Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 44: underdog

There are towers on top of the four gates of Yangxin, and the other three towers are single-storey. Compared with the small city of Yangxin, the north towers facing the Zhulong River can be considered majestic. The Beicheng Tower is a two-story brick and wood structure with double eaves. It is four feet three feet high from the ground, four rooms are about three feet wide, and three rooms are about two feet six feet deep. Lin Fu set up the command shed in the North City Tower.

Geng Quanshan and Chen Dingbang were not in the mood to take a rest, so they rushed to the Beicheng Tower with the generals in Shaowu Town to ask Lin Fu to go out to fight. They were holding back an unbearable grief and anger in their hearts, and they needed to find something to do so that the grief and anger in their hearts would not be overwhelmed.

They boarded the North City Tower and chased the remnants of Shaowu Town's army to Yangxin. They did not withdraw because Shaowu's army avoided entering Yangxin City, but joined forces with the outposts outside the city and were in the northeast of Yangxin. On the corner, camped on Zhulongpo, which separated the Zhulong River from Yangxin City, and it seemed that they were waiting for the main force behind to come and prepare to attack Yangxin.

By dusk, the snow outside the city had been trampled and filthy, revealing black-brown soil, and a team of captives stood guard in the distance of about three arrows from the north city gate.

Geng Quanshan, Chen Dingbang and the others did not find Lin Fu when they arrived. It just so happened that Lin Fu and Zhou Tongzheng led the Jinzhong cavalry to attack from the north gate, harassing the captured sentry cavalry outside the northern city. When Zhu Longpo sent a large number of cavalry to come to support, the Jinzhong cavalry quickly returned. Avoid entering the North Gate.

The prisoners were not ready to attack the city, and the Jinzhong army withdrew to the north gate. They did not close the city gate in time.

Geng Quanshan and Chen Dingbang watched Ao Canghai lead the armoured soldiers who were ambushed on both sides of the North Gate, and knew that Zhou Tong wanted to lure the captive soldiers to seize the North Gate. Nai He led the troops to pursue Shao Wu's captive generals rather cautiously. When the front cavalry approached the shooting distance of the city head, he ordered to stop the pursuit and returned to Zhulongpo. At this time, Zhou Tong was seen leading the cavalry of Jin Zhong and Ao Canghai leading the soldiers to pass through the city to the south gate. The Jinzhong cavalry attacked from the south gate, chasing the group of captives who were monitoring the south gate, and the group of captives that had just returned to Zhulongpo was forced to rush to the outside of the south gate on horseback.

Geng Quanshan, Chen Dingbang and the others were standing on the tower of the North City, just over 400 steps away from the South Gate, so they could see it clearly.

This time, the captive soldiers had aroused their temper. Three or four hundred cavalry grabbed the Jin Zhongjun and chased to the south gate. More cavalry were rubbing their fists two or three hundred paces away, waiting to confirm the former cavalry general. Once the South Gate was seized, they rushed into the city.

The Jinzhong cavalry retreated into the city, and Ao Canghai directed the armored soldiers who were ambushed on both sides of the city gate to quickly push out seven or eight flying contradictory carts and stuff them into the city gate hole, only five or six steps away, and the first three horses Unable to hold back the momentum, there was no time to evade, and both the man and the horse ran into the wall with a spear sticking out six or seven feet. Although three of the flying contradictory vehicles crashed and fell apart, they successfully blocked the momentum of the captives, and behind them were armored soldiers with high shields, which forcibly blocked all the captives who had bit their tails and entered the cave of the city gate. The archers shot at the captive soldiers who were trying to restrain their horses from the gap in the high shield, and the defenders on the southern city tower also recklessly smashed heavy objects such as bricks, bricks and wood on the heads of the captive soldiers under the city gate. This group of captives quickly left more than 30 corpses in a panic and returned in a hurry.

