Lord of the House

Vol 5 Chapter 65: open water strategy

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

In addition to the children of the clan, the merit awards are divided into nine grades, and the male from Wupin County of the three hundred households in the food town is the last grade.

The actual benefits of being a county baron are actually not many. First of all, this title is a lifetime title. Except for a dead title, a non-hereditary title cannot be passed on to descendants. The food town is only a false seal, and each household is counted as 25 yuan a month. Three hundred food towns are actually an additional food salary of 90,000 yuan per year, which is about 80 taels of silver. It is a good reward to draw five hundred acres of Yongye Field from the Jinhai Sea, but compared to the scale of land mergers in the world, which are often 10,000 or 100,000 acres, five hundred acres of Yongye Field is nothing. Lin Fu couldn't compete with the villagers for good land. What could be drawn from Jinhai to his private name could only be unowned wasteland, river beach land or island land.

On the 24th day, the invaded Donglu completely withdrew from the pass, and the imperial court would never admit that the Donglu took the initiative to leave the pass. Whether it is to hide their ears and steal bells, or to encourage people's hearts, the court insists that it is the Gyeonggi defenders and the various Luqin kings who fought bravely to repel the captives, then we have to admit that the Yangxin Guard War is about the transition of the Eastern captives from advance to retreat. Crucial and decisive battle.

Leaving aside the rest for the time being, in addition to taking a thousand savage heads to trade, Lin Fu also had more than 2,600 savage heads and nearly 100 rebel heads. He killed and defeated captives and rebels. There are more than 30,000 people in total, including two Zhudonghu royal family, nearly 100 Zhudonghu nobles, and one commander-level general who captured the prisoners. In terms of first-level military merit, it also exceeds the accumulation of the frontier troops in the three towns of Datong, Xuanhua and Jibei for several years. The sum of military exploits.

In the past six years, Su Hu Yubian accumulated several victories in the military, and he was awarded the title of Jingbei Junhou.

The military exploits of Cangnan, Xiaobotouzhai, Jinhai, and Yangxin were all victorious in the four battles, which were created by Lin Bie and the three thousand underdogs of the Jiangdong Left Army, and it was even more valuable. In addition, King Qin's military merit is one level higher than that of fighting bandits, fighting rebels, and defending the border. If it wasn't for Lin Bie's poor foundation, it would not be surprising to directly seal the county lord for this military merit.

In any case, the lord is not rewarded for military merit, even the lowest baron of the county is a rare honor for the civil servants. Among the civil officials, very few people have been awarded titles. Li Zhuo has been awarded the title of county marquis because of his ten-year efforts to suppress Fujian. In addition to his failure to pacify Fujian, he was also suppressed by the Chu party. Lin Fu served as an official, and was awarded a title as a civil officer. In the group of civil officials, he naturally had a kind of standing out of the crowd, which made up for his lack of academic background.

In any case, at the age of twenty-two, and in less than a year and a half after entering the official position, he was awarded a title due to military merits and promoted to the fifth rank. Although it cannot be said to be unique, except for the early years of Taizu’s founding of the country, the original There have been few people in the past two hundred years, and there is really no need to tell them about whether they are jinshi or not.

Regarding the Kaihaicao incident, the time for the court was in a hurry, and there was no perfect plan yet, but it showed a bit of thought in rewarding Lin Bie for military merit.

Lin Fu may feel that apart from the 50,000 taels of military merit and silver, he has not gained any substantial benefits, but he has to admit that the huge change in his identity brought by this advanced award is that he can already be considered real power at this time. Lin Xuwen, who sent local officials, was also very envious of Lin Fu's reward, so he couldn't complain that the court rewarded him poorly.

In the past, others compared Lin Fu to Dong Yuan, but now Lin Fu has become a new brand.

Tang Haoxin announced the decree on his behalf, and congratulated Lin Fu together with everyone. Lin Fu naturally pretended to be very excited to return the salute.

The generals of the Jiangdong Left Army, except Zhou Pu led the Jiazu **** fleet to return to Chongzhou with the Great Loach Master Ge Cunxin, Cao Zi'ang, Ao Canghai, Zhao Qingshan, Ning Zechen and others were not particularly interested in the official titles and titles of the Dayue Dynasty. .


