Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 13: self-respect

(The first update, Da Zhang, ask for a red ticket, happy Christmas Eve, I have to go out to eat too)

The sky is white with fish belly, ten ships are headed by "Jinhai", "Jiyun No. 1" and "Jiyun No. 2", the first battalion, third battalion, fifth battalion of Jiangdong Left Army and the first post 2 of Gongyi battalion More than a thousand soldiers have completed boarding and assembly and replenishment of ordnance materials, and are ready to go.

Lin Bie's command ship raised its main sail half-hoisted, and on the deck of the stern cabin, the messenger waved a two-color flag and used the semaphore to convey the military order to set sail. The other nine ships also raised their sails like flags and adjusted their bows.

Those who were standing on the pier to see them off could clearly hear the "click" sound when the stern winch was winding up the chain. At this time, the northwest wind is strong, the anchor is raging, and the ship is like a galloping horse when it leaves the shore. When they were about four or five miles away from the seawall, the ships gradually adjusted their direction and headed due south, heading straight for Laizhou Bay.

Hao Zongcheng was sitting on the back of a horse. He stopped on the seawall about two miles away from Liujin Seaport Wharf. He stared gloomily at the boats that were galloping off the shore without saying a word.

Hundreds of Ji Bei Army elite cavalry stopped behind Hao Zongcheng, looking a bit chilling.

Liu Zhi pursed his lips, the weather in spring was still a bit cold in the early morning, and the frost in the four fields was as white as snow. He closed his cloak to prevent more cold air from seeping into his body. He looked back at the cavalry behind him, thinking that Lin Shui led the main force of the Jiangdong Zuo battalion to leave. At this time, only the first cavalry and one battalion of the Jiangdong Zuo Army were left in Jinhai. How much does it cost to eat it cleanly?

This kind of thought, Liu Zhi was just thinking about it in his head. At the beginning, Lin Fu was guarding Yangxin, and he only had 2,000 elite soldiers. When the Donglu besieged the city, there were more than 20,000 troops.


At this time, the soldiers of the Fourth Battalion, who had retreated to the north side of the Jinhai Port terminal under the martial law, also began to board the ship under the leadership of Ning Zechen. In name, they will leave Jinhai to help the water, but most of the soldiers of the Fourth Battalion will follow Ning Ze, except for a small number of soldiers who will stay on the shore with Sun Shangwang to supervise about 6,000 prisoners who continue to build the port and build warehouses. The minister retreated to Tsuwei Island.

In addition to the soldiers of the fourth battalion led by Ning Zechen, there were nearly 1,400 soldiers from Zhejiang on Jinwei Island.

In order to prevent these Zhejiang soldiers from surrendering to Yue Lengqiu, Lin Fu left Yangxin and brought them to Jinhai as auxiliary soldiers of Jiangdong Zuoying.

After Lin Fu was awarded the baronship of Jinhai County, the entire Jinwei Island was designated as his private reward Yongye Field, and he used the nearly 1,400 Zhejiang soldiers to build Jinwei Island - Lin To tie up this period of time to invest huge resources is to build Tsuwei Island into a solid maritime military base and defensive barrier.

It has only been more than a month, and the Jinwei Island base is still early, but the basic living facilities have been completed. The soldiers of the Fourth Battalion retreat to Jinwei Island, at least in the short term, they are not afraid of the threat of the Jibei Army.

Except for the military pawns of the fourth battalion, when Lin Bie was in Yangxin, he decisively beheaded all the surrendered generals above the commander of the Zhe soldiers who were captured and convicted, and recruited old pawns loyal to the Jiangdong Zuo Army into it. Although these people are still auxiliary troops, they are currently mainly used for the construction of the Jinwei Island military barrier, but at critical moments, they can still be deployed into the battlefield as an important force.

In addition to the nearly 1,400 Zhejiang soldiers who surrendered, the nearly 6,000 captured prisoners who went north from Yangxin with Lin Fu at this time can also be said to be an important reserve force of the Jiangdong Left Army in Jinhai.

At first, Lin Fu solved their worries that they might be liquidated after the war. They had no choice but to trust the Jiangdong Zuo Army and go north with the Jiangdong Zuo Army.

