Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 7: Da Kou Yucheng

(PS: This extremely unstable update state will last until the 23rd. I’m really sorry, brothers. I’m timid, and I don’t dare to come up and apologize directly. I can only reluctantly upload a chapter to be brave.)

It was raining lightly outside again. Tang Haoxin had bad eyesight. He leaned against the light of the window to read the private letter sent by Gu Wuchen to Lin Xuhong.

Tang Haoxin folded the letter, put it on the desk, narrowed his turbid eyes, looked worriedly at the drizzle outside the window, saw Ma Chao passing by the door, stopped him to speak, and asked, "Are you enlightened? I've been by Chen's side for many years, and I'm asking you one thing, why did Xunniang's marriage have not been decided until today?"

Ma Chao didn't know what Tang Haoxin was talking about for a while, so he was puzzled, and it was inconvenient to ask directly.

Tang Haoxin saw the confused look on Ma Chao's face, and said: "In Jiangning, Lin Fu was Wuchen's proud disciple, and with Wuchen's eyes, even if he can't see his achievements today, it's not too bad to think about it. Underestimate him, why delay it until today?"

Only then did Ma Chao know that the letter that the lord sent to the eldest mentioned the young lady's marriage. He also sighed slightly and said, "My lord had this thought when he was in Jiangning. Strange to say, before and after the Battle of Jiyang, Jiangning had this thought. The party in Dongyang Township was spreading rumors that the lord wanted the young lady to be given to Supervisor Lin. Both the wife and the young master suspected that Supervisor Lin was behind the orders. The lord didn't say anything, but the matter was delayed like this. now..."

"Is Lady Xun happy?" Tang Haoxin asked.

"Miss doesn't seem to have heard any rumors, and she can't tell whether she is happy or not, but the maid by her side punished her for talking about this matter, and the lady and her have been arguing for a few days because of this." Ma Chao did not agree. Knowing how to make things more clear, he, as a follower, can't express any opinions on this matter.

"So that's how it is..." Tang Haoxin sighed softly, Xunniang grew up under his knees, what was Xunniang thinking? He, as a grandfather, knows better than Wuchen, a father, besides Lin Tie in When Shiliang County rescued Wuchen and Xunniang, it was impossible not to be touched by the girl's feelings.

Tang Haoxin wouldn't discuss anything with Ma Chao, he just let Ma Chao stand guard at the door and wouldn't let Ma Chao leave. He frowned and looked at the rain curtain outside the window. , by this time it has been dragged into a relatively embarrassing situation, but it is impossible to drag on without making a decision.

Thinking about it carefully, it's normal for things to drag on until now. Such rumors are widely circulated, and anyone would hesitate, even if such rumors seem a little strange now. Whether it was the East China Sea pirates, the big pirates, the various counties along the Taihu Lake, the **** battle of Jiyang, or the subsequent invasion of the eastern invaders, all of them came very hastily, and the time interval was very tight, and there was no time for Wu Chen to carefully consider it. . Besides, when Lin Fu led the army north to Qin Wang, Xunniang had just turned seventeen years old. She had been in the army for ten years, and had only been together with her son and daughter for less than two years. She wanted to keep her daughter at home for another year or two. It's normal thinking as a father.

How unwise! Tang Hao sighed in confidence. He could understand Wu Chen's feelings and hesitation as a father, but he also knew that Wu Chen's handling of this matter was not appropriate. At least he still looked down on Lin Bie.

Wu Chen's eyesight is still not as good as Li Zhuo's. Tang Haoxin sighed slightly. Now he has to admit that Li Zhuo's methods and eyesight are so formidable that he is really not comparable to ordinary people. Tang Haoxin naturally studied Pingluce carefully. He could guess that Li Zhuo's Pingluce three-way arrangement pinned the hope of Jiangdong Zuoying on the side of Jianjinhai Road, which means that Li Zhuo ran on the police envoy in Jiangning and must have followed suit. In order to evenly distribute the troops, the King of Qin is actually to push Lin Fu out. Only then can Li Zhuo and Lin Fu have formed a certain tacit understanding, and he can place such great hopes on Jiangdong Zuoying at this time. In fact, only Li Zhuo and Lin Fu formed some kind of tacit understanding, and it was possible for Lin Fu to lead the Jiangdong Zuo Army to the north. Otherwise, Li Zhuo could directly veto the possibility of Lin Fu leading the army alone. There are few precedents for the palm of the army.

At least after the **** battle in Jiyang, Li Zhuo was very sure of Lin Bie's talent in the military, so there was a series of tacit understandings later, but Wu Chen was very unwise to hesitate for more than two months before deciding on a marriage, and he was always hesitant. When the Jiangdong Army went to the north, Qin Wang failed to make up his mind. Maybe he didn't expect Lin Fu to lead the army north to the Qin King to achieve such a brilliant achievement, but there is no "maybe" to say about this kind of thing. This created an extra layer of estrangement between the Gu family and the Lin family.

Tang Haoxin is still worried about Xunniang's own thoughts, and he still loves this granddaughter. It was a happy marriage before, but now there is a layer of naked/naked/naked intentions that cannot be concealed. He can still understand the little girl Xunniang. She is very sensitive, afraid that she will be very embarrassed in her heart. Which daughter would want her father to "trade" herself instead of marrying her off? Even if the object is still the same person, even if it is the same Ruyi man, especially the estrangement between Lin Gu, which is difficult to eliminate, will make the sensitive Xunniang's situation after marrying into the Lin family quite embarrassing, and it is even impossible to guarantee Lin Fu How much attention will be paid to Kaoru Niang.

At least for now, it doesn't look like a happy marriage.

Tang Haoxin stared worriedly at the rain curtain hanging from the eaves outside the window. He really wanted to ignore the private letter sent by Wu Chen, but the fact was that the forest clan had become powerful, and he couldn't ignore it.

