Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 59: marriage and politics

(The first one, ask for a red ticket)

"I don't know if I should say something, I don't know if I should say it..." Lin Mengde hesitated for a long time and whispered.

"When did Uncle Mengde have such a relationship with me?" Lin Bie said with a smile.

It was raining outside and the light in the tent was dim. Lin Fu looked at Lin Mengde's dignified face and knew that what he said was no trivial matter. Otherwise, given the relationship between them, there was no need to take these words to the bottom. He waved his hand and let him know. The guards in the tent all withdrew.

"Then I said it. If you don't like it when you hear it, then treat me as nonsense..." Lin Mengde lit the oil lamp with a scythe, put the oil lamp on the table, narrowed his eyes, as if he was brewing something to say.

Lin Mengde has been in charge of the Lin family in Jiangning for many years, and has developed a bad habit of having to think carefully when speaking and doing things.

"In your opinion, the Chu Party is not enough to rely on?" Lin Mengde asked.

"For the past few months, the Chu Party has been in court and opposition, and you have seen how they acted. I sent everyone back to discuss matters with you in your secret room. Ask me what I mean by this sentence?" Lin Fu asked back, "But Jiangdong Zuo Army Although he has accumulated military merit, his foundation is floating, and for the time being, he always has to take refuge in Zhang Xiang, Tang Gong, and Master Gu..."

"Then I'll say it bluntly," Lin Mengde said. "It's natural for the imperial court to call you to the capital to report your merits when the Donglu retreats. Your marriage will be a public discussion, and you can't decide it yourself. In your heart, you want to marry someone. The daughter of the royal family, or the daughter of a minister?"

Xunniang's shy and beautiful appearance appeared in Lin Bing's mind, and then he thought of Su Mei again.

If you only consider it from a personal point of view, Xunniang is of course a good match, with talent, appearance, temperament, and the most important factor in marriage in this world: family background, none of them are bad.

It's just that things aren't that simple.

Before going north to King Qin, or even before the Battle of Jiyang, rumors of Hekou and Xunniang's marriage were rumored.

Although just over half a year has passed, the situation has developed to the point where it has probably fallen below everyone's attention.

The meaning of Lin Mengde's words is very clear. The fact that he is not married will become a public debate when he enters Beijing this time. Whether it was Zhang Xie, Tang Haoxin or Gu Wuchen, they would suppress the conflict between him and Yue Lengqiu, tie him and the Jiangdong Zuo Army firmly to the chariot of the Chu Party, and charge for the Chu Party. Regardless of whether it is promotion and reward, it is far less reliable and intimate than in-laws.

Whether it's Gu Junxun or the daughters of other important officials of the Chu Party, Zhang Xie and Tang Haoxin have enough ability to decide Lin Fu's marriage through Emperor Chongguan's mouth. What excuse does Lin Fu have to refuse?

I am afraid that the moment of refusal is the moment of breaking with the Chu Party.

If he agrees to the marriage, whether it is Jiangdong Zuojun, Jiyun Club, or the public opinion of the government and the opposition, he will be more firmly regarded as the backbone of the Chu Party.

When Lin Fu was in Jinan, he tried every means to contact Lu Jingyan. Until Lu Jingyan died in battle, he never spoke to him directly. Lin Fu regarded it as a regret in his life, and was he not burdened by the reputation of the Chu Party?

After the war, the power of the Chu Party in the DPRK has been further consolidated, but can truly learned people recognize what the Chu Party has done during this period?

Jiangdong Zuojun's foundation is still shallow, but the prestige gained by advancing northward to Yannan will not be weak.

Even if you can't distance yourself, you can't be more intimate.

Thinking of this, Lin Fu felt a headache, rubbed the Taiyangtang, and asked Lin Mengde, "It's probably not you who want to tell me this?"

"Zi'ang and the others think I'm closer to you, and they rushed the ducks to the shelves and let me tell you about this," Lin Mengde said. "This matter can't be postponed until after entering Beijing to consider how to solve it!"

