Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 3: Haitang's strategy

(The third update, the power is coming, brothers, vote for red)

Lin Fu, Cao Zi'ang, Ning Zechen, Sun Shangwang and others climbed Shanghai Tang, looked at the busy construction site at the mouth of the Eddy River, pointed to the left and right and said, "While Li Zhuo is effectively rectifying the Yanbei defense line, we must beware of the Eastern Captive Society. After the fall, we will break the border again and enter the pirates..."

"Yeah, broken edges are like broken tofu, and I would come here once a year to make trouble..." Ning Zechen said with emotion, if it wasn't for the Jinzhong Army, Shaowu Army and the fact that they fought several hard battles with Donglu, Donglu I am afraid that this time the invaders will not even lose a few hairs. Now the Jinzhong army is crippled, and the Shaowu army is crippled. Although Jiangdong Zuoying is more beautiful, its strength is still very weak.

"Next time, it may not be the turn of Jiangdong Zuoying to go north to King Qin." Cao Zi'ang sighed slightly.

Lin Fu took a deep breath. He was able to stay in Jinhai temporarily because the imperial court needed him to stay in the Jinhai Association to organize the Haicao and transport grain to the Jinhai warehouse. When the grain shortage crisis in Gyeonggi eased a little, Jiangdong Zuoying would need it. Return to Jiangdong to be stationed. I don't know if I can get the chance to go to Beijing to face the saints - Lin Fu didn't have much expectations for this, but Lin Mengde and others were looking forward to this. Entering the capital seems to be a due honor—the next time the Eastern invaders break through and invade, whether they can go north to King Qin will depend on Yue Lengqiu's face. Of course, it is also possible for the Ministry of War to directly transfer Jiangdong Zuoying to Jingqin Wang, but this possibility is very small.

What Lin Fu was worried about was whether Jinhai could establish a complete defense system before the next time the Donglu invaded the border.

"Hejian Prefecture, Jinhai County, Ducao Transport, Yantie and other yamen will all gather here. When the food shortage crisis in Gyeonggi is eased, a new city will be built here," Lin Fu said to Sun Shangwang. "The function of the temporary inspection department of the whirlpool is duplicated with that of Jinhai County, and it will be cancelled. If you want to work locally, I can recommend it..."

"If you don't think that Shangwang is stupid, you are willing to record and transcribe for the adults..." Sun Shangwang doesn't really want to hold an official position in the local area. When I came out, seeing Lin Fu talking about this today, Sun Shangwang made a direct request.

"That's it, the bookkeeping and copying is a talent for you," Lin Fu pondered for a moment, and said, "Then I will send you according to the 'Xie Cao', you are a member of the Jiangdong Zuoying, but I still hope you can stay In Jinhai, after all, you are familiar with the situation here..."

"Since the low post is a member of Jiangdong Zuoying, it is natural to leave it at the command of the adults." Sun Shangwang said.

"What's the difference then?" Ning Zechen asked with a smile.

Lin Funa winked to stop them from discussing too sensitive topics, and said to Sun Shangwang, "I won't stay in Jinhai Xiecao for a long time, so I will be transferred back to Jiangdong, but the matter of coordination can't be abandoned, contact Zhuhai Businessmen , The various measures of the shipowner cannot be abandoned. After we leave, you will be the main thing here... Tsuwei Island is no different from a private island. I want you to build it into a strong fortress at all costs, and I will leave a post. , A thousand-stone warship is placed on the island, you don't need to worry about daily training, if you need it urgently, you can call it. In addition, Jinwei Island reserves grain and water, and it is limited to 10,000 people a month, so that you can do a good job in the east. Preparations for the invaders and the citizens of the Tianjin Navy to evacuate to Jinwei Island. I will point out the key points with Lin Xuwen and ask him to concentrate the elites of Jinzhong in Jinhai New City. During the war, Jinwei Island asked Zhoujia Village and Jinhai New City to be the corners of each other... "

"Master, don't you have any confidence in Li Zhuoping's policy?" Sun Shangwang asked suspiciously.