After declaring the decree and rewarding the merits, Lin Bie was groaning with hunger in the lobby. He asked Tang Haoxin to take a carriage to Jinhai and he hadn't eaten yet. Seeing that Tang Haoxin had no intention of eating at all, he asked Lin Meng to go to the kitchen. Ordered someone to bring each of them a bowl of bolognese noodles. No matter how urgent it is, only when you have a full stomach can you have the strength to talk about things and work, and let people call Cao Zi'ang, Sun Shangwang and others over to discuss matters together.

Tang Haoxin's mind was completely focused on the Haicao issue. If the Gyeonggi grain shortage was delayed for one day, it might cause chaos that would shake the foundation of the ancestors, and the harm was not necessarily much less than this time.

Chen Jintang, the head of the Ministry of Works, was originally Lin Xuwen's subordinate when he was in the Ministry of Works. He brought Tang Haoxin here because he was familiar with flood control. In addition to Chen Jintang and Ma Chao, Zhang Wendeng, the head of the household department, and the deputy ambassador of Okura in Gyeonggi and more than ten officials were all technocrats who were directly filled in the yamen of the Jinhai Metropolitan Water Transport Department. Lin Xuwen could not be made a bare commander.

Kaihai Cao involves many technical projects. Jinhai has sufficient manpower and materials, but lacks the guidance of technical officials, and no amount of manpower can do anything.

Chen Jintang and Zhang Wendeng represent the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Household, but their official positions are very low, which also shows that the central government's attitude towards Kaihaicao is mainly Lin Xuwen and Lin Fu. The officials of the Ministry of Industry and Household are here to cooperate, not to restraint.

When someone else came over, Lin Fu and Lin Xuwen would not be so easy to deal with. Tang Haoxin came over in person, and Lin Fu happily gave him the bottom line. At least at this time, Tang Haoxin was still trustworthy. In particular, there have been cracks within the Chu Party, and Lin Fu can only stand closely on the side of Tang and Gu.


In vortex, there is no shortage of labor.

As early as the victory of Jinhai, there were nearly 30,000 villagers and township troops gathered in Wukou, Changlu, Qingqi and other villages.

Lin Fu returned from Yangxin, and nearly 6,000 prisoners followed him all the way to Wukou Village. The most rare thing is that these 6,000 captives are almost all young and strong men.

When they were in Yangxin, they were like drowning people grabbing the only straw, and pinning all their hopes on Lin Fu and Jiangdong Zuojun. Lin Fu did not disappoint them either. After arriving in Jinhai, they were also resettled in the name of refugees who escaped from the war, so that they no longer had to worry about the settlement after the war.

Relief for work is Lin Fu's consistent idea. Even if he doesn't open Haicao, he still has the intention to manage the vortex well.

As early as the 14th, he led his troops to Wukou and handed over 6,000 prisoners to Lin Mengde and Sun Shangwang for resettlement. When the main force of the Eastern Captives had indeed retreated to the front lines of Ninghe and Jizhou, Lin Mengde and Sun Shangwang had already begun to prepare to use 6,000 young men and women to repair the seawall and seaport, and planned to build another military village on the other side of Wukou Village as a vortex. The resident of the mouth inspection department.

The remnants of the Central Jin Army still had 2,000 cavalry and more than 600 injuries.

The Jiangdong Zuo Army had more than 2,400 cavalry in Jinhai, and more than 400 were injured and sick - of course, Zhou Pu led 800 soldiers to **** more than 1,110 injured and sick by sea boat back to Xisha Island in Chongzhou for recuperation. As well as the incorporation of the remnants of Shao Wu's army into the Jiangdong Zuo Army, Lin Fu did not need to explain to Tang Haoxin in detail.

After the victory of Jinhai, in order to prevent the captive soldiers from fighting back, and to prepare for the large-scale return of refugees after the war, Lin Tie chose an island outside the Wukou Village to build a military village to evacuate the people and hoard a large amount of materials, so as to have a natural harbor , Jinwei Island, which is six miles southeast of Wukou, has more than 40,000 shi of grain, and there is also 20,000 shi of grain in Wukou Village.