Except for a small number of peasants with fields who chose to return to their hometowns after the war, most of them were poor peasants who lost or had no land. After the war, there was no better way to survive than to stay in Jinhai as hard labor and force. Besides, most of them have already lost their families. Even if there are still family members in the world, most of them are taken to the north by the east captives, and it is difficult to see each other again in this world. These kinds of encounters, as well as Lin Fu's trust in Jiangdong's left army, made it easier for them to unite and cohere than ordinary returning refugees.

Jinhai opened the sea water, and Lin Bie stayed in Jinhai to help the water. These 6,000 captives were the most important labor resources. Whether it was closing the vortex river, repairing the port and building a wharf, building a fort and digging a ditch, they all played an important role. important role.

As more and more yamen, garrisoned troops and returning refugees poured into Jinhai, Lin Fu directly moved these prisoners to the south bank of the Eddy River with the Jiangdong Zuo Army. Employment management is actually to ensure the purity and cohesion of these prisoners.

In the process of cash-for-work, Lin Fu also paid attention to selecting some prestigious and capable people from among the captive husbands to entrust them with positions. A small number of people directly joined the Jiangdong Left Army, and a small number of people directly used to assist in the management of these prisoners. They were not discriminated against because they had contributed to the attack on Yangxin in the Eastern Captive Force. He also directly selected 300 strong and strong men from the captured prisoners to set up the Guoshuihe Township Battalion, nominally under the jurisdiction of Jinhai County Wei, but in fact directly led by Sun Shangwang.

It's not an easy thing to respond to and meet everyone's expectations.

Lin Fu has always been very careful to treat the surrendered generals, the soldiers and the captive men differently, and treats the surrendered soldiers and the captive men as victims. Only in this way can we unite and gather more strength. Push the forces that can unite to the enemy.

With or without Lin Xuwen's cooperation, under the circumstance that the local forces and government forces were all destroyed and yet to be rebuilt, it was easy for Lin Tie to do these things in Jinhai.

In order to solve the grain shortage crisis in Gyeonggi, to store grain in Jinhai as soon as possible, and to open up the passage from Jinhai to Gyeonggi, many yamen even condoned Lin Fu's behavior. Recruitment of returning refugees is much higher.

In fact, not only Lin Xuwen, who is from the forest family with Lin Fu, would not mind Lin Fu's cultivation of power in Jinhai, but the local forces would also not mind Lin Fu's cultivation of power in Jinhai.

On the one hand, Lin Fu has the grace to rescue and restore the local forces in Jinhaiyuan. Representatives of local forces, such as the Wukou Zhou brothers, all directly supported Lin Fu and Jiangdong Zuojun. At least when the Hejian Mansion was devastated and destroyed by the Donglu, only the Jiangdong Left Army, under the predicament of ten thousand horses, joined forces with the remnants of Jinzhong to win the dawn of victory for them. Even if they don't read their kindness, they must prevent them from relying on Jiangdong Zuojun to save them when they are in trouble in the future.

On the other hand, the local forces have been devastated this time. Countless people have been kidnapped and killed. Jinhai is full of unowned fields. These are actually huge benefits that can be divided up for everyone. Naturally, the local forces such as the Wukou Zhou brothers would not be so greedy as to eat all their interests. If Lin Fu and Lin Xuwen were to participate together, they would feel that it would be more secure to divide up the cake.

The Zhou brothers donated the Wukou Village to which the Zhou family belonged to the Jinhai Metropolitan Water Transport Division to transform it into a Jinhai warehouse for grain storage. The Metropolitan Water Transport Division and Jinhai County set aside 400 acres of land on the south bank of the Woshui River. Compensation was given to the Zhou clan. In fact, the Zhou brothers occupied a large amount of unowned wasteland on the south bank of the Eddy River in this name, and became the first-class landowners of the Hejian Mansion in one fell swoop.

As long as the Zhou brothers do not cause disputes over the fields, and as long as there is no bitter master to sue, Lin Fu and Lin Xuwen will turn a blind eye to the actions of the Zhou brothers and others, and it can even be said that they are deliberately condoning. After all, the Lin family or the Jiangdong Zuo Army would go directly to Hejian and Jinhai to occupy the unowned wasteland at this time. It would be too bare/naked/naked, too blatant, and vulnerable to attacks by other officials in the DPRK and China.