"What can I do?" Lin Fu sighed in his heart. He had Liu Yue'er and Xiao Man enough in his heart, but Ying Xiu couldn't be exposed. He didn't care much about getting married or not. He didn't expect his marriage to be delayed. To this day, it's no longer his business. It seems that Cao Zi'ang and others don't want to be too close to the Chu Party. Yes, each team has its own core interests, so he asked Lin Mengde, "General Manager. You can't let me grab a girl in the vortex to marry me?"

"Did you know that the girl from the Sun family was in the army when you were in Jinan?" Lin Mengde asked.

"The Sun family made it clear that they don't want to go into this muddy water. Besides, what is Wanniang's impression of me? You can't let me get married and the backyard catches fire every day, right?" Lin Fu said helplessly.

"The situation is different before and after. When you were in Jiangning, the Gu family was determined not to marry Mrs. Xun. You still have this confidence at this time?" Lin Mengde asked back, "The girl from the Sun family is a girl with general knowledge, maybe There was some misunderstanding of you before... Whether it succeeds or not, you have to try it before you know."

Whether it is Lin Mengde, Cao Zi'ang, Zhou Pu, Ao Canghai, Ning Zechen and others, or even Sun Shangwang outside the camp, as well as the backbone members of Jiangdong Zuojun, Jiyun Society and Jiyun Wuwei, they all agree only with Lin Fu. They all regard Jiangdong Zuojun, Jiyunshe, and Xisha Island as an independent power group. They do not agree with the Chu Party, nor with the government, nor with the current imperial court. Their ideal mistress is not that kind of virtuous and virtuous. De, the ladies who are hiding in the deep house compound, with no door and no second door, they hope that the woman standing beside Lin Fu is the kind of woman who is courageous, knowledgeable, and can stabilize the rear at critical moments.

Taking the standard of being a scholar-officer, Sun Wenwan really can't be considered a good match, with a humble background, a girl who dances with a knife and a stick, has a wild temper, and also meddles in the affairs of the He Gang, but she is not a good match for Lin Mengde, Cao Zi'ang, Zhou Pu, Ao Canghai and others. Speaking of which, these are not disadvantages.

Seeing that Lin Bie was silent, Lin Meng asked tentatively, "If you think it's feasible, I'll report a few days of illness and recuperate in closed doors?"

Lin Bie sighed softly and said, "Be careful on the road. I will let Ma Pohou lead a team of cavalry to **** you, but don't force it..."

Lin Mengde breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "If this doesn't work out, my mother-in-law's family has a niece who looks good..."

Lin Fu smiled wryly and waved Lin Mengde to leave, and called Sun Shangwang in to discuss things.


Outside the city of Jizhou, the barracks rolled up and down. It rained at night, and raindrops hit the cold gray branches and tents, making a crackling sound. Dozens of fast horses rushed into the barracks.

Hao Zongcheng's eyes are long and narrow, and his slightly pointed chin has three false beards. In the name of the supervisor, he actually took command of the Jibei Army. He wore blue armor and a red helmet on the desk. Reading under the lamp, he looked a little dignified despite being quite self-disciplined in the camp.

Hearing the sound of horses' hooves entering the camp, it seemed that it didn't stop until the central army tent. Hao Zongcheng couldn't help frowning. He was about to send guards to see who was so unruly. Jinhai is here..."

Hearing Liu Zhi coming, Hao Zongcheng knew that there was hope for the secret discussion last time, and did not blame Liu Zhi for rushing into his military tent on horseback, and asked the guard to invite Liu Zhi in.

"Little Liu Zhi kowtows to Lord Chang, the left attendant..." Liu Zhi kowtowed to Hao Zongcheng when he entered the tent.

"Get up, come sit next to me." Hao Zongcheng saw Liu Zhi's smile, he also smiled and asked him to sit beside him, and sent the guards away from the tent, "How are things going?"

