Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 18: Troubled

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

Where did the more than ten Qingzhou soldiers who crossed the line think that Jiangdong Zuojun would kill if they wanted to kill them. Dozens of sharp arrows were shot at them. They had nowhere to hide. Forming an effective protection, only three or five people were lucky not to be hit by the arrow, and they stood there like a fool, not knowing whether to advance or retreat.

Immediately after being hit by the arrow, the dead were killed. More than a dozen soldiers who were hit by the arrow hid and wailed. The four leaders of the group of soldiers incited the most violent troubles to shoot Ao Canghai with arrows. Afraid that another random arrow would come, one of them lay motionless on the ground, seeing that he could no longer live. One was struck by an arrow in the chest, covering the wound of the arrow with his hand, and sat on the ground, yelling and cursing. He takes revenge.

However, this large group of Qingzhou soldiers did not have the courage to push forward in the face of the Jiangdong Zuo Army's strict formation and the cold arrows protruding from the gap between the high shields, but they were also stuck in the street and refused to retreat easily...

"These scoundrels are unprepared, or they are tempted by rumors to act hastily to prevent our troops from entering the city," Ao Canghai handed the bow to the guards, and retreated to the back to answer Lin Fu, "They are hesitating at this time. It's not a big problem if they fail to advance or retreat, do they directly send someone to defeat them?"

"No need," Lin Fu shook his head, "since they don't want me to go to the city, then I'll find a place to rest here for a while, and the Shandong County Secretary will come forward to settle the mess, so I can't ask me to wipe their **** for them. ."

Lin Fu said to Du Juefu and other local officials in Shouguang: "Please send the yamen to walk down the alley and inform the people in the city to close their doors and their homes to avoid the disturbance of the soldiers..."

Du Juefu did not expect that Liu Yefei, Chen Debiao and others would agree with Lin Fu entering the city to discuss the aftermath of the mutiny in Changyi, but the generals under the Qingzhou Army became chaotic for no reason and wanted to drive Lin Fu and Jiangdong Zuo Army out of the city. At this time, although it was still able to be deterred from causing chaos immediately, almost half of the streets were blocked, and thousands of Qingzhou soldiers refused to retreat.

Du Juefu only felt that his head was swelled by two big. He knew that once these soldiers lost control, it would cause chaos. He did not dare to leave Lin Bie for half a step. After all, he felt that it was safe to stay with Lin Bie. The yamen walked down the alley and told the people in the city to close their doors to prevent the Qingzhou army from causing a big riot.

Lin Fu also felt a headache looking at the situation in front of him. He bowed his head and gave in. If the officials of Shandong County were worried about being persecuted by soldiers, they could completely refuse him to enter the city. It is much better to have rioters to stop them from entering the city. Look at these soldiers in the streets in a mess, there is no anecdote, and they don't look like they are being driven behind their backs. If it is not man-made, but spontaneous riots and mutinies, it will be even worse. Once the situation deteriorates and expands, it will be difficult to control.

Lin Bing brought too few troops into the city, and there were no reinforcements outside the city. It was easy to defeat this group of rebels, but if more than 4,000 Qingzhou troops in the entire Shouguang City bombed their camps and mutiny, the problem would be troublesome. .

Lin Fu was not worried that the mutiny would be detrimental to them.

The situation in front of him shows that Liu Yefei's control over the Qingzhou army is very poor. For more than a month, he has only focused on recruiting soldiers to surrender, and he has only focused on applying favors to win over into his own power, but he has not rectified it. The military officers and generals are all cottages. The leader, the leader of the defeated soldiers, and the soldiers also belonged to their respective commanders, and it was very chaotic.

If the Qingzhou army were divided into small groups and small groups, they might still have some fighting power. After all, the military attachés and generals have some cronies to call, but there is a lack of trust between these military attachés and generals. It is possible that a battalion of Qingzhou army is directly related or collateral. To be divided into ten factions. To put it bluntly, the Qingzhou Army at this time was a mob that was forcibly entangled together, and had not really formed a complete Qingzhou Army system.

Such Qingzhou Army may be slightly stronger than rogues, but to Jiangdong Zuo Army, it is not much of a threat.

Sue Lin Bie into Shouguang City is the elite of the first battalion, not afraid of being attacked by the rabble, and even defeating these rabble is easy.

The Qingzhou Army was originally formed by recruiting defeated soldiers and bandits, and they defeated them twice in a short period of time. The destructive power of the defeated soldiers who fell into despair and madness is unimaginable.

Even if these Qingzhou troops were to be forcibly suppressed, more troops would have to be deployed in order to be sure to control the situation.

Tang Haoxin was also in Shouguang City. Since these Qingzhou soldiers targeted the Jiangdong Zuo Army who entered the city, maybe Tang Haoxin would also be impacted. Lin Fu asked Ma Chao, "Where is Duke Tang at this time, and is there a shortcut to take Tang Gong? Take it out..."

