepare for the advance position to see the fifth battalion's preparations for the attack.

Ning Zechen was gathering the sentinels, generals, commanders of the 5th battalion, and the flag-heads of the first soldiers. More than 20 people squatted in a low-lying area, surrounded by a dim little oil lamp to attack. The tactical arrangement in front of the village.

Lin Bie walked over surrounded by guards, and Ning Zechen and the generals greeted him and said, "Please give instructions..."

"I'm just here to watch the battle, I didn't come here with my mouth, I don't interfere with your command, and you don't have to have any psychological burden." Lin Bie smiled, found a soil ridge on the side, swept away a pinch of snow, sat down, and let Ning Ze The minister continued to discuss with everyone.

Lin Fuyi urged the grass-roots military attaches of the fifth battalion of the Jiangdong Left Army to conduct serious tactical discussions, mobilization, and post-war experience summarization before and after marching, training, and combat, and asked the generals of the battalions to fulfill his requirements without compromise. In addition to trying to avoid unnecessary attrition and losses, there is also a way to quickly cultivate the grass-roots military attachés and form a complete and reliable command system.

In addition, in this way, grassroots military attachés have sufficient communication and contact with each other, and the full communication of collective life can make each other better understand and trust each other, and help the middle and low-level military attaches of the entire Jiangdong Left Army to form an more cohesive groups.

The reason is actually very simple, that is, in the current system of civil servants, the township party and the same year (juren or jinshi) were the cronies, and they supported each other and advanced and retreated together in the officialdom.

Lin Fu has the experience of attending schools, military academies, and joining the army in later generations, and knows the importance of collective life. Using all means to promote collective life, cultivate team awareness, and severely suppress the rise of fellow villagers and small collectivism is crucial to strengthening internal cohesion and greatly improving the military's combat capability.

Without these technical means, to cultivate the best middle and low-level military attachés, long-term war training and brutal elimination are the only means, and strict requirements will naturally be placed on the main generals.

The Dongmin elite led by Li Zhuo has a large number of mid- and low-level military attaches with qualified tactical literacy. The cost and price is the ten-year East Fujian war. Both sides paid hundreds of thousands of casualties and tens of millions of taels of military resources, and completely disabled the central and northwestern parts of East Fujian, southeastern Jiangxi, and southern Zhejiang.

How could Lin Bie have the cost and time to train such a large number of qualified military officers? The cost of raising and cultivating through warfare is staggering, and the tactical training of the middle and low-level military attaches will naturally have various defects due to the factors of the main general.

What Lin Fu can do is to integrate the military thinking and methods/theories of later generations with the current military practice. It's just a pity that he can't directly open a military military school. Although it would be more convenient, if he did, it would undoubtedly be a declaration of separatism or a betrayal.

With Li Zhuo's personal excellence and prestige, if all the elites of Dongmin are in his hands, and with the strength of the Dongmin army, he should be able to quickly drive out the Donglu cavalry who broke into the bandits.

It is embarrassing that the elites of Dongmin have long been torn apart in the central party dispute, and even Li Zhuo himself will be restricted to Jiangning, and the Dongmin army is no longer a complete and powerful whole.


The tactics formulated by Ning Zechen were simple and effective.

Quietly until dawn, more than a dozen cavalrymen rushed from the left flank of the starting position to the south gate of Xiaobotouzhai under the cover of the dark night. In the dim moonlight, the prison cavalry sentry under the wall could not see clearly the clothes and armor of the person who came. It was only regarded as a messenger cavalry from the south. Although he got up and looked around, it did not attract enough attention. It was only when he was about a hundred paces away that he saw that the dozen or so cavalry had no intention of slowing down, so he shouted and questioned loudly.

The dozen or so cavalry are all strong and sharp, the speed of the horse increases the fastest, and the impact of more than a hundred steps is only a few blinks of time. The captive cavalry sentry only had time to blow the whistle, but did not have time to take the bow and pull the string. The two groups of five at the Nanzhaimen sentry slashed and overturned the dozens of cavalry, and the horse's hooves stepped over the campfire, kicking sparks. Splashing everywhere, a group of captive soldiers guarding the village gate hesitated whether to close the gate to block the dozen or so enemy cavalry or rush out to kill the attacking cavalry, when a dozen or so strong cavalry rushed in and crushed them, UU read www. uukanshu.com took the Zhaimen.

When the whistle was blown at the Cavalry Post, the Sandu Cavalry at the starting position of the 5th Battalion hurried into battle, galloping to the front of the village at the fastest speed. The cavalry of the Yidu team dismounted and joined the dozens of Jianrui who were the first to seize the door, firmly controlling the Zhaimen area. The cavalry of the Yidu team dispersed and chased down the outposts of the captive cavalry outside the wall. Taking advantage of the chaotic awakening of the captives and cavalry, the cavalry of the Yidu team quickly passed through the gate of the village, and went directly to the threshing ground in the center of the village, trying to kill the chaotic enemy as much as possible. Considering that there are many old soldiers with strong individual soldiers, after defending the enemy in the village, they can organize an orderly counterattack, and the cavalry interspersed in the clashes quickly returned to the Nanzhai Gate, enticing the captured cavalry to seize the Nanzhai Gate. In the relatively open Nanzhaimen area, try to kill and injure captives as much as possible to avoid the next more difficult street battles.

After Ning Zechen had firmly controlled Nanzhaimen, he led the main force of the fifth battalion, a total of seven capitals, with 16 flying contradictory vehicles, and swooped towards Nanzhaimen from the starting position.

Since the north and south sides could not be absolutely synchronized, and it was confirmed that Ning Zechen was the first to attack, when the police whistle at the south gate sounded, Zhou Pu led his troops to seize the north gate again, and closed the village gate in time for the guards and the captives. The outpost outside Beizhai Gate was eliminated.

Zhou Pu directly blocked the Beizhai Gate with iron nail plates, iron briars, flying contradictory vehicles, and the formation of the armored soldiers of the Sandu team to prevent the prisoners from suddenly rushing out of the village gate with their superior cavalry; the main force of the third battalion was from other troops. Find somewhere to hit the hole.

The wall of Xiaobotou Village was originally thin. The Jiangdong Left Army abandoned the village and went to sea. They had already done some manipulations on the foundation of the wall in some places that were not conducive to the departure of the cavalry. It was easy to knock down the wall with a ramming wood, and give the soldiers a chance to move. Pawns provide new openings.


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