After cleaning up the battlefield in the Nanmen Cave, the city gate was closed, and more than 30 corpses of the captive soldiers were separated from their heads and bodies, tied with ropes, and hung from the crenels of the Nanmen gate tower to stimulate the captive soldiers. Zhou Tong and Ao Canghai retreated and returned to Beicheng. The Beicheng gate was hit again, but they did not send troops to attack again, which also made the guards outside the city nervous for a while.

Geng Quanshan and Chen Dingbang watched Ao Canghai come up from Dengcheng Road and looked at each other.

When the East Fujian Army was at its peak, there were only more than 100 military attachés at their level. Chen Zhihu's forward battalion had more than 3,000 soldiers. When Ao Canghai was in the East Fujian Army, he was the deputy commander of Chen Zhihu's forward battalion. , How can Geng Quanshan and Chen Dingbang see the reason why they don't know him from the fifth grade Zhaowu Deputy Lieutenant?

In Jinan, Geng Quanshan and Chen Dingbang recognized Ao Canghai.

The court dispatched Chen Zhihu to the north to clear bandits, and it was normal to have fleeing soldiers, but Ao Canghai was the highest-ranking fleeing soldier, which made Chen Zhihu disgraced and furious, and vowed to arrest him and behead him, but no one knew about Ao Canghai. Where has Canghai been for nearly a year, let alone why he left Chen Zhihu's department.

When Geng Quanshan and Chen Dingbang were in Jinan, they even wondered whether Ao Canghai would give up Deputy Lieutenant Zhaowu inappropriately, but would rather be incognito to be a junior officer under Lin Fu? At this time, I still don't understand what secrets are hidden in it.

Ao Canghai looked at Geng Quanshan, Chen Dingbang and other generals of the Imperial Army. Looking at these old friends, he felt bitter when he wanted to laugh. He patted Geng Quanshan on the shoulder and said, "I am also very sad about the matter of Captain Lu... ...you are here to find Lord Lin, right?"

Geng Quanshan was also inconvenient to ask why Ao Canghai left Chen Zhihu's department in the first place, pursed his lips, and said, "We are here to fight, the commander and five thousand generals from Shaowu Town are buried in Shandong, we can't hide in Yangxin City. don't do it..."

"Look outside, Donglu obviously doesn't want to let us go easily. There is still a battle in Yangxin, and there is a chance to avenge Lu Duwei and the generals of Shaowu Town," Ao Canghai said, "Tonight there will be a batch of supplies from Zhulong Bay rushed into the city along the Zhulong River, so the city had to be frequently attacked and harassed, so that the 3,000 soldiers outside the city were on guard everywhere, exhausted and unable to camp on Zhulongpo."

Geng Quanshan looked outside the city. The frequent attacks in the city forced the prisoners to focus their forces on monitoring the city gates, creating favorable conditions for the mule and horse convoys transporting supplies from the outside to approach Yangxin City. In fact, the frozen river covered with a layer of snow is more convenient than the post road at this time for the mule and horse team to rush to transport supplies.

Ao Canghai asked the guards on duty, only to know that Lin Fu was going to Xicheng, so he took Geng Quanshan, Chen Dingbang and other Shaowu generals to Xicheng to find Lin Fu.

Meet Lin Bie on the northwest corner.

Almost all the houses on the northwest corner have been demolished, forming a flat open space with a size of more than ten acres. Lin Fu stood there and gestured with the county magistrate Cheng Weiyuan and ordered him to send someone behind the earth-rammed city wall to build a thick brick wall with the same height at a distance of six or seven steps. People set up war tents on the city walls.

Except for the four towers on the Yangxin City Wall, there are no fortified defense facilities at the corners. When the captives attack the city, the corners are the weak points that the captives can easily break through. Setting up a war tent can effectively block the throwing of crossbows and slings. Geng Quanshan can understand, but what is the use of building a brick wall across the earth-rammed city wall?