In addition to the foreign horses shipped to Chongzhou for sale, there are more than 2,600 foreign horses and nearly 2,000 strong mules and horses in the three villages of Wukou, Changlu and Qingqi.

Although the fleet of Jiyun Society returned to Chongzhou temporarily, Lin Fu attracted maritime merchants from Dengzhou and other places to transport supplies to Jinhai very early. The number is large, with a total capacity of 20,000 stone.


Tang Haoxin breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Lin Fu's conclusion. He could have imagined that only Jinhai had the conditions to open the sea, but he did not expect that the resources accumulated in Jinhai were so sufficient.

"The victory of the Jiangdong Zuo Army is by no means a blessing. I was born in the Ministry of Household, and I still understand the principle of supplying the army first..." Tang Haoxin said.

When Lin Fu left Jinan and interspersed with Hejian Mansion, he was thinking of the convenience of using the sea route for fixed-point supplies. When Tang Haoxin said it, he just smiled and the cook brought the meat sauce noodles. After the bowl was full, he worked through the night to draw up a general division of labor.

Changlu Village is also on the banks of the vortex, but it is closer to the inland 11 or 2 miles than the vortex village near the seawall.

Lin Xuwen led the township soldiers, villagers and the Jinzhong Army to be responsible for the excavation of the river channel and the maintenance of the post road to Gyeonggi, mainly to widen the channel of the Eddy River and increase the ability of transshipment and navigation.

Ma Yigong first led one of the Jinzhong Army, and Chen Jintang, the head of the labor department, went to Weitai to prepare for the interception of the Weihe River into the Eddyshui River.

In the past, military and civilians gathered around Wukou Village to supply and provide relief. At this time, more than 30,000 villagers, village soldiers and Jinzhong army all moved to Changlu Village, and built new settlements along the Guoshui River to provide Prepare for the excavation of river channels in multiple places at the same time.

Lin Xuwen himself was born in the Ministry of Industry~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He is good at river management and road building, and he went to Changlu Village to sit in town. Yang Yihang led a division of the Jinzhong Army to cooperate with Jinhai County magistrate to lead the villagers to transport materials from Wukou Village along the Guoshui River to the inner route to ensure the supply of materials for the excavation of the river channel and the construction of the post road.

Lin Fu, Tang Haoxin and Zhang Wendeng, the head of the household department, stayed in Wukou Village and were responsible for building granaries, intercepting the water entering the sea, repairing the harbor, and organizing ships to transport grain to the mouth.

In addition to Jiangdong Zuo Army, those who stayed in Wukou Village were 6,000 prisoners.

Lin Fu's opinion is to empty the Wukou Village, move all the personnel outside the village, temporarily live in tents, and directly transform the Wukou Village into a super-large granary, so as to gain enough time and store food in the Wukou Village. The work is to start immediately.

In just over a month, it is impossible to forcibly organize seagoing ships. The only way is to sell grain to maritime merchants at low prices in Dengzhou, Laizhou, etc., buy them at high prices in Jinhai, and use high price differences to sell Grain is brought from Shandong to Jinhai; and Dengzhou Shuiying is required to ensure the safety of the northern sea route.

As long as there is enough grain in the vortex mouth, even if it is pushed by a wheelbarrow, the grain can be transported to Yanjing, which is two hundred kilometers away.

First of all, it is necessary to ensure that there is enough food in Deng, Lai and other places, and to ensure that the food sold to maritime merchants in Deng-lai and other places is cheap enough. In the past, Shandong was exempted from the water supply to Jinan and Pingyuan. It was necessary to immediately request an order to change the original arrangement, so that nearly 300,000 stone grains in eastern Shandong would be gathered in Deng, Lai and other places, and the first batch of grains from the north of Jiangdong County could go to the relief. Jinan House and Pingyuan House.

These matters must be dispatched by the imperial court to supervise the handling of these matters.

This is an urgent strategy to alleviate the grain shortage in Gyeonggi. As long as 300,000 to 500,000 shi of grain can be delivered to Yanjing in April, no matter how high the cost, at least it can guarantee that there will be no major chaos. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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