Lin Fu can see the copy of Pingluce, Cao Ziang, Ning Zechen, Sun Shangwang and others can naturally see it, but it is limited to these people.

Lin Fu turned to look at the blue sea, sighed softly, and said, "Li Zhuo has a military plan, and the Pinglu policy cannot but be said to be the best policy, but it is not easy to implement..."

"How do you say? Please enlighten me." Sun Shangwang asked.

"Before the fiasco of Chen Tangyi, the DPRK and the central government deployed an external defense against the Eastern invaders. Relying on the Yanshan Line of Defense, they pushed forward with layers of fortifications and fortifications on the periphery to compress the strategic space for the Eastern invaders," Lin Fu said. "Chen Tang After the defeat of the station, the frontier army retreated to the Yanshan line of defense to gain a firm foothold. In order to regain the strategic disadvantage, the Ministry of War's defense strategy for the Donglu still stayed on the outer line of defense, and always wanted to continue to build a fortress outside the Yanshan line of defense. Deepen the Yanshan line of defense. Before Chentangyi's fiasco, the frontier army still dared to fight with the captives, and the outside fortresses built with the idea of ​​​​outside defense can be horns of each other. But after the fiasco of Chentangyi, the idea of ​​​​outside defense is somewhat If it fails, all the defenders are huddled in the fort and dare not move out, they will lose their role as horns and link each other, and they will not be able to smoothly push the army into the field, making it very expensive to build an external defense. Great results..."

"...Li Zhuo's strategy of pacifying the invaders is the opposite of the external defense, which is to shrink the defense on the inside. The first is to firmly hold the Yanshan defense line, give up the efforts to build a fortress on the external line to increase the defense depth but spread the force, and retreat and stick to the Yanshan defense line. On the basis, the troops originally scattered in the outer fortresses and other heavy troops were gathered in Linyu (Shanhaiguan) or the inner line of Jizhou, and an additional boat division was added in Jinhai to form an inner line with the Dengzhou boat division in Shandong. The trend of defense in depth - this is what we see as the Pinglu strategy, but in this Pinglu strategy, Li Zhuo has only written the first stage of his overall thinking. Look at the opposite side..." Lin Biezhi pointed to the northeast , behind the sea level is the Liaodong Peninsula, "the opposite is Liaodong, which is the enemy's rear in the East, if it is arranged according to the plan of the Pingluo, forming a three-way layout of Linyu or Jizhou, Jinhai, and Dengzhou, it is actually an enemy of the East. A three-way attack was formed. After preparations were made, the heavy troops assembled in Linyu or Jizhen advanced northward along the western Liaoning to form a frontal battlefield against the Eastern captives, and contained the main force of the Eastern captives. Even if the troops cannot defeat the enemy in one fell swoop, they can form an active offensive situation on the outside. Even if it is transformed into an outside defense strategy at this time, it will have a multiplier effect..."

"According to Pingluce's words, it may be possible. Even if it fails once, as long as the Yanshan defense line is stable, the second and third three-way attacks on the Donglu can be carried out," Ning Zechen asked, "Why is your lord not optimistic at all? the opinion of?"

"If today's sage really has the righteousness of greatness, talent and strategy, and can unswervingly insist on Li Zhuo, he may be able to achieve peace in five years," Lin Bie said without being shy in front of Cao Zi'ang, Ning Zechen, and Sun Shangwang, "With Li Zhuo The idea of ​​​​the first step is to give up the son and compete for the first, and completely abandon the external defense strategy, so that the limited strength can be concentrated on the inside to rectify and accumulate. Abandoning the son and fighting for the first is necessary to accumulate strength. Only when they are taken back can they be fought more powerfully. Even if the captured soldiers break through the border again, Li Zhuo will have a well-established and trustworthy powerful army to fight the captured soldiers actively on the inside, and there will be no more Jinzhong army being wiped out , The pattern of Jibei Army watching from the sidelines can even form an inside battle pattern that is beneficial to me - so Li Zhuoping's strategy at first glance is a strategic idea of ​​interior defense in depth..."