Ma Chao touched his nose and said, "Duke Tang is in the post house in the east of the city, so it's temporarily inconvenient to pick him up, but there are more than 60 armored soldiers you have dispatched to protect the post house from being attacked by the insurgents, so it shouldn't be a big problem... "

Ma Chao knew in his heart why the current situation had arisen, and he spread the rumors of liquidation of the traitorous and surrendered generals in the Qingzhou army. In the daytime, he also used Tang Haoxin's name to forcefully demand Shandong Admiral Chen Debiao and Shouguang County Government to severely crack down on Qingzhou soldiers who violated military discipline and disturbed the people in Shouguang City, making Qingzhou Army feel the oppression of imminent liquidation.

Ma Chao originally thought that the rumors could not have an immediate effect. Neither he nor Tang Haoxin expected that Lin Bie's killing of the traitor in Yangxin would cause the treacherous and surrendered generals in the Qingzhou Army to feel much panic.

The Qingzhou army generals could not know the urgency of the food shortage in Gyeonggi and the grain crisis, nor could they understand that the split between Tang Gu and Zhang Yue, the core figures of the Chu Party, was behind the confrontation between Shandong and the Shandong Commandery. —Lin Bui, who was attacking Shandong with his troops, sent troops directly into the heart of Qingzhou to attack the bandits in the cottage, which would easily make them have unnecessary associations. The hesitation and concessions of Liu Yefei and other officials of the Shandong Commandery further deepened the Qingzhou generals, especially some of them. Doubts in the hearts of generals who defected to the enemy and betrayed bad deeds.

At first, even just a few officers who were drunk in the tavern heard the Jiangdong Zuo Army entering the city, and they rushed forward with enthusiasm. They wanted to rely on the Qingzhou Army in Shouguang. When they came to Beicheng, they wanted to stop the Jiangdong Zuo Army from entering the city. During the day, many soldiers who disobeyed the military discipline and disturbed the people ate dozens of sticks from the Admiralty's House and the county government office. Their accomplices also hold grudges, and have the mind to cause trouble, lest the world will not be chaotic. In a flash of shame, within a distance of three to five hundred steps from South Street to North Street, thousands of people gathered, forming an uncontrollable situation...

The contagion and spread of panic among people is extremely rapid, especially since the Qingzhou Army has not yet formed a complete system. Once the riots are formed, it is difficult to control them. It is not only a few cases in history that the rebels threatened the main generals to rebel. At the moment, Lin Fu is only using force to temporarily suppress the situation near the North City Gate, so as not to make it worse. Now it depends on whether Liu Yefei has the ability and courage to quell the rioting Qingzhou army.

Of course, Lin Fu didn't fully expect Liu Yefei, and secretly sent scouts to contact Zhou Pu and Zhou Pu. Zhou Pu led the cavalry battalion to rest in Yangshanzhai, 30 miles away, and arrived the fastest; Zhou Tong led the soldiers of the third battalion to leave Yanghe Estuary in the morning along the east bank of Yanghe River and head towards Yangshanzhai. On the west side of Shouguang, it can also be dispatched in time to suppress the mutiny.


Shouguang City is not big. When the Jiangdong Zuo Army issued a warning arrow, the harsh sound naturally reached the ears of Liu Yefei, Chen Debiao, Ge Zufang and others who were waiting in the county office. Something went wrong.

Liu Yefei didn't know the situation at first, so he asked people to go out to find out. They waited for news in the yard in front of the county government. A deputy lieutenant of the Qingzhou Army, Zhenwei, fled back with blood on his body and an arrow in his shoulder. He reported to Liu Yefei that the Jiangdong Zuo Army would kill people when they entered the city. He also said that Liu Yefei and other Shandong county officials would be arrested.

Liu Yefei's brows twitched, and he was extremely angry, and he scolded the sky and the ground: "The surnamed Lin is the mother of Wang Basheng, he has eaten the guts of a leopard, and he really dares to rebel in Qingzhou. I don't have the surname Liu..." Without thinking about it, he was about to send an order to send troops to Beicheng to fight, and beat the Jiangdong Zuo army out of the city.

"Wait a minute!" Chen Debiao was able to serve as the Shandong Admiral. In addition to his previous appointment as a military officer in the Ministry of War, he also actually served as a military supervisor in the border army for several years with the title of military preparation. He has actual experience in leading troops, not so good. Coaxing, he winked at the guards on the left and right, and several people on the left and right swarmed up and detained the deputy lieutenant Zhenwei. Chen Debiao was stunned, he pulled out half of his saber, pressed it on his neck, and asked, "You are on your body. What happened to the arrow wound? You really thought we were all blind, how could Jiangdong Zuojun just blink his eyes when they entered the city? How could it be possible to kill someone? "

This Deputy Lieutenant Zhenwei had 20 or 30 cronies guarding the gate of the county government office, watching the boss being detained, and rushing in to grab people regardless of whether it was 37 or 21.