When he came over, he saw someone preparing bricks and stones on the inside of the north gate, saying that they would build a brick wall there to protect the gate, to prevent the influx of enemy soldiers from being uncontrollable after the city gate was crushed.

Although Geng Quanshan is a general from Xiangyong, but under the influence of Li Zhuo, Lu Jingyan and other generals, he has his own understanding and knowledge of offensive and defensive military. I think Lin Fu is indeed a general who leads weak troops to defend the city and wants to counterattack, but I don't know what Lin Fu wants people to do to build a brick wall that is almost the same as the guard wall here at the corner. Does he want to stay here again? Dig out a city gate?

For Yangxin City, the city gate is always the weak point of defense. The more the city gates are opened, the more weak points will be. If more than 10,000 soldiers finally come to attack Yangxin, they can only be forced to defend the city. It is extremely difficult to come out of the city gate to fight back at this time.

After Lin Fu and Cheng Weiyuan explained the matter, they came to greet the generals Geng Quanshan and Chen Dingbang, and said, "I saw you going to the northern city just now, and you also saw the arrangement of the captive soldiers outside the city, waiting for the main force of the east and south line to rest in Jinan. After that, they will send their divisions to the east, and if Yangxin is not eliminated, their troops from the east will not be able to go deep into eastern Shandong; maybe they will divide more than 10,000 troops to surround Yangxin. …”

Geng Quanshan nodded. The Jiangdong Zuo Army and the Jinzhong Army were less than one thousand, and the remaining Shaowu soldiers they brought to avoid Yangxin City were only a little more than one thousand, adding up to only two thousand elites. There is more than enough to defend the city, but the troops sent by the Donglu to besiege the city exceed 10,000, and they will also struggle to defend the city, and it is even more difficult to do anything.

On the contrary, after the Donglu captured Jinan, all the troops on the southern front were alive. With the addition of the rebels, the Donglu could mobilize up to 30,000 troops to advance eastward. Yangxin, at most 20,000 captives can go to attack Linzi Prefecture. Once Linzi Prefecture is attacked, the captives can continue eastward without worrying about the besieged Yangxin, and completely destroy eastern Shandong.

Geng Quanshan couldn't imagine how the war would develop. He took out an arrow from the quiver, bent two pieces at a time, and handed it to Lin Fu, saying, "The commander asked me to join the Jiangdong Zuo Army before he died, and everything will be done. Listen to the orders of the Commander Lin. From Shaowu Town below Gengquan Mountain, there are still 1,088 remaining soldiers in Yangxin. You can listen to Commander Lin's arrangement to guard the war. Such arrows will never be resentful. Please rest assured, Director Lin, Geng Quanshan and the generals of Shaowu will never smear the faces of the commanders under Jiuquan, nor will they shame the dead souls of Shaowu’s army under Jiuquan..."

"Okay," Lin Fu looked at Geng Quanshan and the generals in Shaowu Town behind Geng Quanshan, grabbed the broken arrow in his hand, and said, "Lin Fu didn't have a glass of wine with Captain Lu at the banquet, it's gone forever in this life. But it's a pity. You are both brave and brave under Captain Lu. Lin Fu is fortunate to command you to fight the battle of Yangxin to defend the city, which is better than having a glass of wine with Captain Lu, so we will use this battle to pay homage to Jiuquan. Captain Lu! Let’s share with the generals!”

"Lord Lin please order!" Geng Quanshan and the generals of Shaowu Town said in unison.

Cheng Weiyuan stood silently by the side, the two armies were united, and the most difficult thing to solve was the issue of command and command. The number of Shaowu's remnants who retreated into Yangxin was no less than that of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, and the status of generals such as Geng Quanshan and Chen Dingbang was even higher than that of Lin Fu. However, the generals in Shaowu Town, headed by Geng Quanshan, were willing to be governed and controlled by Lin Fu, which was probably not just due to Lu Jingyan's orders during his lifetime.


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