Lin Fu continued: "...There are several problems that are difficult to solve. First, Li Zhuo's strategic thinking is very different from the strategic thinking of the Ministry of War and Hao Zongcheng and others, and it can even be said to be completely opposite. Does the side general implement his strategic ideas without compromise? In addition, the officials of the Metropolitan Court are clamoring all day to recover the ancestral homeland and advance to the outside world. Can they withstand Li Zhuo's first layout of 'abandoning sons and competing for the first'? ?The third is that Li Zhuo concentrated his limited military forces on the inside for rectification and accumulation. It will take a long time to rectify the Jibei army to see results. The best way is to push the Jibei army to the Yanshan line of defense and put Li Zhuo himself created the elite Chen Zhihu Department in Dongmin and transferred it to the inside to strengthen it, but will the imperial court be assured of transferring Chen Zhihu to the inside for Li Zhuo to use?"

"Oh, I also find it strange, why did Li Zhuo deliberately avoid Chen Zhihu's department in Pingluce and take the initiative to ask to lead Ji Beijun? It turned out to be to prevent unnecessary suspicion!" Ning Zechen suddenly realized.

Cao Zi'ang laughed and said nothing. If Li Zhuo mentioned the use of Chen Zhihu's troops when he was in Pingluce, Pingluce would not have surfaced at all.

"Fourth, even if the DPRK agrees with Li Zhuo's idea of ​​defending in depth with the abandoned sons, they will have to endure at least one time when the captured soldiers break through the border and enter the pirates. After all, after the abandoned sons and the outer lines are abandoned, the defense line of Yanshan is too weak, and the captured soldiers must be released. Go to the inside to carry out defensive operations. The size of the loss will completely see the progress of the Jibei Army's rectification when the border invaders." Lin Fu pointed to the Jibei Army barracks to the north, and asked Ning Zechen and others. Man, "It's just such an army, if you were to rectify it, how long would it take to rectify it into a field-worthy elite, so that the captive soldiers would not easily break into the border? , Dengzhou's three-way counterattack situation at the same time?"

"Two years..." Ning Zechen said uncertainly, "Li Zhuozhi's army is famous all over the world, so maybe it won't take that much time."

"Even if it's two years," Lin Fu said, "but if Li Zhuo's first counterattack is frustrated after two years, even though the five-year contract has not yet expired, you think the court will organize a second three-way attack for him. any chance?"

Cao Zi'ang sighed slightly: "With the heart of the person sitting on the dragon chair today, I'm afraid that even the second time the soldiers are defeated, they won't be able to bear it. Li Zhuo is very smart and never mentions this in the Pingluce policy. I'm afraid that he will be mistaken by wisdom..."

"No," Lin Fu shook his head, "Li Zhuo should be able to think of this. He stood up resolutely to fight for the time for 'abandoning sons', rectifying the inside line and laying out the three-way layout. Using the barbarians to control barbarians is just to buy more time. Maybe the second time the army is captured and the border is unavoidable, he will be accused and dismissed, but as long as the successor can inherit his strategic thinking, there is still a chance of success! Donglu's strategy is to regain some passive."

Sun Shangwang and Ning Zechen sighed slightly, and Cao Ziang also sighed slightly. He also had to admit that Li Zhuo had a broader mind than Lord Hou, but it was too difficult to implement his strategic ideas.

(Note: This chapter has been written, and the debate in the book review area about "Li Zhuo alludes to Yuan" should be quelled. It is normal for novel characters to be drawn from historical figures, and it is plausible to choose one or two places, but there is no need to force the whole The characters are stuffed into the historical character mold.) My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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