A large number of unowned wasteland, rather than fall into the hands of others, it is better to fall into the hands of Jinhai and Cangnan local forces that are close to them.

After more and more refugees from Jinhai returned home and could provide sufficient labor for Kaihai Cao, Lin Fu and the Zhou brothers proposed to lease a large amount of land from the Zhou clan in the name of Jiangdong Zuojun.

The Zhou brothers are not fools either, they know who is their real solid backing. When Lin Fu made such a request, they immediately reciprocated and allocated the more than 20,000 mu of fertile land around the Jiangdong Zuo Army's camp on the south bank of the Woshui River to the Jiangdong Zuo Army, which was considered a lease.

At this time, Lin Fu had no excuse to move more than 6,000 people to Chongzhou, Jiangdong. In order for these people to become a potential force for the mobilization of the Jiangdong Left Army, the problem of their resettlement must be solved, and they should not be used during the resettlement process. They spread out. In the name of Jiangdong Zuojun, he leased more than 20,000 mu of fertile land from the Zhou clan, and in the name of Mintun, he could place more than 6,000 people on the south bank of the Woshui River.

However, in the form of farming, he did not intend to distribute the fields to households. Although the form of collective farms has various disadvantages in long-term implementation, in the short-term, it has miraculous effects in concentrating efforts on field improvement, building water conservancy and irrigation facilities, and helping each other to maintain internal cohesion.

Lin Fu decided that after the Jiangdong Zuo Army had withdrawn from the south bank of the Eddy River, he would move the people from the outer shacks to live in the camp. If the camp could not accommodate it, he would build a large enclosure around the camp that was conducive to collective living. Lin Fu also intends to build a strong fortress on the south bank of the Wushui River based on the camp of the Jiangdong Left Army on the south bank, together with Zhou's new village, Jinhai New City and Jinwei Island on the north bank, to form a complete Jinhai. defense system.


Ning Zechen led most of the soldiers of the Fourth Battalion to board the ship and also left for Jinwei Island.

At this time, the second battalion of the Jiangdong Left Army was also the cavalry battalion that was finally retained by the Jiangdong Left Army. More than 600 cavalry soldiers turned on their horses one after another. Under the leadership of Zhou Pu, they left the Jinhai Port Wharf and went south along the Fenghe Dam of the Guoshui River. . Under the leadership of Zhou Pu, the cavalrymen of the second battalion will travel south along the coastline by land, and join the main force of Jiangdong Zuoying by sea in Bohai County and Laizhou County in Laizhou Bay.

Hao Zongcheng's face became more and more gloomy, and Liu Zhi sat on the horse's back, unable to guess what Hao Zongcheng was thinking.

Although the Jiangdong Left Army nominally escorted Tang Haoxin to Shandong to solve the crisis of the mutiny in Changyi, Lin Bing's intention to go with his troops and threaten the Shandong Commandery was too obvious and blatant.

"Even if the Jinzhong Army does not favor either side, if the Jibei Army and the Jiangdong Zuo Army clash in Jinhai, how sure are you to win?" Hao Zongcheng suddenly asked Liu Zhi.

Liu Zhi was startled, and secretly asked, could it be that Hao Zongcheng always had the intention to do something?

Lin Fu had the name of escorting Tang Haoxin to support troops to Shandong, and naturally he had to inform the yamen in Jinhai about the deployment and movement of Jiangdong Zuoying's troops, so as to legalize his behavior of supporting troops to Shandong.

Lin Xuwen and other officials from the Tang and Gu departments naturally thought this was extremely necessary; Zhang Wendeng and other officials sent by the Ministry of Housing to sit in Jinhai Cang, and the censors sent by the Supreme Court in Jinhai naturally opposed it and did not point the finger at Tang Haoxin. However, he claimed to write to the court to impeach Lin Fu's reckless deployment of troops, and even falsely claimed that Tang Haoxin was bound by Lin Fu to go to Shandong.

Liu Zhi had always thought that Hao Zongcheng would oppose Lin Fu's support of the army to go to Shandong. Unexpectedly, during the collegiate meeting last night, Hao Zongcheng did not show his face, but sent a message to agree with Lin Fu to **** Tang Haoxin to Shandong. The officials stationed in Jinhai were speechless and powerless to refute.