After the fiasco of Chentangyi, Western Liaoning fell and millions of acres of fertile fields were lost. It took nearly five million stone of grain every year to be transported to Gyeonggi and Zhubian Towns to stabilize the Yanshan line of defense, Tang Haoxin said. Knowing that even if the inland waterway canal is restored to its original state, it cannot actually undertake the task of transporting more than 4 million stone a year. Once the sea canal is established, Gyeonggi and Zhubian Town will rely more and more on the sea. Whether it was Lin Fu or the rest of the Lin family, it was obvious that they had already seen this clearly.

Thinking back 10,000 steps, if the defense line of Yanshan could not be held, the imperial capital was forced to move to Jiangning, and Jiangdong would become the political center of the Dayue Dynasty, which would directly make the Lin family become the first-class power family of the Dayue Dynasty. Any faction that loses the support of the Lin Clan cannot be regarded as having a solid foundation.

Although Lin Fu still cared about the overall situation of the Chu Party at this time, and stood firmly on their side in everything, it did not mean that Lin Fu would definitely not change his mind in the future. Lin Fu had a tacit understanding with Li Zhuo at this time, and Hao Zongcheng In private, these are some very dangerous things - but this situation is out of their control, and it can't even be said to be restricted.

The rift within the Chu Party is so big that even the emperor who lives in the palace can see it clearly, otherwise Yue Lengqiu would not be pushed to the post of Governor of Jianghuai.

At this time, it is even more impossible to leave Lin Fu and the Lin family. Without the support of Lin Fu and the Lin family, even if Wuchen has the title of inspector and supervisor of the township camp, what can he accomplish in Jiangdong, and what qualifications does he have with Yue? What about the cold autumn confrontation?

After a long time, Tang Haoxin finally made up his mind and said to Ma Chao, who was guarding the door, "Please go and invite Lin Mengde over, saying that Jin Haicang needs to ask him about some trivial matters, please do it yourself. Take a trip."

"Okay." Ma Chao didn't know what to say, and also knew that there were some things he couldn't intervene at all, so he answered and went out to find Lin Mengde. Lin Mengde is Lin Fu's elder anyway. If the boss really wants to make up his mind to decide the marriage, he can only try Lin Mengde's words first.


"After the winter, Liu Aner's bandits were ready to move. They first led a hundred thousand troops to surround Haozhou. After eight days of siege, they went south and searched for opportunities to fight on the southern front. Dongyang Township bravely learned the tactics of the Battle of Jiyang, All the counties in the northern part of Dongyang have resolutely implemented the strategy of field battles based on the city, so that Liu An'er's troops could not calmly form an obstructive encirclement of the city, and naturally they could not form a situation of encircling the points to help. Liu An'er had besieged the northern counties of Dongyang Prefecture several times in a row. Or the intention of encircling the point to fight for aid was greatly frustrated, so he turned north again and attacked Haozhou. Zuo Shangrong saw that the fighting method of Dongyang Township was quite effective. Field battle. When the battle was at its most intense, Chen Hansan led his troops to Haozhou. Although Chen Hansan was already showing signs of rebelling again at that time, Admiral Zuo Shangrong was not on guard and thought that Chen Hansan led his troops to come to aid. , then let the passage into the city, let the three Chen Han tribes who came from afar go into the city to rest for a while, and then go out of the city to fight against Liu An'er's tribe. Who would have thought that the three Chen Han tribes would suddenly seize the city gate and flank Yicheng to fight Changhuai The rear wing of the elite army?" Lin Xuhong told Lin Fu, Cao Zi'ang, Lin Mengde, Lin Xuwen and others about the details of the Haozhou battle. He understood it in great detail, and even experienced the surrounding battles. His words made everyone frown, "After the city of Haozhou was destroyed, Admiral Zuo ordered people to burn down the warehouses in the city, and then committed suicide by swallowing gold in the camp. In the following days, the thieves robbed food and women in Haozhou to do everything and do all kinds of crimes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They were several times more vicious than the Donglu. According to the people who escaped from Haozhou, the woman threw herself into the pond to protect her innocence. Almost all the ponds in the city are filled with people, some of them are very shallow, and many people will not die when they are thrown into the water, and many women stand in the water shivering, life is not as good as life, but they cannot die for a while, it is very miserable..."

Lin Fu's face was gloomy. Maybe Lin Xuhong's statement was inevitably exaggerated. After all, Lin Xuhong couldn't have a slight liking for the Hongzepu rogue who destroyed Shanglinli, but Lin Xuhong's description of the battle of Haozhou is basically true and credible. , at least it is much more detailed than Tang Chao and Jiang Ning's two previous private messages. Gu Wuchen's private message to him also mentioned the violent destruction of the place by the thieves.

When refugees gather in chaos, food and military supplies are a huge problem. Liu An'er claimed to have 300,000 troops, but in fact it was far from that many, but after adding the old and weak women and children who accompanied the army, the number of refugees who gathered around Liu An'er was probably more than 300,000. Hundreds of thousands of people gathered together to eat hundreds of thousands of kilograms of grain a day without production. The official grain storage in small counties and towns that were captured was almost empty for three to five days. . Lin Fu thought that Liu An'er would be smarter, but he also expected that no matter how clever Liu An'er was, he would not be able to truly control the 300,000 to 400,000 refugees in such a short period of time.

*, rape/rape, and random killings are inevitable. Real, living refugee uprisings are not as beautiful as the "peasant uprisings" described in history books, especially because they lack clear political propositions and political intentions, and there are not enough numbers. The refugee uprising of the relatively reliable grass-roots officers is actually very destructive to the local area and production, and it is very chilling. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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