In the yard of the county government office, Chen Debiao, Liu Yefei, and Ge Zufang all had many guards. There were two or three hundred people gathered together, but they didn't watch out for the sudden rush in. Ge Zufang was the first to flee into the lobby. Chen Debiao was also taken aback. , to give the deputy lieutenant Zhenwei a chance to break free, and there were seven or eight guards in front of the steps, rushing over to protect him, only one person chased the deputy lieutenant Zhenwei, who only had time to slash his arm, and he didn't have time. Had to make another cut, and the chaotic soldiers rushed in.

That Deputy Lieutenant Zhenwei was the one who took the lead in making trouble outside the North City to prevent the Jiangdong Zuo Army from entering the city. It's true that things have come to this stage, and if it's not a big mess, it's going to be a lot of trouble, and there must be no good fruit for him to eat. He has been around for all these years and also knows a truth. If you have no strength, the government will naturally arrest you, suppress you, and use you as a scapegoat, military merit, and political achievements; No matter how many evil things, the government will only recruit you and stick to you with a hot face.

As soon as the man struggled to open, he jumped to the gate and shouted loudly: "Damn, the Admiral's House is going to liquidate the Qingzhou Army, and I almost got killed by the dog/mother Chen Debiao, and the brothers have no way to survive! Everyone continue to go back to the mountains to be bandits, drink old wine, Japanese girls, and be happy, a hundred times stronger than his mother being angry here!"

It was only at this time that Chen Debiao knew that the Qingzhou army had mutiny, and he was busy commanding the left and right guards to kill more than 20 rebel soldiers in the yard, closed the gate of the county government, and sent people to find a ladder to climb up the wall. All the main streets were filled with rioters, and the rioters had already started to smash shops along the streets. The situation was out of control, and there was a trend of further deterioration. They spent too long in the county government studying how to deal with Lin Fu's entry into the city, completely ignoring the internal dynamics of the Qingzhou Army in the city.

"How is this good, how is this good?" Ge Zufang was completely like a headless fly, shivering and only worried that his own life would not be guaranteed, "Quickly send an order to let Lin Bie lead his troops into the town to suppress mutiny!"

"What are you panicking about!" Liu Yefei was also completely impatient with the timid Ge Zufang, and stopped Ge Zufang's mindless shouting with a scolding tone, he said, "These bastards, I usually treat them well, and I won't miss them. Oppose me for no reason. How can you know that the pig herder is not deliberately making trouble? Let him suppress the mutiny, and be careful to suppress you and me first."

In fact, if Liu Yefei was brave enough to go out under the threat of being kidnapped, he might still be able to contain the riots. After all, he has also drawn some generals attentively during this period of time. His use of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can gain the trust of some generals, and the situation may be controlled.

However, Liu Yefei completely vented his grievances on Lin Bing's head, and did not have the courage to go out and control the chaos. Thinking of the consequences, Liu Yefei, who was usually assertive, was completely confused.

It is an indisputable fact that the Qingzhou Army, which has been recruiting, surrendering, and destroying bandits and bandits on a large scale for only a month, is extremely chaotic and unstable. It is an indisputable fact that Liu Yefei is difficult to control effectively. Whether or not Lin Bie is behind the trouble, the Qingzhou army in Shouguang is in chaos, Liu Yefei will lose the capital to compete with Tang Haoxin and Lin Bie, Chen Debiao naturally knows that he should stand on that side at this time, and he will not provoke Liu Yefei at this time. , the most important thing right now is to suppress the Qingzhou army mutiny.

Chen Debiao used an excuse to set up the defense of the county government compound, so as to avoid rushing in by the rioters. He walked to a corner that Liu Yefei could not see, and pulled a quick-witted henchman. I handed my letter to Lin Fu, the commander of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, and asked him to use it cheaply to suppress the Qingzhou army mutiny!"


In the east post inn, Tang Haoxin took a ladder to climb up the wall, watching the chaos in the city, without saying a word, he went down the wall, and only let the soldiers sent by Lin Fu to protect him guard the courtyard, ignoring the right and wrong outside.

Since Lin Fu has taken control of the Beicheng Gate Tower, the situation will not deteriorate to any place, and he will not take the safety of the small town of Shouguang to heart.

Tang Haoxin returned to the house and suddenly had the idea of ​​writing big characters. He said to the servant who had been with him for five or six years, "Take ink from the inkstone and mountain, and I can write a good set of characters today..." He couldn't bear it anymore. Living proudly, he muttered to himself, "It's fine if it's messed up, it's fine if it's messed up, and if it's messed up, it's possible to cut the mess with a quick knife." My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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