At this time, Liu Zhi suddenly asked Hao Zongcheng such a question, and he was immediately confused. He couldn't figure out whether he agreed with Lin Fu's support of soldiers to go to Shandong or opposed Lin Fu's going to Shandong.

Hao Zongcheng led the 20,000 Ji Bei Army to Jinhai. On the one hand, and in name, he came to Jinhai to solve the problem of military food and relieve the pressure of food supply in Gyeonggi. On the other hand, he also guarded and restrained Jiangdong Zuo Army and Jinzhong. Army means.

No matter what the excuse is, even if Tang Haoxin was brought out, Lin Fu went directly to Shandong without being dispatched by the Ministry of Military Affairs. But in this world, you can't get rid of anyone you want to get rid of, you must first have this strength.

"This, this, I'm afraid it's too risky..." Liu Zhi said hesitantly. He was afraid that Hao Zongcheng would tie him to the chariot of Jibei Army. In case of failure, if the court wanted to appease Jiangdong Zuojun, he would follow He has become a traitor who framed Zhongliang, and maybe he will be sent to Hao Zongcheng as a scapegoat. He is not so stupid. Not to mention that he has received a lot of benefits from Lin Bie, the Jinhai Sea has changed, and the Jinhai Sea Cao will be abandoned. Apart from the Tianjin Overseas, where else can guarantee the delivery of 200,000 to 300,000 stone rice grains to Gyeonggi every month?

Lin Fu marked Jinwei Island as his private land, and this time he evacuated five or six hundred soldiers to Jinwei Island to garrison.

To put it more eloquently, it is to protect the port of Jin, and prevent foreign enemies from attacking from the sea;

Based on this alone, the imperial court could not move Lin Bie.

"I just said casually, why are you nervous?" Hao Zongcheng's face was tensed all morning, and then he eased into a sullen smile. He glanced at Liu Zhi, and then looked at Jinwei Island in the southeast. He was greedy for money and fearful of money. It's not that Zhan has no knowledge at all. At this time, whether it is moral or immoral, loyal or disloyal, all rely on the strength in his hand to speak. After a while, he sighed softly, "After all, this Lin Bie is not Li Zhuo! "

"Ah!" Liu Zhi breathed a sigh of relief~www.wuxiaspot.com~ jokingly said that it's okay, as long as you don't play it for real. Although Liu Zhi can only talk about soldiers on paper, he also knows the truth that "the soldiers are not expensive, but the elites". He has witnessed how the Jiangdong Zuo Army fought against the invaders and the Donglu. With the **** of the Jibei Army, there are What qualifications do you have to fight with Jiangdong Zuo Army in Jinhai?

Liu Zhi spent most of his time in Jinhai during this period of time. He could still see some of the little actions of the Jiangdong Zuo Army in Jinhai. The Jiangdong Zuo Army apparently retained 3,000 soldiers in Jinhai, but The combat power mobilized on behalf of Zaineng will not be less than three or four thousand people.

Liu Zhi can see some things, but he has never said a word, just to leave a way out for himself, to leave some room to be a good person, who knows how the world will change?

Liu Zhi squinted and looked at Hao Zongcheng's profile, unable to guess what he was thinking, of course Lin Bie was not Li Zhuo. There was an imperial decree back then that Li Zhuo relieved his military power and went to Jiangning to serve as a garrison general. The Chu Party could toss him as much as he wanted; could an imperial decree make Lin Fu and the Lin family obediently give up their military power?

"But it's a fact that Lin Bie is better at talking than Li Zhuo..." Hao Zongcheng said abruptly, "I couldn't confirm it at first - now there is a rift within the Chu Party, even if we don't add some firewood, we can't stop it. They pinch."

It was only at this time that Liu Zhi understood Hao Zongcheng's thoughts of sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight. He felt a cold back and a smile on his face: "Lord Chang Shi is very right, but Li Zhuo treats adults like tigers and wolves. Lin Fu is so easy to deal with? What Lin Fu wants is nothing but fame and fortune, what he wants, just give him..."

"I can't give it all to him," Hao Zongcheng smiled coldly. "The heart is like a deep pit. You have to give it to him. When will it be filled? My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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