There are two left and right servants in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. From the third rank, the position of the right servant has been vacant all year round. Hao Zongcheng, who was born as a personal **** when Emperor Chongguan was still a prince, was trusted by Emperor Chongguan, and one person was in charge of the internal minister. Directly in charge of the military power of the Jibei Army, the director of the northern line, Zhuluqin Wang Shi, competed with Yue Lengqiu, the governor of Dongmin, the southern line.

In addition to the left and right servants, the inner servants also have two junior prisoners and four inner servants, all of whom are of the fourth rank. The subordinates are Ye Ting, Gong Wei, Xi Guan, Nei Servant, Nei Fu, and Nei Fang six divisions. Liu Zhi is the inner servant. The official residence is the inner servant of the sixth grade.

There were no outsiders in the tent, so Liu Zhi naturally addressed Hao Zongcheng by the name of the provincial official.

"Lin Fu, that turtle son, he said that he wanted to kill his popularity. It's not that he refused to sell the head. One 200 taels of silver and one thousand pieces are not sold individually..." Liu Zhi observed Hao Zongcheng's expression and put He told Lin Mengde what he had negotiated privately, fearing that Hao Zongcheng would be dissatisfied with the price, he did not dare to brag, "The Ministry of War rewards merit, a head is only 22 taels of silver, and the left attendant, Lord Chang, did not press him. The price is already to give him face, Lin Fu, this turtle son, really doesn't know what to do."

"If he promises 20 taels of silver for a head, it would be better to hand over the head to the Ministry of War's nuclear power," Hao Zongcheng said while looking at the swaying campfire, breathing in the air, "The 200 taels is a bit exaggerated... "

"That's right, this tortoise son is not afraid that Jiangdong Zuojun will be too conspicuous and will make all the troops jealous and hate him? He just can't understand the kindness of Zuo Shi-sama, I can't wait to get up my sleeves and fight him!" Liu He exaggeratedly said that when he saw Hao Zongcheng's face, he was not particularly resentful, and said cautiously, "Lin Fu also said that there are 200 heads among them that were sold by the Jinzhong Army. of…"

"..." Hao Zongcheng watched the candlelight silently for a while, and couldn't help asking Liu Zhi, "Does Lin Fuzhen think he can eat the bones and flesh of the Jinzhong remnant army?"

"According to what Xiao Xiao saw in Hejian Mansion, Lin Xuwen was quite attracted to those remnants of defeated soldiers, but those remnants of defeated soldiers had different views on the Chu Party, and there were some differences," Liu Zhi said. Xin also made a lot of military exploits, according to Xiao Xiao's humble opinion: Master Chang, the left attendant, is holding them accountable at this time, for fear of leaving unfavorable words for others?"

"Lin Bie is greedy for money and power. It is better to deal with it than to be greedy for nothing. Is it possible that they are afraid that they will go against the sky?" Hao Zongcheng said, "Go back to them, I will accept the price! You rest in the camp first. One day, I will give you money to take to Jinhai..."

"Are you talking about silver when you see the head?" Liu Zhi asked.

"I don't believe that a small superintendent dares to hack my money!" Hao Zongcheng said coldly, "If he is a good deal person, you are not afraid to have a good relationship with him in Jiangdong Zuojun, he must have something from me. There's still a lot going on!"

They asked Liu Zhi to go to the side tent to rest, and then called his deputy in the Jibei Army: "The Jibei Army has only been beaten until now, and has only been awarded 40 pieces. It's a shame to throw it home. Tell those tortoise grandchildren, a The head is four hundred taels of silver. Don't wait for the old man to investigate the responsibility of avoiding war and fearing the enemy, and then go to the old man's tent to cry for father and mother. This old man is not their father, nor their mother, this old man only recognizes the head. Good work! Make this a little more concealed, don't let the people from the Ministry of War and the Supreme People's Procuratorate notice it, it won't take a lot of words!" My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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